Mithrilforge Posted April 29, 2021 Share Posted April 29, 2021 A solo 40K game... I'm intrigued as to how one does that... Mithril Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted April 29, 2021 Author Share Posted April 29, 2021 (edited) A solo 40K game... I'm intrigued as to how one does that... Mithril Well, I can tell you it wasn't easy. I set some rules. No foveates and both forces were playing to win. No do-overs unless it was a catastrophic mistake, like I forgot a phase and hadn't moved far enough past it to change the rest of the turn. Well, I tried anyway. I think it works but there will need to be some adjustments made. I had intended to take my time and follow all of the mission objectives and secondary objectives but quickly found myself lost so I ended up just playing for the objectives and trying to maintain control of them, as Objectives are where the money's at, most of the time. Secondary objectives, I lost track of but I had old RTT secondary objectives in mine, taking all 4 table quarters, take the center, slay the enemy warlord, take the enemy Deployment zone. all the sorts of things that would have been on a mission brief over the years. Back when they didn't let you pick and choose them. I think I did favor the Orks more than the BA's but I also feel like I played to theme or not who knows. This is something I might try to do again but I did discover that Two 2000 point armies was way too much for me to manage and will drop down to 1500 and hope it is more manageable and takes less than 5 hours. And that I need some kind of flow chart to balance the actions of each army to keep them playing as they should to lower the effects of "playing favorites". Battle report below. Battle Report Here! Edit. So well after the fact I also realized I rolled the Smasha Gunz as 1 shot and not D3. So they weren't as good as they should have been. New list after adjustments from my big list mistake HERE. I'm kinda dumb sometimes. Edited April 29, 2021 by Warhead01 Mithrilforge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted April 30, 2021 Author Share Posted April 30, 2021 I had time yesterday to take some pictures of the army I used for the Battle Report. I always liked how GW used to display the army and the army list for White Dwarf Battle reports years ago. (I need to work on making a map graphic for the table to help show what's going on during the turns. Maybe one day.) After giving my list more though I made some adjustments but over all this is the same army that was on the field yesterday. GorGak and Da Bois. There are several more large pictures which you can see... HERE! about the adjustments I've managed to add a 3rd Bubble Chukka and 6 Big shootas to the army and 11 more shoota boys.The way the game played out I discovered no real downside to having more shooting from my mobs, yes there was a lot of time spent not shooting but with mobbing up and the way casualties removal works now I'm not forced to just pick up slugga boys what mostly important is maintaining more than 20 boys as a unit size be it 20 or 50. only a handful of boys are ever actually fighting so it doesn't matter that the guys in the back have shootas. Later they will get to shoot, from the back. Any way I think I like that for now and still have 3 more slugga boy mobs to feed the big mob with later as the game continues. And now I have pulled my old metal Big Shootas out to the table and will get them cleaned up and battle ready. The only other project I am working on related to this army list. and the Orks for that matter, are the Mek gunz and crew. Last night I cut 6 mases from an MDF clipboard with a 3.5" hole saw on the end of a drill. (Watch your fingers...) 100 MM bases are roughly 4" this isn't too much smaller than that and I was aiming for 100MM bases as most people seem to be using those but Mek Guns do not come with a base so it doesn't matter that much if my bases are a touch smaller. I may green stuff the edges to clean them up aa little so there's the extra few MM's. My usual Scrumgrod is trying to reschedule for next week hopefully I can take the boys out for a real 5 turn game and see how it goes. I do want to play another solo game in the future but will probably drop the points down to about 1000 so I can get through 5 turns with out all the extra back pain. My mat is sized for the largest game size but I plan to cut the last 3rd off for the minimum table size for those 1000 point games. I'm thrilled to have an update for the Orks after ...probably 2 years of abandonment. The Mayhem continues! Kierdale, Dumah and Mithrilforge 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Takatus Posted April 30, 2021 Share Posted April 30, 2021 I love those army pictures. Any time I attempt anything similar I just get about one model in focus. That's an impressive force and I'm glade to see some Deff Dreads in there. :) Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 1, 2021 Author Share Posted May 1, 2021 I love those army pictures. Any time I attempt anything similar I just get about one model in focus. That's an impressive force