Subsided Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 Hello! I feel this has been answered for sure but hard to go through all these pages now. Sorry for asking for a recap. Could I get the base and wep option costs for Sang Guard? I think I seen 20 base. I missed the weapons. I'd be sad if I was better off doing a full power fist Sang Guard unit over their neat (but currently fake overcosted Force) weapons. Did the Angelus Boltgun or Inferno Pistol change at all? Looking like Sang+plasma+fist for 39 ppm is the best way to go? Thanks in Advance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamesI Posted December 4, 2017 Author Share Posted December 4, 2017 20 is correct cost per model 12 for fist or Encarmine sword, 16 for axe 3 for Angelus Bolter, 7 for Plasma Pistol, 9 for Infernus Pistol. So 45 at the most expensive, 35 at the cheapest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Omega-soul Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 (edited) Big thanks to JamesI for keeping our collective impatience at bay If you're not tired of answering questions yet, can you confirm if land raiders can still take jump pack-equiped infantry? Lucifer engines + land raider with jump DC inside sounds too fun. They would be fast enough to rush almost anything by turn 2, kill it, then redeploy on turn 3 with Upon Wings of Fire. But why? You have a fury of forlorn move - that's a 24 inch move with a chance of charge on 1st turn. Actually I'm in with Spagunk. And while codex really pushes the jump pack aspect (which is defining for BA) they left over other builds - like Armoured spearhead, Dread-wave, and of course Terminator/veteran builds. I mean - all this builds are almost fair-priced, but they have no synergy as army. Re-rolls to hit for 2cp after deep strike for termies? In army that have a 50-shade of to-hit-rerolls? There was one excellent... no-no... BRILLIANT solution. Maybe even DIAMOND. Stratagem Death visions - choose a terminator unit before the game - it gains Death company keyword and Black rage special rule. DONE. There you have it. It's just a dozen words but the impact on codex is most hugest of all. And the best part - GW don't need to do ANYTHING after - just watch as people buy new terminator kits and paint them black, rolling them with lemartes and astorath it's THE win-win situation. The most sad part is that there is a ton of missed opportunities like that. The successor chapters... Jeez - I was literally crying happy when I read the gathering of the Blood host in Devastation of Baal. I thought wow that's so cool they introducing more successors and dive deep into lore with them, making all of them special. Uniqe Reliquary of Amit - a bet it would be a special relic for a Flesh tearers chapter... And though dreadnoughts have their merits - poor baal predator. It's like a siamese twin razorback and predator - and it took the worst from both. But the silver lining is - it's good codex. It's like when you grown up and bought a christmas gift to yourself. It's good. You wanted it. You needed it. But it's not a christmas gift that you used to have in childhood. I rate this codex for 7.9 out of 10 - Nice relief after a hell of 6-7th edition. Edited December 4, 2017 by Omega-soul Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jorre Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 My gut feeling is this codex isnt going to put us on the top top tables at 100+ man events. It is however much much better than the index. It allows us to play our older index lists with lowered points costs accross the board and has opened up a few new iconic Blood Angely builds alot of people have been asking for which look hell fun to play. I however think if your trying to add all the cool new toys into a single list you are going to struggle. Pick 2-3 good hqs and build a list around them. Also dont forget to sprinkle in some heavy firepower. You dont want to go all assault and be a 1 trick pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grazcruzk Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 Anyone taking the Chaplain Dread from Forgeworld? :-D I plan on running one in my game on Tues. The guys were nice enough to let me try out what was previewed at the time last week, I was thinking about taking an assault cannon and Artisan of War. Pretty much any of the dread weapon options seem awfully good if you plan on good that route. On deadnoughts in general, Wisdom of the Ancients will be especially handy for 1cp Riot Earp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morticon Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 It's just kind of bland to me is all. Fair enough, there. I cant agree with it at all, but likewise cant argue against an individual's personal taste preferences in relation to what they consider bland. I've made about 10 wildly different lists since last Monday with the new rules and all of them include units that I would have never included. There are staples - like the Ancient (who was never in my list before) and the DC - that were in and out at times in lists previously (usually out), but, the top HQ changes - sometimes Lemmy, sometimes Astorath, sometimes Corbs, sometimes non-named - all depends on what I'm making. The Troop core changes - scouts, Primaris, sometimes Tac support and elite and heavy changes too. I don't think I've even scratched the surface yet. I think the "first turn charge" is a strength - and its definitely a gimmick - but its nowhere near the only way to play BA and more importantly, they now play exactly as they are represented in the fluff. A codex-adherent chapter with a penchant for fast, aggressive, hard-hitting assaults. I've been bleak with the BA since 7th and was heartbroken with how 8th all but invalidated them via the index - the codex has resparked that interest and excitement for me -so, while I will say I'm hearing what you're saying, and while I can't say its wrong - on account of it being your