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The Blood Angels ETL VI Campaign Awaits!


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I’m currently working on BA and DA, and it seems there is a rivalry between the two factions, basically meaning that no matter which side I choose I’m a traitor, so in all fairness I’m probably going to start work on my Deathguard or that salamanders project I’ve always dreamed of starting.


All joking aside, there's a rivalry between all the ETL Factions. Obviously I and the "locals" on this sub-forum have a preference, but do what you want and feel inspired to do :)


We do need to help though if your Salamanders don't get off the ground (Chaos have enough slaves...)

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I might have a few dozen models to vow for this...


Go with the best modelcount to points ratio!


Excited to participate in my first ETL!


I've definitely got quite a few primed units (even if some of the points values may not be particularly high [scouts]...)


I failed my vows in ETL I and it put my off ETL II because of it - not because of the forum or Frater, but because I didn't feel I could do it what with life intervening. My advice here is to not worry about it; just plan things out with what you're comfortable with and what you feel you can achieve, join in with the fun/banter, and go from there :)

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Excited to participate in my first ETL!


I've definitely got quite a few primed units (even if some of the points values may not be particularly high [scouts]...)


I failed my vows in ETL I and it put my off ETL II because of it - not because of the forum or Frater, but because I didn't feel I could do it what with life intervening. My advice here is to not worry about it; just plan things out with what you're comfortable with and what you feel you can achieve, join in with the fun/banter, and go from there :smile.:


Indeed, even vowing and painting a single character will help out immensely - it comes down to vow completion rate in the end. 


For ETL: A model with heavy bolters takes the same length of time ti paint as a model with lascannons, however the model with lascannons is worth way more points - so vow that option!

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New to this whole ETL thing, but slowly wrapping my head around it.  Just started working on a custom Blood Angels Successor Chapter and am still in the model cleanup / assemble / prime phase.


How do the pledges themselves work?  Do we post our pledges here?  In a different thread?  Make our own threads for our own ETL progress and track it there?  Sorry for the newbie questions.


My current list of stuff I've got on my list to act as my Blood Angels *core* is:


20 Assault Marines

10 Death Company

10 Sanguinary Guard

10 Vanguard Veterans

3 Sanguinary Priests

2 Lieutenants

1 Sanguinary Ancient

1 Chaplain

1 Lemartes

1 Sanguinor


Are kitbashed models okay?  My Vanguard Veterans are kitbashed between two VV boxes and 2 sets of Forgeworld Raven Guard Dark Fury Assault squads (mostly the jump packs and some of the claws).  My Sanguinary Priests and Lieutenants are going to be kitbashed using SG and VV kits + other 40K bits.  Sanguinor is going to be a kitbash as well between his actual kit and some AoS Stormcast Eternal stuff.  As long as they are WYSIWYG when it comes to wargear and whatnot, will that work for ETL pledges?


This is just a build up thread for the main event. It's to generate hype and to answer any questions the Frater might have.


When the event goes live, there will be a specific thread (probably called +++E Tenebrae Lux VI - Blood Angels Stratagem+++) which will be pinned in place of this at the top of the board. It is there you make your official ETL posts such as your vow post and completion post (both require an accompanying photo). WIPs and anything else can go here or go in your own blog elsewhere on the B&C or whatever works best for you, however it's worth keeping tabs on the main post and adding updates as this keeps the ball rolling for others too.


For example, here's the previous BA stratagem thread for ETL V.


Kitbasing/third party/etc is fine and obviously encouraged, but it must represent what you intend it to be. Non-board appropriate stuff must be suitably converted to make an appearance. The Spirit of the ETL part of the rules thread is a good read and will likely not change too much for ETL VI.


Your list of available models looks great, just plan them out into groups. So red with red, black with black, etc. Try doing a squad and a character to break up the monotony of line troops and to reward yourself with something interesting.


Oh, and keep up the questions!

