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Crazy ideas for our codex (whishlistin´& conspiracies)

Are Verlo

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All I want is for them to give us a "niche" strategy that is actually competitive. So far, all armies seem to have a way of competing at the highest levels of the game with alternative strategies aimed at being fluffy and casual which is great.


I personally hope they make our "niche" alpha striking via deep striking jump infantry. Something akin to:


"Descent of Angels" - Blood Angels infantry with jump packs may be set up from reserve more than 7 inches away from enemy models.


This gives us a significantly better chance to make charges from deep strike reserve and still doesn't put meltas in half range (which would be too powerful).


A rule like this would certainly be competitive and give us a fluffy niche. In the current state of the game at the competitive level this is certainly not broken.


I also suspect that the "Wings of Sanguinius" psychic power will be making a return. I for one am hoping it is a copy of the Heretic power "Warp time". This would allow some of our powerful melee units to make a significant impact in the game before they get shot off the table.


There is certainly potential for us.....We have to play to our strengths and not try to increasingly push ourselves to being the "jack of all trades".

If 7" then we would be able to auto hit with flamers. That would be great, I don't think they'll do that. Perhaps they'll do 8" which would also be nice.

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There is certainly potential for us.....We have to play to our strengths and not try to increasingly push ourselves to being the "jack of all trades".


Have to agree with this: C: SM is intended to flow with the purely flexible, jack of all trades style Astartes force.  C: BA should by intention be melee-focused, deep strike driven; to do otherwise is in opposition to the character of the Sons of Sanguinius (IMO)

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All I want is for them to give us a "niche" strategy that is actually competitive. So far, all armies seem to have a way of competing at the highest levels of the game with alternative strategies aimed at being fluffy and casual which is great.


I personally hope they make our "niche" alpha striking via deep striking jump infantry. Something akin to:


"Descent of Angels" - Blood Angels infantry with jump packs may be set up from reserve more than 7 inches away from enemy models.


This gives us a significantly better chance to make charges from deep strike reserve and still doesn't put meltas in half range (which would be too powerful).


A rule like this would certainly be competitive and give us a fluffy niche. In the current state of the game at the competitive level this is certainly not broken.


I also suspect that the "Wings of Sanguinius" psychic power will be making a return. I for one am hoping it is a copy of the Heretic power "Warp time". This would allow some of our powerful melee units to make a significant impact in the game before they get shot off the table.


There is certainly potential for us.....We have to play to our strengths and not try to increasingly push ourselves to being the "jack of all trades".

If 7" then we would be able to auto hit with flamers. That would be great, I don't think they'll do that. Perhaps they'll do 8" which would also be nice.



Flamers are our thing and nowhere near as powerful as they used to be. I can 100% see this happening. Id personally take meltas over flamers any day though....

This might even make hand flamers worth taking on jump sergeants?

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All I want is for them to give us a "niche" strategy that is actually competitive. So far, all armies seem to have a way of competing at the highest levels of the game with alternative strategies aimed at being fluffy and casual which is great.


I personally hope they make our "niche" alpha striking via deep striking jump infantry. Something akin to:


"Descent of Angels" - Blood Angels infantry with jump packs may be set up from reserve more than 7 inches away from enemy models.


This gives us a significantly better chance to make charges from deep strike reserve and still doesn't put meltas in half range (which would be too powerful).


A rule like this would certainly be competitive and give us a fluffy niche. In the current state of the game at the competitive level this is certainly not broken.


I also suspect that the "Wings of Sanguinius" psychic power will be making a return. I for one am hoping it is a copy of the Heretic power "Warp time". This would allow some of our powerful melee units to make a significant impact in the game before they get shot off the table.


There is certainly potential for us.....We have to play to our strengths and not try to increasingly push ourselves to being the "jack of all trades".

If 7" then we would be able to auto hit with flamers. That would be great, I don't think they'll do that. Perhaps they'll do 8" which would also be nice.


8" would basically be the same thing as the rumoured +1" to charge moves. :D

And yeah it would be in range for flamer...not sure if they'd do it. A full Flamer unit is pretty strong (I play full Flamer Crisis all the time since I can drop them in range with the Stealth Suits Homing Beacon) and being able to drop in and flame something would kinda remove the point of melee units with lots of S4 attacks and would leave us with melee units with power weapons etc. as only viable choice.

I wouldn't put my money on either. GW could go both ways really.

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It won't happen, because C:SM is already out, but drop pods (and deep striking land raiders) should have a mawloc like ability. Bigchunks of metal dropping out of the skies should be able to impact infantry

Yeah. For all I care make it that it can't hit something bigger than infantry or get mortal wounds in return (with the unit inside) but having to stay as far away as everything else is just ridiculous.

Maybe with the Chapter approved...next year, not this one. Doubt it would happen in this one if they include changes like this in those books lol

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How about something a bit like the Nid Mawloc rules. A 1 CP stratagem that allows a squad to DS 1" away from the enemy. Nearby units take D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ but the unit cannot charge this turn.






Please no. I hated having to sit there for an entire turn after deep striking last edition, I do not want to be restricted in that way again. I'd rather chance a 9" charge then not even have the option of charging.

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How about something a bit like the Nid Mawloc rules. A 1 CP stratagem that allows a squad to DS 1" away from the enemy. Nearby units take D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ but the unit cannot charge this turn.






Please no. I hated having to sit there for an entire turn after deep striking last edition, I do not want to be restricted in that way again. I'd rather chance a 9" charge then not even have the option of charging.


Well you'd still have Jump Packs if you wanted to charge after a deep strike. ^^

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@The Unseen

Great analysis on the “Always Strike First” Thing, but I still think it’s a more useful benefit than one may realize.


It’s the whole shoot the stabby ones and stab the shooty ones thing.


