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What New 8th Ed Factions Do You Want?


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I want to see more Xenos armies tbh, but I feel any new faction should actually add something to the game rather than just appearing for the sake of it. Each new faction should bring something new rather than just being something very similar to things we already have, like Eldar Corsairs for example. 


With that in mind I'd like to see;



Kroot Mercenaries

Eldar Exodites 

Demiurg (More Space Ogre than Space Dwarves though. Squats suck(ed).) 

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Primaris codex.

Faction stratagems that work different for sub factions by being cheaper if you play them or have a bit different effects

Fix the cover terrain rules, if it has to be by brining in model size and going all abstract, it is still better then trying to mix TLoS and nonTLoS at the same time.

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I want Tau auxiliaries fully fleshed out.


I Want want 1 kroot vehicle, and kroot units.


I want Human auxillaries with a devil fish transport option and similar to genestealer imperial armor loadouts.


I want vespid brood mothers, I want dog men, and other weird species.



I also want Auxiliary suits, Kroot stalker suits for abduction, hunting characters, Vespid suits for area of effect enemy suppression, I want humans to be able to use flightless crisis suits.


Basically I want stuff for every speicis in the tau empire except the tau themselves right now

The only problem with Kroot suits is that they are supposed very anti-tech in many ways. While part of this is design aesthetics of the models I think another part of it is an easy excuse why Kroot don't have access to things like power weapons, grenades, and other advanced Tau gear in the game itself. Even if they showed Kroot the trust they showed other auxiliaries, you'd think they'd have no problems handing out photon grenades. I think I'd personally rather see them with MCs than with vehicles though. Since there really isn't much of a difference between the two now, maybe a MC that can function as an open topped transport. Also do away with the bs that Kroot Merc lists were a secret they kept from the Tau so they couldn't be used with Tau (IG and Eldar were fine tho).


I think for Human Auxiliaries I'd like to see them using outdated Tau gear or converted civilian Tau gear rather than Imperial tech. For instance give them guns that fire Kroot rounds, an Earth Caste loader suit to allow them to carry a heavy weapon on their own, and the vehicle the Fire Caste used before they got the Devil Fish. Things that would make them feel like a sci-fi human fighting force but not the cutting edge stuff from the Tau to show that lack of trust.

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Wasn't there an image floating around out there of a Slaanesh symbol superimposed/combined with an Eldar rune?

I think that pic was a timeline of the Eldar and that rune showed the fall, and other runes showed the factions emerging.

It was initially thought to show all the factions and lines showing relationships but that didn't really make sense from the connections.


I'd like to see more Tau auxillaries, weird aliens.


It's the perfect way to introduce a few micro-factions, a double unit kit with bits to build a leader and maybe a centrepiece monster and you have some fun allies or enough for a small narrative army. They could throw out a few and later develop the popular ones.

We're missing some of the monster-of-the-week fun from the HH books.


But more realistically I think Dark Mechanicus will be really interesting and plastic sisters could be really cool.

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Posted · Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, July 29, 2017 - No reason given
Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, July 29, 2017 - No reason given

- A Chaos Space Marines model line that for once,  isn't older than 80%+ of those you'll find hanging around your local GW store.


- Sisters.


- Actual GW rules & support for the Lost and the Damned/Traitor Guard,  since now even FW is flipping us the giant bird.


- Dark Mech


- Kroot Mercs

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- More Ynnari units

- Slaanesh Faction (Slaanesh Eldar, Daemons + Emperor's Children)

- Dark Mechanicus

- Lost and the Damned

- Tau Auxiliaries

- Bigger Orks (like Ironjawz)


Completely different thing, but I'd like to see more factions in the Horus Heresy and Great Crusade too. An Ullanor Crusade doc with rules for Orks would be really great.

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As well as everything listed so far, I'd kinda like the Farsight enclaves pursued as a separate faction to put a slightly different spin on Tau.

Melee units, as well as ranged, use of older Tau gear that's been modified (X15 assault infantry anyone?), veteran warriors - basically a departure from given Tau doctrines.

Okay, so maybe I just want to see a battered XV15 with sand-wrappings and a katana, but that'd be cool, right?

