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The Blood Angels ETL VI Campaign Awaits!


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Just made a rough calculation of what I could paint and my shame is indeed great: ~3000pts that meet the prerequisites for the ETL :sweat:  
What can I say, if not: FOR SANGUINIUS!

My first vow will not be very big though as this is a first time I will participate in fast/batch painting event. I'd say: ~500pts of mixed infantry and vehicles to make it more interesting for  me.

Edit: do the models need to be assembled or can I paint the parts before final assembly?

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I'm a terribly slow painter, but I'll contribute what I can. I think my first vow is going to be fairly small so I stand a chance to actually complete it and go from there. Far too many sprues squirreled away over the years, and a bunch of models that have been through the biostrip so i've far more to choose from than i could possibly paint, particularly as I'm planning on a new airbrush based darker scheme, aka the luther method!


I'd planned to start with a lascannon dev squad that could be expanded out to tac squads later (magnetised helmet). I ordered the ryza pattern lascannons from forgeworld which arrived today... and they sent me mars pattern plasma cannons instead. Sigh. I've got dark imperium, probably enough TDA collected over the years to represent the entire 1st co, a couple of dozen death company if I include the metal ones and some assault squads I'll probably rework as company vets with storm bolters. Plus half a dozen dreads of various types, incl several forgeworld ones. Much as I'd love to paint those first, I want to get comfy with the scheme before I tackle vehicles. A ton of obsolete models that aren't worth redoing (mk 1 landraider, bubble turret predator, RTB01 beakies, metal TDA etc). Most characters I think will probably have to be kitbashed, the original metals are so small...

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Potty they don’t share a codex like they did in 2nd ed, then I could vow units from both armies. Not to worried about an Interrogator Chappie catching up with me as I’d be a regular garden variety traitor and not one off the fallen so salvation is not on the cards for me, and I’d simply be put down, not having to endure the Chaplain trying to do his duty to make me repent, with all that it entails. Having said that if I’m gonna be a traitor either way, might as well not do things by halves and throw my lot in with the sons of Barbarus and the Angel of Decay.
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Potty they don’t share a codex like they did in 2nd ed, then I could vow units from both armies. Not to worried about an Interrogator Chappie catching up with me as I’d be a regular garden variety traitor and not one off the fallen so salvation is not on the cards for me, and I’d simply be put down, not having to endure the Chaplain trying to do his duty to make me repent, with all that it entails. Having said that if I’m gonna be a traitor either way, might as well not do things by halves and throw my lot in with the sons of Barbarus and the Angel of Decay.


Ooooooor, go Fallen! :D

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New to this whole ETL thing, but slowly wrapping my head around it.  Just started working on a custom Blood Angels Successor Chapter and am still in the model cleanup / assemble / prime phase.


How do the pledges themselves work?  Do we post our pledges here?  In a different thread?  Make our own threads for our own ETL progress and track it there?  Sorry for the newbie questions.


My current list of stuff I've got on my list to act as my Blood Angels *core* is:


20 Assault Marines

10 Death Company

10 Sanguinary Guard

10 Vanguard Veterans

3 Sanguinary Priests

2 Lieutenants

1 Sanguinary Ancient

1 Chaplain

1 Lemartes

1 Sanguinor


Are kitbashed models okay?  My Vanguard Veterans are kitbashed between two VV boxes and 2 sets of Forgeworld Raven Guard Dark Fury Assault squads (mostly the jump packs and some of the claws).  My Sanguinary Priests and Lieutenants are going to be kitbashed using SG and VV kits + other 40K bits.  Sanguinor is going to be a kitbash as well between his actual kit and some AoS Stormcast Eternal stuff.  As long as they are WYSIWYG when it comes to wargear and whatnot, will that work for ETL pledges?

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New to this whole ETL thing, but slowly wrapping my head around it.  Just started working on a custom Blood Angels Successor Chapter and am still in the model cleanup / assemble / prime phase.


How do the pledges themselves work?  Do we post our pledges here?  In a different thread?  Make our own threads for our own ETL progress and track it there?  Sorry for the newbie questions.


My current list of stuff I've got on my list to act as my Blood Angels *core* is:


20 Assault Marines

10 Death Company

10 Sanguinary Guard

10 Vanguard Veterans

3 Sanguinary Priests

2 Lieutenants

1 Sanguinary Ancient

1 Chaplain

1 Lemartes

1 Sanguinor


Are kitbashed models okay?  My Vanguard Veterans are kitbashed between two VV boxes and 2 sets of Forgeworld Raven Guard Dark Fury Assault squads (mostly the jump packs and some of the claws).  My Sanguinary Priests and Lieutenants are going to be kitbashed using SG and VV kits + other 40K bits.  Sanguinor is going to be a kitbash as well between his actual kit and some AoS Stormcast Eternal stuff.  As long as they are WYSIWYG when it comes to wargear and whatnot, will that work for ETL pledges?

Every Forum that’s ETL relevant will have a dedicated thread where people can place their vows and report their completions. During the event I will only be visiting those official threads, I won’t have the time to look at personal blogs or anything else. Those ETL threads will appear when the ETL VI rules become available.


