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Junk Dwellers: Chaos Space Marine Army


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Hello everyone.


I "played" 40k back when I was a little boy. Well, I didn't really play it. I just bought the figures, glued them together and sometimes painted them badly. Living in a small village in germany meant that I never had the chance to play the game und so I stopped. But now. Around 10 years later: I got a job, moved to the big city and found a games workshop store.

Now I took my old miniatures and started painting again!


Thsese are my first painted miniatures after 10 years and I'm having lots of fun :D



So I always loved the Iron Warriors but the metallic was not really what I was looking for so I decided to go for my own legion.


They are called the Junk Dwellers, a splinter group of the Iron Warriors. Originally they were more or less a small group of marines that scavanged the battlefields after the Iron Warriors had a confrontation so the old tanks and power armors of fallen Warriors could be used anew. But after years of scavanging and building a respectable armory they decided to fight their own battles.

They painted their silver metal armor grey and called themself the Junk Dwellers.





These are the first 6 guys I painted and slightly modified. Carved off the horns; extended one of the barrels and gave one of them a pipe on his head.


My goal is to create a chaos army that has kind of an ork / Iron Warriors feeling. After I finished this 15 man squad I still have an unpained Predator and a few bikers laying around. I think I'll buy a few plastic cards and maybe even ork bits and stuff to let the tank look like it was fixed with junk from an old battlefield.



I'm excited to get back into the hobby and finally play with my own army in the near future :D

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Welcome to the forums. I like these and the little back story you have going for them. They look nice and gritty, but plenty of colour which is cool.


1 things I would suggest is drilling your barrels. It's one of those things you will end up doing one day and curse yourself for not doing it sooner. I know I did ;)

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Thank you two for the warm welcome.


Yeah, already had my eyes on one of those drills, but after getting colors and everything my budget for this month is gone. First thing next month: Getting a drill. Thanks for the input! :thumbsup:

Edited by OrganicGear
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Very nice, but then I'm a fan of "junk" armies (having one myself)


The yellow is wonderfully dirty and bold. The only thing I'd think might help would be to junk them up a bit more during the build. The paint scheme says scavenger but the models are fairly standard. You might try mixing and matching pieces from other fantasy chaos and Imperial space marine kits?

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