Emperor's Furor Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 Ok I might start them then, are they fun to play with? I've mainly played traditional space marines in the past, before the primaris stuff happened, I like tough hard to kill things, I had a go at skitarii but I just kept getting owned with them. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5138738 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 UK GT was the only time he’s run all bikes, normally he uses a battalion for his Custodes. :) I think that’s great. I think the last time I actually saw him play Custodes he was playing Reece’s Space Marines (Minotaurs?) and he had lost. That’s how I play them, for better or worse with Guardians. It just feels a little more... regal to me and more committed, not just an escort of some other Force. Ok I might start them then, are they fun to play with? I've mainly played traditional space marines in the past, before the primaris stuff happened, I like tough hard to kill things, I had a go at skitarii but I just kept getting owned with them. AdMech is in a really tough spot right now. Truly hard to kill with a hint of forgiveness is Death Guard or Nurgle Daemons. The Custodes are tough, but you’re paying for it. I think they are fun to play with but again you have to happy participating in certain phases of the game. Obviously you won’t be playing a vehicle gunline, or a Psychic army. You can always ally if you find you’d like to expand the scope of the army. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5138859 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 I think it’s safe to say Custodes were designed to be an ally since they have a Vexilla that provides 5++ to all Imperial units versus enemy shooting. Hopefully FW will eventually release some official rules then they’ll be better suited as a single faction. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5138911 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frater Cornelius Posted August 6, 2018 Share Posted August 6, 2018 I think it’s safe to say Custodes were designed to be an ally since they have a Vexilla that provides 5++ to all Imperial units versus enemy shooting. Hopefully FW will eventually release some official rules then they’ll be better suited as a single faction. Custodes, Knights, Inquisition, Assassins, SoS. Basically, all the agents. Putting 'em all together and supplement them with a main force like IG. Looks baller and, AC with IG in particular, plays well ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5139065 Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted August 6, 2018 Share Posted August 6, 2018 I think it’s safe to say Custodes were designed to be an ally since they have a Vexilla that provides 5++ to all Imperial units versus enemy shooting. Hopefully FW will eventually release some official rules then they’ll be better suited as a single faction.Custodes, Knights, Inquisition, Assassins, SoS. Basically, all the agents. Putting 'em all together and supplement them with a main force like IG. Looks baller and, AC with IG in particular, plays well ;) Forgeworld IA is due in Q3 so hopefully won't be long, things I'm hoping for Caestus fist to be fixed points wise and be more damage better AP. Caladius to come down a little in points. Achillus needs more attacks, impaling lunge needs a buff and AP-4 on the melee attack. Saggitarium guard with something like assault 3 -2 D2 would be really good and maybe 2 firing modes. Melta spears I always run at least a batallion with my Custodes, I'm heartily against CP batteries. Someone above said about gaming in a casual environment and he was right, every unit in the codex can be used in that way, there are no lame ducks except maybe the venerable contemptor and land raider (so expensive/will die fast). I happen to really like wardens, they can skirt under the radar a bit better than your terms as everyone :cusss a chicken when the terms arrive, but they still drop a ton of hurt. I'm facing Scions and a knight later so I will report back how it goes. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5139475 Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted August 6, 2018 Share Posted August 6, 2018 As promised here is a quick run down Custodes Shield captain on bike: HB, Auric Aquillas, radiant mantle, Victor of the blood games Shocked captain: castellan axe 3 squads of: 3 guard with spear and 1 shield Vexillus praetor magnifica Vexilla in alarus imperius 2 x 3 vertus praetor Tempestus Scions Tempestor prime X2 CP farm WT & relic 2 x 5 Scions with 2 volley guns 1 X 5 with 2 plasma 1 X 5 with 2 grenade 1 command squad 4 melta 1 command squad 4 plasma 2 taurox with volley guns/ Gatling guns 1 taurox with volley/battle cannon Valkyrie 3 bullgryns Vindicare assassin Knight crusader