Kelborn Posted June 25, 2017 Share Posted June 25, 2017 (edited) Hello brothers and sisters of the Liber! I finally got every piece at hand to start working on a Liber article about a Dark Angels Primaris successor chapter. Basically I was asking myself of what would happen if Caliban born Primaris are confronted with the secretiveness of their Dark Angel brothers. Would they be accepted in the ranks of the Unforgiven? Would they be suspicious? How would they react about their homeworlds destruction? Would they venerate the Lion and Luther like they did as recruits? Would they uphold the traditions and culture of the Order? How would they see the Fallen? As brothers? As traitors to the Order? The Ebon Blades will be my attempt of dealing these questions and trying to answer them appropiately (well, on a DIY level of course). I will block the second and third post of this new thread for the finished article and some fanfic stuff, etc. So here's my initial concept: Name: Ebon Blades Geneseed: Dark Angeös Homeworld: not decided until now Specialty: siege warfare, overwhelming assaults, total annihilation of the foe Warcry: "For the Lion!" "We do what others cannot!" OR "We have come. We are death." First draft of their history: The Sons of Caliban When Johnson and his Order got rid off the beasts that lived on their world, more and more recruits from all across of Caliban came to them and wanted to be part of the rising brotherhood of the Order until all Knights of Caliban become members of the Order. Within a decade, The Order had succeeded in ridding the world of the taint of Chaos. Caliban was brought into a new age of prosperity, and Lion El'Jonson was named Supreme Grand Master of The Order and lord of all Caliban. It was during this time that the Emperor, leading his Great Crusade across the galaxy, came to Caliban. Joining his father on his Great Crusade, did Johnson sent Luther and a small contingent of his Legion back to Caliban, purportedly to garrison the world and increase the speed and quality of the training given to the Legion's recruits. The Legion was renamed after a Caliban legend that told of great, righteous heroes who held back monsters. Announced by the Primarch, the connotation was in fact first drawn by Luther, who quoted a section from the legend upon first seein g Astartes descending using jump packs : "And the angels of darkness descended upon pinions of fire and light...the great and terrible dark angels." Being raised in the old traditions of the Order, did those new recruits see the Lion and Luther as heroes and rolemodels to follow their example. As Jonson's fame spread throughout the galaxy and reports of his great deeds and prowess in battle reached the Legion's home world, did the new recruits everything to proof their worth to follow their gene father into the unknown realms amidst the stars. Unknown to them, was Luther envious of his old friend. He wanted the fame and recognition that he felt he deserved as Jonson's equal. His role as planetary governor of some half-forgotten backwater world seemed more and more to him like an insult. The seed of jealousy and dissension that had been planted within Luther when Jonson was made the Grand Master of the Order now began to grow and rankle within his heart as the Primarch became more and more celebrated and famous. Before this seed had grown into open treachery and the desire for independency, did a ship clad in the livery of Mars arrive at Caliban. Onboard were adjutants of a Lord Magus named Cawl, declaring the need of several hundreds of recruits. Unable to decline their request, Luther permitted them to take the youngest generation of recruits with them. Among them was a young boy named Alther, a potent candidate for the ranks of the ranks of the Dark Angels. Those recruits were never been seen again. In the meantime was the treachery of the Horus Heresy revealed and entire sectors were set aflame. Even Caliban was not spared from this destiny. Luther had openly declared the independence of Caliban and fought his own brothers, resulting in the destruction of Caliban and the beginning of the Dark Angels fate of Setech and deceptions. Those recruits, which were taken from Caliban prior to its destruction were not affected and still considered Luther to be an exceptional hero. Instead, they were brought o Mars for a secret project of Lord Magi Belisarius Cawl. They, along thousands of recruits from several other Legions were the basement for the next genstation of Astartes Legionnaires. In the end it tool ten thousand years pass until the last Sons of Caliban would reveal themselves. The Indomitus Crusade For ten millennia, Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl has been working on a task set for him by the PrimarchRobouteGuilliman: a new legion of transhuman warriors. Developed on orders from Guilliman 100 standard centuries past, Primaris Space Marines were diligently developed and perfected by the Priesthood of Mars during the long intervening millennia. As an optimist, but never a fool, Guilliman