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War009 Builds and Paints Crimson Fists (Formerly 3rd IF CO)


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So with the release of 8th Edition, I have decided to build an new Imperial Army for the Primaris Marines as side project when i need to take a break from working on Raptors 10th Company Army. I already have a huge partial painted Crimson Fist Army that I have semi retired from playing, a huge Adepta Sororitas Army with 13 Repressors that I am really slowly working on when I will the itch to work on them, Grey Knights, Death Watch, and 30k Emperor's Children 3rd Company Elite army. The Grey Knights, Deathwatch, and Emperor's Children are are on hold as I lack motivation or desire to work on them for the time being.....eventually I will.

Why Imperial Fists this time around? Like I said earlier i have a huge Crimson Fist army that is partial painted and models semi started but not painted. I love the Crimson Fists but fielding Primaris in the army fills wrong to me as I just cant see Pedro Kantor accepting them for multiple reasons. Black Templars are ruled out as i had a Black Templars army in 3rd edition and sold it plus the lack of melee weapons and Templar bits would bug me. Imperial Fists, the dreaded yellow paint scheme. A while back when i was torn between Emperor's Children and Imperial Fists for 30k I found this tutorial by Mengel Miniatures , and love the paint scheme and how easy it seems. In the end I decided to go Emperor's Children because I loved the idea of 3 squads of 2 shot relentless Kakophoni. And after seeing the Repulsor tank and the images of Imperial Fist Primaris Marines i made up my mine to build them up as Imperial Fists.

So far I have the following:

Gravis Captain

2 Lieutenants (Power Sword and Autobolter)

Primaris Ancient

3 Squads of Intercessors (2 of Squad A & 1 Squad :cool.:

2 Inceptors Squads

2 Hellblaster Squads

I also have the following that may lead me down the path of building a Small 1st Company list:


Terminator Chaplain (last Pewter version)

Terminator Librarian (last pewter version, but may get the plastic one to use instead)

Land Raider Phobos

Land Raider Redeemer/ Crusader

Unbuilt Deathwatch land raider kit that may become a Terminus Ultra

Storhawk with lascannons

2 Forgeworld Imperial Fist Contemptors with Power Fist and Assault Cannon

I plan on ordering both the Primaris Captain and Librarian when they go on presale/ or get them from my FLGS, same goes for the Reivers (may do the first strike box tho), Redemptor Dreadnought and a couple of the Repulsor tanks.

I ordered the Kings Fist Icons and 2 of the Variety Pack from Pop goes the monkey off of shapeways, Forge World Imperial Fist/ Crimson Fist Brass etch, Roman Numerals brass etch from Secret Weapons Miniatures, and various heads non helmeted (Sternguard, vanguard, the new terminator captain gas mask head, and the ultramarine head with laurel) from bits sellers off of ebay. Plus I have 2 sheets of Forge World Imperial Fist Decals already for them.

The Sternguard mohawk head may go to my power sword Lieutenant, bearded head to one of the Squad A Sgts, Bearded Laurel head from the ultramarine sprue is going on my Ancient.

So far this is what I have got done:

-Inceptor Squad 1 built into Sub assemblies - Head, body (arms torso, & legs), Jump pack, and thrusters. Waiting on Fist icons then off to prime.

-Autobolter Lieutenant Sub assembled- Head, body (arms, torso, & legs), and back pack. Waiting on Fist icons then off to prime.

-Primaris Ancient Sub Assemblies- Body (1 arm, Legs, & torso), back pack, Helmet, gun arm & standard. Waiting for fist icons and head to come in then off to prime.

-Gravis Captain Sub Assemblies- Front body (legs, arms and torso), Back body with cape, backpack with ammo belt and head. Waiting for fist icons then off to prime.


Conversions to date:

Primaris Ancient- Helmet neck seal removed, hole drilled in helmet and belt to mount to helmet. If/ when I get the the LE anniversary Captain, I plan on replacing the stock helmet with the captain's Laurel helmet. This is the head going on my Ancient


Gravis Captain- Added a belt to get rid of the rolli polli bug look of him. Belt was made from foil, plastcard and a terminator Crux accessory. Also added a skull command marker to his knee, purity seal on hip armour and one of the reliquaries both from the Power Armor Grey Knight squad box.