Stormspear, Gatling, thermal. We played sealed orders on frontline assault map Custodes went duration deployed everything in a bubble and advanced and moved up to the central terrain piece, only my warlord was out to the right and he advanced into an objective to start a defend. Took 4 wounds from the Valkyrie and scored no points. Scions turn 1, Valkyrie flew forward and dropped off the 3 bullgryns for a move and charge into one of my bike squads and the knight moved up. Knight killed 2 bikes in the shooting phase. Bullgryns managed to take 2 wounds off a bike before they were mercilessly dispatched. Custodes turn 2 and I moved a squad and the last biker towards the knight and the captain on foot, then deepstriked the squad I put in teleport and the termie with vexilla imperius. After charges I had a 4 man squad, the bike and the captain in combat with the knight, the squad were the only ones in range of the +1 attack bubble. I used piercing strike to add 1 to my wound rolls on the spears and when that squad was done the knight had 6 wounds left. Between the bike and the captain I finished it off and it blew up doing some wounds all round and 6 to the squad. I also killed the Valkyrie in combat with the other squad. The game went on for 6 turns but ended 27 points to 13 in favour of the Custodes. Turns out we can kill knights. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5139741 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 6, 2018 Share Posted August 6, 2018 Well played sword ! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5139776 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainMarsh Posted August 7, 2018 Share Posted August 7, 2018 Played a smaller game against a Grey Knights player. Tabled him by 3, didn't lose a model. The dice were terrible for him and great for me. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5140038 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 8, 2018 Share Posted August 8, 2018 Going to a GT this weekend and getting everything ready - Here’s my Culexus Assassin - still very much a work in progress... trying for an OSL effect: https://greenblowfly.blogspot.com/2018/08/culexus-assassin-work-in-progress.html Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5140618 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 8, 2018 Share Posted August 8, 2018 All done now ... Just finished my Culexus... was a rush job for a GT this weekend - https://greenblowfly.blogspot.com/2018/08/culexus-assassin-finished.html Wish her luck. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5140991 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted August 8, 2018 Share Posted August 8, 2018 Played in a team tourney this past weekend. Team took best general. I took third individually. Still running a bunch of bikes. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5141067 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 11, 2018 Share Posted August 11, 2018 Golden Boy ... Click the link to see the base - https://greenblowfly.blogspot.com/2018/08/shield-captain-on-dawn-eagle-complete.html Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5142607 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 11, 2018 Share Posted August 11, 2018 All done now - https://greenblowfly.blogspot.com/2018/08/shield-captain-on-dawneagle-finished.html Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5142939 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted August 20, 2018 Share Posted August 20, 2018 All done now - https://greenblowfly.blogspot.com/2018/08/shield-captain-on-dawneagle-finished.html It's nearly impossible to comment on your colour scheme and paint job on any of your images because they're filtered! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5148963 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 20, 2018 Share Posted August 20, 2018 Had a game Saturday versus Blood Angels-Guard-Salamanders; I was running Blood Angels-Deathwatch-Custodes. My opponent has three battalions and I have two ballations (BA & DW) and a Vanguard (Custodians). We were playing one of the ITC Missions with five objectives - one in the center of each table quarter and one in the center of the table. Deployment was diaganol table quarters and you couldn’t deploy with 9" of the table center.Here’s my abbreviated list:-BA-Captain - Angel’s Wings (relic) Stormshield - Thunderhammer /WLT Artisan of War /Death Visions of SanguiniusCaptain - Jump Pack - Stormshield - Hammer of Baal (relic)5x Scout - Bolt Pistols & Combat Blades5x Scout - Bolt Pistols & Combat Blades5x Scout - Bolt Pistols & Combat Blades-DW-Watch Master - Tome of Ectolclades (relic)Watch Captain - Jump Pack - Thunderhammer - Storm Bolter - Bane Bolts (relic)4x Intercessor - Bolt Rifles & Auxiliary Grenade LauncherIntercessor Sergeant - Bolt Rifle & Power Sword2x