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Crazy ideas for our codex (whishlistin´& conspiracies)

Are Verlo

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I'd be happy with some terminator buffs as well.  This Archangel Orbital Intervention Force is just sitting here, collecting dust.


The lore has them described as essentially miniature tanks, and now that vehicles use the same rules as infantry, maybe it's time to bring them closer together. What if basic terminators had as many as 3 or even 4 wounds each, and characters were adjusted proportionately? They'd still be vulnerable to anti-tank, but a ton more resilient against small arms fire, which they ought to be.


The Archangel force was going to be one of my first purchases getting back into the game earlier this year, I wound up buying Space Hulk instead (similar effect). As it stands right now, they could halve the points cost on them and I'm still not sure they'd be a worthwhile unit. Terminator armour is just so close to no armour at all for anything that's halfway likely to shoot at them. But they're unlikely to get a substantial buff since the core Marine book is already out. But then, if they can make changes as radical as the commisar nerf in an FAQ, maybe anything can happen.


I've got terminators and assault terminators in the queue. I'm contemplating how to get them into the fight. My regular termies can just drop in and shoot. I feel I can place them somewhere near an objective or to project force outwards.


The assault termies will drop and then probably not make a charge. You can hope, but it'll be hard. I'm thinking I may transport them in a LR but then this would be only for bigger games. Another tactic I've been thinking about is dropping assault marines/DC JP down with the termies. More targets, hopefully be able to get 1 of the 2 into a charge.


Anyway, yeah. Not sure how to use them and haven't played them. I want to, badly, because they're awesome.

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I'd be happy with some terminator buffs as well.  This Archangel Orbital Intervention Force is just sitting here, collecting dust.


The lore has them described as essentially miniature tanks, and now that vehicles use the same rules as infantry, maybe it's time to bring them closer together. What if basic terminators had as many as 3 or even 4 wounds each, and characters were adjusted proportionately? They'd still be vulnerable to anti-tank, but a ton more resilient against small arms fire, which they ought to be.


The Archangel force was going to be one of my first purchases getting back into the game earlier this year, I wound up buying Space Hulk instead (similar effect). As it stands right now, they could halve the points cost on them and I'm still not sure they'd be a worthwhile unit. Terminator armour is just so close to no armour at all for anything that's halfway likely to shoot at them. But they're unlikely to get a substantial buff since the core Marine book is already out. But then, if they can make changes as radical as the commisar nerf in an FAQ, maybe anything can happen.


I've got terminators and assault terminators in the queue. I'm contemplating how to get them into the fight. My regular termies can just drop in and shoot. I feel I can place them somewhere near an objective or to project force outwards.


The assault termies will drop and then probably not make a charge. You can hope, but it'll be hard. I'm thinking I may transport them in a LR but then this would be only for bigger games. Another tactic I've been thinking about is dropping assault marines/DC JP down with the termies. More targets, hopefully be able to get 1 of the 2 into a charge.


Anyway, yeah. Not sure how to use them and haven't played them. I want to, badly, because they're awesome.



Land Raider for the Assault termies definitely sounds like the way to go to me. Was considering something similar for a Black Legion list (but they have the upside compared to Imperial Terminators of not having to pay for a power fist on every model).

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So, the more I think about it, the more I want assault marines as troops. Yes, we’re a codex adhering chapter, but from a gameplay perspective, I think it would open many doors. I’d happily take a brigade if I could take 2 units of scouts and some assault marines with special weapons in razorbacks or with jump packs. It would make tactical marines kinda redundant, but I feel like it would fit really well for us.


Or else do something beyond just obsec that makes me want troops. As is, I hate taking any troops beyond 2 squads of scouts.


Another thing I’d like is something special for our terminators. Every other space marine group has something special. Codex marines get different armor variants. Deathwatch can take lots of heavy weapons and mix them in squads. Grey knights have troop terminators +. Space wolves can take small units and kit each dude out any way (and not be required to take fists ). Dark angels can mix tactical and assault marines and have knights.