reaction to it - im literally seeing the opposite of bland. At first glance, It looks like probably the most options we have available since I can remember. Panzer, Remtek, Indefragable and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tychobi Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 This codex has strong stuff in it. For single codex lists it will not be hyper competitive. Melee focus is always uphill in gun fights and the guns are hot in 8th. I do feel that there are some gems in there and there will be Blood Angel detachments in some very very strong imperial soup lists in upcoming tourneys. Just for the stratagems (wings of fire and for the honor of the chapter) this book will see play. I am disappointed to not see a stronger more defined Sanguinor, we lack a serious beatstick. Baal Preds seem kinda meh as well. I don't care for primaris silliness or for flavors of terminator that mean nothing so most of our "new" (recycled) units are not perking me up. Our dreads got cheap. . . but not great. Frag cannon? Went from so cool to a sad afterthought that will shelf non magnetized furiosos. Bummer. Just up the range to 10" GW please! All in all this is as good as I could hope for. I was nearly right on prediction for our chapter tactic (red thirst). Charging Death Co from deep strike are going to make it look like we are awesome against poor generals. Experienced, prepared foes are not going to be intimidated or foolish enough to get caught by such tactics. We are gonna need to use all our tricks and bonuses to go up vs strong Raven Guard, Ultrasmurf, or even Salamaders. Guard gunlines and Chaos Cheese are going to mop the floor with us if well played. Decent dex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morticon Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 This codex has strong stuff in it. For single codex lists it will not be hyper competitive. Melee focus is always uphill in gun fights and the guns are hot in 8th. This ^ "Decent dex." Solid B !! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 I think a mostly unchanged Sanguinor was to be expected. Giving im awesome rules is something GW would want to save for when they release an equally awesome mode to raise its sales even further. Same goes for other characters with big names I guess. Pendent 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pendent Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 I think a mostly unchanged Sanguinor was to be expected. Giving im awesome rules is something GW would want to save for when they release an equally awesome mode to raise its sales even further. Same goes for other characters with big names I guess. I'm fairly sure that's why we got a mostly unchanged Dante as well. He's turning into one of major characters for the imperium so I can definitely see them doing a new model for him alongside a campaign book or something. Chaplain Gunzhard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jorre Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 I can see it now! Primaris Dante Lord Regent of Imperium Nilus and Lord Commander of the Blood Angels legion and all the names. M 12 WS 2+ BS 2+ S 4 T 4 A 7 LD 10 Save 2+ Armed with quad inferno pistol, +3 command points and all the things! Bargain at 175 points! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
terminatorAM Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 I may have missed it, but did we ever see rules for the new Primaris Lieutenant Tolmeron? Is he actually a new character with unique rules, or just our only truly unique Primaris model? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
banis Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 Ok i wouldnt mind restarting my BA army again. I have played them since rouge trader and have had 3 diffrent BA armies by now with completly different models.. . So the whole "new" models is nothing new.. Am i the only one who is thinking..But where is the Primaris marines with jump packs.?.. And no black rage for primaris..meh.. thats the best thing about blood angels:). GW lost my money there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redwunzgofasta Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 (edited) Hi, I’ve read through the thread but just want to check something, hope I haven’t missed it. I’ve built and painted 2x death Company dreadnoughts with fists instead of claws, is this now a ‘bad’ choice rules-wise? Everything is plastic glued on so there’s no way I’m pulling their hands off, I’m just anxious to know. Thanks for any clarification you can give Edited December 4, 2017 by Redwunzgofasta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orpheus Black Blood Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 I can see it now! Primaris Dante Lord Regent of Imperium Nilus and Lord Commander of the Blood Angels legion and all the names. M 12 WS 2+ BS 2+ S 4 T 4 A 7 LD 10 Save 2+ Armed with quad inferno pistol, +3 command points and all the things! Bargain at 175 points! Inmortal with no wounds? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orpheus Black Blood Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 I think a mostly unchanged Sanguinor was to be expected. Giving im awesome rules is something GW would want to save for when they release an equally awesome mode to raise its sales even further. Same goes for other characters with big names I guess. I'm fairly sure that's why we got a mostly unchanged Dante as well. He's turning into one of major characters for the imperium so I can definitely see them doing a new model for him alongside a campaign book or something. I agree. I'm sure The Sanguinor and Dante are going to be updated in the near future both model an rules wise. Maybe Mephiston too? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 (edited) I may have missed it, but did we ever see rules for the new Primaris Lieutenant Tolmeron? Is he actually a new character with unique rules, or just our only truly unique Primaris model? It's the generic Primaris Lieutenant. Ok i wouldnt mind restarting my BA army again. I have played them since rouge trader and have had 3 diffrent BA armies by now with completly different models.. . So the whole "new" models is nothing new.. Am i the only one who is thinking..But where is the Primaris marines with jump packs.?.. And no black rage for primaris..meh.. thats the best thing about blood angels:). GW lost my money there. Well we have the Inceptors. Those are Jump Pack Primaris. But yeah I too am waiting for Jump Pack Primaris HQs, Jump Pack melee Primaris and some Deathcompany Primaris unit. Edited December 4, 2017 by sfPanzer terminatorAM and banis 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crimson Ghost IX Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 (edited) Hi, I’ve read through the thread but just want to check something, hope I haven’t missed it. I’ve built and painted 2x death Company dreadnoughts with fists instead of claws, is this now a ‘bad’ choice rules-wise? Everything is plastic glued on so there’s no way I’m pulling their hands off, I’m just anxious to know. Thanks for any clarification you can give DCDN - 90pts base w/ All the same DC stuffs. Blood Talons - 65pts +4str -2AP 3dam re-roll hit&wound. Furiouso Fist - 45/50 pts x2str -3AP 3dam re-roll to hit with pair. You save 15 points and are +1 to wound rolls with red thirst now so not the end of the world at all I think. Believe all flamer, melta SB options same as index for all. Magna grapple 5pts - clarified to allow +2 inche charges against single vehicle. (Can't declare vehicle and charge infantry anymore) Believe I have that all correct (don't have the book) Source -> Forge the Narrative Podcast. Also: Furioso - 80pts Frag Cannon 38pts Single Fist 45 pts Libby DN - 172pts with fist and halberd. Also Also: Wisdom of the Ancients, 1 CP. Select a dreadnought, all Blood Angels within 6 inches reroll to hits for the phase (can be used in any phase). Armor of Contempt, 1CP. Vehicle can ignore a mortal wound on a 5+ for a phase. (Handy on occassion for DNs prolly) DCDN are gonna be alot more useful =) Edited December 4, 2017 by Crimson Ghost IX Riot Earp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anamnesis Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 I'm probably the only one interested, but is there any chance to send me a pic of the heraldry for the Knight of the Chalice successor please? You'll have me deepest gratitude Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redwunzgofasta Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 Crimson ghost thank you for that! My mind is definitely at ease :) I think the situations where a re-rollable 2 to wound will make a massive difference will be few and far between, plus I’ll save 30 points between both dreadnoughts! Crimson Ghost IX 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andy Tea Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 Hi,I don't currently play BA but I've decided I'm going to do a Full Dreadnought army, my opponents currently only use power points so can you tell me please if the power point shave changed for the Librarian, Furioso or Death Company dreads I assume Regular dreadnought, Redemptor and Contemptor are same as the SM codexCheersAndy Emicus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamesI Posted December 4, 2017 Author Share Posted December 4, 2017 I may have missed it, but did we ever see rules for the new Primaris Lieutenant Tolmeron? Is he actually a new character with unique rules, or just our only truly unique Primaris model?Not a unique character. Just a name. Hi, I don't currently play BA but I've decided I'm going to do a Full Dreadnought army, my opponents currently only use power points so can you tell me please if the power point shave changed for the Librarian, Furioso or Death Company dreads I assume Regular dreadnought, Redemptor and Contemptor are same as the SM codex Cheers Andy I don't own the regular marine codex so hard to say. I know our regular dreads can now swap the stormbolter to a meltagun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimbo1701 Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 Thanks jamesI for all the info. If I may add a couple of questions to the constant tirade you are facing: 1. Death company loadouts (mine all have bolters still) looks like chainswords/melee and various pistols are better now - are bolters a viable option at all or shall I start removing arms? 2. Are any of he following present as options or are all index only now: sang. Novitiate with jp, champion with jp, ancient with jp, techmarine with jp. I think you stated earlier in the thread that priests and comp veterans are foot only now as expected. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamesI Posted December 4, 2017 Author Share Posted December 4, 2017 Thanks jamesI for all the info. If I may add a couple of questions to the constant tirade you are facing: 1. Death company loadouts (mine all have bolters still) looks like chainswords/melee and various pistols are better now - are bolters a viable option at all or shall I start removing arms? 2. Are any of he following present as options or are all index only now: sang. Novitiate with jp, champion with jp, ancient with jp, techmarine with jp. I think you stated earlier in the thread that priests and comp veterans are foot only now as expected. Bolters replace the bolt pistol so you still have the chainsword. A perfectly viable choice. None if the units in question 2 get jump packs anymore in codex. Keep your index to allow them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riot Earp Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 Gonna field one Chaplain Dread with the Infernus Cannon. That stratagem would be neat on him but still situational. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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