Plasma Inceptor2x Veteran - Storm Bolters & ChainswordsBlack Shield - Storm Shield & Power SwordWatch Sergeant - Storm Bolter & Power AxeVeteran - Deathwatch Frag CannonVeteran - Infernus Heavy Bolter2x Veteran - Storm Bolters & ChainswordsBlack Shield - Storm Shield & Power SwordWatch Sergeant - Storm Bolter & Power AxeVeteran - Deathwatch Frag Cannon-Custodes-Shield-Captain on Dawneagle - Auric Aquilas (relic)4x Allarus Custodian - Castellan Axes4x Warden - 3x Castellan Axe & Guardian SpearVexilla Praetor - Guardian Spear - Vexilla MagnificaMy opponent had the following (best guess from memory):-BA-Captain - Angel’s Wings (relic) Stormshield - Thunderhammer /WLT Gift of Foresight /Death Visions of SanguiniusMephiston5x Scout - Bolt Pistols & Combat Blades5x Scout - Bolt Pistols & Combat Blades5x Scout - Bolt Pistols & Combat Blades9x Death Company Marine - Jump Packs - 4x Chainsword - 5x Power Sword15x Death Company Marine - Jump Packs - Chainswords & Thunderhammers-IG-CommanderCommander9x Guardsman & Mortar Team9x Guardsman & Mortar Team9x Guardsman & Mortar TeamWyvern-Salamanders-Captain - Bike - ThunderhammerLibrarian - Force Stave4x Tactical Marine - LascannonSergeant - Bolter4x Tactical Marine - LascannonSergeant - Bolter4x Tactical Marine - LascannonSergeant - Bolter4x Devastator - 2x Missile Launcher - 2x Lascannon - Armored CherubSergeant - Bolter - SignumI finished deploying first, won the roll off and chose to go second. There was a big piece of line of sight blocking terrain right in the middle of the table so I wasn’t too worried about the lascannons and rockets deploying everything out of line of sight; I held the following units in deep strike reserve:BA Captain - Hammer of BaalWatch CaptainFortis Killteam (Primaris)Allarus CustodiansWardensI knew I had to get rid of those two Death Company squads... my opponent held the Thunderhammer squad in reserve along with his Captain and deployed the Power Sword squad as close as possible. I deployed my scouts to Wall off my Deathwatch units from a first turn charge. Deathwatch Vets and Watch Master were inside a building and the Praetor was behind them. My opponent deployed his Devs on top of a building in the rear of his deployment zone with the Wyvern behind a building, sprinkling the guardsmen and Marines all around to block out deep strikes. Mephiston deployed up front too. His Salamander characters deployed back to the rear.I did not attempt to seize. My opponent used a strategem to scout move the Death Company moving past the big building in the middle of the table.-1st Turn OpponentDeath Company moved up surrounding my Scouts. Mephiston first cast Wings and moved up on top of the building then attempted to cast a psychic power on the Death Company for +1 attack but failed. Mortars and Wyverns fired killing a few scouts opening up a couple holes so his Death Company could assault into the building with my Deathwatch inside. His charge was around 6-7" so he couldn’t get into base contact with much of my Vets. He didn’t roll that well to hit and wound... a few scouts survived and he only killed a couple Vets. My counter assault was much better taking out 7 Death Company then the last two fled the battle due to morale. One down and one to go.-1st Turn MeI moved up my Vets to shoot Mephiston and the Shield-Captain flew up behind the building so he could shoot some guardsmen. I brought in the Fortis Killteam and Watch Captain to lend some more fire power into Mephiston. I positioned my surviving scouts to screen and block off deep strikes as best as possible for the next turn. My Praetor ran into the little building in the back moving up to the second level. Mephiston got blown out of his boots but it took the Fortis Killteam to finally finish him off. The Shield-Captain killed 5-6 guardsmen.I was up on points at the end of the turn having killed more units and scored two secondaries.-2nd Turn OpponentThe guard that got shot up moved back and the other units held still. In came the big Death Company plus his Captain... ouch. There was some more artillery barrage from the mortars and Wyvern... they may have killed a couple scouts collectively. Note my Vets and Fortis Killteam were in cover for the sweet 2+ save. So onto the big assault phase... the Captain failed his charge and took a couple wounds for his troubles lol - my Vets were able to drop around five to six Death Company on overwatch... gotta love those frag cannons !!! The Fortis Killteam was slaughtered to the last Marine but again I only lost a couple Vets thanks to the storm shields and my Watch Captain also got smashed to death. My Watch Master was able to heroically intervene and overall follow up attacks from the survivors accounted for several more Death Company. My opponent’s dice were pretty bad again but he finally did some damage. The last of Death Company lost a couple more to morale only leaving two to three left.