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Yeah I think them just being a S4 AP-1 sniper rifle is the most likely. Could still be a pretty good unit, especially since if the mortal wound mechanic is tied to the wound roll like most snipers you can still VOTLW them for it go off on a 5+.


daemons of tzeentch psychic power could affect them too then (flickering flames) to be on a 4+ to wound.

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Skyfires would not be anti-tank.


Most likely anti-character, but not anti-tank.

Yeah in AoS they are anti-everything and I fully support them continuing in that role.


I will eat my tzeentch-be-damned wizard robe and hat if those goats are just MORE str 4 shooting.

QFT! I think it should be a direct port however if Tzaangor Shaman do the same and you have the other bonuses from the Tzeentch demon spell of VotLW then they would roll those extra mortal wounds potentially on 3+ although I dont really care about what's fare to other armies.

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The fact that poxwalkers not only have a stratagem that lets them get models but its in their base rules tells me that we will have either a spell or a stratagem for manipulating the Rubric and healing units with All is Dust. 


In fact, to be honest, I want rules like that. I want rules that the Tzaangors and Sorcerers can't benefit from.


Very much possible considering loyalists have their apothecaries as well.


This is nothing new though.

I didn't say it's new and I don't see how not being new makes it any less of an argument.
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I will eat my tzeentch-be-damned wizard robe and hat if those goats are just MORE str 4 shooting. 


Yeah me too, but I have a feeling though that they won't be that good either. Skyfires have been the key AoS unit in one of the strongest armies since launch, and I would suspect that enlightened will get a turn to shine in this system.

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I will eat my tzeentch-be-damned wizard robe and hat if those goats are just MORE str 4 shooting. 


Yeah me too, but I have a feeling though that they won't be that good either. Skyfires have been the key AoS unit in one of the strongest armies since launch, and I would suspect that enlightened will get a turn to shine in this system.



As long as ONE of the TWO is good I am happy. 

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It really depends on how aggressively they price them, and how they handle the weapon profiles. I'm really hoping that they give rubrics enough flexibility that the new options aren't auto-includes.

My hope is that the trick with infernal bolters are that when they hit, they wound. Rend was the first step, but it needs more to be effective in a larger scope. This would help improve the state of Rubrics not having high strength firing options.


I think we'll have Infernal Bolters with Rend/Wound mechanics, and Skyfires will be low Rend but MW generating. Be interesting please!

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It really depends on how aggressively they price them, and how they handle the weapon profiles. I'm really hoping that they give rubrics enough flexibility that the new options aren't auto-includes.

My hope is that the trick with infernal bolters are that when they hit, they wound. Rend was the first step, but it needs more to be effective in a larger scope. This would help improve the state of Rubrics not having high strength firing options.


I think we'll have Infernal Bolters with Rend/Wound mechanics, and Skyfires will be low Rend but MW generating. Be interesting please!



Not knowing much about the Disc Tzangoors I can see using reg tzangoors as a cc screen for Enlightened to get in a mix it up in CC, if that is the purpose of Enlightened.


I am really liking the idea of Skyfires as snipers rather than mortal wound penetraters though I will wait and see.


If the vortex beast aura is similar then there are some options to mortal wounds some vehicles if the aura allows for vehicles.  I think 1-3 might have effects that are negligible for vehicles so I am interested to see.


Since we are getting the Deamonkin treatment can anyone let me know if a swarm of screamers are any good at anti tank?  I don't know much about them though I see them all over a lot of Thousand Sons art work.

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It really depends on how aggressively they price them, and how they handle the weapon profiles. I'm really hoping that they give rubrics enough flexibility that the new options aren't auto-includes.

My hope is that the trick with infernal bolters are that when they hit, they wound. Rend was the first step, but it needs more to be effective in a larger scope. This would help improve the state of Rubrics not having high strength firing options.


I think we'll have Infernal Bolters with Rend/Wound mechanics, and Skyfires will be low Rend but MW generating. Be interesting please!

Not knowing much about the Disc Tzangoors I can see using reg tzangoors as a cc screen for Enlightened to get in a mix it up in CC, if that is the purpose of Enlightened.


I am really liking the idea of Skyfires as snipers rather than mortal wound penetraters though I will wait and see.


If the vortex beast aura is similar then there are some options to mortal wounds some vehicles if the aura allows for vehicles. I think 1-3 might have effects that are negligible for vehicles so I am interested to see.


