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What would you want in future Primaris expansions?

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Delivery vehicles, not combat vehicles. The seals tried using them for a bit and the operator would just die as soon as anyone shot at it.

Agreed but ... ;)


Just because it’s true doesn’t mean it can’t be for cool fiction. You see the problem with the SEAL vehicle was it had too high ground clearance and wasn’t armored. Not armored too much mind you or that wouldn’t work either. Looking for the Goldilocks Effect for an ATV with low enough center of gravity it doesn’t flip.


... and my parody play is over. Thank you :D


(too subtle?)

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Delivery vehicles, not combat vehicles. The seals tried using them for a bit and the operator would just die as soon as anyone shot at it.

They're not always used just for delivery options. Obviously they're not meant to stick around to get shot at, but the entire point of slapping guided missiles on fast movers is to allow them to skirt close to a target, kill it, then scram while the enemy is wondering what the hell happened. Which is exactly how all space marine fast movers should be used competently on the table.

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Delivery vehicles, not combat vehicles. The seals tried using them for a bit and the operator would just die as soon as anyone shot at it.


They're not always used just for delivery options. Obviously they're not meant to stick around to get shot at, but the entire point of slapping guided missiles on fast movers is to allow them to skirt close to a target, kill it, then scram while the enemy is wondering what the hell happened. Which is exactly how all space marine fast movers should be used competently on the table.

Sadly shooting and moving afterwards is limited to Tau, unless they changed that .

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Delivery vehicles, not combat vehicles. The seals tried using them for a bit and the operator would just die as soon as anyone shot at it.

They're not always used just for delivery options. Obviously they're not meant to stick around to get shot at, but the entire point of slapping guided missiles on fast movers is to allow them to skirt close to a target, kill it, then scram while the enemy is wondering what the hell happened. Which is exactly how all space marine fast movers should be used competently on the table.

Sadly shooting and moving afterwards is limited to Tau, unless they changed that .



That's a thing of 7th edition because people complained about it being not fun to play against (because having dozens of tiny bodyguards is so much more fun :rolleyes: ), except for a Stratagem limited to a subfaction nobody plays and a Relic for a Commander.

Though I'd say the bigger problem than not having such a special rule would be that, considering the range of all the weapons and the terrain situation and the nature of the game, skirmishers have to get way too close to an enemy that's expecting them from the same side the rest of the army is coming from. Kinda difficult to do a hit and run if the enemy knows exactly that you are coming, where you are coming from and that you have to get almost into cuddling range of all of his stuff. :sweat:

Edited by Panzer
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I'd want Primaris Terminators in some format. I don't really like Gravis Armour that much, and have a great love for Terminator plate. I'd like to see something like that more updated and modernized.


We've already got land-speeders incoming, or whatever they're going to call them. It looks like proper assault marines are coming too.


A dedicated flyer is probably on the horizon at some point to replace the current marine flyer.


Anything else I'm forgetting...


New Dread variants. The redemptor is okay, but I kinda prefer the overall designs of the Leviathan dreads and such from FW. Something that more mirrors that might be interesting to see.

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I was looking at the different Chapter Tactics. I made me wonder if the Astartes Chainsword might be D2? It’s the only buff I don’t really see applied anywhere in melee. Just musing
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  • 3 weeks later...

An interesting bit from AD-B's interview with Goonhammer:

(My guess is that as the Primaris range expands, we’ll see this more and more going forward, just like in the older Space Marine range. Intercessors are all currently Mark X, sure, but the current Tactical Squad box, which is ostensibly Mark VII, has options for 50% of its Marines to be built with Mark IV, V, VI, and VIII bits.)

I'm bringing this up here because I don't think it warrants a new topic. While it's just guesswork on his behalf, I do think that this is a distinct possibility and something I'd enjoy seeing. Maybe we'll really get a primaris kit with helmets, pauldrons and torsos more reminiscent of other armor pattern a couple of years down the line. The designers talking about how the range has evolved from the very plain models in Dark Imperium to the embellished marines in Indomitus come to mind.


