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What would you want in future Primaris expansions?

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As for using older vehicles, I think GW is going down the path of Grav tanks and walkers for the aesthetic of Primaris.


Primaris bikers say hi.

Yeah these are the odd unit, for sure. But still they aren't tanks.



And there's a fair chance GW would have gone the jet/hover route with them, but that would have been treading on the Custodes' armory... and the Custodes already have so little to brag about.

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I’m thinking Primaris bikers will have 3 wounds each.

Agreed. Bikes have often added a wound and toughness. It would be weird if these bikes were as easy to kill as intercessors. I'm sure they will be toughness 5 with 3 wounds.



I'm going to make a wild prediction and say they're also going to get bonus strength on a turn they charge along with Hammer of Wrath. If I'm going to get really wild eyed then they'll also consolidate 6". That'd give some oomph as line breakers and a niche compared to Inceptors.

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A generic Chapter Master model ... And frankly I don't care if it's not Primaris.


A generic Chapter Master is just a fancy generic Captain though. Add some bling and you are good. The named Chapter Masters all look special because they are special by being named ones.

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A generic Chapter Master model ... And frankly I don't care if it's not Primaris.



A generic Chapter Master is just a fancy generic Captain though. Add some bling and you are good. The named Chapter Masters all look special because they are special by being named ones.

Probably wants one that doesn’t cost CP

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It's tough because most of the things I want actually would directly invalidate First Born units that I still use, although with the teasers for the new tank rules one of the bigger contenders in that category (Impulsor-based Tanks) suddenly looks less appealing.


I want an Inceptor variant with "Lightning Storm Gauntlets", basically twin Lightning claws with the Gravis Captain's Pistol 3 profile built in. That doesn't quite overlap anything else.


I very much want a "Phobos Sergeant" kit. Something to expand the Incursor/Infiltrator/Reiver options, but preferrably not the typical Chainsword/Power Sword/Power Fist spread. Power Axe/Lightning Claw maybe. Maybe a twin LC option on top. Maybe a Fusion Pistol option just for Reivers. I'd buy at least four of that kit.



Oh! I also want another Omnis pattern release. Basically just a dual kit for the Suppressors, although I'm not sure what the second option ought to be now that Gravis armor is getting the Meltaguns. Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannon, Lascannon, and Melta options already exist in the range. Maybe something like the Skystrike Missile launcher, or the Impulsor's Bellicatus Array.


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Guest MistaGav

Now that we're getting primaris bikes I'd like to see some of our classic HQ options on them. A captain/lieutenant dual kit, a Librarian and/or chaplain and then something else like an apothecary or a champion.

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Now that we're getting primaris bikes I'd like to see some of our classic HQ options on them. A captain/lieutenant dual kit, a Librarian and/or chaplain and then something else like an apothecary or a champion.

So much this.
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Now that we're getting primaris bikes I'd like to see some of our classic HQ options on them. A captain/lieutenant dual kit, a Librarian and/or chaplain and then something else like an apothecary or a champion.

So much this.

As a Ravenwing player, I'd also quite enjoy this. At least for an "official/non-Legends" Librarian/Chaplain on Bike. Because one of the people at my FLGS believes Legends, by not being recommended for Tournament play means they're illegal for matched play :down:

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The new art preview has this:



There's the new Banner Bearer and the new Chaplain. It could be that the release of the speeder (all painted red) will also include the solo-packs for those models (where they'll be painted up as Blood Angels rather than Ultramarines)?

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The new art preview has this:


There's the new Banner Bearer and the new Chaplain. It could be that the release of the speeder (all painted red) will also include the solo-packs for those models (where they'll be painted up as Blood Angels rather than Ultramarines)?

I mean, it could be. But you'd expect there to exist art of the new miniatures in other colour schemes than ultra blue. It's not on the cover of the box after all. 


Also, I have to admit, they infuriatingly know exactly what they're doing. The artwork is showcasing the two upcoming miniatures I'm dying to see the most.

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Looks like everyone is packing Iron Halos as head dressing?


Yes Sete. New millennium .... new "heroes". I too remember the days before Armageddon, when there was no such thing as the Emperor's Champion. Even the sweetest of models must either cross the Rubicon or fade into Legend.

Edited by Dracos
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