Still some more clean up work to do on him.....:dry.:

Edit- Working has kept me super busy the last few eeks and after pondering it for some time I am change the Army from IF to CF.

i cheat when I post from my phone.   I actually first post them to facebook.  You can make a post private so only you view it, and then I go to my computer, save the image to my computer from facebook, delete the post, and then add it to my gallery here, then update my own thread.  its tedious but at the same time, I can go into photoshop and adjust the images sine I own the adobe software.   


And I can't wait to see more primaris with that yellow paint job on them.   Woot for the Sentinels of Terra, Go 3rd company.  

let me know how thick those curved insignias are, I am thinking about it, but I don't want to see it from the edge attached on a shoulder pad.  None of the images or reviews show that, they show it directly on, and I want to know how raised these are off the shoulder pads.  Cause finding enough decals is difficult, I got 20 fists right now, and I can't find any black unit decals, so I am going to have to paint those on as it is.  If I get the curved insignias I can skip hand painting all together, but I don't want to have such a thick raised insignia, especially if they are thicker than the edge trim of the shoulder pads.  

I know ginfritter gnomish workshop has black tactical arrows.



I'll get some more pics in a few I have the command and assault markings on the models already.


All my parts arrived Satuday so I started cranking stuff out. I spent a good amount of time this weekend working and painting models ok more working on models then painting.


Banner Friday


Banner after talking to some guys in an IF Fb group


added round logo and crux terminatus to banner topper




Left to right: LT (autobolter head), Intercessor squad 2 Sgt head, Intercessor Squad 3 Sgt Head, and Primaris Ancient Hekmet for his belt


Clockwise from top:

LT (power sword), Hellblaster Sgt 1 head, Hellblaster Sgt 2 Head, and Intercessor Sgt 1 head

LT Auto Rifle WIP





-Still to do on him: one more edge highlight of white, then all the other colors........

thanks for the pics.   that shot really shows me just how thick those insignias are and frankly, they detailed but they are to thick on the shoulders for my tastes and simple don't feel like the correct scale to me.   A marine would realistically be foolish to have that thick carved detail on a rounded shoulder pad as it might deflect the shot into the armor instead of away, as a rounded shoulder pad like that is designed so bullets will deflect outwards when they hit it at most angles.   So, if I can't find the decals I may have to just paint them on.  


I see you are going for a darker yellow for your Fists, more averland showing.  I debated on that, but in all the lore and background it showed them in a brighter yellow so I went that route for mine.   The faces are looking good can't wait to see more.   I need to get back into painting my guys, took a break to assemble my son's Admech now the holiday stuff is here, and I have to get my motivation back to finish them.    Maybe those new characters, especially the librarian coming out will help with that.  

I get you on the decals vs shoulder pad icons. they do stand out a bit compared to my massive amounts of Imperial/ Crimson Fist shoulder pads i have for my non primaris marines. Painting the squad type designate is not hard i did it with some of my Crimson Fists previously. On My Raptors 10th Company I had to touch up areas to make it look more like the logo then the decals I had.

Crimson Fists



I like the lighter yellow, need to touch up some spots where the white went a little crazy....or it was just me. I just used Mengel Miniatures technique: prime bone, wash recess with agrax earthshade/ lahmian medium mix, edge highlight white, lamenters yellow glaze, highlight white, add another glaze, then highlight white again.

The faces I had lots of practice on painting faces......With my Sisters of Battle, 1/35 figures for my dad and practice. Unfortunately the only faces I think I have left so far is the Librarian and maybe the Captain when they gets here next week and the Ancient's that I need to still prime and paint.

Thanks Honda!


That is one of the things that bugged me about IF when I started playing over 20 years ago was how bright the yellow was. With this technique it's not so bright but still a obviously an IF.


One thing I learned for the rest of the models....I'm doing the red first before I go the yellow glazes easier to fix that way

Yeah I like the darker colors as well, but I do like a bit of golden yellow to it, not canary yellow mostly because in the fluff, Dorn went for a golden color for his legion, not a bright gleaming canary yellow or cowardice yellow, he just didn't go pure metallic (or did he). I had debated on going brighter yellow, and I too watched a few videos, including some from me gel miniatures as he has two different imperial fist videos, one seemed brighter than the other. I started with averland sun highlighted with the Uriel yellow and it just felt too dark for my taste, so I gave it a thin even coat of yellow (ah heck golden sounded so much better than the current paint range name, long live 3rd edition paint color names lol), then I used Dorn yellow for the edge highlighting. It gives my fists a brighter golden color, but keeps them dark enough to not glow in the dark. That being said, yours are still looking good and Dorn inspired. I will say the yellow scheme was a bit harder to work out than say a crimson fist scheme would be. At least to start, now that I have worked out a method i like and I am happy with, the yellow now goes faster for me than all the detailing since I do the detail work over the yellow,and often over a black layer that has been painted over the yellow.


