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Chapter Focus: The Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists and Black T


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It is nice that you actually do have to think carefully about how to spend CP.  The whole system would be kinda pointless if you had them by the boatload.  On average I can manage a 9CP list without making silly compromises for the sake of getting more.

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It is nice that you actually do have to think carefully about how to spend CP.  The whole system would be kinda pointless if you had them by the boatload.  On average I can manage a 9CP list without making silly compromises for the sake of getting more.

I'm struggling with 6 in a 2000 pts game. How do you get to 9 ?

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So can Honor the Chapter be used after consolidating?  Because helloooo 4th Ed Righteous Zeal. :laugh.:


Okay, not really the same thing, but similar enough to earn a devious giggle.




It is nice that you actually do have to think carefully about how to spend CP.  The whole system would be kinda pointless if you had them by the boatload.  On average I can manage a 9CP list without making silly compromises for the sake of getting more.

I'm struggling with 6 in a 2000 pts game. How do you get to 9 ?



An old school 2 Talon + Raven detachment makes for a hefty chunk.  Cramming 3 min/max melee Crusaders into a LRC with Helbrecht is a pretty efficient way of filling Troop choices as well.


Don't remember exactly, my memory is garbage and I don't know where my list drafts are.


Edit- went back and checked, my list lands 7 CP.


Does the unit with the free Relic have to be the Warlord?  Because the mandatory bare bones (ba-dum-ting!) Chaplain for a Battalion could have a nasty bit of bonus goodness if not. 

Edited by Firepower
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3 x 5 man crusader with melta and 2 axes, marshall with shield and hammer and a chaplain with plasma pistol and fist is about 490 points.

2 of them leaves you ~1000 points to spend and provides 9CP

Not saying that will work for your list objectives, but it might not be a bad start for CP generation.

My humble offering, for what is worth. Ofc, you'd add 3 crusaders and a castellan, to round it off to 10CP :)


@Firepower Not sure if you can use it after consolidating, but so far it still seems possible, so huzzahs all round. Still really useful for smashing that knight/fellhammer/lord of skulls to tiny, righteous pieces either way.

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So far we can easily get 3 for Battleforged, 3 for Batallion (Captain, Chaplain, 3 squads), one for Spearhead (Techmarine, Land raider, predators or vindicators) and one for Outrider (Leutenant, 3 Land Speeders) without hurting army's ability to fight. HQs are cheap, so taking 4 doesn't cost too much.

There's also a way to get cheap Batallions by taking scouts, but that's for vanilla marines.

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I'm getting swept up in the Primaris craze. How do you think Intercessors with auto bolt rifles would do as part of an assault force?


Assuming you can buddy them up to 10 per squad, shoot and then run in for the charge with a chaplain support nearby.

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The intercessor sargent can use PW.

Source? Because that's awesome.



Equip the squad with auto bolt rifles and you have a decent close combat troop. Nothing that can tackle a squad of berserkers, but maybe go toe to toe with other close combat squads

Edited by Vaughn
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It is nice that you actually do have to think carefully about how to spend CP.  The whole system would be kinda pointless if you had them by the boatload.  On average I can manage a 9CP list without making silly compromises for the sake of getting more.

Hey Firepower do you mind showing the composition as I have not been hyper focused this edition on maxing my CP.

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Well that's good. Auto Boltrifle squad and a power sword toting sergeant would hit hard.


Popping off up to 19 Bolt shots on the move, moving in for 18 normal melee attack, 3 power sword attacks, and 10 melee Bolt shots

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It is nice that you actually do have to think carefully about how to spend CP.  The whole system would be kinda pointless if you had them by the boatload.  On average I can manage a 9CP list without making silly compromises for the sake of getting more.

I'm struggling with 6 in a 2000 pts game. How do you get to 9 ?



