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How are your Custodes doing?

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I used a pair of helverins in a ground pounder custodes list the other week against orks they were great for hitting flyers and with that 14" move they even managed to net me warlord kill by dashing into the middle and hosing him with rounds.


I do wish there was a middle ground armiger though maybe one autocannon and a close combat weapon because as soon as they get charged they're out of the game unless you go rescue them, not really an issue with custodes but for guard or other similar lists it can be tricky

Custodes really need a consistent damage weapon like a thunder hammer. Guardian Hammer or something, +3Str AP-3 Damage 3 subtract one from hit rolls.


Only be able to give it to characters on foot, so it would make them a bit more competitive compared to bike captains, but would shore up some weaknesses. The Blood Angel smash captains do not fear anything in our army in my experience and that shouldn't be so... 


Heck even a relic with that profile I'd take.

I had an unexpected great game against Necrons.

Neither army was built for a super competitive game. I prefer pure Custodes for most my games, and my opponent had a decent Necron list. The typical mix of Destroyers, a C'tan, and a good hard mix of Wraiths and Praetorian Guard (?) with shields and phase blades.


This is literally turn 2 and I'm in more trouble than I thought possible against Necrons.

I never underestimate Necrons just because they aren't the cat's meow at tournaments. They are capable.... but what caught me off guard was the shift of a bunch of CC stuff right towards my center.

Now I knew I was being baited, but I thought to heck with it and ran 3 Virtus Praetors right into 5 Wraiths with intent to rip them up, and perhaps get some support into them. I start by causing 1 wound with the 3 Hurricane bolters.... typical. Then take advantage of the re-rolls to wound by rushing the Wraiths....I put 2 more unsaved wounds on them.... wow. I killed 1 Wraith with the Virtus Praetors! Valoris was seriously disappointed....

Bottom of Turn 2 I seriously think I'm dead as the Wraiths Kill 2 of the bikes, and leave one on 1 wound! What the heck?

The Wraiths being Wraiths leave CC, smash into my core units, and the Destroyers mop up the last Praetor.

I think this moment is where the Necron player made a big mistake. He spread out too fast, and I had too much support where he had none.

I hit back hard with a ton of Custodes using the Spear Strategem to wound on 2's... killed the C'tan, the Wraiths, and started to push back.

I did proxy the Telemon dreadnought with a Redemptor just to see how two shooty arms would do.... it was good. Not great, but good. It gave me some ranged ability that I sorely needed, but I am sure a few of the Armigers are probably better.

Fast forward and he's now on his backfoot. My Allarus come in off of the Magnifica (strategem) from reserves and bash into the Destroyers who (imo) just got too close to me.

He was nearly tabled by T4 and called it, but I confess if he did not get too over zealous in the opening two turns, I think I probably would have lost, or it would have been extremely close. Our first turns were crazy swings.

I have to say this is my THIRD and FINAL Custodes army I am painting. (no more selling!)

Custodes really need a consistent damage weapon like a thunder hammer. Guardian Hammer or something, +3Str AP-3 Damage 3 subtract one from hit rolls.


Only be able to give it to characters on foot, so it would make them a bit more competitive compared to bike captains, but would shore up some weaknesses. The Blood Angel smash captains do not fear anything in our army in my experience and that shouldn't be so...


Heck even a relic with that profile I'd take.

Can't agree more. As said above also Valoris must be changed to flat 3. What we need is the Solarite Power Gauntlet. Sx2 AP-4 Damage 3. Boom baby

Prot.. i also like to keep my Custodes pure.


wraiths are a pain in the backside to kill, that three up invuln just seems to fail all too infrequently for my liking.


The Piercing Strike stratagem is so good. It's always useful with the exception of <T3. I've used it to take down knights and on the other end of the spectrum I used it to carve a bloody swathe through an Ork mob.


Oh the Telemon, it's next on my list, dual iliastus accelerators must have got work done? Also because it's so hard to shift it's either going to get ignored or take all the fire allowing your boys to get up the field.


One of my favourite things when I'm playing Custodes is when my opponent brings their army to die on my spears and doesn't make me trudge through gunfire all the way across the battlefield. Makes me happy

The Necrons threw me for a loop. I’m so used to trying to dig my opponent out of a corner with Custodes. Kudos to him for the attempt. I think next time he’d do it s bit differently.