I still feel like I am slacking, but maybe I can get more guys knocked out come this weekend when the holidays are over.

My problem with the Crimson Fists is getting the blue right. Duncans last video it was too light imho, and needed to be darker. I still love the Crimson Fists and may revisit them down the line (ie finish what I have for them minus units transferred to my Imperial Fists). The fear of painting yellow is gone now that i have the first model done (minus clear coat).

He is done....LT with Auto Bolt Rifle



you can see his campaign badge Red and White Shield with a Rook (not very well painted :ermm: ) on the side of his left leg




Update So the other day I was flipping through the Primaris minidex that came with the starter and realized I made a mistake.


I reversed the LT's Helmet stripe colors. and I could have left it like this but it really started bugging me mentally.


So I had to fix it last night. Then I realized the white stripe was too big so ill fix that tonight maybe......:dry.:

then I started working on my next models, the Inceptors starting with the Veteran Sgts helmet and changing all the bare head models hair to white.


Still need to do the metallic colors on it.

So I am planning on my specialty units (Inceptors, Hellblasters, Reivers, and Aggressors) to be Lead by Veteran Sgts along with Intercessor Squad I. This may end up only being 1 squad from each of the options .

Currently in my Primaris Collection

- Gravis Captain

-Captain (Shipped from GW)

-Librarian (Shipped from GW)

-2 LTs

-Primaris Ancient

-3 Intercessor Squads (I-III)

-2 Inceptors Squads (VII-VIII)

-2 Hellblaster Squads (IX-X)

I will be preordering First Strike this Weekend so I will have a partial Intercessor squad and a Reiver squad shortly.

well, its all good man.  That mistake isn't really a mistake, considering that first model is a Lieutenant anyways.  The codex shows that sergeant helms are red, veteran sergeants are red with a white stripe (or white with a red stripe if leading a veteran squad i suppose), but it doesn't give you helmet markings for the Lieutenants who are technically a new rank in the codex as I see, captains in training.   Prior to this new rank, the most senior veteran sergeant (who usually was still leading just a squad of guys) of the company would take command in the event of the captains death during battle, as a temporary command station until such time that a new captain could be appointed from within the chapter.    The new Lieutenant rank basically is where the two senior sergeants from within the chapter get promoted to this rank, to learn the ins and outs of leading more than just a squad, as they are essentially assigned half of a company to command directly under the captain.  They are the captains advisors as well on strategies and help to keep the captain from making command mistakes, but they also would take over command in the event of a death.   There was nothing in the codex that gives this rank a helmet color.   So you can keep the yellow with the white and red stripe markings and follow the ultramarines if you want.  


Me I chose to go with a black helm, since I saw many painting their fists with black helms for sergeants instead of red.   I decided that my captain would have a solid black helm, with the lieutenants having a black helm with white stripes.   Veterans have white helms, with sergeants of those veterans either having a white helm with red or black stripe.  My sergeants of normal squads will have red helms with veteran sergeants leading non veteran squads having white stripes on the red helms.   I could easily still go with just red helms on all my sergeants but I like the idea of the veteran squads specifically sporting white helms over yellow, so a sergeant leading those, I want to keep the white helm as well, so I am going with a colored stripe.  


So keep the helm the way you got it, or borrow my ideas.  I feel that the fists follow the codex, but they still use their own heraldry schemes and not the ultras heraldry markings.   

yeah I love the look of the  black stern helm schemes but since this is the first "I follow the codex to a T" force i have done,  I want it too look right. That's one of the many things I loved about my Crimson Fists they followed it but they didn't and Raptors were all about camo. 


As the army progresses ill add more variant helmets to the force. 

me too, i liked the black helm scheme, but as I said, since there wasn't anything official on the new primaris lieutenants I decided to use it there.   I am only giving the captain a different helmet color because I feel as a captain he deserves something for his rank, since chaplains are all in black, librarians are in blue, tech marines in red, apothecaries in white, I figured he could get away with a black helm and his own personal heraldry that represents the company (or should I say a modified variation on the company heraldry he is commanding).   I just added that in since the codex doesn't say anything about the captains really, but the fluff seems to indicate they are a bit more personalized than the average battle brother.  The helm color for me becomes more of a rank system, and it gave me a reason to use those awesome black helmeted imperial fists.   Also...you should look into the Sentinels of Terra, its the background on your chosen company, and well since the artwork in that book is technically official, they are the ones who are sporting the black helmets for their sergeants.   You can find a PDF of the fluff from that book online, that is how I read it recently.  