Meanwhile we have regular assault and tactical marines without anything special at all. I haven’t come up with a thing that satisfies me for them that’s delegate from the other marines, but I’m sure something can be done.


And for the love of god, make Baal preds great again. Double fire like russes, or outflanking, or ignore ballistic skill penalties, something. I’d be over the moon if they were good AND fast attack again. My armored fist list I started building in 6th really wants to get completed.

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So, the more I think about it, the more I want assault marines as troops. Yes, we’re a codex adhering chapter, but from a gameplay perspective, I think it would open many doors. I’d happily take a brigade if I could take 2 units of scouts and some assault marines with special weapons in razorbacks or with jump packs. It would make tactical marines kinda redundant, but I feel like it would fit really well for us.


Or else do something beyond just obsec that makes me want troops. As is, I hate taking any troops beyond 2 squads of scouts.


Another thing I’d like is something special for our terminators. Every other space marine group has something special. Codex marines get different armor variants. Deathwatch can take lots of heavy weapons and mix them in squads. Grey knights have troop terminators +. Space wolves can take small units and kit each dude out any way (and not be required to take fists ). Dark angels can mix tactical and assault marines and have knights.


Meanwhile we have regular assault and tactical marines without anything special at all. I haven’t come up with a thing that satisfies me for them that’s delegate from the other marines, but I’m sure something can be done.


And for the love of god, make Baal preds great again. Double fire like russes, or outflanking, or ignore ballistic skill penalties, something. I’d be over the moon if they were good AND fast attack again. My armored fist list I started building in 6th really wants to get completed.

I just love assault marines. I'm building 3 squads. Two with melta-sanity builds and one will be a full squad, deploy on board, flamer or plasma, and a sgt. with a shield.


Go assault marines!

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The snippets we’ve seen and rumours out there all point to the Tyranids getting corrected in a positive way that seems both fluffy and potent. Rumblings about that book and reading through Codex Craftworlds give me hope for our book. First step on the road to disappointment, yes, but my fingers are crossed.
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I'm just hoping they send us a book after the Tyranids. I'm concerned we'll see Space Wolves and Thousand Sons together first.


I think we'll definitely see Thousand Sons first. They have a model range ready to & go just need the book.


I'm holding out hope that the reason we've not seen BA/ DA/ SW/ DW yet is because they're going to get some nice releases.

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I'm hoping that as well, Charlo, but at the same time I'm rather sure about how unlikely it is since it seems GW focusses on giving everybody their Codex first and then worry about additional/new units later. With the basic Primaris being the exception of course because they needed something special to kick off the new edition.

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GW are not going to stop producing new models but they have clearly decoupled their Codices from the miniature release cycle in order to get everyone their 8th edition codices as soon as possible. Primaris and Death Guard are part of the miniature release cycle and we had the Gathering Storm stuff at the start of the year to set us up for 8th.


My guess is that a couple of the remaining Codices will be accompanied by significant miniature releases but I am not feeling brave enough to hazard a guess as to which ones. I have staked a claim to Space Wolves being released with Leman Russ himself in charge in March/April next year but beyond that, my crystal ball is giving me a 404. My guess is that BAs will not get a significant mini drop when our codex comes out. Our line has some gorgeous models and no obvious holes. If we are very lucky, we might get one or two of our dated characters upgraded with shiny new plastic models but this may just be wishful thinking on my part.


I suspect that for new miniature releases, these will likely come in the style of Battlezone books in future focusing on specific events.