learned from the mistakes of the Horus Heresy, and he foresaw that the Forces of Chaos would never relent in their aim to bring the Imperium low. He anticipated that devastating times would once again engulf the galaxy and knew that warriors resilient enough to stand against them would be needed as never before. That time has surely come. Now, as the Imperium of Man is poised on the brink of annihilation at the hands of Chaos, his task is at last complete. As the next generation of advanced Astartes warriors, did the Sons of Caliban emerge from the deep vaults of Mars, equipped with the newest arms and armour forged on Mars itself, bringing an end to the advancing 13th Black Crusade of Abaddon in the so-called Indomitus Crusade, led by the resurrected and declared Lord Commander of the Imperium, Roboute Guiliman. 112 years had past and at the dawn of the Indomitus Crusade to retake the Imperium from the advancing armies of Chaos and xenos alike, Roboute Guilliman had gathered his new armada, along with elements of the Adeptus Custodes, a small contingent of the Silent Sisterhood and a vast war host of Primaris Space Marines as he fights to liberate the scattered bastions of the Imperium. Some, Guilliman has forged into new Space Marine Chapters, whole brotherhoods comprised only of these new transhuman warriors. Others he has offered to the existing Space Marine Chapters. Many Chapter Masters have welcomed their Primaris brethren into their ranks, accepting the new reinforcements gladly. Others, though, view these new creations with suspicion or outright hostility, claiming that the Emperor's work should never have been meddled with by mere mortals. One of such occasions happened when the the chapter of Another, one of the last Sons of Caliban, did seek out his brothers of the Dark Angels. Together, they had fought on the world of Sitochia against a dire OrkWaaagh. During the last assault of the savage greenskins did the Dark Angels abandon their posts, heading to a neighbouring world for reasons unknown. Though they were outnumhere and Forsaken by their own brothers, did Alther man defeat the Waaagh when he beheaded the ruling Waaaghboss, turning the enemy lines into chaos and anarchy. Now, he demanded answers. It is not known of what was discussed but whatever it was, it resulted in Alther and his brothers breaking with the Dark Angels. Declaring themselves as the true Sons of Caliban did Alther and his renamed Ebon Blades resettle on the world of... which had face a continuous battle against the daemons of the Warp, as well as an unpredictable mix of xenos raiders, pirates and invaders. There, they allied with the last surviving Knight Household, House.... and build their fortress monastery in the remains of the once ruling Household's keep the Ebon Hold. From there, the Ebon Blades waged war across the Imperium, always holding up the honor of the Lion and the Order they once had sworn their fealty. As part of the Ultima Founding were the Ebon Blades welcomed into the forces of the Imperium by Guiliman himself. Like many other Chapters of he Ultima Founding, have the Ebon blades been assigned to the Great Rift, the Imperium's new frontline in the war against Chaos. The Primaris Space Marines offer new hope to a besieged Imperium, but the future remains a dark and uncertain place... Some bits are still in progress. The real confrontation between Alther and the Inner Circle will be written down in a separate fanfic story. Some additional ideas: - their homeworld is a former Knightworld on which a Ork Waaagh had nearly annihilated all Households; only one is still alive, which allies themselves with the Ebon Blades; some Orks survived and have degenerated into savage wildorks; a good sourve of training for both, Knights and Primaris - thus, the Ebon Blades share their homeworld with said Knight Household - their culture will focus on the Knightly aspect of the Dark Angels and especially with the culture of both, Caliban and the Order; that's why I'm currently rereading Dark Angels by Mitchel Scanlon - they see themselves as the very last sons of Caliban and the true adherents of the Lion - trying to protect civilians but if necessary, ready to sacrifice few in order to save many; enacting an Exterminatus on a world to safe a system? Sure. Kind of resembling the pragmatic character of the Lion. - Combat doctrine will resemble the 30K Dreadwing, annihilating their foes, focusing on siege battles, etc. - Organization will be basing on the regular Codex Astartes with slight modification in terms of heraldy, signs, etc. (adjusted to a Primaris chapter) - color scheme: 30K Angels with grey shoulder trim, Dark Angel green inlets and red details; still working on a Primaris scheme but I'll upload a more traditional Mark VII version - possible archenemies: Orks, Thousand Sons, Khorne Daemonkin So this is my basic concept. Thoughts? Cheers, Kelborn Edited June 29, 2017 by Kelborn Fallen Dark Angel and Shinespider 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 25, 2017 Author Share Posted June 