and I'm glade to see some Deff Dreads in there. Thank you. Yep it's not easy. I used my phone which has an autto focus I tap a spot on the screen I want in focus and it does the rest. Then I just have to carefully hit the picture button with out moving the phone too much...and hold my breath. I love these dreads too! I'm almost tempted to buy 3 more for a really stompy list. I'm torn between doing that and actually fielding my Killa Kan'ts. Hopefully the next codex we get will make that more palatable and hopefully more exciting. Update! Already? Yep, Iv'e just glued the 6 disks I cut to some construction paper and will then texture and glue 6 of my Mek guns and grots to those bases. I feel no more need to plop down 6 extra model per gun as I am planning to run 6 Mek guns and they don't do anything anymore on their own. I'll also have to paint on the Mek Gunz a bit more as they need a bit more of a pop than they have right now. I've also brought in 7 Big Shoota boys who need a bit more paint, though I see now I really only need to work on 4 of them for the list but I'll spend time on all of them anyway. Looking back at that game I must have had a lot more fun that I realized at the time because after the fact I feel like some one turned on the Juice. I just want to see more Orks beating on enemy faces and death machines stomping around. I hope this feeling sticks around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 2, 2021 Author Share Posted May 2, 2021 Update.Yet again...My friend asked me to paint some warbands for warcry for him and in exchange he's going to get me 2 Deff Dreads! I'd been thinking about all those dreads and things have just lined up, amazing. He's going to mail them to me and pick them on on the 24th, as long as he get's them in the mail early this next week I think it's very doable. I'm suppose to take on 4 commissions this summer starting this month so the war chest will start to fill again. I'm plotting on maybe 300 dollars set aside for the codex drop and who knows what. I'm just building and painting for friends and cutting them the best deals I can come up with, just because. There's a 50/50 chance of a game next Wednesday. I'm looking forward to that. finger crossed. Today I'm putting the primer down on the Mek Gun bases and hope to have them painted by Tuesday night at the latest for the game should it happen. 3 primerd so far this morning 3 to go. Bases are usually really quick it's the drying time that takes for ever... I found the points to squeeze in another mob of 10 to my Boys Brigade list. That name needs some work. However, I'm wondering if I should cobble three mobs together for a second mob of 30 leaving 3 mobs of 10. This is more about spending less points on Skarboys and Mob up than anything else. Need a smoother way to manage my CP spending, I want to have my cake and eat it too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 4, 2021 Author Share Posted May 4, 2021 Update. The first 6 Mek Guns are based now. 6 more to go at some point. Mithrilforge and Kierdale 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 5, 2021 Author Share Posted May 5, 2021 Update.These are the only dice I like to roll when I play Orks. I do have some yellow ones but I prefer these red ones. For my Birthday this year I found another package of dice. I think I scored about 18 red ones in this pack! I need to count the red ones I already have but I recall having I want to say about 62 or 66 red ones. I'm tempted to get another pack if it will get me to 100. If you don't know, these were decided to be the worst dice. they are poorly produced and have air bubbles in them. Someone on one of the forums cut several of them open many years ago and discovered what was inside several dice. Even still, I've been rolling them for like 20 years. It's a love hate relationship. I've rolled a hand full of maybe 40 dice and all but about 3 came up 1's one time. I used to have a picture of that but it's lost to time. On the flip side I've managed to roll several 6's in a row with them rolling single dice in nearly every game. These dice are truly a product of Mayhem and Chaos. Mithrilforge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted May 6, 2021 Share Posted May 6, 2021 Those dice are like Ork shooting... you don't know what the heck your going to get till the dust settles ... we all have our Favourite dice, i have some special Blue,Red and Yellow chessex dice for my deffskullz orks and i won't use anything else I remember my first Big tournament many years ago i played my "new" plastic necron army and at a stall there i bought some new Green Glowing dice that looked like Gauss... they rolled six's like there was no tomorrow (at the time necron warriors gauss caused a wound on a 6 no matter the toughness) , i demolished a Guard tank army in my second game that day with just warriors... ah nostalgia and lucky dice !! I'm loving the mek guns !! i plan on basing mine as's just better that way i reckon. Mithril Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 7, 2021 Author Share Posted May 7, 2021 those torturous dice do keep the games unpredictable! I've had other sets that I'd have sworn were loaded but they were just a box of chessex off the shelf. Once that Mojo gets going things get interesting. Update.I seem to be short a few Grot Gunners maybe they'll turn up... All of my storm boys are now on 32 MM bases. I'd never based them up so I have to texture ect. all of their bases at some point. My first commission is at the post office. I have to pick that up and get started this evening. 