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Don't know. The Black Legion / Chaos are portrayed in a similar light across all three GS books, which is what matters more than who wrote individual parts.

Probably, yes. Thing is, it didn't feel really good to me.


GS 1 probably was the worst offender, sincerely. The battle for Kasr X was... concerning. Hounds of Abaddon and World Eaters leading the charge supported by Word Bearers summonings and Iron Warriors' artillery. One dimensional portrayal of Chaos' subfactions to the max.


Abaddon committing himself like a total idiot when he is supposed to be the executionner's axe, tempered by an eternity of warfare and struggle in litteral hell.


I won't talk about it anymore for I don't want to dwell on what I frankly dislike and I'd rather have this thread be a place for positive discussions on an upcoming book many people look forward to. But damn. GS was a painful read.

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Abaddon committing himself like a total idiot when he is supposed to be the executionner's axe, tempered by an eternity of warfare and struggle in litteral hell.


Or just a few decades. Why people assume that time is consistently slowed down in the Eye of Terror? It's stuff of the Warp. It has no obligation to be consistent in how it affects time.


And to be frank, warfare and struggle against whom? Black Legion has been consistently portrayed as the most powerful Chaos force around. Abby doesn't have peer opponents in the Eye. He would not be capable of challenging the Imperium if he did.

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Don't know. The Black Legion / Chaos are portrayed in a similar light across all three GS books, which is what matters more than who wrote individual parts. I know it's been said in public a few times now that Matthew did X, Y, and Z, so I'm not breaking into the vault of secrets, there.


My talks with him in the last year or so have been among the most enlightening and enjoyable exchanges I've had behind the scenes. He's a very insightful guy, and I often think it's a shame he was mostly around in the period when GW closed its borders, the devs went silent, and WD was awful, etc. One of the best things about Ye Olde Dayes was how accessible guys like Andy Chambers and Gav Thorpe felt to us, even on the pages of White Dwarf. The years of silence did no one any favours, changing the perception of the company in a lot of ways I'm sure we all recognised.


Anyway, there's plainly stuff in this I can't go into detail about, and I'd rather not see this thread devolve into calling Matthew names or ascribing malice to anyone's actions. Suffice to say, it's just like the old days of BL in some ways: The Ultramarines novels' events barely got mentioned in their codices, the Blood Angels codex famously never mentioned any of the that novel series' stuff, and so on. Sometimes it is what it is. But it's worth mentioning that GS isn't the whole story. Like I said, it's just a short span of time with very few characters involved. 



Well, the name calling-doesn't have to be a negative thing, you are the the prominent member of the Bald Bards of Steel after all. :) I just want to emphasize that I don't mean to bad-mouth him in any way. I might disagree with some of his views on the lore (an I might find some aspects of his writing style not to my taste), but I can safely bet that would be the case with any of the fellow forum members. And I certainly agree that him having his own voice online would certainly help him a great deal back then. After all, when I red some of your stuff I was baffled at first, but having your explanation/opinion a few clicks away was immensely helpful (and what is more important - we didn't had to rely on the pure speculation).

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And to be frank, warfare and struggle against whom? Black Legion has been consistently portrayed as the most powerful Chaos force around. Abby doesn't have peer opponents in the Eye. He would not be capable of challenging the Imperium if he did.


You don't become the most powerful in the Eye by waiting your turn. Ergo warfare and struggle.

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Abaddon committing himself like a total idiot when he is supposed to be the executionner's axe, tempered by an eternity of warfare and struggle in litteral hell.


Or just a few decades. Why people assume that time is consistently slowed down in the Eye of Terror? It's stuff of the Warp. It has no obligation to be consistent in how it affects time.


And to be frank, warfare and struggle against whom? Black Legion has been consistently portrayed as the most powerful Chaos force around. Abby doesn't have peer opponents in the Eye. He would not be capable of challenging the Imperium if he did.



