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Trust me, they know.

ADB - Would you be able say how soon BL are looking at releasing stories set in the GS period? With Khayon's current circumstances on Terra, you're probably the author whose work is the 'closest' to these new events.


The upcoming Devistation of Baal novel which is re-launching the SMB line occures during the GS timeline... who knows how much detail (if any) it will touch upon re GS as the novel appears to mainly focus on Baal and the impending doom that Hive Fleet Leviathan presents, but i'd say it's a safe assumption to make that within the next year or so there could very well be other titles picking up this trend.


Checking whats coming soon via Amazon lists 2 which really stick out and are set on Holy Terra, The Carrion Throne & The Emperor's Legion...we may see further touches upon the GS in these too.


Exciting times to be a fan of the fiction that supports the table top gaming side of things!! :-)


A bit to happy about exciting times? From 3 GS books haven't seen anything 'exciting' so far.

As for the impending doom of Devastation of Baal - it would be saved in the last moment by some miracle (cough SM 2.0 cough)


Haha, hell yeah it's time to be happy for fan's of Black Library output! I get it re GS, i really do... it's been delivered at the same pace in which a child handles their Christmas present opening, one massibly big uncontrolled BANG, and then the novelty wears off. BUT we do have timeline & setting progression and plenty new opportunities for those who love tabletop gaming to get some new models, give em a lick of paint and roll the dice. For those of us who thrive on the detail and serious meat and potatoes of the "story" we will have to be patient for a while and let Black Library comission books that really do matter. ADB's Black Lrgion series has SO much ground to cover that he could write a further 9 novels and still be no closer to covering the events of GS... but eventually it makes logical sense that if someone, anyone was going to handle the Chaos side of the GS and make it all make sense it's ADB and maybe a few heretical others (I'm looking at you Reynolds!).


As for the aforementioned comments re Khayon I always assumed that the Inquisiton had him as far away from Terra as humanly possible... we know his opinion, or cetrainly that presented to the reader is that he is exactly where his Warmaster needs him to be, but surly the Inquisition can't be that off their head crazy to hold him on Terra itself! Who knows...

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I wonder if we'll see Ruven from the Nightlords books pop up at any stage. It might be interesting to get a different perspective on the character.


Then again I think he was a later convert to the legion and the main character fulfils similar role, so its unlikely to happen anytime soon.

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Nowadays Emperor Champions are just fooder.

When was the last time one actually killed an enemy champion? Siege of Terra it seems.

The 1st one.

Yeap. Boys for the beating. And if by some miracle they do slew a big bad guy it happens only then some help from behind always arrive. Or Cypher :)



I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



Aww, come on dude. That's a killer tease. Killer


And thus Khayon is dead by book 12 of GS :)

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HeritorA what makes you so sure he is writing another HH entry and another 40k alongside the 3rd black legion book?

He signed another NDA not long ago (3-4 weeks ago) - so yeah, that's another book presumably.


That NDA was unrelated to books. 



I bet that you made sure of that.


Ha! Naw, but... it's complicated.




Trust me, they know.

ADB - Would you be able say how soon BL are looking at releasing stories set in the GS period? With Khayon's current circumstances on Terra, you're probably the author whose work is the 'closest' to these new events.


No idea! Not my circus, not my monkeys.





I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



I know you are probably in no position to answer this, but since a lot of us are baffled by this I want to ask: Why the team decided to ignore some of the greatest bits from the Talon (e.g. the golden eyes)? Was their vision of Abaddon different from yours? Did they meant to portray the events from the Imperium's POW? Or was it something else entirely.


It's complicated.

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HeritorA what makes you so sure he is writing another HH entry and another 40k alongside the 3rd black legion book?

He signed another NDA not long ago (3-4 weeks ago) - so yeah, that's another book presumably.


That NDA was unrelated to books. 



I bet that you made sure of that.


Ha! Naw, but... it's complicated.




Trust me, they know.

ADB - Would you be able say how soon BL are looking at releasing stories set in the GS period? With Khayon's current circumstances on Terra, you're probably the author whose work is the 'closest' to these new events.


No idea! Not my circus, not my monkeys.





I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



I know you are probably in no position to answer this, but since a lot of us are baffled by this I want to ask: Why the team decided to ignore some of the greatest bits from the Talon (e.g. the golden eyes)? Was their vision of Abaddon different from yours? Did they meant to portray the events from the Imperium's POW? Or was it something else entirely.


It's complicated.


Wowsers. Thanks for your answers. Tell us you at least still fond of killing bad guys in the novels too :)

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We need a web comic of 'Not my circus, not my monkeys'.


I don't mean it in a pejorative sense. There are some authors that write tie-ins for "current events", and others who don't touch that angle. I tend to fall into the latter category, which means I know (and in all honesty, care) very little about the schedule for the former. I don't know what current event jazz people are writing. It's irrelevant to me, etc. so I don't ask.


(Bear in mind, we don't all talk all the time. I mostly talk to Dan and John, so I know what they're writing 100% of the time, but not much else.)


I'm NDA'd to the moon and back, so I know a lot of what's coming in the setting - I've known a lot of it for months/years in some cases. But that's unrelated to the BL schedule or what other peeps are writing.


