Prot Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 Triple Calidius.... that’s the great equalizer. They look awesome on paper. I’m just behind the times. I usually play on decent terrain and can’t seem to get rid of enough drones. I just played against Tau but not with my Custodes. I have an ITC event around the corner.... I am not a fan of the mission types but it seems Custodes are suited for a basic denial game style there. Where as too many of my other armies hemmorage Kill points. Right now I’m almost finished a magnetsized Telemon and I have another I can assemble. But with 1 I can still fit in Allarus and even a melta deep strike Contemptor. ( I still think it’s a bit underrated). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 The main weakness of the Grav Tank is its 3+ armor save, still it’s a great tank for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 Played 2 games last night both vs Knights but 2 very different armies and experiences. Game 1 was against house raven Castellan and 2 helverins, and krast Gallant and 2 warglaives. He went first and destroyed 1 of my telemon with the castellan and a little help from the warglaives and helverins. I hit back hard with my remaining 2 telemon taking 15 wounds from the castellan and blocking his combat section with a squad of guardsmen. His turn 2 was uneventful and I got the castellan down to 1 wound, destroyed a warglaive, the Gallant and was in combat with the last warglaive with my terminators and Trajann. His turn 3 was again uneventful and I killed the warglaive in his combat phase, he called it there. The second game was vs 2 knight Acheron's, a lancer and a castigator running as house raven. He went first and damn, I deployed as far away as I could but with 2D6+2 advance from landstrider and raven allowing them to shoot all their weapons after advancing it was frankly ridiculous, he killed all 3 of my guard squads turn 1, and got the lancer in to finish the last one off. He tanked almost all of my fire in my turn and I failed to kill the lancer although it was badly wounded. His turn 2 and one of the Acheron gets into one of my telemon and my vexilla just about killing the vexilla so no teleport homer for my terms, I did then kill the lancer but it exploded finishing off Trajann and the telemon that was in combat with it. That was pretty much the nail in the coffin, terms did come in and made the charge killing the Acheron that was tying up my telemon but with no way to stop the other 2 knights getting in to them it was forgone by this point. Crazy rules interaction with the 2d6 advance on the cerastus knights especially with landstrider but I doubt its gonna be a popular list. If I'd gone first I think I would have won, I'd have got 2 rounds of shooting off at least as would have spread the screen out as well, Deployment didn't help as I was all bunched up in the corner of front line assault. Was good learning experience for sure. So a minor addition to the second game, it transpires that his army was 1925pts, vs my 1750 and some rules were applied incorrectly on his side, no wonder it was tough going, purely a misunderstanding on the points front though as we picked up the game following other games we had just played that ended quickly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kruso Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 Won a local ETC format tournament this weekend with my custode bikes plus BA smash captain list. Didn't realize how differently ETC plays, was my first time playing ETC format. Congratulations! I play in heavily ETC influenced meta and sometimes it's frustrating doing research on armies online because people don't specify in which setting they play when talking stuff. In the process I've come to undertand ITC pretty well although I've never played it. Advice on other format isn't completely irrelevant on other though, so it's all good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sultansean Posted May 23, 2019 Share Posted May 23, 2019 Played my first game with my Custodes and allies against Chaos. My list was: bike captain trajan 3x 3 guard with 1 shield in each vexilla telemon loyal 32 Krast Crusader Vindicare His list was: 2 lord discordants 3 defilers 2 units of havocs 10 cheap terminators red corsairs battalion The telamon and Crusader did some good shooting thanks to a noble sacrifice of an IG squad to hold him up for another turn. Then it became a big scrum in the middle. His Lord Discordants never got to attack as I shot one and then killed another on the charge. One unit of Guard tanked a defilers attacks while another unit failed a some saves and was wiped out. Really showing the swingyness of the storm shield. The knight kicked one defiler to death. Trajan double attacking could not finish off a defiler but also did not die in return. He dropped his terminators in and shot at a Guard squad but only managed a couple of wounds, then made the charge and still