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Down&Dirty, corrupted Death Guard - The Dr will see you now.

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You live!


I'd say he's an update on the feller in the top left


Spot on!

I have the same fella in my box of semi forgotten miniatures.

Nicely played! I'll have to figure out a way to make the other 2 dudes! I've got vague plans....


Anyway, the light and glare made the early pic made him look a bit naff; it's amazing what a good wash does to a DG

Added the rust effects and put in most details; looks like I'll have this bad boy and his secretive mate done in the next day or so, then back to painting pink!!



And without further ado, my Plague Champion/ Sgt is pretty much done!




Completely ridiculous randomly building this dude when I've 2 almost done units of Emperors Chikdren to get on with, but it was a nice change from pink.


I'll probably add a bunch of grenades/pouches to disguise the gap caused by fee adjustment to the legs, probably do a bit more work on the eye lens when I've got more to batch paint! Otherwise he's looking pretty much done!!


As always, happy to hear comments n feedback! I hope you guys think he captures that classic Plague Marine vibe!!

Thanks guys! I was actually mooching around eBay looking for classic models when the idea hit.

Hopefully I can get a few more Plague Marines done, to swell the ranks.


Speaking of which, I converted this guy from some of the Dark Imperium bits I'd probably never use. It's based on one of the awesome conversions I found on Instagram by a guy called Replicone!



  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks gents! Glad you like them! They are a lot of fun to paint - but it's actually harder work making them messy than keeping them clean!


I've managed to base and 'almost' finish my half finished stuff from last year - so stand by for some updates! So we've got around 3 marines and a character.


However, continuing my theme of updating a classic, here is another modern take on an old marine....



Looking good, especially the choice of head.

Thanks! I picked up the old resin DG minis, alas they are really was to small to use alongside the new stuff, so I decided that I'd behead a few of them so it wasn't a total waste! They might possibly make vehicle crew if I'm feeling adventurous!


I'd actually built up a few more DG marines and was planning on doing them in the ETL but alas I couldn't go traitor as my ECs are loyalists!! So sadly it might be a while before he sees paint....

But here is another kitbash!



I really enjoy how you're "updating" the old sculpts. The progress Games Workshop has made in the quality of their miniatures over the past 25+ years is really amazing. Seeing your conversions brings me back to seeing 40K miniatures for the first time.

You’re Death Guard are coming along famously. Definitely a fan of the bare head (or what’s left of it) plasma pistol champ.

Cheers. Having just tinkered with some regular marines it's really apparent how much nicer and bigger the DG range is! I'm kind of reluctant to model mini marines now. I'll finish my EC but doubt there will be any more projects.....

I really enjoy how you're "updating" the old sculpts. The progress Games Workshop has made in the quality of their miniatures over the past 25+ years is really amazing. Seeing your conversions brings me back to seeing 40K miniatures for the first time.

Thanks! Appreciate you stopping by! You are right, I came back to the hobby and found out everything was plastic, which given I'm of the vintage of the awful plastic goblin and Elf Spearmen was a big shock! I do love the new Death Guard, they certainly take me on a trip down memory lane! I just found the mutations on some a little too much and wanted to cling to my youth....

Anyways, here are a few more marines, nothing too exciting but If I want to make the other champion he'll need some minions.....




New DG marines look like they are coming along nicely.


And I hear you about the scale of the newer plastics like the recent Death Guard. I personally hope any new releases we get the marines are a bit beefier as I am too intimidated to try upscaling my marines.

  • 3 weeks later...

New DG marines look like they are coming along nicely.

And I hear you about the scale of the newer plastics like the recent Death Guard. I personally hope any new releases we get the marines are a bit beefier as I am too intimidated to try upscaling my marines.

I really do love the new scale and I've been working on a few exciting projects with this kit, hopefully I'll get to squeeze them into the ETL as nominal loyalists....

Nice pose on the fellow striding forth with his knife drawn.

Thanks! I actually really like this dude, I picked up the body on a bits site so had to find a use for it! Just managed to get a Tallyman torso, so I'm excited to see how I can use him...

Anyways, added a few finishing touches to my previous batch of Marines. The current batch should be started after the ETL vow is done.

++Brother Taron Borax++ a diseased and bloated traitor, with a soul as black and rancid as his body. Delighting in carnage and havoc, his only joy is raining down fiery death on his enemies from afar......


This dude is a bit of a favourite! I might go back and add him the half cloak as befitting his rank!

++Brother Sergeant Cyrus Glutt++ A hulking brute of astartes, even before the blessings of the Plague father. Glutt is a cold, taciturn figure suited to the task of laying down suppressing barrages and calculating targeting points for optimum application of fire support......

Heavy support Sgt, enjoyed this model as it was the first bare headed DG figure in the new range, trimmed his mutations and gave him a nice hairstyle instead!


Love the modification to the head. The fact it adds some “humanity” to the figure makes the end result more horrifying and repulsive. A reminder of where Nurgle’s chosen come from...

Thanks! I do wish the other bare DG heads weren't so stupidly warped with silly singular horns. I don't think i can salvage the blister pack champion sadly. Luckily I've acquired some tasty fantasy heads for my next batch of characters!!

++Brother Mahilm Grigorlov++ A stoic veteran of countless campaigns, Grigorlov is a consummate professional soldier with attention to detail bordering on obsessive. Always well equipped, he is somewhat sentimental; tinkering and field repairing his trusty wargear rather than replacing it..... modified one of the Plague Brethren slightly, just to de-nurglify him a bit.


The last of the 'batch' I had mostly done, just needed to add the final weathering stages, such as the rust and streaking - it is such a drawn out process I'm loathed to do it on one figure! I am trying desperately to clear my backlog of stuff, as I want to try something new for Kill Team and start a Bloodbowl team..... I've a fair 'in progress' things cluttering the desk up.....

Anyway, I took some inspiration from Capt Jack and his apothecaries, and couldn't resist! I am partial to and have ideas for a few more.....

++ Apothecary Majoris Kasimir Sursok ++ A grim and solemn astartes, even by Barbaran standards, Sursok is a senior figure within the 3rd Great Company. He is wracked with guilt and being unable to prevent the blight afflicting his beloved legion, yet even he can not deny the potency of the plague father’s gifts. Enduring the rot of his body with the stoic determination the Fourteenth Legion are famed for, Sursok is determined he will one day day overcome the plagues ravaging the legion, and he is keen to find new subjects to experiment on….



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