One of the other guys did say he's writing "an invoice with a novel attached to it" in terms of upcoming "current" stuff (which was so honest and adorable that I literally giggled), so I'm sure there'll be stuff for the hungry readership soon enough. 


I'm writing about the Emperor's Spears right now. There's a Heresy meeting "at some point in 2017" which I was invited to. Other than those two facts, I have no idea what the future holds. The last couple of years have taught everyone not to take anything for granted.

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I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



I know you are probably in no position to answer this, but since a lot of us are baffled by this I want to ask: Why the team decided to ignore some of the greatest bits from the Talon (e.g. the golden eyes)? Was their vision of Abaddon different from yours? Did they meant to portray the events from the Imperium's POW? Or was it something else entirely.


It's complicated.



Okay, how many skulls/illnesses/magic tricks/bottles of wine would theoretically convince you to elaborate on that? :D

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I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



I know you are probably in no position to answer this, but since a lot of us are baffled by this I want to ask: Why the team decided to ignore some of the greatest bits from the Talon (e.g. the golden eyes)? Was their vision of Abaddon different from yours? Did they meant to portray the events from the Imperium's POW? Or was it something else entirely.


It's complicated.



Okay, how many skulls/illnesses/magic tricks/bottles of wine would theoretically convince you to elaborate on that? :biggrin.:


I honestly don't know how to elaborate on it between what would be speculation; what was told to me in confidence; and so on. I could explain everything I know about the situation and no one here would be closer to an objective truth - ultimately because there's no One Authority in charge of a definitive answer.


Do you like my Black Legion in the novel series? That's the Black Legion. Do you like Matthew's Black Legion in GS1? That's the Black Legion, too. No wrong answers. It's all good.

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Looking forward to reading about Telemachon, and then later the Blood Angels, and if somehow the Mechanicum at large get involved in the elements of the Black Crusades we focus on ill have my 'holy trinity' of awesome 40k things.

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I loved the Khayon we saw in Unchanged - dramatic, over-the-top, even. It's great to see Aaron and John's relationship in real life feed into their writing. Although - even though he was a foot captain during the Battle - I was sad to not see Khayon name-checked in Inferno (nor the Space Wolf he killed - that would be a nice cameo!).

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Hmm. Well, I just think it would be a shame if Khayon does not feature outside the Black Legion series. He has a great deal of narrative potential in any scenario, especially in something as pivotal and galaxy-altering as the Gathering Storm.


The flip side is that the BL supplement and GS characters likely won't ever appear in the novel series.


It's worth bearing in mind that The Gathering Storm is just that: a gathering storm. It isn't "the new setting". It's not like the Horus Heresy, which spanned years and involved the whole galaxy. It's hard to set anything in GS1-3, because that's a very short space of time, involving very few characters.

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I think that aspect of Gathering Storm was lost on many of us, and even now the talk of End Times just won't die.  That being said, the reduced role of BL after Lord Guilliman's resurrection/revival/wake up call seems to be hinting at a new direction for Abaddon and Co.  I for one am looking forward to a bit more backstory on the Despoiler going forward, as his rise to power strikes me as separate and in some ways oppositional to Horus'.  I have a feeling that this disparity will have a significant impact on how Abaddon plans to compensate for his first true nemesis in many millennia.  :wink:

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I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



I know you are probably in no position to answer this, but since a lot of us are baffled by this I want to ask: Why the team decided to ignore some of the greatest bits from the Talon (e.g. the golden eyes)? Was their vision of Abaddon different from yours? Did they meant to portray the events from the Imperium's POW? Or was it something else entirely.


It's complicated.



Okay, how many skulls/illnesses/magic tricks/bottles of wine would theoretically convince you to elaborate on that? :biggrin.:


I honestly don't know how to elaborate on it between what would be speculation; what was told to me in confidence; and so on. I could explain everything I know about the situation and no one here would be closer to an objective truth - ultimately because there's no One Authority in charge of a definitive answer.


Do you like my Black Legion in the novel series? That's the Black Legion. Do you like Matthew's Black Legion in GS1? That's the Black Legion, too. No wrong answers. It's all good.


But if we all like yours better? :wacko.:


I loved the Khayon we saw in Unchanged - dramatic, over-the-top, even. It's great to see Aaron and John's relationship in real life feed into their writing. Although - even though he was a foot captain during the Battle - I was sad to not see Khayon name-checked in Inferno (nor the Space Wolf he killed - that would be a nice cameo!).

Yeap - sadly there was a lot of missed opportunities where. And strangely they changed Hathor Maat and Auramagma battle charge a bit (retconned  the flow).



I think that aspect of Gathering Storm was lost on many of us, and even now the talk of End Times just won't die.  That being said, the reduced role of BL after Lord Guilliman's resurrection/revival/wake up call seems to be hinting at a new direction for Abaddon and Co.  I for one am looking forward to a bit more backstory on the Despoiler going forward, as his rise to power strikes me as separate and in some ways oppositional to Horus'.  I have a feeling that this disparity will have a significant impact on how Abaddon plans to compensate for his first true nemesis in many millennia.  :wink:

The point is - we know that it's not the End of Times as in WFB, so that's why partly a lot of critic

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Hmm. Well, I just think it would be a shame if Khayon does not feature outside the Black Legion series. He has a great deal of narrative potential in any scenario, especially in something as pivotal and galaxy-altering as the Gathering Storm.