Kitbashed models are fine. Conversions are fine. Scratch builds are disallowed. So yeah, the above will be totally fine. :)

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I’d like to know if this counts as basecoating, or if it’s too far gone for the competition.


If it’s too far gone I’ll just keep going, if it’s not, I’ve got a lot of things that I can basecoat!

There was a discussion at the beginning of this thread about basecoat being a singular step, so I'd say: 1 color. But this requires a more experienced Frater than me to confirm.

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I’d like to know if this counts as basecoating, or if it’s too far gone for the competition.


If it’s too far gone I’ll just keep going, if it’s not, I’ve got a lot of things that I can basecoat!

They are fine.

Great to know - I have a land raider that I undercoated black then masked off the tracks and basecoated red - no further work done, but it's two colours of basecoat - should that be ok?

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When I brush-on primer rather than spraying I often do the model itself in a dark red basecoat and the weapons primed black. That's been fine in the past as they're each just a single base colour. I believe the issue is more if you've taken those basecoats and then started adding different shades as extra layers, highlights, started picking out details etc.

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At the end of the day you've supposed to be going about this event how you usually would. For example, I still undercoat my gold models with black rather than gold and will be for this event even though it puts me/us as a slight disadvantage.


Some folk construct a model and spray is all one colour. Some spray on the sprues and use different one (for example, my red tanks are constructed and undercoated white but the tracks are black and left on the sprue until I need them). Some chop and change depending on what's best, use a mixture of both, or whatever.


Do what is best for you. My BaC marines (which I prepped for the ETL "fallow year") will be painted on the sprue. They were sprayed white but the guns were done black as this is a method I wished to pursue at the time for bulk models, however, for B&Z I went back to full on spray as it was for singular models. Having only painted up a Scout Sergeant pledged for B&Z, this worked better having only needing to focus on one metal model rather than bits.


Another B&Z example was my Sicaran. It has molded one tracks so I sprayed it white. However my Scorpius was done as listed above because they tracks are separate and I've painted enough 2nd Edition Rhinos to know the same approach to the Rhino chassis.




Does that gibberish help?

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When put like this, everyone seems to be on our cases and the faction that everyone is trying to beat. I wonder why.


Because our forum is the best ;)


I’ve currently got 1071 points worth of pledgable stuff!


I've got over 1k put aside too...





Aye, Knights are quite the commitment. They will ramp up our score but you need to be ready for them.

I'd actually forgotten about Knights; do we know for sure that you can vow them to any Imperial Faction like we could last time?

You can only vow them for the Blood Angels...

All Imperial forums will have access to Knights like in previous years... I think Jolemai went overly “patriotic” there! :laugh.:



Not at all, all IKs and Titans should join up with us as we have all the cookies.

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Just made a rough calculation of what I could paint and my shame is indeed great: ~3000pts that meet the prerequisites for the ETL :sweat:  

What can I say, if not: FOR SANGUINIUS!


My first vow will not be very big though as this is a first time I will participate in fast/batch painting event. I'd say: ~500pts of mixed infantry and vehicles to make it more interesting for  me.


Edit: do the models need to be assembled or can I paint the parts before final assembly?


Assembly can be done whenever, you just can't move models past the undercoat stage. So when you make your initial vow the photo evidence can show a box, sprues, assembled, pile of bits, whatever; no paint or undercoat.


If in doubt, see what everyone else does or follow the links in the OP and look at some of the previous vows :)

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Probably going to Pledge a Scout Squad or two, a Captain Smash and a Termite since I want to Paint one so badly.


Termite :wub: in red or black with saltires?


I'm a terribly slow painter, but I'll contribute what I can. I think my first vow is going to be fairly small so I stand a chance to actually complete it and go from there. Far too many sprues squirreled away over the years, and a bunch of models that have been through the biostrip so i've far more to choose from than i could possibly paint, particularly as I'm planning on a new airbrush based darker scheme, aka the luther method!


I'd planned to start with a lascannon dev squad that could be expanded out to tac squads later (magnetised helmet). I ordered the ryza pattern lascannons from forgeworld which arrived today... and they sent me mars pattern plasma cannons instead. Sigh. I've got dark imperium, probably enough TDA collected over the years to represent the entire 1st co, a couple of dozen death company if I include the metal ones and some assault squads I'll probably rework as company vets with storm bolters. Plus half a dozen dreads of various types, incl several forgeworld ones. Much as I'd love to paint those first, I want to get comfy with the scheme before I tackle vehicles. A ton of obsolete models that aren't worth redoing (mk 1 landraider, bubble turret predator, RTB01 beakies, metal TDA etc). Most characters I think will probably have to be kitbashed, the original metals are so small...


Quite the conundrum, but you've still got 2-4 weeks to sift through it all and come up with a plan. Have to see, these sound like potentially characterful vows :)


I've written out a notepad and separated out the models i wish to paint into vows. So if/when I start vowing, I can just pick a package and get them done.


Going for forum champion? It's up for grabs again ...

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