Edit: oh, and of course, Knight Yeomanry (the stuff below was geared towards a 30k incarnation, but there's no reason they wouldn't survive to 40k)

I came up with some homebrew fluff for 'Yeomanry', household retainer troops. Because Knight Armours are basically archeotech, I liked the idea of them having an elite guard with access to equipment from the same source which would be unavailable to most forces of the same type: hence, their best warriors have power armour.


Coveted for their immense power both by the Expeditionary leaders of the Imperium and the myriad Magos of the Mechanicum, Knight Houses played a vital role in the Great Crusade and the bitter civil war which would follow, with the arrival of their immense armours heralding victory for the Imperium across countless battlefields. Whilst the Knights themselves were undoubtedly the superior forces of any Household, they were not the only military resource counted amongst the Questoris divisions of the mighty Knight Houses.

To fight where their Scions could not, as well as to fulfill martial purposes unsuited to the colossal Knight Armours, most Households deployed a number of retainer forces amongst their ranks, varying in their nature between Households as was warranted by each Knight World’s unique history. Despite the vast gulf between many such Yeomanry regiments, from huge militias drawn from the feudal subjects of some Knight Worlds to elite mercenary forces sworn to individual Knight deployments during the Great Crusade, the bonds of tradition and common technology between Households resulted in many similar formations being observed in kind alongside even the most disparate of Knight forces.


An army using the Questoris Knight Crusade list may select a single Household Paradigm at the cost listed as long as it contains a

single unit with the Yeomanry special rule. Unless otherwise stated the effect listed for each Household Paradigm effect all units with the Yeomanry special rule, and may unlock additional options for certain units which are listed in those units’ profiles.


Accepted with grace or battered into submission, the Household owes its fealty to the Mechanicum, and has much closer ties to the Machine-Cult’s servants than a truly independent Knight Household – at a price. The armies of such Households often feature augmentation and equipment uncommon outside the ranks of their executors, and may maintain aspects of Taghmata Omnissiah forces within their own Yeomary divisions.


The Household has survived the ages to become a powerful lineage, its Knights bearing their glorious history upon resplendent plate, accompanied by disciplined and steadfast Yeomanry as the many Expeditionary Fleets petition for their aid. Afforded independence from the Mechanicum by their prosperity and influence, their proud Scions are aspirational figures for the forces who fight at their behest.


Not all Knight Households find equal fortune in the constant fight for survival which marks the 31st Millenium. Whether due to a slow decline through the bitter ages of the Age of Strife, or tumultuous losses during the Great Crusade, the Household fights for its very survival. For the Household, each and every Knight armour is a vital resource, and those Scions who pilot them are hardened and ruthless, whilst their retainer forces are toughened veterans, though they may be poorly equipped in the eyes of Households who have not faced the same hardships. Glorious battle is all that remains for the Household – either they will gain enough favour from their actions that respite and re-supply may finally be bestowed upon them, or they will die in a final, furious maelstrom.



Whilst the Sacristans of the Knight Households will never be borne into battle within the imposing hulls of the Knight armours they so venerate, for some this reverence is coupled by the urge to accompany the prodigious warmachines into the fires of war, that they might seal wounds which threaten a Knight armour’s structural integrity and return it to the fight once more. For these Sacristans, the Pledge of Militancy places them amongst the warhosts of their Household’s Yemonary, often accompanied by elite Armiger retinues or Servo-Automata thralls as they mend rent adamantium and slay the enemies of mankind with equal fervor.

Where many Sacristans’ time amongst the mysterious orders of the Machine-Cult creates an uncomfortable distance between them and their erstwhile kin, the Sacristans Militant are perhaps the closest of their kind to the Scions whom they serve, the shared blood of their house compeling them not only to mend damaged knights, but to bring ruin to those who would seek to lay such icons of the Omnissiah’s holy wrath low.


Bearing partially powered armour of esoteric design and directed energy weapons that mirror the lightning projectors borne by the constructs of the Mechanicum, the soldiery designated as ‘Armigers’ by the Divisio Militaris can be traced by the heritage of their wargear back to the infantry forces which accompanied the original Knight armours of their Household within the Long March fleets during the Dark Age of Technology. Whatever the provenance of the Household whose colours they bear, the Armigers serve as protective retinues and elite warriors for their Scions, ever vigilant whether they are patrolling the halls of their Knight World’s holdfasts or stemming the tide of enemy infantry so their Knightly superiors might turn their attention to more formidable opponents.