I reversed the LT's Helmet stripe colors. and I could have left it like this but it really started bugging me mentally.



You did the right thing in fixing it. You're going to be looking at that helmet for awhile, so make it right.


Also, in my case, I'm not making an entire army of these guys (famous last words #432), it is important to get the details the way I want them.


@Rizara: Interesting thoughts there. I will have to look into that.

Update time....

With the Summer Monsoon season upon us in the Hell that is called AZ.....I was not able to get anything primed do to the humidity and being 107-117 all weekend (Nothing like 102 * at midnight)

so with the lack of priming I built some stuff.

First off What needs to be painted so far


My Imperial Fist Scout "Spy" Mission Marker






He is based off this image


and what good is a Mission Marker without a scenic base





The Scout will be climbing the rocks facing the shoulder plate.

hahaha I laugh at your measily 15% humidity that you call a monsoon (no seriously I lived in Tuscon for 3 years, its nothing compared to where I live now in Georgia where we have 70-80%).   


Scout is looking good. that is an old illustration but still a good one, nice to see it in color, i remember it as a black and white image from an old codex.   As for priming, you could look into a ventilation system to spray indoors, that might help, or just try to get outside in before noon when its at its hottest, and not in the afternoon/evening when the rain is about to hit.   I prime all the time outside in the summer time with the high humidity but have to timing just right here, but in the winter I prime in doors as its too cold.  I tend to have more issues with sealer than I do the primer and if I do have primer issues it is usually because the can clogs.  


Was able to get priming done and ran out of spray right after I finished......lucky me. So I'll need to get another can of Army Painter bone today at FLGS.

also I caved and bought another 2 primaris Intercessors to round out the 3 from First Strike.....still need another 2 reivers but I will probably buy the 3 pack saturday.

So the army as stands right now:

Gravis Captian- Primed

Captain- Waiting on Delivery (Damn you GW!)

Librarian- Waiting on Delivery (Stupid FedEx smartpost mailing)

LT- Auto Rifle- Almost done....Needs Company marking and clear coat

LT- Power Sword- Primed

Primaris Ancient- Primed

Rievers- 3 of 6 Picking up Saturday from local GW Store preorder maybe the other 3 too

Intercessor I- 1 of 5 primed other 4 unbuilt

Intercessor II- 0 of 5 built

Intercessor III- 0 of 5 built

Intercessor IV- 3 of 5 in First Strike (pick up saturday) other 2 bits order

Inceptor VII- 3 of 3 primed

Inceptor VIII- 0 of 3 built

Hellblaster IX- 0 of 5 built

Hellblaster X- 0 of 5 built

on to the pictures









wow you got invested in the primaris thats for sure.   I am thinking of picking up the captain and librarian tomorrow myself, need the motivation to get back to painting the rest of my primaris.   Still not sold on the reivers.  As much as I want a dedicated unit, I don't like the trimmed down power armor look, okay so mostly the legs, and the half skull helm is silly looking.  Especially since they still have a 3+ armor save, might as well just make them in power armor with extra grenades on them.   So i am probably not going to get them and hold out for a real melee unit, because right now, they aren't that impressive model wise or rule wise, and while they technically have 3 attacks, they got no ap reduction so I feel like its not that dedicated or focused at killing hordes or armored infantry.  


I am also holding off on major investment till i get the multi part kits with more weapon options, cause right now, the intercessors just don't do much of anything but create a target.   there isn't enough shots coming off from them and my interceptors and hell blasters tend to do more for my army right now.   I want some new options, and looking forward to possibly grav weapons or flame/melta gun upgrades for some units.  Not to mention the idea of interceptors flying around with portable short ranged plasma cannons is tempting.    Vehicles would also be really useful right now, because as cool as the new primaris look to me, they lack some serious firepower right now and armor.  


So looking forward to seeing more of your guys finished painting.  I am thinking I may go ahead and just order the shoulder insignias even if they feel too thick for my taste, just don't feel like painting them and if I am going to pay, might as well go with something I know will work.  


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