-2nd Turn MeMy Shield-Captain and Warlord both moved to tangle with my opponent’s Captain while my Praetor moved in to finish off the last of the Death Company. Vets fell back so I could shoot them with other units. I opted to keep the rest of my reserves off the table. I wiped out both the Captain and Death Company increasing my lead on points. I really felt like I was in a good position now having eliminated all the major threats.Summary of remaining turns:The third turn I brought in my reserves over on my opponent’s left flank and they pretty much rolled right up it by the end of the game for a commanding win. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5149435 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ania Redfang Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 Played a 75 pl game yesterday against craftworld Eldar for my local GW league. We do open war missions and we drew the one where there are two objectives and if you hold both at the end of your opponent's turn, you win immediately. I had: 3 guard sqauds (forgot to bring my shield guys, that would have really helped against all the shuriken) 3 Allarus 3 bikes Vexilla Captain on foot Captain on bike He had a really disparate Eldar army 3 dire avengers squads Wraith lord War walker Farseer Guardians Wraith blades Wave serpent Scorpions Phoenix lord of some sort I split my forces, putting the vexilla, one guard squad and the foot Captain on my objective, knowing he'd have to come over there to win. I put the Allarus and two squads of guard in reserve. Rushed up the bikes, using terrain and distance to sort of flank his forces, most of them couldn't reach me. This was all I did turn one. His turn one he used the wave serpent and guardians to kill 2 bikes (starcannons!) But he surrounded his wave serpent with guardians so the wraith blades could not disembark. He moved away from his objective with most units, leaving the wraith lord, war walker and farseer on it. My turn 2 I measured gaps for each of my deep strikers and got them all just over 9 away from the war walker on the objective. Incidental shooting then the Allarus made the charge into the war walker and farseer, easily killing them both and consolidating into the wraith lord. On his turn he charged a unit of dire avengers back into the Allarus, and tried to charge the other two but failed. Allarus cut down the avengers and at the end of his turn there were three Allarus on his objective to his one wraith lord so I held it and won the game. Jammy deep strike placement from me but a lot of mistakes from him regarding leaving his objective. Bladestorm wrecks Custodes, I was failing most 4+ invulnerables that I was rolling, and are starcannons really damage 3?! Good game though, I feel like I played it how I needed to, and even if he'd screened the objective better with Allarus and two guard squads I think I'd have cut through eventually. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5151735 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkwrath121 Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 *snip*Starcannons are d3 damage from memory :)Hopefully that mixup didn't mess you up too much :/ Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5151873 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 Well played Annie - sounds your opponent was cheating too . Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5152287 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crabstuffed Mushrooms Posted August 28, 2018 Share Posted August 28, 2018 I'm still having a blast, my local meta hasn't adjusted, yet. When they do, however... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5155140 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Least Devotee Posted August 28, 2018 Share Posted August 28, 2018 Had my first real game with Custodes today, a 1375 pt game with a friend running Thousand Sons. I was fielding a mixed IG & Custodes force with: Custodes Patrol: (Sadly all I have built atm) Shield-Captain w/ axe & Misericordia 5 Guards w/ spears & Misericordia IG Battalion Cadian: Commander (warlord, KA & GS) Primaris Psyker (Nightshroud & Psychic Maelstrom) Tempestor Prime w/ Rod Infantry w/ Flamer, Vox & Mortar 4x Infantry w/ Plasma & Vox 10 Scions w/ 2x Plasma, Vox, & Hotshot Volley Each of the command squads w/ flag & Vox 2x Commissar Priest w/ autogun & chainsword Enginseer Punisher Russ w/ plasma, Stormbolter & Heavy-bolter Friend had: Ahriman on foot Exalted Sorcerer on Disk (warlord) Exalted Sorcerer on foot 2x Rubrics w/ soulreaper cannon Scarab Terminators w/ soulreaper cannon & missile rack Mutalith Vortex Beast A lot of Tzaangors (15-20 ish) Deployment: Game type was No Mercy with Dawn of War deployment. I deployed in a line covering