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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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I mean it's not like people can be bothered waiting a couple of days to actually have the codex ;) can't wait to read some of the actual fluff to see what the DG have been up to all these years, I just wonder how long till GW release the FAQ/ errata for the codex :D


I'm really liking the new Blight grenade character purifier I think??? who can cause blight grenades to inflict mortal wounds, use both the blight grenade strategem and VOTLW so a full squad of plague marines are all throwing blight grenades that are inflicting mortal wounds on a 5+ :D

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You could walk say 40 poxwalkers up the table with Typhus and a Sorc...cast this on them and bring along one of those new drone things for +1 cover.


Would take some dedicated firepower to shift them?



Doesn't the unit need to be fully within the radius (7 inches) of the drones? I cant see it possible fitting 20 let alone 40 in that radius.

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So from what I'm seeing from unit entries and battle reports, it looks like DG is solid on defense and on anti-elite. But it seems that they are severally lacking in mobility, and perhaps more importantly, ranged firepower.


They get T5, DR, plague weapons, and good access to power weapons, but do these make up for less bodies, an extra turn or two to get into close combat, and a lack of efficient ways to spam special or heavy weapons?


Plague marines are nice for MSU plasma spam, but they die to overheats just as easily. Same with Blight Lords and Combi plasma.


There's no way to take a large amount of heavy weapons beyond the usual predator. Nice special like blight launchers are good AV, but not enough to handle heavy armor lists.


Their various plague flamers are better than regular ones, but it looks like they'll need it as they don't have enough models in general to let regular bolters and other small arms take care of hordes. Being forced to take a flamer unit will give them an edge against hordes, but drag them down for all comers.


They have a ton of nice powerful abilities, but it really seems like they are going to need them.


In short, DG seems to be great vs low model count elite armies, and against fast CC armies forced to charge them. But it seems like it will have a hard time bringing enough firepower to deal with large amounts of Armor, hordes, or even just MeQs. And it will still lose to dedicated heavy CC armies that can bring a lot of bodies (Berzerkers.)



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So from what I'm seeing from unit entries and battle reports, it looks like DG is solid on defense and on anti-elite. But it seems that they are severally lacking in mobility, and perhaps more importantly, ranged firepower.


They get T5, DR, plague weapons, and good access to power weapons, but do these make up for less bodies, an extra turn or two to get into close combat, and a lack of efficient ways to spam special or heavy weapons?


Plague marines are nice for MSU plasma spam, but they die to overheats just as easily. Same with Blight Lords and Combi plasma.


There's no way to take a large amount of heavy weapons beyond the usual predator. Nice special like blight launchers are good AV, but not enough to handle heavy armor lists.


Their various plague flamers are better than regular ones, but it looks like they'll need it as they don't have enough models in general to let regular bolters and other small arms take care of hordes. Being forced to take a flamer unit will give them an edge against hordes, but drag them down for all comers.


They have a ton of nice powerful abilities, but it really seems like they are going to need them.


In short, DG seems to be great vs low model count elite armies, and against fast CC armies forced to charge them. But it seems like it will have a hard time bringing enough firepower to deal with large amounts of Armor, hordes, or even just MeQs. And it will still lose to dedicated heavy CC armies that can bring a lot of bodies (Berzerkers.)



I am sure once all of their new units are released you're going to see the lack in "ranged" support go away. The Plaguecrawler is receiving quite a bit of optimism and I'm sure it's going to fit in right where the "ranged" lack is for DG. Predators are decent ranged fire power for any CSM army let alone DG. I think the elite theme will work out well for DG. 

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So from what I'm seeing from unit entries and battle reports, it looks like DG is solid on defense and on anti-elite. But it seems that they are severally lacking in mobility, and perhaps more importantly, ranged firepower.


They get T5, DR, plague weapons, and good access to power weapons, but do these make up for less bodies, an extra turn or two to get into close combat, and a lack of efficient ways to spam special or heavy weapons?


Plague marines are nice for MSU plasma spam, but they die to overheats just as easily. Same with Blight Lords and Combi plasma.


There's no way to take a large amount of heavy weapons beyond the usual predator. Nice special like blight launchers are good AV, but not enough to handle heavy armor lists.


Their various plague flamers are better than regular ones, but it looks like they'll need it as they don't have enough models in general to let regular bolters and other small arms take care of hordes. Being forced to take a flamer unit will give them an edge against hordes, but drag them down for all comers.


