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+Crimson Fists+ Paint Log


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Hi all,


For years I have wanted to start an army log on this glorious forum, so finally I have!

Below are the first few photos of my Crimson Fists army which is WIP. This army is brand new for 8th edition and will be focused entirely around the new Primaris marines.


Why the Crimson Fists?

I have loved them from the very beginning! The deep blue colours with the contrasting red fist. The level headedness of the marines themselves. The tragic loss of so many brothers during the Rynn's world incident. The hatred of the Greenskin! - I love all of this.



Reiver Sergeant:

"Hush brothers, the orks are near..."









I aim to be posting updates frequently of my progress so please do follow and if you have any questions let me know!




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Thank you all for your kind words!


I aim to have this army around the 2000 point mark - I just need to wait and see my options when the codex comes out. I also have my eye set on a Kantor conversion using the store birthday captain model, so look out for that when I get my hands on him :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Display Cabinet:

"Imperial Vessel 'Rynns Saviour' Identified...Brothers, purge the alien!"






A current WIP shot of my display cabinet, some ork boyz (some shot to pieces!) will be on the way and glued around the crashed lander. Hope you guys like it!

Thank you all for the encouragement!


I have had a few questions regarding the blue recipe:


1. Chaos Black Undercoat

2. Kantor Blue Base

3. Druchii Violet Wash

4. Bring raised sections of armour back up with Kantor blue.

5. Highlight with Aldorf Blue

6. Extreme edge highlights with Hoeth Blue.

7. Armour joints and recesses control wash with Nuln Oil


Hope that helps those who have asked. I also have just completed 2 5 man squads of intercessors and a lieutenant. Photos coming soon!

Brothers! An update for you all. I received my box of orks last week and proceeded to butcher them for my display cabinet. Some green stuff was used for the gore on some of the models, but mostly it was just a good hack and slash of the ork bitz. (was really fun!). If you notice one the orks being flung back, that's where my librarian will be, casting his psychic power. I have also photo'd the art piece next to my cabinet, more to come on this as well. Hope you enjoy!

















And my dreadnought is ready for painting:








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