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 Steel Legion have... well it's not a bad russ, but only ignoring AP-1 means it doesn't count for much since most things targeting tanks will have a higher AP than that.

If you want to troll a Necron opponent bring a Steel Legion Mechanized Force. Turning off Gauss is a real dick move with their lack of anti-tank.

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I feel like valhallan to give you super effective til death tanks. Probably better than the extra few inches of range.

Not when your tanks can't fire because they had to pull back from close combat because they were 6'' too close to the enemy. Or dead. 


I feel like the Valhallan regiment trait , now that I've had time to think about it, is kind of useless in a way because it assumes that your squads or vehicles are not getting completely destroyed. I don't know if you guys have noticed or not, but things die really fast in this game, even Russes. And now with the double fire they're going to get prioritized even harder. Mortal wounds, lascannons, psychic phase, nothing is really safe from any of it so you can't count on surviving it. 


I guess in a way that makes the Valhallan stratagem of bringing back a dead unit fairly valuable. 

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I guess in a way, it does negate the sort of attitude or justification for spreading fire that amounts to basically "if I can just cripple X and Y units, instead of having to use everything on X unit, I can be more efficient with my firepower". 

In a friendly game this would be nice. Not something I would count on going against a tournament list though. Too much fire power and mortal wounds. 

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I'm very much liking this discourse, it's a good sign that GW have done a good job making each Regiment feel relevant. Even the one people seem coolest on, the Vostroyans, might actually be my personal favourite. Just seems like a really nice passive buff. It suits the way I play my force, and I like the unique Order too! I think the only other one that might contest it is the Tallarn one, as that would also suit a slightly different playstyle for me.


Also we'll now have 42" Vostroyan Snipers which should give us the edge in board control and making Characters worried!

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Catachan LR Conquerors are going to be excellent.

What is a conqueror and why dont I see a model for it?


With the improvements to the baneblade family i might have to run a catachan shadowsword or stormhammer


The conqueror is a forge world Leman Russ that has a shorter range battle cannon with access to some rerolls.


Interestingly enough, the changes to the Shadowsword limit the usefulness of the Catachan doctrine a bit since its now 3d3 shots

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Catachan LR Conquerors are going to be excellent.

What is a conqueror and why dont I see a model for it?


With the improvements to the baneblade family i might have to run a catachan shadowsword or stormhammer


The conqueror is a forge world Leman Russ that has a shorter range battle cannon with access to some rerolls.


Interestingly enough, the changes to the Shadowsword limit the usefulness of the Catachan doctrine a bit since its now 3d3 shots


That is true...looks like the stormhammer is in the running now for me lol main weapon+twin battle cannon+8 lascannon will put out some ouchy ouch

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