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Some level of point optimisation is to be expected I guess. However, I strongly suggest to paint what units you actually want to paint for your tabletop needs. Remember, maxing-out on points may make the unit contribute more in the ETL but make it less desirable for the tabletop. Of course if you hardly ever play (like me) tabletop efficiency is a theoretical and secondary consideration. :)
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As mentioned, the Forum champion is up for grabs! Forum Champion is the Frater who completes the most points for their chosen Faction. To give an idea of what is to be done:

  • ETL I - 3525
  • ETL II - 3190
  • ETL III - 4841
  • ETL IV - 4685
  • ETL V - 3000

Bear in mind that the maximum number of vows is five and each vow can only be 3k big. So to gain the title, you're looking at either knocking out the fabled 3k vow or knocking out 2-3 army lists as vows :eek: 


Also, the title has never been defended. Will evildrcheese return to defend his crown?

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Bear in mind that the maximum number of vows is five and each vow can only be 3k big. So to gain the title, you're looking at either knocking out the fabled 3k vow or knocking out 2-3 army lists as vows :eek:


Also, the title has never been defended. Will evildrcheese return to defend his crown?


...or so was the case in the past... ;)

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Anything apart from the Gravis Captain and the Ancient I'm going to vow isn't even cut from sprue yet. I'll prime my models with leadbelcher spray because it's just way more convenient for me but it's not like I'm cheating or cheesing it since I still have to clean and build everything before doing so anyway. :D

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I've written out a notepad and separated out the models i wish to paint into vows. So if/when I start vowing, I can just pick a package and get them done.


Going for forum champion? It's up for grabs again ...


I don't think I can go there points wise. My plan has 5 vows though so hopefully I can at least beat my personal best (3 vows).

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I read through the Blood Angels ETL V thread on Jolemai's recommendation and it was inspiring seeing everyone come together and encourage each other to make progress on their vows.  Looking forward to contributing to the cause for ETL VI.


Have 20 Assault Marines assembled and primed.  Doing the final cleanup on my 10 Vanguard Vets tonight and will prime this weekend.  Next up is either 10 Sanguinary Guard or 10 Death Company.  Have all the boxes sitting on my desk but unsure which one to jump into next.

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Right folks, it's that time of year again: the ETL is upon us. This is what we've been building towards.



What is the ETL?


The acronym for E Tenebrae Lux, the ETL originated as a painting challenge put forth by the Dark Angels sub-forum. This has since blossomed into a full on, inter-forum painting competition whereby an individual vows a legal unit (or units) for a particular faction and has to paint them to completion (in the owners eyes) within a three month time frame. The faction with the most points painted is crowned the winner earning eternal glory (special signatures, etc) and a year's worth of bragging rights.

  • ETL I can be found here
  • ETL II can be found here
  • ETL III can be found here
  • ETL IV can be found here
  • ETL V can be found here
Our Heritage


As you all know, Blood Angels and their Successors study the arts. Our extended lifespan allows us to pursue and master the finer things in life and it is often remarked how exquisite the works of our artisans are. Certainly our preponderance for Artificer Armour, master-crafted weaponry, tapestries and so on show this off and back in the real world, some of the best painted models on the B&C are Blood Angels.


In the previous painting challenge, the Librarium challenge (which is currently on permanent hiatus) our faction had a long and distinguished roll of honour whereby we won the event year ofter year. However, for the first three events this hadn't transferred into the ETL:

  • In ETL I we finished fifth (out of seven participants).
  • In ETL II we finished fifth (out of eight participants).
  • In ETL III we finished seventh (out of eight participants).
That said, we threw the form book out of the window for ETL IV:
  • We finished fourth (out of seven participants) and within sight of second place
  • Our participant level (83) was at a record high
  • Our number of vows (130) was at a record high
  • Completed points (41,285) was at a record high
  • Final score (26,197) was at a record high
... and this set us up nicely for ETL V – where we came fifth. Wait, what? :huh.:


Despite being in third place throughout, generating our highest ever final score (29,116), and knocking out a completion rate competition high of 86.5 %, we were knocked down into fifth place (out of seven participants) by a small matter of 3000 points come the end of the competition.


