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Would be interesting if it was some kind of benefit from powers cast? Anything without all is dust gets a +1 to cast on, duplicate any buff spell on rubrics on a friendly unit within 9" etc.


Personally would love something like that, our non 1k sons units and vehicles getting buffed in the psychic maelstrom

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If Cultists could be sacrificed to Magnus or a psychic 'ritual' effect in anyway that would be cool. If Cultists supported the psychic phase for example.... imagine a Perils hitting D3 cultists instead of your Rubrics (if within 6" for example). That would be really thematic and cool to me.

I like my dust bunnies and sorcerers the best, but I have to admit I do vastly prefer tzaangors to cultists.


Absolutely. I never take cultists anymore with my Thousand Sons. They need to do something (like I mention above) to make them attractive again.

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Maybe they'll make it easier to cast stuff like Ork models for Weirdboys (they get +1 on casts for every 10 Ork models within 10" of them).



I dunno, I was watching psychic test dice as best I could and I couldn't notice any sort of buff besides what Magnus and Ahriman had.

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So here is a question assuming Magnus keeps the keywords Tzeentch, Daemon, and Character would he benefit from/ cast the Tzeentch daemon locus? That could be rather good if you just bring a Tzeentch daemon patrol.
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So here is a question assuming Magnus keeps the keywords Tzeentch, Daemon, and Character would he benefit from/ cast the Tzeentch daemon locus? That could be rather good if you just bring a Tzeentch daemon patrol.

He'd benefit from it but wouldn't have the locus himself. Only daemons with the daemon faction keyword get the locus.

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So here is a question assuming Magnus keeps the keywords Tzeentch, Daemon, and Character would he benefit from/ cast the Tzeentch daemon locus? That could be rather good if you just bring a Tzeentch daemon patrol.


Same for the stratagems and other rule interactions with the daemons codex -> we need to wait for the FAQ


But currently (before the daemon codex FAQ) magnus would be affected by any stratagems, loci, auras, psychic powers, warlord traits, etc of the daemons that affect TZEENTCH DAEMONS.

But he would not get the loci himself, as it is a detachment bonus for a tzeentch daemon detachment. And while magnus has a daemon keyword, for the purposes of the army building, he doesn't have daemon faction keyword. So if you take magnus in the same detachment as tzeentch daemons, the whole detachment would be TZEETCH detachment, but not a TZEENTCH DAEMON detachment, so no one would get the loci in that detachment...


Hope that wasn't too confusing.

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So here is a question assuming Magnus keeps the keywords Tzeentch, Daemon, and Character would he benefit from/ cast the Tzeentch daemon locus? That could be rather good if you just bring a Tzeentch daemon patrol.

Same for the stratagems and other rule interactions with the daemons codex -> we need to wait for the FAQ.


But currently (before the daemon codex FAQ) magnus would be affected by any stratagems, loci, auras, psychic powers, warlord traits, etc of the daemons that affect TZEENTCH DAEMONS.

But he would not get the loci himself, as it is a detachment bonus for a tzeentch daemon detachment. And while magnus has a daemon keyword, for the purposes of the army building, he doesn't have daemon faction keyword. So if you take magnus in the same detachment as tzeentch daemons, the whole detachment would be TZEETCH detachment, but not a TZEENTCH DAEMON detachment, so no one would get the loci in that detachment...


Hope that wasn't too confusing.

Sounds right.


Sucks about 1W Disco Goats. I wonder how expensive they'll be?

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Interesting; On dakka someone re-watched the video and extrapolated that0 Tzaangor skyfires seemingly have more then likely only have a SINGLE wound each.

Interesting....I was expecting at least 2. if not 3.

Not promising, esp not for models that cost a lot in hard currency before we even look at points.

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If they only have 1 wound each they better be cheap as hell. As far as I've seen they don't really have anything going for them aside from FLY and ranged auto-wounds on 6s.

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Good point on goats not having a morale buff yesterday. Could be anything!


Or possibly nothing (just preparing for that possibility when I watched the stream they said the cultist had synergies which can mean just about anything, granted its possible they made a separate reference I was painting while I watched it).


I like my dust bunnies and sorcerers the best, but I have to admit I do vastly prefer tzaangors to cultists.


I really like tzaangors, but I probably won't expand them to much, the enlightened with spears were interesting as a fast cheap tie up unit. But I wouldn't have liked it if skyfire were a superior shooting unit to Sons and they don't appear to be which is great.



Interesting; On dakka someone re-watched the video and extrapolated that0 Tzaangor skyfires seemingly have more then likely only have a SINGLE wound each. 


Interesting....I was expecting at least 2. if not 3. 



I wouldn't read into too much, first of all its dakka so trolling is to be expected. Secondly they present their battle reports weirdly so its tough to pick up too much information. It would be nice if they had them take a break after the second round and do quick interview where they explain their reasoning. Finally they make mistakes, he may have thought they had only had a wound, allocated wounds like in AoS, or they may have wanted the game not to get too lopsided so took them off early. Custodes look like the classic elite trap army that is cheap to make a force but hard to win with.

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Guy from Dakka that posted anout the single wound.


There were only 2 units in range to shoot at the skyfires. LR and a Troops unit. Troops unit was locked in combat with cultists, Termies were in the LR, but im assuming they can't shoot out.


That leaves only the LR itself at first I thought it was a Hurricane bolter shooting cause 6 shots but then realized it dosent have a Hurricane bolter stock it has twin heavy bolters. So they are more then likly 1 w but have T5.

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What do we know about the Custodes land raider? Is it possible that it’s heavy bolter does more than one damage? It’s also possible but there was just a mistake made in the game I suppose.

It is totally possible, EVERYTHING in that army does more then 1 damage.


Also, it looked like a standard LR 2 twin las cannons a twinlinked heavy bolter and pintle storm bolter.

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I agree in guessing Enlightened are 1 w/ plus 1 toughness.


Also agree that custodes weapons all do at least 2w.


At any rate i spent last night converting force staves into swords and magnetizing for my exalteds in hopes of cool buffs, lol.



I have some duplicates of the force staves, swords from multiple kits and was able to covert so the force sword was on a matching stave arm part converting the stave hilts into sword hilts.


Tonight i am going magnetize the torsos and thought why not magnetize the semantic arms as well?


In the end all my (exalted) sorcerers arms will be interchangeable. The mutated multi arm even fit and looked good on my magnetized asprirng. Putting the force sword on a left hand was easier than thought.


I had bought a new kit for a new color scheme and am now thinking i might magnetize heads and backpacks.


What i am saying is i got high hopes for Exalted Sorcerers!

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