I think there's dimensions to that, it's not as simple as Abaddon can and will beat everyone he encounters no problem. I think, in my head at least, that his resources exceed any other and the manpower he can bring to bear is great but Chaos forces can outmanuver and outsmart him like any Chaos warlord, the Eye of Terror is vast and the variables for any one fight countless. If he was the only true champion then the other legions wouldn't exist at all, they would be absorbed or destroyed completely.


On an individual warband level, i'd rather fight the Black Legion then any of the Cult Legions, it's when all the Black Legion comes together that they are night unstoppable.

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And to be frank, warfare and struggle against whom? Black Legion has been consistently portrayed as the most powerful Chaos force around. Abby doesn't have peer opponents in the Eye. He would not be capable of challenging the Imperium if he did.


You don't become the most powerful in the Eye by waiting your turn. Ergo warfare and struggle.



You become the most powerful in the Eye by having most forces and power.


The "There is constant and eternal warfare in the Eye" line of argument falls flat also, when one considers how warfare works.

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And to be frank, warfare and struggle against whom? Black Legion has been consistently portrayed as the most powerful Chaos force around. Abby doesn't have peer opponents in the Eye. He would not be capable of challenging the Imperium if he did.


You don't become the most powerful in the Eye by waiting your turn. Ergo warfare and struggle.



You become the most powerful in the Eye by having most forces and power.


The "There is constant and eternal warfare in the Eye" line of argument falls flat also, when one considers how warfare work.

So, you imply that since its very inception, the Black Legion had more forces and power than anyone in the Eye ? There wasn't any conquest of power, great opponents to overcome and battles to win in order to impose the Black Legion as the biggest power in the Eye ?


Eternal warfare in the Eye is a thing. Daemons wage eternal wars against each other and other denizens of the Eye because that's what they do. There are ways and places relatively safe from it, but nonetheless, warfare works with different rules in the Eye.

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And to be frank, warfare and struggle against whom? Black Legion has been consistently portrayed as the most powerful Chaos force around. Abby doesn't have peer opponents in the Eye. He would not be capable of challenging the Imperium if he did.



You don't become the most powerful in the Eye by waiting your turn. Ergo warfare and struggle.


You become the most powerful in the Eye by having most forces and power.


The "There is constant and eternal warfare in the Eye" line of argument falls flat also, when one considers how warfare works.

Khayon himself notes that the idea that the Black Legion was always unstoppable is nonsense. Abaddon most likely took in the remainder of the SoH, sure, but that's not enough to make them the strongest. The SoH were broken on a deeper level than any of their brethren save perhaps the Night Lords and maybe the Alpha Legion.

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And to be frank, warfare and struggle against whom? Black Legion has been consistently portrayed as the most powerful Chaos force around. Abby doesn't have peer opponents in the Eye. He would not be capable of challenging the Imperium if he did.


You don't become the most powerful in the Eye by waiting your turn. Ergo warfare and struggle.


You become the most powerful in the Eye by having most forces and power.


The "There is constant and eternal warfare in the Eye" line of argument falls flat also, when one considers how warfare works.

Khayon himself notes that the idea that the Black Legion was always unstoppable is nonsense. Abaddon most likely took in the remainder of the SoH, sure, but that's not enough to make them the strongest. The SoH were broken on a deeper level than any of their brethren save perhaps the Night Lords and maybe the Alpha Legion.


Indeed. Abaddon get his 100k BL size in W40K due to the recruitment program amongst all the traitor Legions, new neophytes, laboratory experiments and piratical warbands inclusion.


As for the 'AL was never broken', lol :teehee:  Why do you think that? 

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  • 1 month later...


That cover does look better than some recently released codices! O.O


And yes, black Rubricae do look awesome! :D

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See now that, like a lot of recent GW art, is drawn almost exactly from the models, but somehow still looks good. The little continuations of the ridges up the rubricae's headdress is cool, as though they're pressing out.