Against shooty enemies, we are hyper aggressive and can assault.


Against stabby armies, we can kite with mobility, or stand our ground and shoot them...while still having an opportunity to mess up the enemy’s plans.


Think about going up against someone like World Eaters or Space Wolves. We charge them, they go first. They charge us, they get ONE unit that gets to go first, then we force them to alternate even if they charged. AND we have he 2CP Strategem our sleeves as well.


It neutralizes certain advantages an enemy has.


Just a thought.

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Except it doesn't help us versus shooty armies at all, ever, because they aren't going to be charging us, and they aren't going to stick around in combat on their turn, they are going to fall back with whatever we assaulted and shoot with everything else.

It will literally never come up if your opponent understands how the game works.


Against choppy armies, if something charges us, you've made a big mistake, or you fed a chaff unit to the enemy, and in either case, your still way better off leaving combat with whatever crippled remnants managed to survive a round of combat with an actual melee unit, and shooting those choppy units some more. Not hanging out in combat with them with a depleted unit.

Its just a bad rule for us.

It isn't all that great for Emperors Children, but their unique strategems are ridiculously good.


You don't win games by slightly reducing an opponents advantage, but by capitalizing on your own, and we currently don't have any advantages at all.

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Just as the angel flies down and pierces the black heart of Chaos with its speer, the BA need to strike swift and precise. With skill and force. This isn't solely about advantage in speed or ferocity in melee. This is about all those things used in concert. This is about the swift strike of retribution against the darkness, be it with Bolter or Chainsword. Hence BA should be a combined arms army, but with the goal to pierce the heart ;) Edited by Frater Cornelius
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That is a good goal in theory but too many of the key mechanics of 8th edition conspire to make that extremely hard to pull off. 9" Deep strike restriction, 50% reserves restriction, withdrawing from combat, general mediocrity of our assault units for their cost (although if the codex doesn't at least fix the last one I may as well park my BAs for another edition).


Shooting is where it is at in 8th. Even with all their new toys, Nids still have a hard time in CC in 8th ed.

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And if recently turned traitor marines can advance and charge, BA should be able to do that as well. DS, advance, meltagun/flamer to the face and charge sounds like the style of the IX. Too bad, the Sanguinary guard have Inferno Pistols instead of meltaguns.

Edited by Quixus
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And if recently turned traitor marines can advance and charge, BA should be able to do that as well. DS, advance, meltagun/flamer to the face and charge sounds like the style of the IX. Too bad, the Sanguinary guard have Inferno Pistols instead of meltaguns.

You can't advance after arriving from reserves.

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BA ability: advance and charge




"Descent of Angels"

1CP per unit.


"At the start of your movement phase, pick a unit with the FLY keyword in reserve. That unit may deepstrike at the beginning of the movement phase instead of the end. It may not make a normal move, however may advance and/or charge as normal."

Edited by Xenith
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I think that is too expensive. a single unit + one buffing character is 2CP already. You also did not clearly state that using the stratagem on more than one unit in one turn counts as only one use and thus is possible, even though the cost seems to indicate that.

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"Descent of Angels"

1CP per unit.


"Use this stratagem before the first turn during deployment when putting a BLOOD ANGELS FLY unit into reserve. That unit may deepstrike at the beginning of the chosen movement phase instead of the end. It may not make a normal move, however may advance and/or charge as normal."


Changed the wording to copy Jormungandrs tunnel rule to keep the sticklers happy

Edited by Xenith
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I think a lot of our bubble+melee issues could be alleviated  if we haad a strtagem that let us lock in a bubble before charging. Something like:


1CP - Use this stratagem at any point in any of your movement phases. Choose any <Blood Angels> <Character>, any <Blood Angels> units in range of any abilities that character has at this point gain those bonuses for the whole turn even if they later move out of range. 

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I don't get why you explicitly say the unit can't move but can advance. It's basically the same thing in 8th just that for advance you add another 1d6 inch to the distance. ^^


Anyway, I'd be totally fine with that. I'd even say the Stratagem is quite cheap for what it does. Tyranids need to put a lord in an egg to make a unit that came out of the Trygons tunnels move so it has a safe first turn charge and CSM need to pull of a Warptime cast for the same effect. Also the fact that you can still advance before charging instead of simply removing the >9" restriction means the unit can still jump over smaller chaff units quite easily which is a big bonus.


Not a big fan of advance&charge since it really only affects melee units and only in the turn they actually charge. I think I still prefer the +1 to advance and charge moves trait that got rumored before but as long as your Stratagem suggestion is there it's pretty much a wash on those two for me.

I think a lot of our bubble+melee issues could be alleviated  if we haad a strtagem that let us lock in a bubble before charging. Something like:


1CP - Use this stratagem at any point in any of your movement phases. Choose any <Blood Angels> <Character>, any <Blood Angels> units in range of any abilities that character has at this point gain those bonuses for the whole turn even if they later move out of range. 

That's more of a workaround for a faulty core mechanic tho. The better 'fix' would be to tackle the problem at its roots instead of putting a bandaid for one Codex on it.

Edited by sfPanzer
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Totally off current topic and complete bias and wish listing! So fair warning!


Something I've wanted since the release of the Dark Angels getting Plasma Cannons on TDA, is for our own special TDA weapon variant to include a Multi-Melta.


My reasoning behind this: as one of the big three codex lip service Armies our Terminators are not special like the Wolves of Fenris or the Knights of the Rock. It only makes sense that we should have a specialized TDA squad.


I also, I want to see Alfie get rules. I know BlindHamster has some mad kitbashed variants of him. (So jealous mate! really wish I could get you to make me one and ship it across the pond!)


Yeah I know we have loads of ICs already, but when we got Karlean, It felt weird since he was relatively new and Alfie was left only to read about.

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