only managed to actually kill one of them. In my turn the knight and the remaining two guardsmen cut them up. We called it their for the custodes as his main assault force was all dead. I had lost one guard squad, Vexilla and 2 IG squads and the knight was down to 8 wounds. The custodes were fun. I didn't have any of the star units like terminators, wardens or bikes, but what I did have was solid. The MVPs were the Knight and the Vindicare though. The vindicare I think generated 3 CP with the kill someone and get a CP strat, which was super nice. Definitely worth the 2 CP to bring him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted May 25, 2019 Share Posted May 25, 2019 Triple Calidius.... that’s the great equalizer. They look awesome on paper. I’m just behind the times. The Caladius is probably the best unit in the Custodes arsenal at the moment with the Accelerator cannon. It's very under costed at the moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted May 25, 2019 Share Posted May 25, 2019 So I’ve had a few test games with my dual Telemons and I don’t know if it’s me or it feels like the Storm Cannon should be a couple more shots. The Telemons are fun but why else I don’t think you can take just 1, I do feel like a single Telemon and a squad ad of Allarus might be better. I have a Black Legion list that I am about 15-0 with and I’m pretty bored with it. Even though I think it eclipses anything I can do with my Custodes (I don’t own the Callidus tank) the Custodes are tempting to take. I’ll get my butt kicked pretty severely I’m certain. But I love everyone the look of the Telemon and I have a soft spot for Trajann. But I gotta admit Abaddon is something else. I’m trying desperately to get some bikes, and shield Custodians and a second Telemon ready. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted May 26, 2019 Share Posted May 26, 2019 So I’ve had a few test games with my dual Telemons and I don’t know if it’s me or it feels like the Storm Cannon should be a couple more shots. The Telemons are fun but why else I don’t think you can take just 1, I do feel like a single Telemon and a squad ad of Allarus might be better. I have a Black Legion list that I am about 15-0 with and I’m pretty bored with it. Even though I think it eclipses anything I can do with my Custodes (I don’t own the Callidus tank) the Custodes are tempting to take. I’ll get my butt kicked pretty severely I’m certain. But I love everyone the look of the Telemon and I have a soft spot for Trajann. But I gotta admit Abaddon is something else. I’m trying desperately to get some bikes, and shield Custodians and a second Telemon ready. Aye, two Telemon needed for sure, just for redundancy and so they survive. What's your black legion list? Off topic I know but interested! PM me :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AstraWlad Posted May 26, 2019 Share Posted May 26, 2019 At the Saturday I played a 1850 game against Chaos. I had: IG battalion with 3 HWT (mortars) 3 Bike-Caps in Supreme Command detachment Trayan, Vexilla Magnifica, 2 Telemons and Caladius in the Spearhead Opponent had: TS detachment with Magnus, Ahriman and some cultists Alpha Legion Obliterators (3 packs) with Chaos Lord. We played for 5 turns and the game was extremely close. Magnus tanked all my long-range fire on the first turn, losing only 5 wounds but failed his Warptime cast and died turn 2. Obliterators annihilated ALL my vehicles but mostly died in the process (only 3 of them left). Trayan and Vexillary died in close combat with obliterators and Chaos Lord (Trayan -- from Ahriman's smite), but Ahriman died from Perils of Warp as well. Bike-Caps stayed away from the fight flying across the table and taking objectives and did it well enough, so I won by victory points: 12-11. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted May 26, 2019 Share Posted May 26, 2019 What a bizarre Chaos list. All over the place, with super low numbers. I bet your IG did a LOT of heavy lifting that game. How were your Telemons? I'm curious because I've been kind of disappointed since they changed the beta rules even though they are reduced in price, the guns sure aren't near what they used to be. Something like facing that many Oblits I think you pretty much have to use the Beam shot... even if you take 4 on two Telemons, that's 8 shots (I only take 3 and use a fist). Even the beam cannot one shot an Oblit, so you're looking at wounding on 3's... if you move hitting on 3's. On average you're lucky to take out 2 Oblits a turn with those 8 shots (I'm guessing from my own experiences). I think only the elite list like that MIGHT give you enough elbow room to get some bikes in there and do some killin'. So I'm curious how you took care of... 9 Oblits? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted May 27, 2019 Share Posted May 27, 2019 The Telemon has many uses and can be an mvp quite often. He can survive enemy charges then dish it right back. Should always has. Caetus . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted May 27, 2019 Share Posted May 27, 2019 The Telemon has many uses and can be an mvp quite often. He can survive enemy charges then dish it right back. Should always has. Caetus . Well in my case I’m running two and only own one Caestus. My thinking at the time was to run 2 with a total of 3 stormcannons and then they could stay together and give me a better chance of denting Knights wh8le still being able to defend themselves since one had a Caestus. I might have been wrong in both cases. I find I can’t leave them alone. With only 4 attacks and no sweep option, it’s really easy to hang them up in cc. This is something I’ve had to really defend against. Second thing is the it starts no’s moving and shooting and having that turn you roll 3-4 twos..... that’s a real game changer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AstraWlad Posted May 27, 2019 Share Posted May 27, 2019 What a bizarre Chaos list. All over the place, with super low numbers. I bet your IG did a LOT of heavy lifting that game. Well, they killed a bunch of cultists and removed last wounds from two Obliterators (if you shoot 9D6 shots than even 2+ save fails sometimes). Nothing to write home about How were your Telemons? They dealt great deal of damage to Magnus (damage 3 is GOOD) and then forced obliterators to shoot them for 3 turns instead of going for bike-Captains. They also killed 2 or 3 obliterators in return, but killing Alpha Legion obliterators in cover (!) by shooting is extremely difficult task, so I did not expect more. Basically they did their job. If it was not for Ahriman casting Death Hex each turn, I'm sure at least one Telemon would have stayed alive. I need to free some points for an assassin, I think... I think only the elite list like that MIGHT give you enough elbow room to get some bikes in there and do some killin'. So I'm curious how you took care of... 9 Oblits? I did not . I just kept them busy and chewed one-by-one until the end of the game (when only 2 of them left) to let bikers collect victory points without trouble. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted May 27, 2019 Share Posted May 27, 2019 Played a 1 day tournament yesterday with my Warhammer GT list, 2 x eternal war and 1 x maelstrom were the missions. Ended up placing 5th after major mis play in the maelstrom mission, more on that further down. My list Loyal 32 cadian mortar hwt Trajann, magnifica, 4 aquilon, 2 x double arachnus telemon, 1 x arachnus/Caestus telemon, assassin Mission 1 Beach head Spearhead assault I'm facing Deathwatch with Guilliman. He deployed first, I wasn't too worried as he didn't really have anything that could touch the telemon from range. He moved a squad of reivers and a squad of inceptors up on to the middle objective with Gman just behind them, his corvus flew up to my deployment zone. He killed my front most guardsmen squad and did 1 wound to my telemon with a fist. In my turn the vindicare dropped his warlord primaris captain, rolled a 6 to wound and a 6 for damage, nice. I tried to take out the corvus but ended up leaving it on 2 wounds, not the end of the world, it took everything I had left to clear the centre objective, I had to use double kill on the vindicare to kill the last reiver. Turn 2 and he move Guilliman up to the objective, vets and artemis get out of the corvus and his dreadnought moved up the centre a little he kills the guard squad that's careening Guilliman and the vets from my front telemon, and the corvus manages to kill a mortar team, moving in it's lowest bracket with heavy weapons and my -1 banner meant he couldn't even shoot at my custodes units. I pop tanglefoot on the vets and roll a 6, his 5 inch charge just became an 11 and he failed it, Guilliman also failed to make a 9 into the telemon. My turn and I advance the vexilla up toward Gman, the fist equipped telemon goes with him,trajann and the warlord commander moved out of explosion range of the corvus, terminators teleport onto the vexilla 3 inches from guilliman. Shooting I gun down the corvus, all of the vets that are close, the last inceptor and drop Gman to 3 wounds. The Telemon charged Guilliman first, he's in. The terminators next, snake eyes, command point, another 1, looks like the Telemon will have to handle this himself. 