25, 2017 placeholder placeholder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 25, 2017 Author Share Posted June 25, 2017 placeholder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted June 25, 2017 Share Posted June 25, 2017 Your question's didn't make sense until I read the fluff, perhaps reshuffling the questions to after the fluff would be less confusing. It's my understanding that GW's DA Primaris are considered Unforgiven, so there is at least precedent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Welcheren Posted June 25, 2017 Share Posted June 25, 2017 (edited) First off, I really like colour scheme. It's clearly intended to unite all the colours of the Dark Angels. Here a few thoughts I would like to suggest (apologies for its length): 1) The Dark Angels were secretive long before Luther's betrayal and the Hunt for the Fallen. The origins of their secrecy include the following: I) for a long time, they were the only Astartes around. They were not even known as the First Legion, because no other existed. They were simply the Angels of Death. Consequently, they developed tactics and cultures in isolation from others factions II) The Lion's early years forged his insularity and coupled with the ineffable structures of the Order, elusiveness became part of the Dark Angels' culture when he assumed official command. I base all this on the Angels' conduct in Imperium Secundus. The point is that your Ebon Blades will probably appreciate the Dark Angels' secrecy rather than be surprised by it (this does NOT mean that you idea is not feasibly - I think it is, and I will get there). 2) Even before the Hunt for the Fallen, the Dark Angels evinced an inclination towards behaviours that others might describe as cruel. During the Crusade and the Heresy, they are efficient and practical, focused on getting the job done, regardless of the cost. Again, I base this on The Unremembered Empire and Angels of Caliban. I am open to correction, if I have overstated my argument. For these reasons, I like your scenario during which the Dark Angels abandon the Ebon Blades. I understand that you are still working on the details, but something along those lines might happen. I don't think it's impossible that the Dark Angels will abandon a new Primaris chapter, and omit letting them in on the secret afterwards, especially if they are not yet confident that the new chapter can be trusted. From the Blades' perspective, being left hanging is a fairly solid reason for feeling miffed. One point that might need attention is that the Dark Angels' Inner Circle might well have fake answers ready. So what reasons do they supply for abandoning the Ebon Blades? Why do the Ebon Blades doubt them? Feel free (anyone) to hammer me for any lore errors on the DAs. Edited June 25, 2017 by Welcheren Fallen Dark Angel 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 26, 2017 Author Share Posted June 26, 2017 @Grotsmasha: Will edit my previous post to clarify. :) @Welcheren: Good thoughts. Yes, the DAs were secretive before but I think that it has increased since he loss of Caliban. Therefore, the Primaris might feel uncomfortable with that level of deception and secretiveness and would ask themselves: "What happened while we were sleeping?" In my head canon, would the DA try to avoid revealing the truth to those Primaris, who are closely linked to other imperial authorities. In this case, Guiliman. How would he react if he hear about the Fallen, etc.? Yes, he had encountered the Fallen before learning about the DAs still being a Legion and all of their Fallen shenanigans. That's why I'll focus on a certain amount of distrust between the DAs and the EBs. Their conversation might escalated, leading to the EBs blaming the DAs for forsaken the true path of the Order, etc. Asmodai might play a crucial role for being a zealot of the Unforgiven's cause. Mostly because the DAs having abandoned their brothers on the battlefield, resulting in heavy losses on the remaining imperial forces. In the end, even Primaris are mere human, who suffer from emotions, experiences and the likes. Fake answers will be a crucial point in this discussion. I hope that I'll do the Dark Angels justice when I'm writing the scene. Currently, these fake answers might fall on deaf ears, as the situation escalates very soon. Alther is hot headed and disappointed by his so called brothers. I'm currently rereading Descent of Angels. Here's hope that it will give me some insights in the Calibanite culture, especially in the Order itself. As far as I remember, was the Order adhering to certain rituals and some ranks being covered in secrecy (Cypher), etc. It might get difficult. No pain no gain, huh? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Welcheren Posted June 26, 2017 Share Posted June 26, 2017 I like the idea of Primaris Marines thinking of themselves as the true inheritors of one culture or another - such as Caliban's. Given Imperial degradation since Cawl put them in stasis, I can see why they would wake up, look around and think of themselves as superior. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 26, 2017 Author Share Posted June 26, 2017 Exactly. That's why the Ebon Blades got an Ultramarine advisor allocated by RG, Cassus. He is responsible to show them the current Imperium, it's myriad factions and how to deal with them. He becomes somewhat of the chapter (especially Alther's) consciences along another Astartes, Veras. I have to check it but Veras might be a former Blackshield member of the Deathwatch. Most likely to be the last surviving member of the assigned Kill Team to participate in the Sitochia campaign, with a hideous background. For reasons unknown, he is also familiar with the Warp as if he had to face it in the past. Furthermore, he shows comprehension for the Ebon Blades in terms of culture and traditions. (Could it be that he is indeed a loyal Fallen? :O) The feeling of being superior will probably lead to some contentions with other Astartes factions, especially the Unforgiven. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted June 27, 2017 Share Posted June 27, 2017 I feel like if, per your fluff, the Primaris marines are originally of Caliban descent, and were ALREADY recruits of The Order and The Legion, then they would not reject the DAs and their secrecy, but I feel as though it's harder to judge whether or not the DAs would reject the "gifted" Primaris. I say this because the gifted Primaris are not going to have the mental conditioning/triggers that the Chaplains use to control regular Astartes. Any Primaris that the DA themselves have created since receiving the ability to create their own would almost definitely be trusted. Cheers, Jono Kelborn 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 27, 2017 Author Share Posted June 27, 2017 Yes, they are of Caliban descent and were among the last recruits to be trained by Luther's cadre before being allocated to Cawl. Basically, they are familiar with secrets, etc. I really like your suggestion about them lacking the mental conditioning of the regular DA marines, which is done by the Unforgiven Chaplains. This is a good reason for holding back and being leery. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Welcheren Posted June 27, 2017 Share Posted June 27, 2017 We have confirmation in that thread you posted on the Liber that Cawl was responsible for the hypno-indoctrination of at least the first few cohorts of Primaris marines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 27, 2017 Author Share Posted June 27, 2017 Naturally, but Cawls indoctrination will most likely vary from the DAs one, or? I imagine it to be more of a baseline, which is used by all chapters at the beginning. In time, every chapter might adapt their process. Das being more secretive, focusing on loyalty and obedience. SW being more like "screw everything! Here's your manual. Now go and start your saga!". Ultramarines could be more resembling the Codex, etc. Or am I assuming it wrong? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted June 27, 2017 Share Posted June 27, 2017 DA Chaplains have keywords/phrases that can shut down a DA marine, even Company Masters, Cawls basic programming would not have those keywords. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Welcheren Posted June 27, 2017 Share Posted June 27, 2017 Correct on all counts (at least as far as I know). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 29, 2017 Author Share Posted June 29, 2017 Thanks to Volt for his great, revised Primaris image, which enabled me to create something which doesn't look like crap. ^^ After an hour of editing here and there, I now present you the final color scheme for the Ebon Blades. I could not use black for the armor as it would have consumed the contours. That's why I used a dark grey tone. Fluffwise, it's still black armor with dark green shoulder inlets, grey shoulder trim and red detail. Grotsmasha and Welcheren 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 18, 2017 Share Posted July 18, 2017 The fluff looks promising, and the Chapter colors impressively intimidating, but how will they view the Fallen and their brother Chapters' obsessive hunt for them? As Alther viewed Luther as a hero (he was put in stasis before Luther betrayed the Lion), how susceptible are the Ebon Blades to infiltration and subversion? What will they do to Cypher if the latter presents himself before the Ebon Blades, trying to convince the Chapter to do something he claims will "save the Imperium" or "redeem the Dark Angels' honor"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted July 19, 2017 Author Share Posted July 19, 2017 (edited) Thanks. Good question and tbh, I haven't thought about this until now. I think that this could make some really interesting scenarios. The Ebon Blades are willing to do everything for the sake of mankind. Being deceived by Cypher would emphasize their willingness, resulting in catastrophic results. This would lead to even more tensions between the Ebon Blades and the Unforgiven and further, the Imperium. Could