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Betrayer41’s 40k Log **New White/Red Recipe** (12/11/23)

Go to solution Solved by LameBeard,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like the guy with the sword and shield on his back, looks like Brad Pitt at the beginning of the movie Troy :smile.:


Your Minotaurs are lovely

Thanks mate, thats what gave me inspiration. Was watching that and the two 300's when i build/paint.


The crozius in powerfist look is a matter of taste I suppose , but Lieutenant Murder and the other ones are cool ☺.

Well it came with the Enkomi from FW and I didn't want it to go to waste haha.

  • 2 weeks later...

Looking good!

Thanks Mate! These have been sooo much fun.


The kneecaps really change the look . Are they expensive?

Yea i had some extras laying around so I figure i would give it w a go! They're from shapeways i don't think terribly expensive.  Ill shoot you a PM


Three quick-and-dirty photo-edits later:








I think I will give it a shot, throw some silver in there followed by waystone green or whatever its called


those are awesome looking Minotaurs.


love the 2 shields you've used, where did you get them from? they're different to Asterion Moloc's.


EDIT: nvm, found them on ebay.

Edited by smart_arse
  • 1 month later...

So my compressor broke and am waiting on a new one.  So right now just alot of building. Working on Lysander for my cousin.  So far it's been alot of fun.




  • 2 months later...

WOW it's been a while.  Had a lot of work on the house done which all but stopped my hobbying....however now I have a dedicated hobby/game room instead of using a tv tray.....haha so expect a lot more updates.  I finished my Minotaurs kill team and moved back to one of my true loves the wolves.   


Here are My WIP Reivers still needs some sanding a green stuff.  They are roughly the size of Primaris Reivers.








Next are my wolfguard.  Changed out the arms.....Hopefully I will have some very special shoulder pads coming in. 








Lastly Ive started work on Uhtred



A Pic of my new WIP work space.....like i said so much better than an TV tray haha.


Also WIP wolf priest and trying out  a few options for Uhtred





  • 2 weeks later...

ALLLLL right finished about 10 intercessors and also working on these guys while I wait for my varnish to come in so I can finalie my paint scheme. None of the heads are final they're all on there with blue tac.  CC welcome!!






Edited by betrayer41

really liking the feral but regal look of these Betrayer. look forward to seeing where you go with these 


Thanks mate, that's really what im going for.  Been watching alot of Viking tv shows and documentaries for inspiration and thats exactly what im trying to convey.  I should be getting some paint on these badboys tonight.

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