4 hits, 4 wounds, 3 failed saves, smushed Guilliman, and he doesn't get back up. By the end of turn 3 I've tabled him, my terminators don't make it to his objective until T5 and the game ended on 5. Final score 13-3 Mission 2 Visions of Victory Front line assault Necrons Overlord, 2 cryptek, 2x5 immortals with tesla, 20 warriors, 10 death marks, 6x destroyers, 5 x destroyers, 5 x tomb blades, 3 scarabs, 1 x DDA This is the mission where you draw 2 cards for each one and your opponent tells you which of them you keep, I'll be honest, it's a horrible mission. I won't go through the whole game but I cocked up in deployment, I was worried about taking 2 x destroyer squads and the DDA as I was going second so I deployed over in one corner with the telemon castle and spread a couple of squads of guardsmen elsewhere, he VoD the 6 destroyer squad and did 5 wounds to one of my telemon, I lost a guardsmen squad to the other squad of destroyers. My turn I took out the 6 destroyer squad and 2 from the 5 squad. I had basically given up too much board control with my Conservative deployment and he outscored me throughout, clearly some luck with the objectives but had I deployed centrally I think I'd have had the fire power to take out what I needed to and get to more objectives. In fairness the list isn't designed for maelstrom, I had well over half my army left when we ended but just couldn't put them to the best use with my poor deployment. Loss 14-8 Mission 3 Narrow the Search Hammer and Anvil So I'm facing a cookie cutter Tau tournament list, I've been dreading this match up for some time. Shadowsun Fusion coldstar 3 cadre fireblades Kroot marksman 6 x 5 fire warriors 3 x 6 shield drones 3 x missile broadsides 2 x burst cannon riptides So again I'm going second, not a terrible thing in this mission but vs the dreaded tau fire power it's not super good He deploys his castle as expected with as much as possible within the 18" objective range. I deploy everything a long the back edge of my deployment zone totally out of range of everything he has, I know this will mean giving up the objective round 1 but I think it's worth it. So he goes first and moves the whole castle forward, that's it, no shooting at all. My turn and I move the 3 guard squads forward into some cover. Vindicare drops his Kroot marksman for first strike and an extra CP, nice. My mortars take a couple of fire warriors but cover saves a few, then my 3 telemon reap a bloody toll on his fire warriors taking out 4 squads. Not a bad turn. End of battle round and he gets the objective but I get first strike so it's 1-1 Round 2 and he now has range on most of my army, I think broadsides did have to move though, when all the shooting was done I'd lost a couple of wounds on a telemon and 8 guardsmen across 3 squads, I pay 2 CP to auto pass the one with the worst casualties and 1 CP to roll a D3 for the other one. My turn 2 and I move all 3 guard squads into the 15" objective using move move move on 2 of them, I bring the terminators in on my side of the objective just outside 12, this was a mistake, I had the objective anyway and they just got shot up the next turn. Vindicare takes a shot at shadowsun but just kills a drone, I kill the fire warriors down to 1 in one squad and 2 in another so he now has very little obsec left, my telemon take a few shots at a riptide in the hopes of a failed saviour protocols but no luck, I think target the drones directly and he has 1 drone from a squad outside the null bubble for no invulns and makes 10 4+ invulns in a row, jesus. Anyway I have the objective 2-1 Custodes Round three and he now has some good targets, 2 guard squads die and the terminators are reduced to 1 man, some really good rolling on my saves here because he used all sorts of abilities to re roll hits, wounds and +1 to wound. I spend another 2 CP to keep the last 3 guardsmen alive. My turn and move all three Telemon up now from their backline position, Trajann and the vexilla advance to keep up. I focus on drones now, I kill the whole squad that is protecting one of the riptides and then I destroy that riptide. I kill the single fire warrior which means I have the objective again, I charge my lone terminator into the broadsides and he doesn't even make it past the missile pods, oh well he was dead next turn anyway. 3-1 custodes Turn 4 and this is looking like the last turn because of time. He finally jumps the coldstar forward right in front of my telemon and Trajann, he advances the remaining riptide and makes a blockade to try and stop me getting Trajann or the vexilla into the objective zone. Between the broadsides and the cold star the wounded telemon is down to 4 wounds and the 3 guardsmen are dead. My turn, I need to destroy the riptide and make a charge with Trajann on the coldstar to take the objective again. The riptide is out of drone range and in the null zone, I easily kill it with arachnus rounds, I kill the last 2 fire warriors and then charge the cold star, Trajann takes 2 fusion shots to the face on the way in but saves both on his auramite, he makes it in, piles in to objective range and that's all she wrote. 