They have a ton of nice powerful abilities, but it really seems like they are going to need them.


In short, DG seems to be great vs low model count elite armies, and against fast CC armies forced to charge them. But it seems like it will have a hard time bringing enough firepower to deal with large amounts of Armor, hordes, or even just MeQs. And it will still lose to dedicated heavy CC armies that can bring a lot of bodies (Berzerkers.)



There's always Forgeworld to help out though I know some people abhor having to use them
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My favorite thing is calling Blightlord Terminators BLTs. So would you like a Plasma BLT or a Bubonic BLT?


I think I need batreps with Mortarion before I get him to use him. Plague Marines are expensive but can pack a real punch and weather a lot of hits. The only batrep i've seen had blightlords with combi bolters and axes charge into a Razorback and die.

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My favorite thing is calling Blightlord Terminators BLTs. So would you like a Plasma BLT or a Bubonic BLT?


I think I need batreps with Mortarion before I get him to use him. Plague Marines are expensive but can pack a real punch and weather a lot of hits. The only batrep i've seen had blightlords with combi bolters and axes charge into a Razorback and die.


Agreed. All of this theorycrafting is nice, but I don't think we can really know the true viability of a unit until it's effectiveness has been experienced firsthand.


Blightlords look good, but I think the MWG guy (I assume this is the batrep you watched, seeing as the Blightlords charged a razorback and died in that) had a run of bad luck overcharging his termi-lord and having him die (1/36 odds...it does happen) and then loosing his main source of anti-tank damage. Also I don't really like MWG batreps because they seem to forget alot (like Morty's host of plagues, Death to the False Emperor...psychic powers e.c.t.).


I think they are worth the price hike v normal terminators. The amount of extra features you get for a minimal amount of points really ups their resilience, especially against small arms fire. I'll consider running one squad of five with combi-plasmas and an autocannon as a serious feature in a 1,500-2K list.

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Plague Wing?


Battalion detachment

Terminator Lord

combi melta, bubotic/power axe (not sure what he can take)

Terminator sorcerer

force axe, combi melta

10 cultists

10 cultists

10 cultists

10 cultists


Vanguard detachment


Lord of Contagion



3 Deathshrouds


10 blight lords

8 bubotic axes, 2 flails of corruption, 8 combi-plasma


10 blight lords

8 bubotic axes, 2 flails of corruption, 8 combi-melta


1983 points


could probably cut some combi weapons to squeeze in another unit of cultists and be able to teleport everything.


All the blight lords

Vanguard detachment


Chaos Lord in terminator armour with power axe and combi-bolter



10 Blight Lords

1 blight launcher, bubotic axes and combi bolters


10 Blight Lords

2 blight launchers, bubotic axes and combi bolters


10 Blight Lords

2 blight launchers, bubotic axes and combi bolters


10 Blight Lords

2 blight launchers, bubotic axes and combi bolters


1996 points


Zhe creeping death


Vanguard detachment

Chaos lord, power axe and combiplasma


3 Myphitic blight haulers


Noxious Blightbringer, dolorous kell


plague surgeon


foul blightspawn


4 Deathshroud


10 Blight Lords, bubotic axes, combi bolters, 2 blight launchers, icon of despair


10 Blight Lords, bubotic axes, combi bolters, 2 blight launchers, icon of despair


2000 points exactly

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Swords have better AP but Axes have a STR bonus. The STR 4 of plague Marines is mitigated by the reroll 1s though, so it comes down to preference. I personally would never take baleswords when for 10 points more I can have the Flail. My Blightlord units will be Axe/Combi-Plasma with two flails.
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(161) 483

(158) 316

(137) 411

Total: 1850

Blight haulers are 142 altogether not 137

Hauler (85) + missile launcher (25) + multi melta(27) + Bile Spurt (5). (85+25+27+5=142) so it'd be over 1850 by 15pts though it'll still fit under 2K just need another HQ or something so you can make it a battalion to gain some extra CPs

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I so wish at least some of the new characters were HQs, our proper DG characters (contagion and plague caster) are quite expensive (especially for filling battalion tax and/ or if you wanted Mortarion ) there is the lord or sorcere but since all they get is blight grenades (no T5 or no DR) they feel a bit lacking. Having something like a plague surgeon or putrefier as HQ would be awesome as I really want to try include all the new characters so I if they were HQs you could easily just take them in a command detachment opposed to a being elites with vanguard which still requires another HQ as well
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