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I've been painting since the Rogue Trader days, but never as much as I would like. I rather stopped doing anything much with 40k some years back - but 8th edition has rekindled my interest! My aim is to at least have a functional painted army or two, even if I can't play much - I'm still out in the howling wastes of rural england.
This will likely be a fairly slow blog, since having small children tends to chip away at any hobby time.
All comments and critique are always welcome!

Now onto the specifics:

After some failed experiments trying to get a new Blood Angels scheme together, I've decided to go a little simpler and re-invent my piles of chaos plastic and resin as a Death Guard warband - probably Pox Mortis - I've always loved the rotting pus-filled nastiness of Nurgle, and now is obviously the perfect time.

I wanted to start easy, and what could be simpler than some zombies poxwalkers? There's some minor conversions - mostly arm and head swaps, and cutting off a number of the horns. I've used microbeads to add some more pustules, and to cover up messy horn removals I've used some astrogranite sparingly applied to add a bit of texture.

They've only been stuck on temporary bases and primed in grey so far.




Edited by Arkhanist
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