also be a good way of an on the quiet corruption, depending on which Cypher they would meet. As far as I know, there's the theory of two Cyphers acting separately. Veras, their secret Fallen member, could be a crucial character in dealing with the Fallen and Cypher, as he fought against Luther's traitors on Caliban and stayed loyal to the Emperor and the Lion. Though he was sucked into the Warp and was hunted by his brothers although being innocent, he hided within the ranks of the Deathwatch until he ultimately joined the Ebon Blades as the last survivng member of a DW Kill-Team. It is he, who tries to influence the chapter and their view on Luther and his followers on Caliban. It is he, who reminds them of the traditions and resolutions of the Order, which again act as the backbones of their conviction. Overall, it has been a while since I've spent some time on the Ebon Blades. I did a lot of research and gathering of information for three entire Primaris chapters: the Warbeasts (northern African desert Nomads mixed with Viking beliefs, Fremen habits, WoW's Warsong Clan and [presumed] Space Wolves geneseed), the Black Panthers (Marvel's Black Panther mixed with WoW's Zandalari trolls, central African jungle tribes and [presumed] White Scars geneseed) and the Ebon Blades. Maybe I'll put them together as the Primaris Tempestas, a group of Primaris chapters, which were tasked to safeguard the eastern reaches of the Great Rift, formerly known as the Dominion of Storms. Depending on my current interest and mood, I'm working on one of these chapters. :) After focusing on the other two chapters, I returned to the Ebon Blades two days ago. I came to the conclusion of not giving them a pure knightly theme. I'm more interested in giving them an aggressive American Native theme with several Orders representing certain traits / totems like the Order of the Serpent or the Order of the Flame (names aren't fixed for now) and so on, somehow representing the Hexagrammaton of the 30K DA Legion. All clad in a nature focused, nomadic / tribal culture. While researching and considering, I came up with Warcrafts Tauren but those are too pacifistic. Then I rediscovered the Tauren's origin, the Yaungol, which again are described as being more savage and warlike due to the constant threat of a nearby insectoid race. [i'm not that familiar with ol' American history. Were there infamous / warlike or distinctive tribes, which could be usefull for the Ebon Blades?] If giving them Knight Household ally would still fit this theme, I'm not sure right now. As it seems, I'm intending the following: - keeping up the culture of Caliban and the Order - creating a world of plains and forests with American Native / nomadic tribes, which are constantly threatened by either Orks or an insectoid race, even the coming of the Ebon Blades doesn't end the threat entirely - mixing said tribes with knightly structures in order to create the different Orders of the Ebon Blades, which then shall resemble the Hexagrammaton - trying to somehow recreate the former American Native-ish Dark Angels of older editions - keeping up the former theme of the Dreadwing, annihilating their foes/ doing what has to be done, etc. Well, that's what's currently going on over here. ^^ Edited July 19, 2017 by Kelborn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 19, 2017 Share Posted July 19, 2017 (edited) Regarding Native American tribes: It may be best if you create a fictional tribe to serve as the Ebon Blades' role models, as was done for Chakotay in 'Star Trek: Voyager'. This not only avoids offending members of actual Native American tribes, it also gives you the freedom to make up whatever traditions, rituals, or superstitions you believe will make your Marines memorable, e.g., ritual dueling with "ebon blades." The "Green Berets" in 'Gunnm' (the anime is licensed in the US as 'Battle Angel', the manga as 'Battle Angel Alita') are one notable example of a fictional tribe, the backstory being that, centuries after humans lost their own history due to natural disasters and civil wars causing our civilization to collapse (similar to the Age of Strife), one group of people took inspiration from what they considered "ancient history," and named their tribe after what they considered to be legendary warriors. Edited July 19, 2017 by Bjorn Firewalker Kelborn 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted July 19, 2017 Author Share Posted July 19, 2017 Indeed. I wanted to create a new tribe / civilization for the same reasons you've mentioned. I'm just asking for some distinctive tribes as a source of inspiration. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 19, 2017 Share Posted July 19, 2017 (edited) How about Rakshasas? I got the idea when I went to the Wikipedia article on ebony, read of how the tree is a protected species in Sri Lanka, and was reminded of Ravana's kingdom. Edited July 19, 2017 by Bjorn Firewalker Kelborn 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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