2 warbands for Warcry for a friend. The payment will net me two more plastic Deff Dreads and I am oddly excited about that. Stomp! stomp! stomp! Starting to cook up a Strom Boys, Grots and killa kans list. It's on the back burner for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 11, 2021 Author Share Posted May 11, 2021 (edited) Update. The Orks managed to get out for a game yesterday. Working on a short battle report with pictures. Batter report HERE Here's a taste. Edited May 11, 2021 by Warhead01 andes and Kierdale 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 11, 2021 Author Share Posted May 11, 2021 More thoughts on that game, 9th and Orks. So, I got blocked into my Deployment Zone and mostly my side of the board. I struggled to get a second Objective and never managed to make a move for a third. I was subjected to indirect fire bombardments and had no counter for that. Blast was kinda sick. but my Skrumgrods Guard regiment abilities were also a slight if possibly pointless problem. He could reroll his blast numbers against vehicles, whit maybe some qualifier, lots of rerolling 1's because he chose to filed 3 solo Tank commanders. I get it, that's what 9th is about deck building. Yawn.So aside from crying about it what should I do to give myself more of an edge. What can I do. Not a lot. Well, maybe more than that. Against the Indirect f ire, I'm not sure. I need a way to slam that at range early, like turn 1 alpha strike. What do I have. I don't know. Moving on, I am thinking I can play almost the same list as an MSU Ork boys list and where every mob was skarboys this time just drop that except for maybe 1 mob or not at all. I', going to look at what I can deepstrike and am thinking MANZ. I need to be able to threaten objectives and survive to keep them. The Mek Gunz and Deff Dreads aren't a good match for the army I faced though I do want to try it again. I have another list that's almost the same except it had a Morkanaut and no Dreads. I'm once again looking at Kommandos and maybe some Tank Bustas to jump up field need to be able to clear a landing zone. I feel like I'm headed back to one of the other lists I had at first been thinking about trying. I guess that's it for now. The Orks will be back in a solo for fun game against my Freedonian Assault corps in a week or two. I need to set up my IG list for that. On the positive side I feel this Boys Brigade will give Space Marines a run for their money with friends in a noncompetitive format, were playing to win but none of us are very strong 9th edition players. Back to the old drawing board. Dumah and Kierdale 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 18, 2021 Author Share Posted May 18, 2021 So I've not given anything time to making the next list or modifying the last list. Today it's on my mind. Reading something or other leads me to look again at shoota boys. My commissions are in full swing my first at 90+ % finished the next had just arrived and a lot of resin is now in the bath to clean it for the builds. I may have mentioned that the first job pays in Ork Deff Dreads. My Dread list is now in the works and I am thinking about shoota boys as a clever fit to work with them. I'm also starting to give thought to a battle wagon again as I need a way to move key units to get objectives. The massive combat in that last game more or less dominated the game and ensured my forces never did anything productive. I need a unit that can move and clear objectives, maybe one that doesn't deploy so it can arrive at full strength. With that in mind I'm trying to include a tella ported unit and out flanking unit and plan to actually use da jump in a meaningful way next time around. Boosting the Warboss was a lot of fun but over all meaningless in the larger view. I still think a Gorka Morka approach is the way to go and might be willing to stick in 3 warbikers for that mobility and as a fast scoring unit. way too many points though. I see it as needing to flood the objectives with more targets than can be removed. I was not as impressed with the Mek guns as I had thought I would be but they were mostly just victims of indirect artillery, being single model units was all they had going for them. And of course the problem of the hidden units sitting on the far side of the world... How to reach them and make them stop hurting my army. More on this as the lest comes together. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted June 8, 2021 Author Share Posted June 8, 2021 Just a general update.Proof of life I guess.My good friend called the other day to say he was about to send the second Deff Dread to me as payment for my comission work. So I am expecting that some time this week or next. This still leaves le with a Deff Dread in the box and one that's missing some parts. I'm going to attempt to salvage this one as best I can. This was a good payout in the end and I look forward to all 3 future projects.I'm still working on commission number 3 Forge World resin parts and whatnots are in all stages of prep and paint. I hope to wrap this one up by the end of next week as long as I can stick with it. My deal with my Scrumgrod is kinda not set in stone as we've both had to make adjustments. He sold some of the models he was going to trade to me. I told him it was fine and we would work something out. Not worried. I am thinking maybe I should get some cash and not worry about the trade part. My hobby funds are being diverted to some other projects so more money couldn't hurt. My brother is off to an Army school in a few weeks putting a slight pause on out D&D game so I hope to get out to see a friend I have seen in almost 2 years now. Hope to take the Ork out there for a fight of some kind. I had planned to attempt another solo game but we have these nasty biting yellow flies seasonally and it's that time of the year again. I'm not sure if I have to space in the house for a game right now, although that would be much more pleasant. I think that catches up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted June 14, 2021 Author Share Posted June 14, 2021 Update.Just build a 4th Deff Dread today and the fifth kit should arrive in a day or two! I'll try to doctor up a base this week and see if I cane mount the model and get it primered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted June 15, 2021 Author Share Posted June 15, 2021 Update. I managed to based the Deff Dread and build out and base a second one.This one is missing the engine bitz I'll go scrounging through my boxes and see if I can come up with an engine for it. I believe the third dread in at the post office now. tracking wasn't working over the weekend but the recite said it was to arrive today. Never made it to the post office today so I'll check tomorrow. I'm arming these dreads with Klaws and big shootas or KMB's. Haven't glued the weapons on, just to supports for them. I managed to count most of my shoota boys today and stoped at 58 that were set aside I know I have another 30 or so from the ETL a few years ago and some more in bags of 10 or they ae just random extras. I'll have a look later. I'll get back to this again soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted June 16, 2021 Author Share Posted June 16, 2021 Update.I finished building and basing the 3rd new Deff Dread last night. I think this is record time kind of record for me. I'll splounch on the primer today. I really enjoyed building these three. I think they'll fit in nicely with all the other walkers. I managed to scrounge up some engine parts for the second Deff Dread and after t was assembled I found one of his actual engines but no exhaust pipes, I'd already figured that out so no matter. Aside from the primer work I really need to finish up these commissioned knights, I'm super close to done and hopefully not having looked at them for a few days will point me in the right direction to getting them done. I think the heads are really all that's left to do and some assembly. My friend who I am painting these for was shocked that I was nearly done he'd imagined giving me two months and I seem to be well ahead of schedule. we're in talks for another commission that may take a bit longer he wants a SoB army and has asked me to paint it. I think I can do it, should have the time for it. After I finish up these knights I'll probably jump right into painting these dreads and then pause to work on some Blood Angels as I have two kits coming as part of my payment. At some point I'll get the Orks back out for a game if I can get enough time for it. Failing that I'll take something with less models out for the afternoon and see how it goes. When they yellow flies go back into the swamps I'll set up for another game outside and maybe play 4th edition or 3rd if I can find the books still. Orks vs IG or Generic SM's if I have the models for it. Would love to play some Pro-Hammer at some point. I have a month or so to work out all the particulars. