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Hey all! I'm new to the hobby and in love with the RG. Love their lore, combat philosophy, and aesthetic. My brother and I (he's also new) split a dark imperium box and I was wondering how you all see the new marines fitting into your lists?


I know without chapter tactics it might be too early to make a definitive call but I wanted to see if any of you vets had some thoughts!


Thank you!

I ignore them for now until they get a codex and I can better judge if I like their fluff.

What we know so far I don’t like at all, but maybe GW manages to convince me with good ideas at a later point.


There are no tactical considerations behind, as you see.

Hello and welcome to the Ravenspire!


I'm embracing them but not lovingly, if that makes sense.  There are two ways I am looking at them: the story and the game. 


The story: they are brand new yet Primaris are shown to have RG colors.  It's clear RG have them in my mind and it makes some sense as the RG have typically had slower-than-normal recruitment rates due to their gene-seed issue.  Thus, getting the support is likely welcomed.


The game: they are not required or needed.  I bought the boxed set and have even started working on a Lieutenant, but that's all I'm working on for now because I have A LOT of older stuff to finish too.  Right now, I dod not feel compelled to add them to my lists.


Having said that, I have yet to play with them.  I do know they'll die to Graviton weapons just like regular marines :lol:

Purely game-wise, I think some primaris will fit into the concept. Shrike dropping in with assault squads means quite a bit of CC punch, back it up with rerolling-to-hit heavy bolters makes sense. Bolter primaris are essentially sternguard without fancy upgrades, fitting into the concept of Raptors, while not exactly being more points-efficient than the alternatives.


Model wise, just convert. I'll load them up with pouches, grenades and other gear. They will fit...

Based on the units I've seen so far when I eventually get the Primaris Marines (waiting on multi kit boxes) I will use them as primarily a static gun line support for my RG.


Although the rumours of power armoured close combat scouts has me very excited. :D

I still can't see myself mixing and matching the old models with the new models.


I haven't played with or against them yet but I'd imagine they would act like something in between a terminator and a regular marine which in my opinion puts them in a tough spot.  


I think I'm going to wait a bit on these guys. I can't help but get the feeling that they were design to attract new players to the game as opposed to actually fit in the game as it stands now. Maybe after we see the rest of the models released and some of the codex books drop with chapter tactics I'll revisit. 

I broke down and got the box after I said I wouldn't…I'm at peace with it.


I am definitely painting up half of them as Raptors.  The Inceptors are going to look so awesome as Raptors.  They reminds me of this piece of artwork:




Only more awesome.  

I was literally just about to post the direct quote from Dark Imperium, but it's essentially the same as what's written on the wiki there.


They make a cameo appearance in the novel as a teaser.

The pushfit primaris has just been painted. Bad pic, will do better once the banner guy is painted. And I magnetized the banner, every power/CC weapon can take its place to make more sense when sneaking.



Well, at least you picked a challenging colour for your distraction detachment. :biggrin.:


Currently painting up the standard bearer for a local painting competition. Add gear, symbols and MK7 helmet, and it fits well into the rest of the army...

Hobby point of view;

To completely replace the old space marine models over the next few years.


Fluff point of view;

To completely replace the now obsolete space marines over the next few millennia.


My point of view;

Spent so much money on the hobby already, blue stuff and ebay is my the future for the next few years.

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