4-1 to the Custodes. So what did I learn? Game 1 was very straightforward so not a huge amount. Perhaps I could have screened a little better but tanglefoot saved me there. Game 2 was the big learner, If I had deployed centrally I'm pretty sure I could have taken the fire from the destroyers and the DDA and I would have been in a much better position to dominate the board. Also maelstrom pretty much sucks for tournament play and visions of victory is a total :cuss show. Game 3 gave me a real test and I think I played it really well, I think he made some mistakes but my telemon were all still in good health and I had kill most his hard hitting stuff. And I took the objective 3 of the 4 turns played. This was the first time running the mortar squad in place of the 2 lascannon teams in the guard squads, I'm not sold on the mortars, and I think actually a 4th squad of guardsmen will actually be better. That will be the next test. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted May 27, 2019 Share Posted May 27, 2019 @ SwordofMandilus, Good write up. As far as the Maelstrom game that is by far the hardest one you're going to play, and perhaps the hardest for Custodes to play (especially without jetbikes) with low numbers. I assume you got to remove 6 objectives though pregame right? So no kill psyker, Domination, etc, etc. I actually would have been fearful of the heavy infantry Necrons as well. The destroyers can drop a Custodian a turn with a good wound roll. The thing is massed Necron infantry can really dice up Custodes (especially if using the extra AP Tomb World rules which I always seem to face). It can be a bucket load of dice every turn that just catch up to you on -1 AP. Good thing he didn't have the 3 flyer formation with the Mortal Wound bomb... I think that's also a scary choice vs any army hanging around an aura. It sounds like you had a few really good wins. Tough games against some good lists. Guilliman is always a beast so the Telemon ripping him apart is pretty fortunate! In your Tau game I've often had the commander model with dual fusion zoom across the board and zap my HQ's.... sometimes it's just such a dice game. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted May 27, 2019 Share Posted May 27, 2019 ‘’Well in my case I’m running two and only own one Caestus. My thinking at the time was to run 2 with a total of 3 stormcannons and then they could stay together and give me a better chance of denting Knights wh8le still being able to defend themselves since one had a Caestus.’’ I think one with two cannons and one with a cannon and Caetus can work well together. I’d prolly deploy them close together to support each other . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezr91aeL Posted May 29, 2019 Share Posted May 29, 2019 Saturday I had a 5vs5 Imperium vs Chaos (+Nyds) Apocalypse battle. Everyone had 40 PL points to spend and I brought a Vanguard made of an Allarus Shld Cpt, two Vexilla (a normal one with 5++ to Imperium and an Allarus one with +1 attacks) andca squad of 4 axe termi. The normal Vexilla protected the marines in the Gullyman bobble quite well (he even defeated Mortarion) and the termies teleported right on an objectivekilling some xeno beasts, but my allies were too defensive and in the end the Chaos forces were able to secure two of the three objectives and winning the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sultansean Posted June 1, 2019 Share Posted June 1, 2019 I typed up a battle-report of my game against Tau. It's easier to just post a link here rather than trying to get the pictures to copy over. Spoiler: the Tau win. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
burningsky25 Posted June 2, 2019 Share Posted June 2, 2019 Just a heads up the link is broken. That's a tough looking matchup. Fighting into primarily T7 tanks feels bad as custodian guard. Fighting lots of troops or elites is totally manageable, but there's no great answer to a lot of T7 tanks that can back out of combat without penalty, and do lots of mortal wounds. Nice work making it close as it was. Also, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who calls it 'pointy dawn of war'! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted June 7, 2019 Share Posted June 7, 2019 Won a 32 person 5 round GT this past weekend with my janky bikes + BA list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted June 28, 2019 Share Posted June 28, 2019 Played my Footstodes list with 4 Aquilons instead of the ever disappointing Allarus. Opponent was playing Rusty 17, three Knights with Thermal Cannon+Gattling Cannon, and one FW Knight Cerastus Castigator. My Turn 1 I went first and deployed behind a building. Couldn't do much so moved a Shield Cap on bike to the centre objective and moved my WL Shield Cap on bike behind ruins to avoid being shot at by everything. Moved two squads of guardians with a vexilla towards his middle lines, and placed Trajaan, 9 Wardens and 4 Aquilons in Deep Strike. I drew three cards that all said "Defend Objective X" and all three were objective markers in his lines, behind all his knights, in a neat little triangle so many inches apart but close enough that his three squads of AdMech could hold them. I managed to ding about 4-5 wounds off of his WL Knight and another during shooting phase. His turn 1 he moves his knight around the building so he