my deployment zone, we have a friend fond of redeployment strategies. The Russ, Enginseer, Priest, one of the Commissars and two of the Plasma Infantry were on my far right. The other two Plasma Infantry held the left. While the Custodes and my Warlord/Psyker/command squad/other Commissar/Mortar Infantry held the center. I also had my Scions ready to drop when needed. The T-sons were in a large blob behind cover in the center of their side. Their Tzaangors and Terminators were in various deep-strike positions. Turn 1: In a surprising turn of events I won initiative and they failed to seize it. Sadly I didn't really have much to do besides move my right flank forward alongside my leftmost Infantry squad. The Russ had a rather pointless round of shooting to no effect. Custodes also move forward into what I thought was cover. The Thousand Sons moved their Vortex Beast towards my left flank while the Foot Sorcerer teleported himself and a Rubric squad forward to have a clear shooting lane. Their Warlord had the bright idea that bum-rushing the Custodes was the best plan ever. To be fair between his psychic powers and the Mutalith they managed to kill two of the Guards. The Rubric Marines also kill three Infantry from the right flank. Sadly for the flying Sorcerer when he charged the Custodes and the Shield-captain all he did was inflict three wounds to said Shield-Captain before getting stabbed to death.* Turn 2: On the left flank the two Plasma Infantry moved forward and managed to inflict a grand one wound on the Mutalith Vortex Beast via lasgun. In the center the Psyker attempted to use Psychic Maelstrom and was promptly denied. With the right flank two plasma Infantry and support, the Russ, Mortar and Custodes all unloaded everything into the only thing they can see, the Rubrics. After a little over a hundred shots (FrFSrF and Vengeance for Cadia where both used) three of the Rubric Marines are still standing, still shielding the Sorcerer behind them. The Custodes promptly charge and the Rubrics and their Sorcerer subsequently melt. Sadly I completely forgot I even had Scions. Seeing that the Custodes had been left out in the open Ahriman and his squad of Rubrics move forward while the Scarab Terminators drop in to catch them in a rather nasty crossfire that ends up killing the last three of the Guards. Thankfully none of them get a charge off on the lone Shield-Captain. Alas on the left flank the Tzaangors also dropped in and the Vortex Beast did some strange warpcraft to them. They ended up massacring a squad of Infantry leaving only a single guardsman armed with a Plasma gun alive. A rather Insanely Brave guardsman at that. Turn 3: On the left flank the lone survivor swiftly joined up with a nearby squad that'd hunkered down to hold the line. They managed to kill a few Tzaangors. On the right flank both Infantry squads and the Russ have a clear line of sight to the Terminators. They proceed to hose them down with everything they have (one squad FrFSrF) wiping out the lot. In the center the Shield-Captain looks up and calmly walks into cover while in the place he'd stood 15 Scions land. As this is happening the command elements move forth for the first time and the Psyker shrouds them in a veil of night. Behind them the Mortar squad moves to reinforce the left flank. Back in the center the Scions use disciplined fire to slay half of Ahrimans Rubric guards even as Vengance burns in their hearts. The Shield-Captain manages to fell one of the Rubrics as well. Sadly it's at his point we had to call the game to be able to pack in time to catch the Bus. One of these days I'll get around to getting a Car, and the license to drive it. Lessons learned: Thousand Sons are far to good at staying alive. Having six IG troops is amazing. I should probably get an actual Punisher one day. And most importantly of all: Custodes have some really good shooting, they're an absolute wrecking ball in Melee. Also Mortal Wounds suck. *By the way can a flying unit charge a character even if it's not the closest? Neither of us was entirely sure either way. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5155181 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted August 28, 2018 Share Posted August 28, 2018 From the help topic I posted, Bat Rep of this weekends proceedings. It went pretty well! But even against what I would consider "light - medium" shooting, running that many Guardians made it a little tough. So a mini battle report: Went up against Ben's BEAUTIFUL mixed Ministorum + Militarum. 