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Pretty much as the title suggests! Living in Notts rn and a friend was visiting for the weekender, so got them to pick me up a Dorn due to how goddamn cool the model is! Thought I'd give it a go :smile.:


Gonna be the first model I've painted in a while, so bear with me...


Also if anyone has any questions about the model feel free to ask! (I've included a reference to how large his chainsword is - at least a marine)


Cheers for looking! 



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Such a beautiful model, excited to see you paint him up! Any chance we could get a a size comparison between Dorn and another primarch?


Sure! Only got an Angron to hand though, but from the looks of it Dorn is certainly on the larger side of the primarchs. Surprisingly tall. In a week or so should have some others to compare him to. 



Welcome back, brother. Been a while since you've been active, or so it seems. Glad to see you're coming back with the best Legion. ;)


(Also, you have no idea how insanely jealous I am of everyone who managed to get their paws on that model. I want him so bad.)

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