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Armament's Destroyers Chapter (White Scar Successors)


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Hey Bolter and Chainsword crowd!  I am new to the forums and back to the game thanks to 8th coming out.  I havn't played since 5th ended, and at that point sold all of my armies except for my Grey Knights.  I like having options in the primary game I am playing and so now that I am back, I wanted to build a new army that has more options than GK's.  One of the armies I had always wanted to do back in the day was a White Scars bike army, however that never came to be.  Then when I got the 8th ed SM codex I started looking at some of the successor chapters for WS and found that I really liked the Yellow and Black combo of the Destroyers.  While they have little interesting fluff written about them, the fact that they are almost zealously loyal to the mission seemed cool to me.  


Anyway with that I dived in and started picking up SM stuff, but one thing I noticed was that you could get all the Primaris piecemeal cheaply on eBay, so I picked up a starter box worth of stuff for them too.  Then before I knew it I had more Primaris marines than normal.  As I am sure your saying now as you read this, I to said to myself, "wait what am I doing, I wanted to build a bike army."  So then it kind of became a two pronged project.  Bikes and Primaris... so I went back and read the fluff about Primaris and realized that the Destroyers and their zealous nature would make them perfect candidates to receive a Primaris rebuff of troops.


Ok cool, so now I am doing Primaris and Bikes, but I had also always wanted to try and do some kind of "build a company of a chapter".  So if I am going to do that with some accuracy I better do some planing.  So I came up with this break down of 2 companies, one that is Primaris heavy, and one that is bike heavy.  I figured too, for fun, that I would choose names of a Russian origin for my the 3rd Chapter, and a Romanian/Brom Stoker-esq names for 5th Company.


Progress:  Red = Owned, Orange = Built, Green = Painted

3rd Company (Red) “Heralds of Destruction”:


  • Primaris CaptainAlexei Chernenko
  • 2 Primaris Lieutenants “Ivan Skavar” and “Iosef Lennon”
  • Primaris LibrarianPyotr Yezhov
  • Primaris Chaplain “”
  • Primaris Ancient “Sgt Sergey Romanov”
  • 2 Primaris Apothecary “” and “”
  • Company Champion “Brother Leonid ‘The Black Knight’”
  • 2 Honor Guard “The Black Knight’s Sword and Shield”

  1st Squad:  10 man Intercessor Squad “The Heralds”

  2nd Squad:  10 man Intercessor Squad “Brothers Grimm”

  3rd Squad:  10 man Tactical Squad “Dead Men Walking”

  4th Squad:  10 man Reiver Squad “The Punishers”

  5th Squad:  10 man Hellblaster Squad “Immolation Corp”

  6th Squad:  3 man Aggressor Squad “Raining Death”

  7th Squad:  3 man Inceptor Squad “Black Wind”

  8th Squad:  3 man Inceptor Squad “Yellow Jackets”

  9th Squad:  Ironclad Dreadnaught “Brother Yuri, ‘The Hammer’”

  10th Squad:  3 man Centurion Devastator Squad “The Hellfire Club”

  11th Squad:  10 man Tactical Squad “The Ebon Cavaliers” (Reserves)

  12th Squad:  5 man Scout Squad “The Mad Men” (Reserves)

  13th Squad:  5 man Scout Squad “The Shepherds” (Reserves)

  14th Squad:  Relic Leviathan Dreadnought “Brother Grigory, ‘The Engine’” (Reserves)

  15th Squad:  3 man Aggressor Squad “The Purgation Squad” (Reserves)

  16th Squad:  Redemptor Dreadnought “Brother Dmitry, ‘The Iron Curtain’” (Reserves)

  Motor Pool:

  • 2 Tech Marines “”

  • Primaris Repulsor “The Reaper”

  • Primaris Repulsor “The Harvester”

  • Rhino “”

  • Razorback “The Black Coach”

  • Whirlwind ""

  • Landspeeder Storm “The Ghost”