Our commitment can't be faulted. Our dedication and morale can't be faulted. What lost us third place was an average vow of 402 points (competition average is usually in the high 700s) and this is what we need to change. Whilst every little most certainly helps (and should you go down this route, knock out the five vows as quick as possible), vowing big (yet manageable) at the start and re-vowing smaller items will put us in good stead for the event. They do say to plan twice, and paint once...


However, we haven't been caught unawares. Due to the Gift of Foresight that many of us are blessed with, the Great Baalite Bake Off and Blood & Zeal events have put us in an amazing place of readiness – the B&Z alone has seen us get almost 1000 PL of models event ready. Furthermore, the participation levels, camaraderie, and utterly phenomenal completion rates seen during these have us in tip-top condition going into an ETL – we have never been this well prepared and it's all down to you and how you've responded. This is it, the last push, the assault on Terra of events, and one we can't fail. With our resources, history, and buoyed by the success of the GBBO and B&Z, we remain a dark horse for ETL VI - but only with your unwavering and appreciated support.



Our Competition


We will have seven other Factions to see off in this event:

  • Age of Darkness (or AoD) are those who play FWs 30k expansion. Make no mistake, their resources are huge, however, we've somehow kept pace the two previous ETLs. Despite their vast manpower they have two glaring weaknesses, the first is their tendency to burnout during the event (meaning if we keep up they can be caught) whilst the second is the perceived stagnation of the game (according to the internet that is). They will be looking to cast off these tags and finally attain their potential – but again, we can't let them out of our sight.
  • Chaos (comprising of the CSM, 1kS, DG, R&H, & Daemons fora) are the reigning champions with a winning streak stretching back to 2014. To make matters worse, they have also been bolstered by the addition of Codex Thousand Sons and Codex Death Guard. However, all is not lost! Constant winning breeds complacency whilst a backing as large as they can potentially command can result in a lower completion and re-vowing rate. One day they will be caught and made to pay for their crimes against us.
  • Dark Angels are due a good run and having had their Codex around the same time as ours there should be enough in the tank for a painting bounce. They will also want to “put us in our place” having finished below us for the past two events. A wounded animal is dangerous and if they can get their motivation going we'll be in trouble – like us, they are sleeping giants of the B&C painting event history.
  • Imperial Forces of Reknown (IFOR – comprising of the Guard, Ad Mech, Imperial Agents, and Sisters fora) have the potential to be huge – carried by the Guard and Ad Mech fora, their vows are often massive give the super-heavies at their disposal. With the Sisters star rising following their teaser a few weeks back, recent releases (including Custodes), and wanting to get rid of the wooden spoon from ETL V, they will have a point to prove – and that's before we know if they will be joined by the Grey Knights and Deathwatch fora (unconfirmed)
  • Index (comprising of Codex Space Marines) is another historic superpower who we've been slugging it out with over the past two ETLs. Their resources are vast but with an older Codex they could struggle. However, many have a point to prove and that includes the Black Templars who will not only want revenge for Blood & Zeal but will want to show they are still a force to be reckoned with. Dangerous – even moreso if they are reinforced by the Deathwatch and Grey Knights fora.
  • Space Wolves shocked everyone with their run during ETL V. However, this could well have been their so called “miracle run” (coined by our run in ETL IV) and the pressure is on for them to keep it going. Couple that with a lack of Codex and it will be hard for them but we should not write them off as to do so is perilous at best: certainly they will be the ones knocking out the super vows rather than the tiny ones.
  • Xenos (comprising of the Eldar factions, Necrons, Orks, and Tau) are the new kids on the block and an unknown quandary. What is certain is that they will be taking members from established Factions meaning many of us will be dripped dry of the talent we need. Don't fret if your friend is a secret xenos worshiper, for this is your time to shine and push us to glory!



Captain Semper has already hinted that basic rules will be the same as the previous years (albeit with an added xenos threat), however, he wont be drawn on which of the two historic start dates he is set to use. This means that we can assume the following:

  • Challenge window 01/05/18 - 01/08/18 or 15/05/18 - 15/08/18. Regardless of what's selected, the first vow must be made within one calendar month of the start date
  • Maximum vows to be five, maximum of 3000 points per vow, A new one can be made once you have completed the previous one. Any uncompleted vows nullify your entire points haul
  • All models to be a legal Codex entry and WYSIWYG
  • Two images - an unpainted/primed one and a completed one - are all the evidence you need (although more and participation is encouraged). These will need to be posted in the Stratagem thread when it goes live

What Can I Do?