can see my WL Bike, moves his castigator forward towards the blob of guard and vexilla, and moves two knights towards and objective he needs to secure. His first card he draws is to kill everything within 6in of the centre, which is a single bike captain. He shoots at it with a single Gatling Cannon, I fail every save roll and even a reroll, and the shield cap dies in the first set of shooting. He then shoots at my squad in the middle with pretty much everything else bar one knight and dings a couple wounds of, but otherwise I'm all good. His final knight fires its Gatling Cannon and Thermal Canon, as well as the missile pod into my bike captain WL that he can now see, and despite having Victor of the Blood games I FAIL EVERY SINGLE SAVE ROLL FROM EVERY GUN and my WL bike dies instantaneously before he's actually done anything in the whole game. My Turn 2 I march everything forward without advancing, use Vexilla Teleport Homer to drop 9 Wardens directly in front of his Castigator, and then drop Trajaan and 4 Aquilons in front of the Knight that killed my WL. A few bolter shots take a few wounds off of his knights here and there.Everything passes its charge, and he Intervenes one of his Knights into the blob of 9 Wardens as they're close enough. I fight with the Wardens first and one-shot his Castigator. It explodes on a 6 with 2 inch range for 6 Mortal Wounds, kills 2 more wardens and does some more wounds to the nearest knight. He uses Counter Offensive and kills 2 Wardens. Trajaan and the Four Aquilons then proceed to one-shot his second Knight, which then explodes on a 6 within 7 inch range, again for 6 Mortal Wounds, Killing Trajaan and another Aquilon - everything consolidates. His Turn 2, he takes pot shots at my Aquilons and kills one with his crappy rangers because again, I fail all my save rolls. He starts shooting at my Wardens and proceeds to kill all but two of them. He continues to hold objectives and grab VPs while I succeed only in killing 3 units during my turn for a total of 2 VP. My Turn 3 I move my Aquilons towards his 15 rangers, and move all of my Custodian Guardians into one of his two remaining knights. Everything charges into it and succeeds, and the Aquilons fail their charge into a squad of rangers. My Sentinel Blades do an obscene amount of wounds to his knight, but my vexilla and five other guardians do no wounds at all. He retaliates and murders another Warden leaving me with only one. His Turn 3 he retreats all his knights and shoots away all my remaining Storm Shield Guardians, then charges back in with both knights against the remaining blob of squads. His rangers kill another Aquilon leaving me with only one left alive. During shooting he kills most of my remaining units. All I have left is four guardians with spears, a vexilla with a spear and a Warden, pretty much everything is on one wound besides the vexilla which is on three. I retaliate and do a couple of wounds to the knight putting it down to 7 wounds. My Turn 4 the Aquilons shoot at the squad of five ranges closest and does nothing. Guardians are still in melee so can't shoot. Aquilon fails a charge again. I block his knight into a corner with buildings either side so he can't retreat, and do a paltry three wounds to it, putting it down to four wounds remaining. His Turn 4 he shoots his WL knight at my last remaining Aquilon and kills it, then melees my last Warden to death. One of his Techpriest Enginseers manages to take 2 wounds of a Guardian because again, my save rolls are absolute trash. At this stage he's at 7 VP and I'm still on 2 since I can't discard cards and they're all still "Defend Objective X" which he controls with rangers. My Turn 5 I go straight to melee and literally FAIL THIRTEEN MELEE ATTACKS against his knight and do 0 wounds, at which point I concede and pack my things away. Just at a total loss for words. Never failed so many save rolls so early on, and the sheer quantity of melee rounds I completely failed to achieve anything in was just crippling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
librisrouge Posted June 29, 2019 Share Posted June 29, 2019 Not much you can do when your dice betray you like that, sadly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted July 2, 2019 Share Posted July 2, 2019 First defeat with my custards at 500pts those 2++ crusaders where painful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted July 3, 2019 Share Posted July 3, 2019 You played 500pts and someone brought a knight? :facepalm: (thought you couldn't do better than a 4++ IK?) Or you taking the IG ones? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
librisrouge Posted July 3, 2019 Share Posted July 3, 2019 You played 500pts and someone brought a knight? :facepalm: (thought you couldn't do better than a 4++ IK?) Or you taking the IG ones? Those have got to be IG guys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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