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So, after a few weeks of chaos and a couple of days of hard work, the moving is done and I've got my life together. What's better, I now have access to my bits-box and all my stuff:biggrin.:


This is my first two semi-completed terminators. I was a bit worried how the the legs would look together with the terminator torsos, and they were a bit thin at first. Luckily this was remedied by bulking out the greaves a bit with green stuff. It's hard to tell from the pictures but I've smoothed the edges of the armor plates a bit, to give them more of that square, heavy look of terminator legs.

What do you guys think of the heads? These are helmets from the AoS skull crusher kit, sans the bunny ears. I think they look quite cool, but part of me wants to put loyalist terminator heads on them instead, i just love that design.


Autocannon guy. I get the feeling that i need to add something on top of the armor, but i don't want bunny ears on every single guy. Any ideas?


This guy was a bit of a pain to pose, the legs are heavily tilted backwards as the original model has some sort of weird sledge-thrower pose. It's a bit too dynamic for a terminator IMO, but this is the best i could come up with. Also, the stock terminator weapons had to go, horrendous sculpts:dry.:

Also pictured: sloppy GS work on the back of the calves. I couldn't be bothered to put in the work haha


Now, while i respect the input of Kraut and Sagentus, I just had to try this. Man, I'm really torn now...

Thanks for looking, C&C is welcome as always!

Edited by ElDuderino

They look ace. The helmets look really good, and the legs work nicely as well. I think with Chaos Terminators they have that classic profile with the trophy racks and that's why the autocannon dude looks a bit flat. You could try a rack going across the back instead of the normal position perhaps?

Thanks everyone, I'm really glad of the positive response for these guys!

They look ace. The helmets look really good, and the legs work nicely as well. I think with Chaos Terminators they have that classic profile with the trophy racks and that's why the autocannon dude looks a bit flat. You could try a rack going across the back instead of the normal position perhaps?

Thanks man, I'm thinking of cutting some spikes off of the racks and just sticking a few of them up there, we'll see what happens!

I like the AOS helmets better than the bland loyalist ones. As for the autocannon guy, I like him as he is but how about a nice big fat skull from the new skull box?

Yeah it seems like the heads are here to stay, can't go against popular opinion like that:rolleyes: Plus, i don't have any loyalist helms anyways hehe

Wow, these are great. I really like the new legs but I do think the feet need a little fattening up, otherwise he looks great :thumbsup:


I've been thinking of rounding them a bit, but looking at the original feet, they're not really that small anyways. Maybe I'll sand the toes down a bit at least. Thanks for the input!

Those terminators are so cool, please stay with the bloodcrusher helmets, they look badass and defeniely better than a loyalist scum design :tongue.:!

The people has spoken, the helms stay! They look suitably brutal, and it seems like they're recognizable as terminators anyways:)

Those termis look epic! Where you get the heads from? They work so well with the models

As The Traitor said, they're from the Blood Crushers kit. I've got some juggernaut riders on the way too:wink:


This is the newest recruit, straight from the siege of Terra or chaos college, or something. As I said earlier, I'm not a fan of the weapons on the plastic chaos termies, but i just couldn't resist giving this guy a chain axe from the old metal terminators. There's something satisfying about mixing new and old i guess.


The shoulder pad is getting some sort of icon, i think i'll be keeping the crux as a trophy. Maybe the storm bolter need to be chaosified a bit, but i dont want it looking like the obnoxiously large combi bolters from the kit, less is more.


I really like this guy. I was about to add regular shoulder pads but they seemed too weedy, hopefully the backpack is enough to make him look 40k enough.


Some work on removing the boots. These feet will definitely need some GS to make them look like armored space feet:)

Thanks as always, I'll be back with more soon, maybe with some contemptor updates!

That autocannon terminator is amazing, such a cool conversion idea. Might have to steal it someday!


Sorry that I missed you at first, but please, steal away! I think i've stolen like 75% of these guys from someone anyways:biggrin.:

The autocannon Terminator is looking fantastic! I rather like the somewhat sleeker profile and would advise against overcluttering it with trophy racks: I'd rather go for something subtle, so as not to lose the cool silhouette. The other guy appearing alongside him doesn't really work for me, though: The legs are far to skinny, and the composition looks somewhat off as well. The latest Terminator addition is excellent, though! And it goes without saying that I am a huge fan of those Bloodcrusher helmets, having used them on many of my own models as well.


I am still not convinced the Lord needed new legs, but at least the new version doesn't look any worse than the one before -- still, I kinda liked the bitz splicing on the older legs. Oh well...


