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Get Ready For Chapter Approved

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And a warlord trait and relics and strats.


These are basic gameplay elements all indicidual factions should have.


With the seemingly slim picking in CA i can't understand why only 11 were chosen.


It would be zero hardship to include a single warlord trait for the remaining factions.

SMs already got huge codex update that basically covers what they need and what little new codexes just came out. Maybe it´s based for those that don´t have codex upcoming yet, hard to know really.
We're not talking about Space Marines though?


This part of CA is supposed to be for the army's that don't have a Codex yet.


But only 11 were chosen.

Edited by Gentlemanloser
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I saw supposed spoilers from blood of kittens today and took it with a gigantic salt mountain. The rules don't appear as fun as they could be. By the looks it's only things that are already mounted that can be used, so you can have a land raider with 3 twin lascannons and 2 regular ones for no transport capacity, and 16 is the maximum capacity if you take the hurricane bolters and other selective choices.
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Plague marine points drop confirmed. Still not sure about 10 point blight launchers but that does make that first set of leaks with the assault cannon hikes more likely.


No smite spam nerf like I was expecting. 80 points seems too much for a Maelific Lord but I'm not feeling sympathetic at all. Presumably Primaris psykers will also go up a little or Imperium will just be the new chaos.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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