On the Telemon, it was very good. Worth its points? Perhaps not but it filled a big gap and we weren’t playing cut throat lists. I know he could have had some stronger unit choices as well. The Telemon always has use with 20 shots, and can’t be ignored. I haven’t built mine but it looks gorgeous and that scores points for me as well. Lol

"I think this moment is where the Necron player made a big mistake. He spread out too fast, and I had too much support where he had none."


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake - Napoleon . :D :D :D

Haha. Well I let him commit to it and then ‘interrupted’ it with a truckload of Guardian Spears where the sun don’t shine.

Ahh you went with the 10 shot guns, I actually think the other gun is better, maybe get a bit more milage out of that. Yeah well we know destroyers are nemesis units for Custodes.

I gotta say. 48” of 20 shots at s7 with Valoris near by was quite good.

Took a pure custodes list to a local tourney (18 players), went 3-0 and took second place. I did miss having more cp to play with (rerolling saves etc.) and more bikes, but it was still pretty solid.


List was :



2x bike cap

1x vexilla w/magnifica

3x3 guardians w/spears

2x6 bikes

Took a pure custodes list to a local tourney (18 players), went 3-0 and took second place. I did miss having more cp to play with (rerolling saves etc.) and more bikes, but it was still pretty solid.


List was :



2x bike cap

1x vexilla w/magnifica

3x3 guardians w/spears

2x6 bikes


Yea I think that's going to be the solid foundation for 'the' core list without allies.


It will be very interesting to see what the FAQ potentially does to Custodes.There's a chance they will lose CP farm I imagine.

Took a pure custodes list to a local tourney (18 players), went 3-0 and took second place. I did miss having more cp to play with (rerolling saves etc.) and more bikes, but it was still pretty solid.


List was :



2x bike cap

1x vexilla w/magnifica

3x3 guardians w/spears

2x6 bikes


Damn that list is solid. 14 bikes is nasty. If we get faction-locked on CPs, I'll probably run something similar, though I might drop 3 bikes for Trajann, to regen some CPs, and to help my wallet.

Hopefully Trajann gets a point reduction.

Honestly I don’t think a point reduction will make a difference the way GW have handled the last couple of tweaks. Trajann will go down by 30 points and Shield Captains will go up by 15 each or something.

So my buddy wanted to test out an idea with running some death guard teamed up with 3 thousand sons exalted sorcerors in a couple of different combinations for the local 1250 PT tournament at the weekend, his first iteration I put up against An'ggrath and a very bare world eaters batallion, after that one he switched up a little and I threw together a quick Custodes army to face it. It went down like this.


The enemy



2 poxwalker blobs i think 16 and 17

5 plague marines

2 bloat drones


3 exalted sorcerors.


The good guys

Trajann Valoris (represented by my awesome Valdor Model



Just started Adeptus Custodes a couple of months ago. Like a few of the members on here I am trying to run a Battalion with Assassin support, rather than a Jetbike/Guard CP farm. But I am having problems with Board control, especially against more mobile armies. I want to know if this is just a handicap that comes with playing the army book like this, or is there a way to mitigate opponents movement through deployment and unit placement?


My list is as follows:








Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [Auric Aquilis, Misericordia]


Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [Misericordia]





Vexillus Praetor [storm Shield, Vexilla Magnifica]




Custodian Guard Squad

Custodian [sentinel Blade, Storm Shield]

Custodian [Guardian Spear, Misericordia]

Custodian [Guardian Spear, Misericordia]



Custodian Guard Squad

Custodian [sentinel Blade, Storm Shield]

Custodian [Guardian Spear, Misericordia]

Custodian [Guardian Spear, Misericordia]


Custodian Guard Squad

Custodian [sentinel Blade, Storm Shield]

Custodian [Guardian Spear, Misericordia]

Custodian [Guardian Spear, Misericordia]


++++[VANGUARD DETACHMENT]++++ (Assassin Detachment)


Callidus Assassin


Culexus Assassin


Vindicare Assassin




I've been trying to use the Assassins to funnel and direct deep strikes/reserves and had some success. Once I have finished painting all this I am hoping to expand to 1750pts and try my hand at some tournaments. I'm not expecting to win anything, but any tips from more experienced players would be helpful. I'd like to keep my model count quiet low as I travel alot for work and this allows me to take a small army and have a reasonable game points wise if I happen to be able to meet up with friends.  














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