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Have not followed everything on the upcoming tyranids, but I see the new carnifexes are going to out-shoot my Baal Preds. Love deploying 3 x Baal Preds and 2 x Razorbacks, all with twin linked Ass Cannons, and HBs on the Baal Preds. The amount of dice for my turn of firing......  :-) :-) :-)......only to be out classed by carnifexes now.....by the looks of things.... :-( :-( :-(


Still hoping the BA codex gets a great redo.....Dante gets a new mini, Mephiston gets a new mini, Corbulo gets a new mini, DC get 4+ FNP or 2 wnds each, or both :-), and charging for BAs becomes 3D6 ignore the lowest, with re-rolls with Lemartes. Plus I am hoping BA can charge multiple units with no penalties (lets make BA HtH deadly again and feared I say) Plus, I am hoping that Lemartes abilities extend to 12inches. I am finding the 6inch range  a bit limiting, and would like to see it extended to 12inches....


Does anyone from GW read this? Or, are they all busy working on the next codex release?............

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Have not followed everything on the upcoming tyranids, but I see the new carnifexes are going to out-shoot my Baal Preds. Love deploying 3 x Baal Preds and 2 x Razorbacks, all with twin linked Ass Cannons, and HBs on the Baal Preds. The amount of dice for my turn of firing......  :-) :-) :-)......only to be out classed by carnifexes now.....by the looks of things.... :-( :-( :-(


Carnis and Hive tyrants have been about to out-shoot Baals since 5th ed when they introduced brainleech devourers, so this isn't really anything new - they used to get 12 TL shots each that reroll wounds.


With the addition of all the subfactions within codexes...can we see a BA codex getting sub faction rules? It would be easy to add Flesh Tearers, Lamenters, etc, and might be a good time to add Angels Sanguine, etc.

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With the addition of all the subfactions within codexes...can we see a BA codex getting sub faction rules? It would be easy to add Flesh Tearers, Lamenters, etc, and might be a good time to add Angels Sanguine, etc.


Hard to say. Looking at Grey Knights I tend to say we won't get subfaction rules. Maybe a slight difference between BA and Fleshtearers tho.

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I wouldn't be surprised either way. But I doubt they would give Fleshtearers something unique unless Dark Angels and Space Wolves got something similar in their codexes. I'm not familiar too much with DA successor chapters to know if there is a similar high profile chapter similar to FT. I know SW don't really have any successors except for the new Ultima Founding one. 

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To get back on  assault squads. I know a lot of people would like them as assault troops but the more I fiddle with my list the more I would like them to stay as fast attack but having a greater impact on the game. Maybe via specific stratagem like sternguard have (+1 to wound roll) 


The goal would be to have a fieldable brigade in 2000 pts to get 12 CP and use the stratagems. If you take assault squads out of Fast attack I would have to rely on bikes to do so. I dont like bikes.


Now if they are both as troop and fast attack we could field a Full JP brigade !

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To me assault doesn't necessarily have to mean get into melee. They're kind of like sappers to me, or assault troops from WW II that bring forward special weapons, explosives, etc. I find the fact that they're armed with melee weapons a boon as they work so close to enemy targets. With melta bombs and melta guns they've packed quite the punch for me. I think an interesting stratagem would involve the ability to double tap special weapons or something, not too over the top considering they're only 2 special weapon models.


Anyway I love my assault squads!

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To me assault doesn't necessarily have to mean get into melee. They're kind of like sappers to me, or assault troops from WW II that bring forward special weapons, explosives, etc. I find the fact that they're armed with melee weapons a boon as they work so close to enemy targets. With melta bombs and melta guns they've packed quite the punch for me. I think an interesting stratagem would involve the ability to double tap special weapons or something, not too over the top considering they're only 2 special weapon models.


Anyway I love my assault squads!


I really like the double tap idea! Maybe even let them toss two grenades also.

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When you think about fluff descriptions, and depictions in games like Dawn of War or Space Marine, Jump Pack units should be able to charge from like 18” out AND force successful Overwatch attempts to be re-rolled. Suddenly they are not the red headed stepchild of warhead anymore.

Jump Packs should also have an impact ability like the Carnifex ram one or the Primaris Inceptor one if we go with the DoW example of them. :P

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