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted June 21, 2021 Author Share Posted June 21, 2021 Update.No pictures yet. Too much rain to set up and take good pictures out side. The three new Deff Dreads are painted for the most part. just have to paint the KMB's and big shootas. These Dreads are totally table ready now but can always get more paint at a later time. I am looking forward to seeing how much I have deviated from the paint work on the first three Dreads. I'm just about ready to play the list I made with 6 dreads now. It just needs to be looked at again and have a little bit of adjustments. I'm considering tellyporting all 6 dreads in right into charge range over two turns, while I suffer as much shooting as I can with out loosing my nerve. I'm still thinking about trying to stick in a Morkanaut as well. Again have to see what my lists looked like and get back to work crunching some numbers. It looks like rain for the next 10 days so I'll try to get pictures as soon as I am able. I am trying to set up a game with my usual Scrumgrod but depending on how much time I have for that game will determine which army I take out of the house either Orks or BA's. I don't know yet if the game can be set for this week or not yet. lots of stuff going on it seems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted June 25, 2021 Author Share Posted June 25, 2021 Managed to get out for a game today. we stopped at the end of turn 3 I was not able to continue in any meaningful way. The Orks were 10 to 20 points behind the AM's score and had run out of units to make continuing worth the time and energy. Very sad. Part of the problem was, once again, terrain rules. My Usual Scromgrod means well and all but still doesn't seem to have a grasp of GW's terrain system and the rules were unplayable garbage. The most positive thing to come from this game was chatting about the terrain rules and explaining my understanding of them vs what was presented on the table. He seems to think everything has set rules but when using diy terrain this is not exactly the case. I doubt this will leave a lasting impact on him which is funny to me because he is trying to play competitively. It's a big joke really. I just have to have a chuckle about it. I hope we can come to a meaningful and practical solution for out future games. The Orks got shredded by indirect fire and my dice were not very helpful. I was never able to build any momentum. Back to the oll' drawing board. I did have 4 out of 6 Def dreads explode, I was a bit impressed. My Morkanaut was destroyed before my first turn. Very disappointing. I'll not take the boys out again until after the next codex. I think this is probably for the best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted June 26, 2021 Author Share Posted June 26, 2021 This is the only picture from the game worth sowing. I lost track of things and none of the others would have much value to show. I tried Deffskuls clan for the first time and it was at best ok. My list didn't really get much use from the clan trait though we did steal one objective with a single pain boy from several guardsmen at one point, which was funny to me. I think putting 3 dreads off to deep strike on was a mistake. might have made more gains with the extra dreads on the table from the start. I'd probably try this list again, maybe. I had 2 mobs of 30 shoota boys because I think shoota boys will put in a bit more work than slugga boys but I was planning for al of my dreads to make it into combat, the boys wouldn't really need to do much more than wonder around and shoot. Interesting plan if nothing else. I took a SAG Mek and did get a few solid hits in at range but he cost too much. I used 2 Painboys but I think that wasn't very useful over all would have been enough and if I split all my mobs down to mobs of 10 I won't get as much use from the second pain boy. If anything I needed more boys and more long ranged opportunities, something like lootas might have been a solid choice. I think next time I'll drop the sag mek, Morkanaut and the extra pain boy. I'll bring more bodies and just spend more time running around and flood the table and objectives in small squads and see how that goes. Not really my idea of a good list but there are some good positives to it I guess. So, I was remembering some ancient battle reports where Da Grand Warlord was struggling against Eldar, way back in 2nd. I've been drawing a fair bit from old half remembered battle reports for list ideas. Some times it feels more like trying to break a code than make an army list this edition. My Usual Scrumgrod's other painter showed up and he's also a new Ork player so we had some fun Ork chat. I think I'd like to see Ork vehicles get two new abilities, for all vehecles. 1 is the ramshackle rule just like the trukks have for everything that moves, if not every vehicle. the second is something that popped into my head. So when an Ork vehicle is destroyed the Ork player can either roll to see if it explodes or say they want it to explode changing the roll to like a 3+ or 4+ or some kind of bonus to the roll. Giving the Ork player a trick up their sleeve and maybe a strat for an auto explode with max effect on the Dice. Fingers crossed. I know I grump a fair bit and all but I am trying to get a positive from a negative as much as I can. I can't complain about my friends AM army it's more or less just what I would have liked to play myself or would have. Defiantly not OP at all. Heck looking at his Am army made me wish I was fielding my own. My big take away is that neither he nor I truly understand 9th edition terrain and a few other rules. Had to school him on just how Blast actually works. I'll be back t my Blood Angels and then IG armies for a while. Models to builds and paint and when I get to take my next round of pictures I'll snap