Imperium: Battalion Detachment - 1489 Punkte


***************  2 HQ  ***************  


High Marshal Helbrecht

 - - - > 170 Punkte



- Jump Pack

+ - Bolt pistol

 - - - > 90 Punkte



***************  3 Standard  ***************  


Crusader Squad

6 Initiates

- 3 x Boltgun + Bolt pistol

- Plasma gun

- Lascannon

+ Sword Brother

   - 1 x Bolt pistol

   - 1 x Combi-plasma

 - - - > 131 Punkte


Crusader Squad

5 Initiates

- 2 x Boltgun + Bolt pistol

- Flamer

- Power axe

+ Sword Brother

   - 1 x 2 Lightning claws

 - - - > 92 Punkte


Crusader Squad

6 Initiates

- 3 x Boltgun + Bolt pistol

- Meltagun

- Multi-melta

+ Sword Brother

   - 1 x Bolt pistol

   - 1 x Combi-melta

 - - - > 141 Punkte



***************  3 Elite  ***************  


Vanguard Veteran Squad

10 Veterans

- 1 x Bolt pistol + chainsword

- 6 x Chainsword

- 6 x Storm shield

- 2 x Bolt pistol

- 2 x Thunder hammer

- Jump packs

+ Sergeant

   - 1 x Bolt pistol

   - 1 x Thunder hammer

 - - - > 270 Punkte


Honour Guard

- 2 x Power axe

 - - - > 52 Punkte


Honour Guard

- 2 x Power axe

 - - - > 52 Punkte



***************  3 Transporter  ***************  



- Hunter-killer missile

- Storm bolter

 - - - > 80 Punkte



- Twin lascannon

- Hunter-killer missile

- Storm bolter

 - - - > 123 Punkte



- Twin lascannon

- Hunter-killer missile

- Storm bolter

 - - - > 123 Punkte



***************  1 Flieger  ***************  


Stormtalon Gunship

- 2 Heavy bolters

 - - - > 165 Punkte


Imperium: Battalion Detachment - 511 Punkte


***************  2 HQ  ***************  


The Emperor's Champion

 - - - > 108 Punkte



+ - Bolt pistol

 - - - > 72 Punkte



***************  3 Standard  ***************  


Crusader Squad

8 Initiates

- 6 x Chainsword + Bolt pistol

- Meltagun

+ Sword Brother

   - 1 x Bolt pistol

   - 1 x Thunder hammer

 - - - > 141 Punkte


Scout Squad

5 Scouts

- 4 x Combat knife

+ Sergeant

   - 1 x Bolt pistol

   - 1 x Boltgun

 - - - > 55 Punkte


Scout Squad

5 Scouts

- 4 x Boltgun

+ Sergeant

   - 1 x Bolt pistol

   - 1 x Boltgun

 - - - > 55 Punkte



***************  1 Transporter  ***************  



- Hunter-killer missile

- Storm bolter

 - - - > 80 Punkte



Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 2000

Powerlevel der Armee : 105

Kommandopunkte der Armee : 9


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Somebody mentioned the fluff of Abhor the Witch....recall Forges of Mars, where the Farseer tried to cast whatever the extra attack speed up buff is on the Templars that were defending her...and she couldn't because their sheer willpower prevented her. Their hatred was so powerful it simple cancelled her out.
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SO what do you think. Which WT would be tye best one?


For me it's easily the improved toughness one from the rulebook, forget the name, gives +1W and the 6+ FNP. Can't put on your named characters which sucks but can make one of your chaplains/captains etc. much more survivable.


Question I have is if you stick it on your chaplain dreadnought (putting him at 10 wounds) does this then make him targetable for the whole game? If not that is a great idea as he'll have a 3+/4++/6+/6+ whilst being untargetable if other models closer!!

Edited by Kilamandaros
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Wow so named characters are stuck with a single option for the warlord trait and even restricting the ones from the BRB.  Well I guess I'm stuck with Oath Keeper.


So the EC is listed as 75 points .... not sure if his rules have changed. 


The High Marshal and Grim seem to be the same.


New points playing video at .25 speed because the dude did not want to stay on that page for more than a glance and spent most of the time drooling over power levels and info of the NuMarines.  



That is about all I can see clearly.  I'm off to check out the new spiderman in hopes that it is better than the others.  




New dread 140


Fast changes 

Attack Bikes 35

Bike 25

Inceptor 30

Landspeed 70 

Scout bike 23




Heavy Changes

Centurion Dev 80 

Hellblaster 18 

Pred 90

Stalker 80 

Tech marine gunner 26

Thunderfire cannon 55 

Vendicator 135

Whirlwind 75 


Transport Changes

Drop pod 93

Land Speeder Storm 70

Edited by balordazul
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