Such warriors are invariably members of the Household for whom they fight, whether they are lesser families bound by blood to their Scions, wards taken into the Household’s ranks from birth or exemplary soldiers inducted into the Household for particular feats of valour. Few in number, Yeomanry Armigers are amongst the best equipped mortal warriors of the Imperium, and when the finest Knights of the Great Crusade strode across the battlefields of the Heresy, Armigers inevitably marched in their wake.



Forming the bulk of most Households’ auxiliary forces, Yeomanry Retainers are deployed when the nature of a warzone necessitates large numbers of infantry forces, or when hordes of enemy infantry might threaten to overwhelm even the most stalwart of Knights. Professional soldiery who have sworn fealty to their Knight Household, the men and women who fight amongst their ranks display huge variance in equipment between Households, but all bear the mark of their liege-lords with pride.


The Destrier Battleframes found within the armouries of Knight Households across the Galaxy’s span are said to possess features in common both with ancient patterns of pre-Unification Dreadnoughts and the ubiquitous Sentinel scout walker STC, and share a similar origin to the Knight armours themselves, although they pale in comparison to such magnificent constructs. Descended from the servo-frames used to deconstruct the Long March void-arks, once the founding settlements of the Knight Worlds had been built, the servo-frames were repurposed to scout the unmapped regions of their new homeworlds, searching for promising resource deposits and patrolling against the strange new threats of such alien planets.

When the true threats of the void were unleashed upon the Knight Worlds amidst the horrors of Old Night, these machines were swiftly retrofitted into weapons of war, as the enclaves of mankind fought desperately to survive so far from Terra. Whilst most of the Battleframes were cannibalized to maintain the ranks of the ailing Knights as the centuries wore on, many Households retain the ability to produce Destriers - basic as they are – and the walkers have maintained a place in the warhosts of the Knight Worlds, serving in small wings to scout ahead of their fearsome Knights, or screening them from lesser foes. Sneered at by many Households as pathetic when compared to Knights, the Destrier Battleframes nevertheless prove useful – allowing aspirants to teste their mettle in battle without risking valuable Knight armours, or in darker circumstances allowing Scions to pursue a noble death in battle avenging the loss of their own Knight.

The Sacristans Martial & Armigers will both have armour similar to the Scions - although more heavy-duty to justify power armour:


*Power armour, servo-arm & power weapon (probably sidearm too)


*Support Unit

*Accompanied by either 'Armiger Retinue' (Same rules as Armiger Detachment pretty much) or Servo-automata, in the same vein to tech-priests

Mechanicum Vassals Option:

*Take a Cortex Controller & gain a unit of Castellax / Vorax / Domitar


* Power armour, ccw, grenades, 'Lightning Jezzail' (Basically a cross between a pike & a Thallax lightning gun - 2 profiles, one 18" assault ranged, one melee)

* Can swap Lightning Jezzail for Boarding Shield & Augmented Weapon

* Statline similar to SA

* Dracosan / Thureos / Rhino transport

Household Ascendant Option:

* Increased unit size max, furious charge, must charge if in range, accept challenges

Fading Dynasty Option:

* Gain increased BS, Toughness, have to exchange Lightning Jezzails for Heavy Stubbers / Maxim Bolters / Heavy Chainsword


* Similar in style to militia, lots of options for wargear (less feeble), start of with decent equipment, can upgrade (no special / heavy weapons troops)

* Dracosan / Thureos / Rhino transport

Mechanicum Vassals Option:

* Swap out Retainer Troops as a unit option for Adsecularis Covenant


* Profile 1/2 between Legion dread & sentinel

* 1 arm starts with Twin-linked Heavy Stubber, can swap for:

- TL Rotor Cannon

- TL Lightning Gun

- TL Heavy flamer

- Reaper Autocannon

- Multi-melta

- Volkite Culverin

- Mauler Boltcannon

* Other arm starts with 'Destrier Chainscythe' (anti-infantry), can swap for:

- Seismic Lance (mini-version of Cerastus lance, but with similarities to Seismic Hammer)

- Artemis Lascutter (inspired by the Cerastus-Atrapos lascutter, shaped like a broadsword)