  • Landspeeder Storm “The Banshee’s Keen”

  • Stormtalon Gunship “Gargoyle”

  • Xiphon Interceptor “Skaveling”


5th Company (Black) “The Endbringers”:


  • Captain on Bike “Vladimir Tepes on Scholomance”

  • Librarian on Bike “Artur Orlok”

  • Chaplain on Bike “”

  • Lieutenant “”

  • Apothecary on Bike “Doc Stein”

  • 5 Company Vets on Bike “Sgt Arlov and The Four Horseman”

  1st Squad:  10 man Tactical Squad “The Eternal”

  2nd Squad:  10 man Bike Squad “The Dark Riders”

  3rd Squad:  10 man Bike Squad “The Huntsman’s Hounds”

  4th Squad:  9 man Scout Bike Squad “The Retrievers”

  5th Squad:  5 man Sniper Scout Squad “Eyes of the Emperor”

  6th Squad:  5 man Sniper Scout Squad “Hands of the Emperor”

  7th Squad:  5 man Devastator Squad “Ashes to Ashes”

  8th Squad:  3 Attack Bikes “Sudden Death”

  9th Squad:  10 man Hellblaster Squad “Dust to Dust”

  10th Squad:  10 man Sternguard Vets “Bolters of Vengeance” (On loan from 1st Company)

  11th Squad:  10 man Vanguard Vets “The Warbringers” (On loan from 1st Company)

  12th Squad:  5 Land Speeders “The Furies” (Reserves)

​  13th Squad:  5 man Devastator Squad “Soldiers of the Eclipse” (Reserves)

  Motor Pool:

  • 2 Techmarine on Bike “”

  • Techmarine “”

  • Rhino “”

  • Rhino “”

  • Razorback “Lead Poisoning”

  • Whirlwind "Black Sky"

  • Whirlwind "Blood Moon"

  • Stormtalon Gunship “Thunder”

  • Xiphon Interceptor “Lightning”

  • Xiphon Interceptor "Cyclone"

  • 3 Predators “”


So yea, thats a giant list. Not something I will do quickly, or even potentially complete, but its a road map that will help me make sure I am consistent with all my markings and such. And I thought joining everyone here would be a great motivation to keep working on things and sharing them with an awesome community!


Without further adue, here are the first 2 marines I painted as a test batch of the color scheme. They are also members of 3rd Company's 1st Squad, "The Heralds".

Pair of Destroyer Primaris Marines

Destroyer Primaris Marines

Destroyer Primaris Marines


So I also have some custom chapter symbol transfers that I will be adding to the above models along with 4 more marines that I am so close to finishing.


Here is a snippet of the sheet.


Destroyer Chapter Symbol transfer snippet

you know I went searching for any destroyer models that people had done on the internet and could not find any, only recently did I see one on here in the post your primaris thread, and it seemed like that person was just doing 1 model from each chapter.  When you say more, have you seen more else where, if so I would love to know!

@deathspectersgt7 right on!  That is one giant thread couldn't remember who the poster was.  So what do you do to make your chapter symbols, are you making them with green stuff?  I noticed they are raised.  Very cool.


@Maltesefalcon609 I can definitely put one together, I will do that with my next post of pictures this weekend.  Should have 4 more Primaris done, then I am going to start on my first vehicle, a Storm Talon.

So obviously I have an ambitious list above, some may ask, how far in are you?  So while painting has only recently begun, I have a lot assembled, and a lot in boxes in my closet, but hell, a lot of it I don't even own yet.  So I figured I would toss out a list of where everything is at.


