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List of units that can be in a detatchment without removing the regiment bonus:

master of the fleet
psykers (wyrvdvane, primaris, astropaths)
auxilia (ratlings, ogyrns, bullgryns)

Scions have to be their own detatchment to keep regiment bonuses

max unit size 30
Commies are unchanged
Raw recruits ability: orders only work on a 4+ (if failed, order is loss)

Tallern regiment:
swift as the wind: can advance and can shoot any weapon (not heavy) as if it was assault weapon (no - to hit). vehicles ignore heavy penalties. Superheavies count all weapons as assault

If you do not move. You can re-roll 1s to hit. If you also do the re-roll 1's to hit order as well. You re roll all missed.

Steel legion:
+6" to rapid fire
Ignores -1 rend on vehicles


Leman russes get obsec in a spearhead detachment lead by a tank commander

Superheavies ignore heavy penalties! Finally!

The stratgem for combined squads is for 1cp, at the beginning of your turn/ movement phase, you can combine 2 infantry squads if they are within 3". ONLY guard infantry squads (10man units)

The relic aquila is back which gives a buff with command points. Either regaining them when you or your opponent uses strategems (can't quite remember)


Also a 2cp (or 3) start for preliminary bombardment. Roll a D6 per enemy unit and on a 6, they take a mortal wound


Since some of the relics can be only taken by officers. This also included tank commanders!! (they have the officer keyword, Cadian and steel legion relics mentioned, though not explain what they do) With unique faction tank orders as well. (Cadian one lets you re-roll number of shots for a russ turret). 


A bunch of other stuff as well

Edited by Halfpint100
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Yowzers... Scions going to their own detatchment will make getting the 6 Troops for a Battallion a LOT harder. Very much hope that means that veterans will be going back to a Troops choice! Everything else makes a lot of sence except for Crusaders! What are they doing there!? Inquisitors and Acolytes I could very much understand but Crusaders?

Oh man I'm loving these doctrines for all regiments. Seems like everyone has very fluffy and strong bonuses. Tallern makes Sentinels more particularly more viable along with other vehicles. Cadian one seem interesting, heavy weapon squads with orders are going to be very deadly. Steel legion vehicles being tougher is very nice too. I can't wait for this codex. Just wish we had some preview of the relics and warlord traits!

Steel Legion aren't that great for tanks but they're really good for armoured infantry and transports, which makes sense. You can tip your guys out a little earlier and dakka dakka with the plasma guns. I'm trying to decide who I like best for an armoured company. Catachan look pretty great with the gun re-roll, Cadians get free reroll ones and Tallarn are super mobile. My end goal is a Guard Kampfgruppe with Steel Legion armoured infantry and an attached tank company.


EDIT: Commissar Tanks. Please tell me there's a "Drive me closer..." strategem.

Edited by OnboardG1

Just realized Tallern doctrine makes Devil Dogs viable as well with no -1 hit on the heavy Melta cannon.


And if the Cadian reroll 1's to hit when you don't move applies to vehicles as well then that makes Master of Ordnance completely useless (as if it wasn't already).

Edited by Zectz

Glad that scions are pushed out, Russes buffed and conscripts culled. It'd be good to see lists with gun-line infantry squads supported by tanks again.


Tallarn just got some extra miles out of Chimera and Sentinels. 


Cadian heavy weapon teams with a platoon commander nearby could pump out some accurate fire for armor-busting or crowd control.

My plan of catachan armor with a steel legion mech battalion seems a bit more solid now. The Chimeras will be harder to hurt and I wont have to drop the dudes off as close to get maximum firepower. Given that I'll probably be adding heavy flamers to the chimeras since that part of the army's role is objective holding and taking I think it will work out well. I am really liking what I have heard about the new IG so far even if we don't get to build our regiments DIY. One day maybe FW will update the Elysians with some stratagems.....

Kind of funny that Pask will have access to rerolling 1s one after after all.


Classic Pask/Punisher = 40 shots at half movement, 2+ BS with re-rolls.  Just with the turret.  :O


That aside, Cadian Doctrine is almost exactly what I was musing with my m8s.  The restriction on movement is mildly annoying, but getting full re-rolls with an order is DISGUSTING for HWTs/Plasma Veterans/etc.


Oh, and I don't mind the Scions change.  IMO it should have always been that way.  At least now there's a good reason to "splash" them into a larger IG list.

Is it worth putting Lascannons on Tallarn Scout Sentinels, or is that a point sink?


In my previous brigade list, I was running a Hellhound and two Heavy Flamer Scouts to fill out Fast Attack. But I will almost certainly be using Tallarn, and I feel like all those flamers don't take advantage of the no -1 to hit shenanigans.

"Militarum Tempestus get an extra shot with their guns for each 6+ to hit when the target is within half range"

If that is doctrine, it is pretty cool. Not amazing, but still cool. Deep striking plasma squad, deep striking hot shot volley guns? Vehicles? So many cool applications. Of course you still need that 6+ to generate an extra hit but for a specialist unit whose job is to take care of certain types of units, extra hits always matter. On average that is an extra shot of plasma in deep strike range, to hot shot volley guns. Not amazing, but cool. I wish it had been a more standard 6+ to hit generates extra shot period, but this is fine. I am assuming that is doctrine; can't wait for their Order and Strategem.:D



Steel legion order:


  • Armageddon: Mount Up!: Targeted unit may shoot and immediately embark in a vehicle as long as they're with in range and they have not disembarked in the movement phase.

Called it! :D (or at least close too)

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