1500pts Open War Deployment: Long edges Objective was The Prize; it's a marker in the center you can pick up and run away with. Last person holding end of turn 5 wins. Our Twists were two fold: Acid Rain: all Shooting at -1 to hit, charges and Advance at -1 too. On a 4+ it stops/ starts again each turn. Battle Frenzy: EVERYTHING has +1 attack. Essentially the battle only took place on the left side of the board, slowly attempting to move to the center. His list: Cannoness - Plasma + Maul Cannoness - Bolter + Chainsword 3x 5 sisters with extra Storm Bolters Celestians with lots of Melta Seraphim with lots of Melta in a Repressor Retributors with Heavy Bolters Repentia Whip lady for Repentia Priest Crusaders Scion Prime Psyker 3x 5 Scions with 3 Plasma 3 Bullgryns with Shields Mine was: aptain on Jetbike - 3++ & Reroll charges Captain with Spear 5 Custodes - 3 Spear, 2 Sword & Board 5 Custodes - 3 Spear, 2 Sword & Board 5 Custodes - 3 Spear, 2 Sword & Board Vexilla in Allarus - -1 to hit 3 Jetbikes The TL:DR; Deployment: SC on Bike & Bikes Deployed on the left, opposite most of his army Three Squads of Guardians, Vexilla + SC on foot were in the center (a bit to the left). His Army was all on the left, except for the Scions in deep strike reserve Action: Pre Game: Transports full of Melta Scouted Forward He Seized first turn! Turn One: Did a few wounds to the bikes with lots of Melta Perils but didn't kill his Psyker Bikes proceeded to jump into his Crusaders, Seaphim and Melta-stocked Repressor after doing some damage with Hurricanes, slaying all of the infantry and doing some damage to the tank Guardians + characters moved towards the objective Turn Two: Scions drop in but achieve little, he makes the mistake of re-rolling wounds Order when overcharging plasma at a -2 to hit. Lots of Scions kill themselves. His shooting kills off the other bikes bar the SC, he then charges with Repentia + Ogryns, taking him down to 1 Wound Captain stay put (as I plan to use Even in Death to get two rounds of combat from him). Guardians move to deal with, and thusly murder Scions and move towards the Sisters guns, popping a few off with Spear Bolters Bike Captain achieves little (but tanks a lot), but the SC on foot shoulders the mantle, taking -1 to hit and grabs the Objective Turn Three/ Four/ Five (summing up as not a lot happened): Basically his army moves into mine and I send Guardians in to hold the line. I take out as much as I can while the shield Captain runs away with the Objective. At the end, I have One Guardian and the Captain left, but he's made too much ground to be caught! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5155269 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rdemings Posted August 29, 2018 Share Posted August 29, 2018 i've got a 2k event this weekend, and thought i'd share my list. It's not optimized in any way, but it plays lightening fast, and is quite scary. battalion 2 bike captains 3 squads of 3 spears vanguard allarus captain 1 squad 3 terminators achillus dread allarus vexilla w/-1 to hit telemon dread so far it's done decent work against Maggie and his dusty boys (magnus always dies t1 due to poor choices by opponent), and in my defense i roll hot. in 2 games, he's killed 1 allarus. thats it. What say you? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5156201 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 29, 2018 Share Posted August 29, 2018 Have a game tomorrow versus one of the top local DE players... we are 1-1 versus each other so far should be interesting ! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5156261 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 31, 2018 Share Posted August 31, 2018 Was really close game. Opponent brought lots of Wracks with 4+ INV coz reasons and one turn he passed every invulnerable save or FNP literally. However I boxed him into one table quarter, took out the Talos. Really close and just barely won. Wracks seem kind of BS to me for so cheap plus I know my opponent list tailored... was a good win. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5157767 Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted August 31, 2018 Share Posted August 31, 2018 i've got a 2k event this weekend, and thought i'd share my list. It's not optimized in any way, but it plays lightening fast, and is quite scary. battalion 2 bike captains 3 squads of 3 spears vanguard allarus captain 1 squad 3 terminators achillus dread allarus vexilla w/-1 to hit telemon dread so far it's done decent work against Maggie and his dusty boys (magnus always dies t1 due to poor choices by opponent), and in my defense i roll hot. in 2 games, he's killed 1 allarus. thats it. What say you? I gave my telemon two accelerators, in his inaugural game killed some mortars and primaris only to be nuked by a castellan. My opponent had the clever suggestion of giving one captain the bike relic and another the helmet for that sweet 3++. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/23/#findComment-5158092 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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