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I don't know. Fall of Cadia doesn't inspire hope from the previews. The writing is fan-fiction quality. I don't understand why the studio doesn't try harder to write better stories.


That may be because they think they write good stories. Nobody ever set-out with intention of making things deliberatly bad.


And may I ask what kind of previews are you refering to? I was unaware anyone released anything relating to the story of Fall of Cadia.

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A part of it may just be that they have a different view when they write. GW main focus is selling models, and right now the models they will release are Imperials. So apart from Abaddon tearing through Cadia, I think the main focus will be on the Imperial side, with a few side notes.


I hope that Cadia will fall, I´v been dreaming about that for years, the heretic that I am. But I don´t think this will happen until Abaddon or Black legion get a few new models.


But on to the Black Legion and not the new GW release.


In regards to the question of brotherhood in the Black legion. I think what unite most of them is just the thought of winning, everyone may have a different reason for that, some for revenge others for the pantheon. But they all make war together for the possibility of walking on Terran soil again and Abaddon offer them the best odds of that happening.


Which now that I think about it, is what are most similar between the Sons of Horus and the Black Legion. Where other legions had to win with certain aspect of war, kill count, fear or just the sheer perfection of it. The Sons of Horus just wanted to win, and that it´s something that the Black Legion inherited.

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I think the thing that makes the Black Legion's brotherhood is their struggle for the vision that Mortarion articulated; a Galaxy where the strong aren't shackled, and are free to shape the future of their species.

That's a vision of eternal conflict. Cause till only 1 living organism left in the galaxy - where would be one stronger than strongest. 

Until galaxy lights are flicked out - where always be a war for position and ruling inside the BL and other Chaos and Imperium forces etc. 

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And ironies of ironies, the vision of Mortarion of false for both sides of conflict. The strong of the Imperium are shackled by the fear of treachery and shame of the past. The strong of the traitors are shackled by their dark patrons.


The idea of freedom for the strong has become a delusion, thanks to actions of those that fought for it.

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One thing not explained yet is why Abaddon went full-Chaos (naturally taking the Black Legion with him). If you believe the characterization in Talon of Horus he generally displays contempt for the cult legions and denigrates Horus for selling out humanity, yet not so long afterwards he's seeking out Drachnyen and selling his soul for Chaos marks.
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Aren't the Chaos gods far worse tyrants than the hated Emperor ever was? If the Emperor has to go because of that how does he expect to escape Chaos after the Emperor's corpse lies at his feet?


Worse tyrants? I dont know if I would agree.


One has disposed of loyal servants before, a means to an end.

The other, as long as they keep getting what they need, would be happy to have him continue forever.

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They aren't tyrants so much as unrestricted ways of life, so to speak. They allow you to do what you want, to live up to your passions. All they ask is for you to offer them a cut of the spoils. They aren't leaders so much as they are promises. It's a system where there are no rules, and your strength is all you can rely on.
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Exactly. The Emperor, however powerful he might have been, was a tangible entity whose orders and doctrines weren't necessarily anything that Abaddon subscribed to. Abaddon had to march to his whim: travel there, campaign there, fight there, kill there. Chaos is, at best, a spiritual master and Abaddon can always argue (correctly or incorrectly depends on how one interprets the setting) that if one is strong enough he can resist its lure and follow his own whims.

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Exactly. The Emperor, however powerful he might have been, was a tangible entity whose orders and doctrines weren't necessarily anything that Abaddon subscribed to. Abaddon had to march to his whim: travel there, campaign there, fight there, kill there. Chaos is, at best, a spiritual master and Abaddon can always argue (correctly or incorrectly depends on how one interprets the setting) that if one is strong enough he can resist its lure and follow his own whims.

Also add to that eternal coflict with Chaos Gods to reject daemonhood - cause he wouldn't be able to 'had to march to his whim: travel there, campaign there, fight there, kill there' freely 

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Exactly. The Emperor, however powerful he might have been, was a tangible entity whose orders and doctrines weren't necessarily anything that Abaddon subscribed to. Abaddon had to march to his whim: travel there, campaign there, fight there, kill there. Chaos is, at best, a spiritual master and Abaddon can always argue (correctly or incorrectly depends on how one interprets the setting) that if one is strong enough he can resist its lure and follow his own whims.

Resist its lure? I'm not so sure he's doing that. He's doing crazy things like ordering his human crew to have their eyes gouged out because he's too awesome a person for them to see.  That's totally a Chaos thing to do. Besides, once you take a Mark your freedom is over. You can have the illusion of freedom, of course, the Chaos Gods usually don't interfere with success, but if they want him to do something he'll do it or get turned into a spawn right then and there, as many other Chaos Champions have found to their horror. For example, I guarantee the Chaos Gods will demand he sacrifice humanity to them the moment he succeeds in conquering the Imperium (which for practical purposes means conquering Terra). His previous statement that Horus would have been wrong to do so notwithstanding I'm certain Abaddon will comply. Not just because of the unspoken threat of spawndom, but because he's so morally corrupt he's just another Chaos tool no matter how highly he thinks of himself.

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That's one thing we haven't seen thus far: to what extent resisting the Ruinous Powers taxes Abaddon's time and willpower.




As silly as this might sound, I think there is a difference between being an absolutely despicable, megalomaniacal, narcissistic warlord with no real regard for human life and is that way of their own volition and someone who is that way because the psychic and spiritual influence of Chaos shaped their person. I could be completely wrong, but I view Abaddon as his own man. He is someone who got his four Marks of Chaos because each of the Ruinous Powers is really keen to get him on their specific side. By contrast, virtually every other Chaos Space Marine with a Mark of Chaos had to sacrifice something - his sanity, his physical form, whatever - to earn the benefits he got.

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Frankly, Abaddon might be instituting the eye removal for the same reasons the EC did it during the heresy - to stop the menials going doolally

It may have that effect, but the passage I recall specifically stated that the reason for blinding them was because they weren't fit to gaze upon his exalted self, only Astartes were permitted that privilege.

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Presumably there'll be a Horus book in the primarch series. Given how closely linked he is to the black legion, and we're going to see a lot about Chtonia etc will you have much imput into it ADB?

I think that one should be done by French. His audio 'Warmaster' had a great insight into Horus

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Frankly, Abaddon might be instituting the eye removal for the same reasons the EC did it during the heresy - to stop the menials going doolally

It may have that effect, but the passage I recall specifically stated that the reason for blinding them was because they weren't fit to gaze upon his exalted self, only Astartes were permitted that privilege.



There's nothing to say that was an edict that came from Abaddon himself. All that is needed is for a BL lieutenant or ship's captain to think 'this will win me favour' and order his warriors to blind his menials or kill those that gaze up the warmaster. And then it catches on.

Certainly in the one bit of background that depicted this, the berzerker that beheaded the menial who looked at Abaddon as he passed immediately held the head up to show his lord. Abaddon just kept walking.


Something like the blinding of mortal serfs is far, far beneath Abaddon's concerns, if he even noticed.


EDIT: It's a bit like Khayon and the shipboard beastmen in ToH or Fabius Bile and the mutant clans in Primogenitor. They really couldn't care less what these wretches do, even if they do it in veneration of their CSM masters, as long as they do their job.

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What source is this whole eye-gouge thing from?


A small codex-inset style bit of fiction from around 3rd ed., featuring Abaddon on the bridge of the Planet Killer. Can't recall exactly where I read it, might be from the old Eye of Terror codex or maybe the Battlefleet Gothic rulebook?

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