  • Basically, we have between 3 and 5 weeks to get ready. Use this time to plan your vow(s) into manageable chunks and then get them finished modelling-wise and undercoated. For example, paint all your red models as one vow, your black models as another, vehicles as one, etc
  • If you are magnetising, vow the expensive choice! Also, things like hunter-killer missiles count as they are WYSIWYG so add them to your vehicles even if it's via blu-tac!
  • Remember that the level of completion is what you are comfortable with. For example, my gaming group requires a minimum of three base colours and for the model to be based in order for it to be considered battle ready. That's as far as I'll be going, though I may throw in some detail if needed (seriously - I can shade, and highlight when I have more time)
  • Imperial Knights, Forge World Knights and Titans will again be likely candidates for our vows
  • Assassins, Deathwatch, Legion of the Damned and units available through stand alone Formations (i.e. Stormtalons from the Adeptus Astartes Stormwing) are not permitted due to either having their own sub-forum on here or being part of another ETL-Faction's Codex
  • Relevant BA units from the GWs Indices, FWs Indices and BA-legal experimental FW units are permitted. For points, you will need to use the most up-to-date source
  • Participate! Check our stratagem thread regularly, join in the with banter, check other threads for inspiration; ask, and be absorbed by the event. The ETL grafts together the whole website in one voice and with one goal and as with any online community, you get out of it what you put into it.
In short, take up your paint brush and take up the challenge laid down by the PCA forum to bring honour to our Faction. We are the sons of Sanguinius; it's time to once again make our father proud.



Death Company and Feast of Blades


Following the ETL in September is the From Rage to Salvation event. As is our way, those who fail their ETL vows (and thus gain the Oathbreaker vow) will form the Death Company. During the RTS they will have a final chance to complete their vow before the year is out and gain salvation by casting aside their Oathbreaker vow early.


Feast of Blades will run for many of our HQs painted during the ETL and given the amount mustered during B&Z many of us should have a suitable choice. If you're interested, follow the above link and make sure your vow is completed!





/equip modhat


The correct use of tags can be found here. Basically, this is a method of making things easier to search to people can gain fast, easy access to your work and that of others. The official ETL tags are:

  • E Tenebrae Lux
  • E Tenebrae Lux VI
  • ETL
  • ETL VI
... in addition to all the usual things like Blood Angels WIP, and so on. If we can remember to add these to our work then that would be great.

All over this.


Have a bunch of tanks and a shed load of characters to paint.


If you are are lucky you may even see a re-incarnation of Captain Z as a dreadnought...

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I'm in, brothers. And I've got plenty to paint.

Any preference to start with?






I've written out a notepad and separated out the models i wish to paint into vows. So if/when I start vowing, I can just pick a package and get them done.

Going for forum champion? It's up for grabs again ...

I don't think I can go there points wise. My plan has 5 vows though so hopefully I can at least beat my personal best (3 vows).

Mine is two vows as the ETL always falls at the wrong time of year for me. Will try for three though!

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am i missing something?

does B&C host photos? what part?

From the full version of the website, your gallery space can be found in the pull down menu by your name on the top left hand side of the screen.


Explore and feel free to ask should you have any questions:)

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All over this.


Have a bunch of tanks and a shed load of characters to paint.


If you are are lucky you may even see a re-incarnation of Captain Z as a dreadnought...

Great to hear! Just plan it all accordingly - the ETL is such a great time to get stuff painted but it's so easy to go overboard...

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I got about 6 HQs, 5 company vets, and 2 furiosos that I have had on my desk for months that are ready to go. Haven't touched those Imperial Knights that I want to pledge though. Also, that libby dread conversion I started a year ago may need to be finished...


Oh and I just remembered I have a half build storm raven from like 3 years ago somewhere...

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