Since we are getting the Deamonkin treatment can anyone let me know if a swarm of screamers are any good at anti tank? I don't know much about them though I see them all over a lot of Thousand Sons art work.

With the new codex, they are definitely not bad. They will do mortal wounds on 6s when they move over a unit (no longer needing to advance to do that, so can charge after this as well).


They are very fast, 16" move.


They also do a lot of damage in combat as now all their attacks are lamprey bites (S6 or 7 with the herald, AP-3, doing 2 wounds each.)


Big squads of the will eat tanks easily

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Outside of Preds and brutes I was hoping to use screamers for anti tank or for anything because the stingrays look so cool along side our guys.  In the WOM video they seem to be flying around in flocks so numerous they were like birds IRC.


I am looking forward to some practical uses on summoning for different situations.  Does anyone currently summon and if so how successful has it been?

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Been using screamers a lot. Hard to get their attacks to hit lol.

They are WS 4+ right. They improved they attacks but if they don't hit it isn't much of an improvement, i suppose.


On a different note, i already ordered a Shaman and enlightened box. I plan on getting another box when the codex comes out.

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Outside of Preds and brutes I was hoping to use screamers for anti tank or for anything because the stingrays look so cool along side our guys.  In the WOM video they seem to be flying around in flocks so numerous they were like birds IRC.


I am looking forward to some practical uses on summoning for different situations.  Does anyone currently summon and if so how successful has it been?


Summoning is great now, as flamers, exalted flamers and burning chariots have 12" on their flamer attack (the autohitting one). Summoning a unit of flamers to clear chaff works like a charm. It also greatly improves the versatility. If you need extra anti infantry, get flamers or if you rolled well for the summoning roll -> 20-30 horrors. If you need some anti tank and the opponent has a lot of firepower, get exalted flamers, as they can hide from the firepower due to being characters. If the opponent is mostly a melee force, you can summon a burning chariot that can do better in combat but isnt a character.


Also splitting horrors isn't useless now and can be a very tactical choice at times.


so i always keep some reinforcement points. a good amount i found is having enough for roughly 2-3 squads of flamers. you can then utilise them however you choose during the game.

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Been using screamers a lot. Hard to get their attacks to hit lol.

They are WS 4+ right. They improved they attacks but if they don't hit it isn't much of an improvement, i suppose.


On a different note, i already ordered a Shaman and enlightened box. I plan on getting another box when the codex comes out.



I'm used to playing guard as my secondary army, so 4+ to hit seems ok to me :D . Especially as each attack can actually really hurt. The key is numbers here. 


The other key is boon of change psychic power. It is actually really good on screamers, as T5, S7 (8 with the herald) or A4 are all really good options. Take a unit of 9, keep some points for the warp surge stratagem (+1 invul) and the unit is very survivable and hits like a truck (a very fast truck). Also daemon princes and heralds help boost their damage output. 

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Also splitting horrors isn't useless now and can be a very tactical choice at times.




Can you explain how they got better for me?


I can! A unit of 20+ pink horrors has assault 3 shooting, so splitting can be useful for the purposes of keeping the number of pinks above that golden number.


I'm not sure if this is valuable enough where I would actually set aside the points for splitting, but it's definitely more of a consideration than it was before.

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Also splitting horrors isn't useless now and can be a very tactical choice at times.



Can you explain how they got better for me?

I can! A unit of 20+ pink horrors has assault 3 shooting, so splitting can be useful for the purposes of keeping the number of pinks above that golden number.


I'm not sure if this is valuable enough where I would actually set aside the points for splitting, but it's definitely more of a consideration than it was before.

There are other ways in which split can be used. It can make the warp surge stratagem more efficient if used on horrors, as the whole squads invulnerable save is improved, meaning that blues are 4+ and brims are 5+. So that might be some unexpected durability for the opponent.


If you hold an objective and opponent has just enough firepower to wipe the horrors, you can split and still keep the objective.


there are other uses, but all of them are situational. As I've said, it's a tactical choice rather than a no brainer, in a right situation it can be very useful indeed

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Gotcha thanks guys.


Believe it or not i have a difficult time applying tactics like that at the right moment. Its even harder for me to think 2-3 turns ahead. Chess is really tough, too. Im a very reactive player.


That's ok. I for one can plan things pretty well, but get lost if something goes not according to plan, as it gets disorienting and i can then do some really stupid mistakes that cause me the game... 


It is important to adapt the playstyle/list to the way you play and that is usually the key to having a successful army :)

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