Built and Ready for Paint:

20 Intercessors (6 are basically painted)

2 Primaris Captains (1 in Gravis, 1 not)

2 Primaris Lieutenants

10 Scout Snipers

6 Inceptors

10 Hellblasters

1 Repulsor

1 Storm Talon

Need Assembly still:

Captain / Kor'sarro (Counts as) on bike

Chappy on Bike

Librarian on Bike

Normal Lieutenant

3 10 man Tactical Squads

2 5 man Dev Squads

5 Melee Company Vets on Bikes

Apoc on Bike

10 Sternguard

10 Primaris Rievers

a 2nd Storm Talon

Drop Pod

and a Razor Back

Some of this stuff thats waiting to be built is waiting on small enough magnets for weapon swap outs, but they are on the way so I can start doing that stuff soon.  The Rievers are half built, but I had to switch to building some Sisters of Silence for a upcoming tournament. 

So I have finished 4 more Primaris Marines last night, and got the base for my Storm Talon Finished.  I was prepping to start putting the decals onto these first 6 Marines when my wife got home so I stopped, took a couple picks then went and watched a few episodes of the Punisher.  I will get the decals on soon and take a nice set of pics of the whole 6 man squad.  Maybe have an early shot of work on the Storm Talon.  Also I will get the color list up, I know that was asked about earlier.


Destroyers Squad, preped for decals.


And the Flyer Base

Storm Talon Base


Hope to keep the work flowing and the updates coming in!  Oh and neat news, I was granted an early Christmas present by some family this year, and was able to order 3 Xiphon Interceptors for the army!  They will be a fun addition I think.

So for the Colors, here is what I do:


Prime the model black, with army painter black primer.  Then I do a quick wash over all the black armor parts with Abbadon black, so when I do touch up later on the black, it matches the paint pot and you don't see that slight variation.


I then start with all the yellow parts, first putting down a layer of Ushanti Bone/Bleached Bone to give the yellow a lighter base to put on top of.  Then I do 2 thinned layers of Yriel Yellow and try to get that as even as possible so that no dark spots are showing through.  Then I put in a golden sepia wash in the reassess (the first two used angrex earth shade but i found that to be to dark and contrasting to the yellow), followed by a quick clean up of more Yriel Yellow after that dries.  Then I edge the yellow with the edge color Dorn Yellow.

They I go through and do all the leather and various purity seals and the red knee pads and eye lenses.

For leather I just use Skagg Brown, wash it with Nuln Oil then edge it with a slightly lightened (typically with some yellow) Skagg Brawn again.

For the red, I start with a Mephiston Red, then add a Wild Rider Red Highlight on top of that, then in the case of the sgt's helmet I also do a edge of that mixed with a little white.  When I do my techmarine pilot for my Storm Talon, I will then also add a red wash after the Mephiston Red before applying the Wild Rider highlights.


Purity seal paper I just do bleached bone and then angrex earth shade and re highlight with bone again.


For the various silver parts on the gun and the exhausts on the backpack and such, I just use Ironbreaker with nuln oil washed on top, not edging afterword, I like the dirtied look.

Finally after I have done all those details I go back in and clean up all the black as I have inevitably gotten some colors on top of the black, and then edge all of it with Fenrisian Grey.


Then I paint the base, which really any earth tones will do for that.


Hope that helps @Maltesefalcon609

All righty, got all the decals on the finished 6 Primaris.  Took a little bit to remember the process for them as i havn't done any transfer work in years.  The first one was not perfect, but after I finish several squads, you will not be able to pick that one guy out anymore.  I then had to celebrate and display them neatly on some of my new terrain I got for my in house table.  This is that last of the pics of these guys I promise.


Finished 6 Man squad, Patrolling some ruins.

Chapter Decals up close

Destroyers in Ruins

Destroyers in Ruins


And for something new, I have started working on the cockpit and pilot for my storm talon.  Starting to look nice I think.  All the tan you see is the base layer for what will be yellow.


Storm Talon Cockpit

Storm Talon Cockpit Close Up

  • 2 weeks later...

So its been a lit bit, thought I would post a few more photos of the progress I have made on my Stormtalon.  While I have been working on the army a lot, not all of it has been painting, I have also assembled several more units and vehicles.  Painting the Stormtalon has shown me that I am ready to try out Airbrushing when I get the chance to pick one up.  For now I may start using a friend of mine's for things like my Xiphons.  Also, I am ready to go back to some infantry, and thusly hope to finish this project during the holidays.