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An interesting bit from AD-B's interview with Goonhammer:


(My guess is that as the Primaris range expands, we’ll see this more and more going forward, just like in the older Space Marine range. Intercessors are all currently Mark X, sure, but the current Tactical Squad box, which is ostensibly Mark VII, has options for 50% of its Marines to be built with Mark IV, V, VI, and VIII bits.)

I'm bringing this up here because I don't think it warrants a new topic. While it's just guesswork on his behalf, I do think that this is a distinct possibility and something I'd enjoy seeing. Maybe we'll really get a primaris kit with helmets, pauldrons and torsos more reminiscent of other armor pattern a couple of years down the line. The designers talking about how the range has evolved from the very plain models in Dark Imperium to the embellished marines in Indomitus come to mind.



The concern is that the legs will still be the reinforced front armour or power shorts indefinitely, since those design choices definitely weren't an improvement...

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Assault Inceptors . . . Emprah please, say they’re coming soon . . .

I would be happy if Suppressors got a 12" Assault d6 Heavy Flamer option, instead of just the Autocannons. Or jump pack option for Assault Intercessors.


Love the Techmarine! Now give me one in a warsuit!!!

Edited by Jacques Corbin
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For the releases to come with options and not be hard locked into one set of wargear which more often than not is an albatross around the units neck and viability as the wargear GW think is amazing is actually hot garbage or at best average.


One thing I hope to see in the future of Primaris is a decree of cross kit compatibility but that will never happen because they seem to be focused on telling us what is good and letting that kill any fun model uses or design space. I want to see Character KITS not boxes or sprues, proper character KITS. Make it 3 characters per box with one being "Captain kit" which would make 1 gravis captain with some options and 2 other lieutenants, call it the "Commanders of the Battle Company" box, boom. Then have another box where it makes 3 characters, 1 librarian, 1 chaplain and 1 techmarine. Then finally, we have the last set where its elite slot characters of ancient, apothecary and the new judiciar. Each box gives some options for chest pieces and arms with maybe some having leg options with 3 head options per character. I am personally not happy with how cookie-cutter HQs for marines are, for general squads of models its fine but for these individuals, doesn't scream unique when they all have the same pose, wargear, decorations and only a thin veil of paint tells us where they hail from.


I also want to see Primaris stop with hover tech but I know that's never going to happen because someone on the design team or whoever did it made it so that Primaris use hover tech is so hard written in stone you could put it up there with the Emperor as holy for all it seems. I want to point out that as much as people like to say the Repulsor "punches" the ground, reminder that similar grav tech used by suppressors (and I assume inceptors too) have they BOUNCE across the battlefield. "this is suppressor darius, en route to intercept" -boing- -boing- Yes...truly an angel of death -boing- such fear strikes me seeing him bounce...


I will say I am happy with the return of more decorated models coming back with the recent primaris stuff, good to see. However not sure how I feel about the new stuff like the Hammerfall and "Not Tarantula" turret thing, one part of me likes it but another part of me is like..."is it ether doesn't move or have hover tech the only options?"

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Now now Assault Squads and Vanguard Vets been boinging around the battlefield for decades. Landspeeders are Repulsor Lite if you look the other direction ;)


I can cotton to this Build Your Own Character idea. Although I’d personally like to see a kit that actually adds layer of Armour onto a basic skeleton model. This way you could build your own Phobos, Tacticus or Gravis (one with jump pack also) Captain/Lt. Won’t happen but I like the idea. Did I mention Inceptor Captain with two Boltstorm or Flamestorm Gauntlets? ;)

Edited by Dracos
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Now that we have a tech marine , and shield unit  I think the next thing I would like to see is a light battle tank of some sort based on the impulsor chassis , something that wont break the bank like the repulsor and the repulsor executioner.  

Other than that I  guess a terminator equivalent 

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Just want BT IC in primaris.

Just that.


With the Primaris line being rounded out pretty with the latest upcoming releases, this is pretty much the only thing I still wish for as well now.


An updated upgrade kit would be ace too, but I've stopped expecting anything along those lines. Just easier that way.

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Add the Primaris flyer and their own Codex (mine delivered from Germany of course ;)) and I think we should move into updating non-Catachan Guard models

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