The flip side is that the BL supplement and GS characters likely won't ever appear in the novel series.


It's worth bearing in mind that The Gathering Storm is just that: a gathering storm. It isn't "the new setting". It's not like the Horus Heresy, which spanned years and involved the whole galaxy. It's hard to set anything in GS1-3, because that's a very short space of time, involving very few characters.

Copy that. It's certainly not my intention to be doom-and-gloom about Gathering Storm or discuss it as a new setting. I just personally see a large overlap between the shifting tides brought about by G.S. and Khayon's time on Terra. I can only imagine the intrigue of a conversation between him and Guilliman himself.

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I honestly don't know how to elaborate on it between what would be speculation; what was told to me in confidence; and so on. I could explain everything I know about the situation and no one here would be closer to an objective truth - ultimately because there's no One Authority in charge of a definitive answer.





Do you like my Black Legion in the novel series? That's the Black Legion. Do you like Matthew's Black Legion in GS1? That's the Black Legion, too. No wrong answers. It's all good.



Well you could post your personal opinion on the matter. We are on the discussion board after all. I know you are in precarious position because a lot of people tend to view your opinions as "the truth" or as "what the official policy is", so I totally get if you want to let the matter lie.


Thanks for confirming my guess on the author of GS1 though, I felt it was his writing style when I read the book.

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I honestly don't know how to elaborate on it between what would be speculation; what was told to me in confidence; and so on. I could explain everything I know about the situation and no one here would be closer to an objective truth - ultimately because there's no One Authority in charge of a definitive answer.





Do you like my Black Legion in the novel series? That's the Black Legion. Do you like Matthew's Black Legion in GS1? That's the Black Legion, too. No wrong answers. It's all good.



Well you could post your personal opinion on the matter. We are on the discussion board after all. I know you are in precarious position because a lot of people tend to view your opinions as "the truth" or as "what the official policy is", so I totally get if you want to let the matter lie.


Thanks for confirming my guess on the author of GS1 though, I felt it was his writing style when I read the book.



matthew ****? for all the dull internet drama that surrounds him, i thought he did a great job with WHFB end times


andy clark did book 3 though?

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I'm NDA'd to the moon and back, 



So the NDA covers Luna and Terra. What happens next on Mars?


It is destroyed by orks but mighty Buirlliman invent a time machine goes back in time, saves the planet. After that successful experiment he runs back to 30k HH kills his old self and run to Terra to save his Father. After that HH never ended and border battles still being fought in W40K. :whistling:

Future of W40K :teehee:

Everything else novels included retconned :teehee:




Thanks for confirming my guess on the author of GS1 though, I felt it was his writing style when I read the book.



It was clear after the first chapter, lol. You can't miss his 'writing' :teehee:

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I honestly don't know how to elaborate on it between what would be speculation; what was told to me in confidence; and so on. I could explain everything I know about the situation and no one here would be closer to an objective truth - ultimately because there's no One Authority in charge of a definitive answer.





Do you like my Black Legion in the novel series? That's the Black Legion. Do you like Matthew's Black Legion in GS1? That's the Black Legion, too. No wrong answers. It's all good.



Well you could post your personal opinion on the matter. We are on the discussion board after all. I know you are in precarious position because a lot of people tend to view your opinions as "the truth" or as "what the official policy is", so I totally get if you want to let the matter lie.


Thanks for confirming my guess on the author of GS1 though, I felt it was his writing style when I read the book.



matthew ****? for all the dull internet drama that surrounds him, i thought he did a great job with WHFB end times


andy clark did book 3 though?


Don't know. The Black Legion / Chaos are portrayed in a similar light across all three GS books, which is what matters more than who wrote individual parts. I know it's been said in public a few times now that Matthew did X, Y, and Z, so I'm not breaking into the vault of secrets, there.


My talks with him in the last year or so have been among the most enlightening and enjoyable exchanges I've had behind the scenes. He's a very insightful guy, and I often think it's a shame he was mostly around in the period when GW closed its borders, the devs went silent, and WD was awful, etc. One of the best things about Ye Olde Dayes was how accessible guys like Andy Chambers and Gav Thorpe felt to us, even on the pages of White Dwarf. The years of silence did no one any favours, changing the perception of the company in a lot of ways I'm sure we all recognised.


Anyway, there's plainly stuff in this I can't go into detail about, and I'd rather not see this thread devolve into calling Matthew names or ascribing malice to anyone's actions. Suffice to say, it's just like the old days of BL in some ways: The Ultramarines novels' events barely got mentioned in their codices, the Blood Angels codex famously never mentioned any of the that novel series' stuff, and so on. Sometimes it is what it is. But it's worth mentioning that GS isn't the whole story. Like I said, it's just a short span of time with very few characters involved. 

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