a few of these new Dreads I just finished up. The mayhem continues. toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted July 26, 2021 Author Share Posted July 26, 2021 I am thrilled to report I've just secured a copy of the new codex and a set of cards! Should be here in a few days. toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted July 26, 2021 Author Share Posted July 26, 2021 Using the stuff from the internet I've started to put a list together. Just a list of stuff I want in the army list so far. The build is an MSU thing for the troop units and a little extra some maneuver units and air craft and some stompy stuff. I plan to have a big gaggle of boys mobs with grots and some support characters milling around together, mostly shooting with shootas and rokkits. I feel rokits are back in a big way now. Some lootas on foot withthem and some burna boys as well, lots of small mobs lots of ranged attacks and some choppa boys as well in there. Under the KFF with a pain boy or two. Yet to be determined and don't know if I need two of them. The next part is Deff Koptas, war bikers and some trukks working together to swing a flank long around left or right with the Walker moving up the middle big shootas blasting. Might put in some kille kans but I think it's either them or Mek guns and Mek guns are hardly more in cost than kans. And the flyers a dakka jet and a Burna bomba. Or two of a kind or just one, we'll see. Things I am noticing are than this edition has left some of my models behind, I'm out 3 Big shootas Deff Koptas now. And maybe more that I can't recall. Any whooo, this is a start. If I can get this jammed out I will bring it to battle on or about the 4th with my good friend. One of us will play this or the (competitive ) Blood Angels list I am working on. we may both play both armies at the same time as he's not up on 9th and has dropped out of 40K at this point. (Or, maybe one of us will play my IG that I am so looking forward to seeing on the table. )At least I have a plan of sorts starting to cook now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted July 27, 2021 Author Share Posted July 27, 2021 Here's my first draft. not exactly the Gorka Morka I want to play but still very much my playstyle. I could come up with about 100 point back but not much to spend it on, haven't added the trukks but could. The Pain boy is getting a trial run but could be dropped for extra refunded points. as well. If not a trukk then a Bonebrakea? It's squirrely right now. Still working on it. List here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted July 29, 2021 Author Share Posted July 29, 2021 Newest list here I feel this will be balanced against my Primaris Blood Angels list and either I will play it or my good friend will. we're working on having a game on the 11th. the 4th fell through. He's driving up 3 hours to get there, or stopping here before he heads home, not sure which. He's sole off his 40K collections but I told him I would provide an army for a game here when ever he drops by. I need to pick a mission and read up on it a head of time, so later this or next week. We need to be able to just jump into the game with as little extra though as possible. I need to set up some data cards for my terrain still, but that won't be more than a few cards to worry about. Over all I think this Ork list will be flexible enough to compete with the Space Marines and I am looking forward to that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted July 30, 2021 Author Share Posted July 30, 2021 (edited) Update.Finally go the pictures of the last three deff dreads! And a fun one using a W10 filter. I've settled on an army list and have a mad idea for a new one. You can see it here. May have mentioned it's for a game with a friend. Probably not taking the Orks out to any tournaments again. Or only taking them out for games upon request. That said the hardest part of getting out for a game for me has been the armylists so I will have a pile of them ready to go. Using the same HQ's from the "finished" list ( 4 of them) I will also field 90 boys and some other stuff for I think 2 battalions, still goofing around with that. I found a few Deff Koptas with rokkits but I think I am missing at least 1 more or they are the only 2 left. I also found more War bikers maybe 15 more of them. I keep forgetting about my stash of extra stuff. Looted the base from a Gorkanaut recently and I have 2 more so I may just part with the the extra one and my Unbuilt stompa, the one still in the box.I have way too much stuff. I'm thinking about starting one or two new armies, Nidz and panzies, er..eldar. I have some Nids left over and Harlequins I can keep a little of the Space Clowns and part wit the rest to fund the Eldar, probably. Just got thinking it would be cool to have these two giving me 5 of the Iconic factions for 40K. But we'll see, the future is unclear. Not much else Ork related going on just now. Edited July 30, 2021 by Warhead01 Dumah 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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