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What New 8th Ed Factions Do You Want?


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There's some interesting ideas here.


I'm struggling to identify any new faction I want. I tend to focus on army themes and play styles (slow and unstoppable, glass cannon, mass bodies, elite focus etc). From that perspective I don't see anything truly missing or aspirational.


I'd much rather have updated models for existing factions.

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I think it's important to think about how new factions would merge into the super-faction meta.


Right now, our super-factions are lopsided. Very, very, very, very, VERY lopsided.


There's the IMPERIUM, comprising over half the game's armies - it's so large it includes a super-faction within itself; the Adeptus Astartes.


So this is why I think Demiurg is a good starting point; not only are they a new faction, they also work as part of a Tau-centred super-faction, along with Kroot and other potential servant races.

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I think it's important to think about how new factions would merge into the super-faction meta.


Right now, our super-factions are lopsided. Very, very, very, very, VERY lopsided.


There's the IMPERIUM, comprising over half the game's armies - it's so large it includes a super-faction within itself; the Adeptus Astartes.


So this is why I think Demiurg is a good starting point; not only are they a new faction, they also work as part of a Tau-centred super-faction, along with Kroot and other potential servant races.



This article kind of illustrates your point. Id definitely like to see a lot more from non-Imperium sources before adding some new Imperium ones.

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Squats would be cool

As would arbiter....even if it's a stretch for an effective army

Lost and the damned. Including Eastman units.

Hive gangs....hey, they'd defend their turf.

A legit inquisitorial battle force.

Ecclesiarchy. Complete with imperial cult fanatics.


But what i would love is wild life (things like grox and ambulls) that behaves randomly on the battlefield battlefield.


Oh and bring back commissariate cadet units ( anyone remember those)

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I agree about the Super-faction angle. The keyword system has made it even easier to visualize the nested circles that make up the current factions.


That said, there's never going to be perfect parity in this regard and striving for it would be destructive. "Necrons" can never and will never be the size of "Imperium," because that's insane. 

Personally, I'd like to see:


Make Lost and the Damned a proper GW faction that wholly replaces R&H. Ditch idiotic rules (randomly generated leadership values that must be noted and kept track of over the course of the entire game,) get a proper model range out there and let them use all of the relevant tanks.


Mercenaries. Kroot are really cool, but I genuinely don't think they're diverse enough to make up a full army. They should be kinda like Tempestus Scions - a list with limited scope and clear focus. Still, there are plenty of other Xenos races out there in the same bucket - there's never going to be a Hrud codex, but a couple of units with a <Mercenary> keyword? Why not? Why not let me put together a whole unit of Sslyth? 


Xenomercs could be a really crazy and diverse chimera of a faction - I'd love to see something like that. 

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I'd like to see a couple things. Since the game seems to be evolving into multiple mega factions, I'd like things to tap into that to help factions that are lacking. Xenos that can ally with anyone (or any xenos army) would be great and could be supported by as few as one dual-assembly kit. Another great option (though I'm sure many would roll their eyes at) imho would be the Chaos Eldar hinted at in the new rulebook, acting as reinforcements for both "Chaos" and "Aeldari" keywords. Even if they make a book of small allied units (human renegades or rogue traders, kroot or other xenos mercs, Eldar pirates, etc) it could add a lot of flexible options to most armies, with a preferred focus on the xenos lists.


And of course bringing back main company support for Renegades and Heretics. That alone brings chaos to a level much closer to imperium for flexibility.

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