Stormtalon Progress Update 2

Stormtalon Progress Update 2

Stormtalon Progress Update 2

  • 4 weeks later...

Fresh update after the holidays!  While I didn't get the quantity of painting done this holiday season I wanted to, but I did get some conversion construction done.  So first up is the last shot of the cockpit completed before I glued the canopy on.  After that is a few progress shots of the main chassis, yellow and silver is done except for some edge highlighting.  Also need to weather the engine exhausts as well.  Then the last two shots are my finished Librarian on Bike conversion!  His gun arm is magnetized so I can change out gun options.  He comes off at the upper torso so I can paint it easier, and his sword which will be at his hip is not shown in the picture.  In all the model is made with a Dark Angels bike kit, with Vanguard Vet bits, Grey Knight bits, and the combi is from a forgeworld combi pack.

I am also going to edit my front post so that I can update the company listings with a color code to show overall progress!


Final Cockpit Shot

Stormtalon Progress

Stormtalon Progress

Librarian on Bike Conversion

Librarian on Bike Conversion 2

  • 2 weeks later...

So it has finally happened, I finished the Stormtalon!  The "Gargoyle" is now ready to scour the skies in the name of the Emperor.  This first pic is from while I was doing the edging I finished the front half and was excited to see the model whole so I installed the cockpit.



And here are the completion shots!





And finally the next project is my Primaris Captain.  I used a new technique I picked up from Recoil889 and his Black Templar!  So here is a shot of the black and edging done, along with the gun arm almost finished (just need to paint the strap a brown leather).


That’s one sharp looking Captain! Keep up the good work!!

Thanks Recoil! That means a lot!


So here is another update of the Captain, havn't been able to get to much time to paint lately, but I really want to finish this guy before the weekend so he is all together at our local tournament this coming weekend.  After he is finished I will be moving on to my 2 Primaris Lieutenants. 


Primaris Captain, Update 2

Primaris Captain, Update 2 (standing)

  • 2 weeks later...

So here is my finished Primaris Captain!  Alexei Chernenko, Captain of the Heralds of Destruction, 3rd Company of the Destroyers.


Primaris Captain finished shots

Primaris Captain finished shots


Unfortunately Grandfather Nurgle has invaded my home and the whole family has been sick, so that has put a serious damper on hobbying efforts.  Luckily everyone is on the mend now and just in time for a fresh local league to start.  This league is a slow grow one that has a strong hobbying component so I plan to use that as a motivator to keep me working on these guys.  Next on my painting table is 2 Primaris Lieutenants, and on the building table I have 3 tactical squads and several rhino chassis vehicles to build.

  • 8 months later...

So it has been some time, well most of the year.  I have still been working on the project I just fell off the photo and posting wagon.  Figured I would get things caught back up!


So first up, my wife got me an awesome little light box to up my photography game.  Here are some shots of my first Primaris Squad, and then some new models!

Destroyers with Light Box!

Destroyers with Light Box!


Here are some of my Finished Captain




And finally my 2 finished Lieutenants, which are new.






So next after I finished the Lts, I figured I should paint a few of the models I use a lot that also are not put together until painted.  My heavy bolter and las cannon devs fall into that bucket for sure.  So here are the shots of the Dev Heavy Bolters.




Completed Heavy Bolter Devistator Marines

I got some primer and a little extra work done to my first Xiphon, but then the following picture happened so progress on it stopped.


First Xiphon Interceptor


Then I took a break on things for a while, but when I came back I felt motivated to start working on Bike stuff.  So I built my Apothecary on Bike, and then started painting the Captain on bike.  This is where I am at today, and will be trying to finish the captain out asap so I can start on my Librarian.

Apothicary on Bike Conversion

Captain On Bike Progress 1

Captain On Bike Progress 2



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