Buzzed for this.

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Eeek! Only 3 months to go!!! :teehee:


Re the cover it's quite nice, good quality finish and better than some recent atrocities over the past year or so... but it does kinda feel a little generic. I was hoiping for something like Sigismund & Adaddon squaring up to one another, similar to the Rocky III poster with Balboa and Lang facing each other.


Still cannot believe it's been almost 3 years since Talon was released!!

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Eeek! Only 3 months to go!!! :teehee:


Re the cover it's quite nice, good quality finish and better than some recent atrocities over the past year or so... but it does kinda feel a little generic. I was hoiping for something like Sigismund & Adaddon squaring up to one another, similar to the Rocky III poster with Balboa and Lang facing each other.


Still cannot believe it's been almost 3 years since Talon was released!!


I was super-careful when pitching this one because we don't often see canonical sources for actual Black Legion Cult units in artwork, despite how common they'd be in the Legion itself. It's a generic cover, but it's also unique. No other Legion looks like that, with such a mix of troops, and that's what I wanted to convey on the cover.


Abaddon and Sigismund happens, but the book's about Khayon and the Black Legion.

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Eeek! Only 3 months to go!!! :teehee:


Re the cover it's quite nice, good quality finish and better than some recent atrocities over the past year or so... but it does kinda feel a little generic. I was hoiping for something like Sigismund & Adaddon squaring up to one another, similar to the Rocky III poster with Balboa and Lang facing each other.


Still cannot believe it's been almost 3 years since Talon was released!!


I was super-careful when pitching this one because we don't often see canonical sources for actual Black Legion Cult units in artwork, despite how common they'd be in the Legion itself. It's a generic cover, but it's also unique. No other Legion looks like that, with such a mix of troops, and that's what I wanted to convey on the cover.


Abaddon and Sigismund happens, but the book's about Khayon and the Black Legion.


Wow, thank you for the insight, very eye opening (no pun intended)!


After posting earlier i did find myself musing over how the decision making process works for covers at BL and now you have me wondering how often authors get involved... that could make a really cool blog post for your websites pending re-launch (nudge nudge wink wink) later this year :rolleyes:


As for The Black Legion I still know relativly little about them and it's formation outside of TOH, but knowing there's so much thought that's gone into the cover (something which to many may not seem as important as the actual books content!) really does say alot about the people who work on this day in day out!


I still think my cover idea was pretty epic though... any chance you could whip it up using your rather advanced MS Paint skills?! :teehee:

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Did you hear that?


A D-B just sold my soul to Khayon by posting this little, sweet Rubricae. Thanks, pal. See you on Terra.

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to die a miserable death :wink:


Roomsky  A D-B would not be able to paint another masterpiece without your help! :wink:


'Eeek! Only 3 months to go!!! :teehee:'   - Right.... Only 3 FETHING MONTHS 90 DAYS OF PAINFUL PATIENCE :censored:


I didn't knew Khornathes liked golf.


I'm rotting for the antagonists tho.

And squash too ;)


'Abaddon and Sigismund happens, but the book's about Khayon and the Black Legion.' - A D-B you heretek!



Goddamn Rubricae look good in black.


Black Rubricae are best Rubricae.




Double Heretek!


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So glad the limited edition version will match Talon. Really hoping to have a nice big collection of those gorgeous black books, if the series continues as long as we hope!

Googling "Talon of Horus First Edition" was the first thing i did after seeing that Black Legions Limited Edition will match it... imagine my disappointment at the results lol

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So glad the limited edition version will match Talon. Really hoping to have a nice big collection of those gorgeous black books, if the series continues as long as we hope!

Googling "Talon of Horus First Edition" was the first thing i did after seeing that Black Legions Limited Edition will match it... imagine my disappointment at the results lol


Dont be a Gollum. Not everything shiny is worth your while ;) By the way do we have a Gollum analogue in W40K? Marsian techpriests? :huh.:

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