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Chapter Focus: The Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists and Black T


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We're back Boys.Unleash the Tide.


Yep, back where we were at the start of 7th ed.


A chapter with a melee focus that lacks access to the marine character/unit that could buff their melee abilities better than anything else in a codex/army with sup-par to average melee options and in possession of special rules that do little to nothing to help make the army function as it was seemingly intended.

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I guess the question is going to be is how will relics work with unique characters. Yeah extra range on auras can be useful but is it only for generic characters?


That and what's our warlord trait? Anyone find it yet?

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We're back Boys.Unleash the Tide.


Yep, back where we were at the start of 7th ed.


A chapter with a melee focus that lacks access to the marine character/unit that could buff their melee abilities better than anything else in a codex/army with sup-par to average melee options and in possession of special rules that do little to nothing to help make the army function as it was seemingly intended.


LOL what? Whoever gets charges off right now absolutely obliterates the enemy side. We have free rerolls to all charges for all our Units. And we have REAL anti psychic defense, in an edition where our characters are the BEST by far in the codex for their point costs. And you're comparing it to 7th where we had a chapter tactic that worked once every 100th game?

Edited by Metic
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Helm - BTs can Heroic Intervention 6" rather than 3". 


Heroic Intervention is not an ability on the models datasheet, it's just a core rule for characters in the main rulebook.


So what does that have to do with he helm changing Heroic intervention if the relic changes that?  I must be misunderstanding why you are bringing this up. This is talking about the info of the BT relic.

Edited by balordazul
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I'm just unimpressed with the Templar rules at this moment in time.


The army is still an assuault skewed force inside a faction with middling melee capacity so we still have the age old problem of we cant do enough in melee once we reach it.


It's nice to have some anti-psyker ability but it still takes up our armies unique strategem so whilst other chapters get libbies for some psychic offence plus anti-psyker tech and have a special stratagem on top, the Templar are denied access to the basic tech and instead have their stragagem be used up replacing what was taken away.


The next blow I'm fully expecting given what the Index did at the start of 8th did is that we will be crutching on Grimaldus and Helbrecht to function as anything more than just space marines painted black.

With current rule set and the amount of firepower, you either go full melee for multi-charging and our CT is awesome, or you take mobile/SAS list with one unit for counter-attacks and you need that unit to be able to attack when needed, which is almost guaranteed with our CT. IF, IH and Scars have worse CT than ours. Charge re-rolls isn't top CT, but not the worst either.

And with GWs focus on those primaris marines (oh Holy Emperor, I hate them more than heretics and xenos combined) all marines now are "just marines painted black/blue/yellow".

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