* May select one of the following 'retrofits'

- Scouting adaptation, increased speed, scout

- Basic Invulnerable save

- Back-mounted 'Balestorm Mortar' (basically Heavy 2 Mortar)

* Support Unit

Mechanicum Vassals Option:

* Effectively turns the Battleframe into an automata, changes behavior but increases resilience

Fading Dynasty Option:

* Increases WS, become scoring unit (Scions taking to the field in Destriers due to shortage of Knight Armours)


I'll come up with some analogue to the SA Tercio rules which allow the above units to be taken in a 'bundle' as a single Troops choice for a Questoris Knight army, with limitations on the ratio of Destriers / Sacristans to Armigers / Retainiers.

Elite / HQ Knights will also be able to select a Destrier Battleframe 'Retinue', but they must select the invulnerable save upgrade

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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Hrud and Demiurge, and basically any interesting Xenos race they can come up with that has an interesting playstyle. Especially Demiurge with some kind of mercenary rule that lets you take detachments alongside other Xenos. I feel like the Imperium has enough stuff at this point, and I want more options for Imperial enemies so every game isn't Imperium vs. Imperium.


Also plastic sisters. I know not a new faction but I feel like sisters fans deserve it after all this time.

Edited by Sawtooth
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Before any new armies I wanna see all current factions get theirs, including codex and models for Sisters. Once that happens, I would like three things:

Tau Auxillaries

Edited by CaptainMarsh
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Non-Forge World Renegades and Heretics/Lost and the Damned. I know they're technically legal but a lot of places still put them under the "Forge World cooties" label and ban 'em.


Dark Mechanicus.


Demiurg would be great just because I'm a huge Dwarf fan.


I wouldn't be opposed to expanding Kroot out into their own standalone army, but knowing GW that would see them being removed from the Tau codex wholesale.

Edited by Lord Marshal
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Obviously lots of demand for renegades/lost and the damned. But if they do that I'd hope to see some Loxatl mercenaries show up in the list and get a kit. They're now pretty firmly established as a race that has a small presence in the Eye, so it would make sense. They could have options to show up in a fair number of lists, such as Exodites and T'au.

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I wouldn't be opposed to expanding Kroot out into their own standalone army, but knowing GW that would see them being removed from the Tau codex wholesale.

I'm actually kind of split with this the way they have the system now, as long as the Tau have no problem taking detachments of Kroot and are considered fluffy to get bonus points.


I played Chaos when they split them into CSM and Daemons and was one of the very POed players stuck using blood letters and horrors as the same generic daemon and I wasn't going to pick up a daemon army as I hated the idea of having an army that was exactly the same as a fantasy army. I believe they might have fixed this before 8th but this was a big reason I stopped playing.


Separate Tau and Kroot codexes would leave space for more Tau units too. As long as they both keep the key words Tau Empire, everything should be good. The only problem would be shelling out for a new codex to carry around, if you only want to use the Kroot you have already and nothing new.

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-Iron Hands getting the Standalone Codex treatment. They weren't really codex compliant up until the abomination that was Codex: Clan Raukaan slapped them in the face and changed their lore. Great excuse for GW to sell more Admech stuff to Space Marine players, if they do it right.


-Existing Admech needs to be fleshed out. Great way to do this would be through kits that can also be used to make Dark Mechanicus options.


-Gue'Vesa and more Tau Auxiliaries.



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A fully fleshed out Legion of the Damned would be my pick. Led by a spectral Ferrus Manus, they could do a couple of dedicated kits, and then do an upgrade kit to flesh out the range. Giant flaming dreads and big ghost rider style bikes would be amazing.
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No better time for enslavers than now. With the way characters and aurabuffing is working, having enslavers keeping within range of the units they are controlling would be amazing. nids are great but I want some serious lovecraftian horror. I am thinking like tomb king style where if you kill off their prime bodies their victims just fall over dead. Whole new range of control powers in the psychic phase too. Where enslavers can attempt to buff their units or issue command style orders. 

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I wanna see proper faction treatment with rules and models for the "classic" Guard Regiments and Ork Clans.

Plastic Steel Legion? Yes please!

And individualised Ork Clans to pit them against? Oh yes!

Anthonian Tunnel Rats!

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