And I am tempted to agree with Sagentus on the angle of the axe on your latest model: I think it eithe needs to be rotated by 90 degrees counter-clockwise, so it faces outwards, or about 180 degrees, so it's facing upwards. Otherwise, he wouldn't really be hitting anything with the axe when taking a swing ;)


Promising work indeed! Keep going! :)

They look epic ... I'm not sure on the angle of the axe on the last one, I woud twist it so it is in lihe with both his hands 


The autocannon Terminator is looking fantastic! I rather like the somewhat sleeker profile and would advise against overcluttering it with trophy racks: I'd rather go for something subtle, so as not to lose the cool silhouette. The other guy appearing alongside him doesn't really work for me, though: The legs are far to skinny, and the composition looks somewhat off as well. The latest Terminator addition is excellent, though! And it goes without saying that I am a huge fan of those Bloodcrusher helmets, having used them on many of my own models as well.


I am still not convinced the Lord needed new legs, but at least the new version doesn't look any worse than the one before -- still, I kinda liked the bitz splicing on the older legs. Oh well...


And I am tempted to agree with Sagentus on the angle of the axe on your latest model: I think it eithe needs to be rotated by 90 degrees counter-clockwise, so it faces outwards, or about 180 degrees, so it's facing upwards. Otherwise, he wouldn't really be hitting anything with the axe when taking a swing :wink:


Promising work indeed! Keep going! :smile.:


About that axe... My thinking is that he's keeping his axe at rest, looking for a carnifex or some other creature large enough to justify his ridiculously large axe. I tried rotating it a bit be he looks really unbalanced like that. Thanks for the input guys, i see what you're saying but i just like him too much like he is:)


As for termie number 2, sir not-as-popular-as-AC-guy, I agree on all points, there's something off with him. I'll try posing him more like he's running to his left, instead of doing a pirouette while firing a bolter and waving an axe. Nor sure what i was thinking actually:biggrin.: Those legs are quite difficult to do anything with t.b.h.


I think with the newest guy, a holstered bolt pistol would just add a second touch, along with the backpack, to really cement him as a 40k model. Just an idea, I love the mini though.


The guy with the huge axe is looking great, I agree that a holtered bolt pistol would fit quite nicely. Also I would sculpt greaves over the boots, that also helps :wink:!


Funny that you say it. I've already added a holster to him! Great minds think alike and all of that:) Armored feet are coming too, not the most fun thing to do so i'll add it when i have some GS over from something. I'm glad that you both like him!



Cool termies! What kind of helmets are those?


Thanks! They're from the the scull crusher kit, it contains all sorts of cool Khornate bits. Oh and some juggernauts too hehe



I'm afraid i've failed on my obligations, as i've spent the weekend drinking beer instead of getting anything done. I'l try to get some work done tonight though!

Hey, sorry for taking a while, I've been getting some things done but nothing worth showing until now!



After much agonizing I've finally settled on a head for my dread. I was about to order some hellbrute heads but i figured i might as well try to make my own first and save back or two. Not to shabby if i can toot my own horn a bit. I ripped the head from an old converion that i wasn't really feeling anymore, i remember being really happy with the teeth on the skull so it's a bit of a shame to cover it with the contemptor front plate:ermm:



Speaking of teeth, i tried sculpting some spiky toothy trim onto the sarcophagus. It obviously need a bit of cleaning but i'm happy with the results so far. I get the feeling they'll break off easily though, any ideas to sturdy them up a bit? Super glue from below is my best bet so far.

All in all i really enjoy working on this model, even though it's really slow work. I'm using it as training for my knight titan, which at this rate probably wont be finished this century. Oh well:whistling:


I also tore Mr Jumpy apart in an attempt to get some of the ballerina vibe out of his pose, he's got more of a charge going on now. He looked more like a howling banshee than a terminator before:biggrin.:

As always, thanks for looking and any constructive criticism and suggestions are highly welcome

Edited by ElDuderino

That contemptor looks ace! the helmet/skull works reallt well and the front plate looks simple but effective. will you be putting more trim on the chest plate or keep it simple and add some skulls? 


The repose on that termi looks great too! 

Thanks guys!


I'm not sure about the front plate actually, I want it kinda clean, not too much clutter and stuff. Maybe some skulls on chains somewhere, seems like a must:) I also want to add pyramid shaped spikes, like on the sons of horus contemptor, i really like that look and i was about to order one of those dreads before the plastic contemptor came out.


And Sagentus, don't worry mate, more is coming!

I always found Hathis' contemptors to be good inspiration. I think The Traitor is onto something there with extending the symbol of Khorne a bit 



Edited by Sagentus

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