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What would you want in future Primaris expansions?

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Guest Triszin

Techmarine w/ specific vehicle

something akin to this


Would give the techmarine ability to repair vehicles 2d3, keep the higher result.

fast movement to keep up with vehicles.



with a alt build for it to turn it  sup'd up thunderfire cannon. that has to be sieged up to fire.


so 1 build makes a fast moving support, 1 build is a siege support




lore behind it is, this is what marines use to retrieve terminator armor/dreadnaughts/vehicles

Edited by Triszin
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Techmarine w/ specific vehicle

something akin to this


Would give the techmarine ability to repair vehicles 2d3, keep the higher result.

fast movement to keep up with vehicles.



with a alt build for it to turn it sup'd up thunderfire cannon. that has to be sieged up to fire.


so 1 build makes a fast moving support, 1 build is a siege support




lore behind it is, this is what marines use to retrieve terminator armor/dreadnaughts/vehicles

Yes please that would be so cool
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So, we’ve got the assault squads now, possibly with jump pack options for the future. We’ve got bikes, which directly replace bikes (ranged weapon options in the future?) we’ve got an ATV to cover the attack bike, I remember wanting to convert something like this. And at some point the blurry landspeeder will be here. Pretty much covers the fast attack section right?


Looks like the turret is a pseudo replacement of the thunderfire?

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I love the Bikes and ATVs. They feel like they would look great with my desert themed Chapter

They’re weird because I’m reality neither should work in modern military. But we aren’t wearing tanks so that probably plays a part. As for comparison to the old versions they’ve replaced, long ago I had an idea to make ATV’s to replace attack bikes, so that makes that easy. They easily fit into the design theme of previous kits.


On the live stream jes goodwin explained that bikes being wheeled was too cool an opportunity for him to pass up, and that the big beefy wheels give it a, I can’t remember the word he used, but let’s say brutal appearance.

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I like the gun turrets, but they are direct fire only. They really remind me of Air Defense guns on battleships. I wonder if they will get an option to target fliers, even if only a stratagem.


We still need an indirect fire unit.


Still, if I can have twin Accelerator Autocannons on a T5 or T6 platform with multiple wounds, and that will not incur a movement penalty, why get Suppressors?

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I like the gun turrets, but they are direct fire only. They really remind me of Air Defense guns on battleships. I wonder if they will get an option to target fliers, even if only a stratagem.

We still need an indirect fire unit.

Still, if I can have twin Accelerator Autocannons on a T5 or T6 platform with multiple wounds, and that will not incur a movement penalty, why get Suppressors?

Having served on said WWII Battleship BB62, I’d say that’s a fair comparison. Though air defense was primarily done via Phalanx Guns. I’ve pictured one of these guys teamed up with a couple Tarantula Assault cannons in my backfield. Competitively I think they’re better for Narrative play.


T5 makes sense and I’d love to see a version of this with an indirect fire weapon for Primaris. As it is Suppressors are cheap enough (if GW would get off the can and put out a box set with its alt-weapon) that the Firestrike is going to be a swing and a miss. The Melta Invader though has possibilities. I prefer Gravis and Infantry so I’m predisposed to the Eradictors but with out points and real rules it’s all still theoryhammer.

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I like the gun turrets, but they are direct fire only. They really remind me of Air Defense guns on battleships. I wonder if they will get an option to target fliers, even if only a stratagem.

We still need an indirect fire unit.

Still, if I can have twin Accelerator Autocannons on a T5 or T6 platform with multiple wounds, and that will not incur a movement penalty, why get Suppressors?

Having served on said WWII Battleship BB62, I’d say that’s a fair comparison. Though air defense was primarily done via Phalanx Guns. I’ve pictured one of these guys teamed up with a couple Tarantula Assault cannons in my backfield. Competitively I think they’re better for Narrative play.


T5 makes sense and I’d love to see a version of this with an indirect fire weapon for Primaris. As it is Suppressors are cheap enough (if GW would get off the can and put out a box set with its alt-weapon) that the Firestrike is going to be a swing and a miss. The Melta Invader though has possibilities. I prefer Gravis and Infantry so I’m predisposed to the Eradictors but with out points and real rules it’s all still theoryhammer.


Yeah, that's probably how the new turret will be used. I doubt it'll have any sort of movement value.


Also: You kiiiiiiind of just dated yourself by saying you served on the New Jersey ;). Seeing as how she was last used in the Lebanese Civil War ('83-84).... :lol:


Edited by Gederas
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Minimum age of 55ish?


I think the turret is going to suffer due to GW not wanting to directly invalidate a firstborn model. It should have been more mobile like the thunderfire, and maybe even been an indirect fire weapon, but now it has to also compete with suppressors. It’s only hope is that it’s cheap and fills the heavy support slot. Maybe it’s got some other rule that makes it useful.

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56 Brothers, and serving on the Black Dragon with my mates was an honor, and despite a bout with the Big C I'm going pretty strong :)


Strong enough to know I was very likely going to be picking brains in the Black Templar sub-faction the minute I saw those Assault Intercessors. Started in 2e and I've never played a dedicated assault army and I'm curious if the Primaris can make one ITC competitive.

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The turret looks like the bastard child of a Rapier gun and a Tarantula so Im going to lean towards it having a mix of rules like those two units. Deep strike, maybe some weird firing modes and immobile and since its a single model it will probably be very cheap, like 50pts tops.

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Minimum age of 55ish?


I think the turret is going to suffer due to GW not wanting to directly invalidate a firstborn model. It should have been more mobile like the thunderfire, and maybe even been an indirect fire weapon, but now it has to also compete with suppressors. It’s only hope is that it’s cheap and fills the heavy support slot. Maybe it’s got some other rule that makes it useful.


Eldar Support Weapons are mobile because of anti-grav and the turret looks to have the repulsor style antigrav plates for its feet. Maybe taking a page from the Eldar?

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I love the Bikes and ATVs. They feel like they would look great with my desert themed Chapter

They’re weird because I’m reality neither should work in modern military. But we aren’t wearing tanks so that probably plays a part. As for comparison to the old versions they’ve replaced, long ago I had an idea to make ATV’s to replace attack bikes, so that makes that easy. They easily fit into the design theme of previous kits.


On the live stream jes goodwin explained that bikes being wheeled was too cool an opportunity for him to pass up, and that the big beefy wheels give it a, I can’t remember the word he used, but let’s say brutal appearance.


ATV's and buggies actually are used in combat by many militaries as delivery vehicles for ATGM's. FAV's/DPV's were used extensively in the Gulf War for both insertion and armor hunting by slapping an ATGM on them, while Hezbollah uses ATV's to transport ATGM crews.



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I personally think the odds of a standalone Techmarine dropping this year were greatly increased with the reveal of the Firestrike. Just seems like it would be way too much of a taunt in the players' faces for them to put out a full-body sculpt of a Techmarine in what is otherwise not a very big kit and then NOT actually release a standalone version. Much different than providing the upper body to sit in the hatch of a vehicle that's massive in comparison. And unlike the Thunderfire Cannon, it doesn't look like the Firestrike's gunner will even be able to effect any repairs on that weapon due to being wired in to the turret. 


So I'm moving the Primaris Techmarine model's chances from "maybe this year, next year for sure" to "safe bet for 2020." I'd really be surprised if they don't include him in this year's release wave.

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