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Good to see progress still being made on the army, it turned out well :thumbsup: I find myself sticking to Reikland for golds when I want them to pop, especially with Sigmarite to finish it off.


I was on the fence for Venomcrawlers but this has helped me see how I can make them work for me :biggrin.:

Thanks - I've been painting, but its been terrain.  Got tired of that and am back to my Emperor's Children. :smile.:


Glad you like it and I'm happy that I've helped you see them in a new light.  I'll let you know how it fares on the table.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Finished the first of my Shadowspear obliterators - I'm really happy with how he's turned out.  Seeing the stuff MaliGn's is painting really has encouraged me to be more aggressive with my highlighting.




Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Thanks! For a bit I wasn't sure, as I use the green for my power weapons and their crushing fists S +1 AP -1 doesn't really qualify until I saw the D D3.  That and he looks like a mini hellbrute, and my hellbrutes have green fists, so...


when a mommy hellbrute and a daddy hellbrute really love each other... you get a hellbrute family. :P



  • 2 weeks later...

The brother is done...





And the family:




Oh... and I'm building myself some disciples for my dark apostle (of noise) - they are going to look like speakers.   Still have to do the front.  The tripod the speaker box is on is  the legs from a spindle drone from Black Fortress (well, mine is from the minions of evil box they put out with the chaos minis from that set).




Is the speaker too high?  I'm not sure... would appreciate some feedback.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Okay, finished building the two speakers and... it got a bit weirder than I anticipated.  Still, they fit my army and I am happy with them. :smile.: (and yes, the one on the right has a tail).





Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Thanks.  Once I had decided to use the new Noise Marine model as an Apostle, I was trying to think of what the appropriate disciples would be and speakers seemed a natural fit and easier than converting some cultists to try to get them to look like the actual disciple models.

Thanks!  I appreciate it.  I certainly didn't come up with the idea of using that model as an EC Apostle (can't remember who I got the idea from - someone in the B&C chaos forum) but I will take credit for making the disciples speakers. :)


I should really take some "whole army" photos when I finish basing everything.

A trade just came in:




Going to turn the hellbrute into a 2x scourge brute, and the extra cultists bring me up to 60 - so I can go 2x 30 cutlists (1 unit melee, 1 unit autoguns) or several smaller units - once I finish them.




And about an hour of cutting and gluing (and 2 bandaids) later, I've converted up the latest next member of my hellbrute family.




Come give him a hug... :)

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Been a busy beaver today - gotten all the cultists built and even converted a few of them.


My two favorites:




the "commissar" squad leader with a swap from his sword to a warhammer (and a more dynamic grip, IMHO) and his shotgun for a lasgun - when I glued it in place, I found it looked quite like a tommy gun, so I glued the lasgun's grip to the foregrip, and I'm really happy with the result.


The other is the heavy stubber/flamer model with a head swap and a genestealer cultist shotgun.  I kept the original head tilt, as it fits the model and makes it look kind of odd, which is oddly appropriate. :)  I greenstuffed in the hole in his front and back (for pegs for his weapon and backpack, make his apron into pantless overalls.




The model I stole the head from for the shotgunner above, otherwise unchanged except for the head swap.  The other is the 'big axe" cultist leader swapped to have a chainsword and an autopistol instead.




Two more simple swaps.  I'm happy with the one with the dynamite sticks (the one of the left - he used to be a melee model), but the right one didn't quite turn out, as to get the gun to fit I had to build the right shoulder of the model out in an odd way - this time, a not a "good odd" like the head tilt guy above.


For 40K, I intend to run all the shotgun guys as autoguns, but this way I can use them as a necromunda gang with more weapon options... though, I didn't check to see if shotguns are legal under the Necromunda chaos cultist rules.

  • 2 weeks later...

Here are my recently painted Shadowspear minis, now based and with a daemon prince - I'll be fielding this as a Spearhead detachment that's allied to my daemons tomorrow (see http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356094-kadeths-handmaidens-dr-ruminahuis-slanneshi-host/?p=5453799).



Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
  • 3 weeks later...

Didn't get to field the 4-some above - I ended up playing 2 allied games where I didn't have to points to fit them into either list.  So, don't know how they will do yet.


Finished painting my slaneshi fiends (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356094-kadeths-handmaidens-dr-ruminahuis-slanneshi-host/?p=5465758) and need a break from my demons.  So, I'm doing a test scheme on 3 2nd hand cultists I picked up a while ago.  When I got them they were primed red - I was going to prime them white but decided against it after priming some other stuff- that's why they have the white misty effect at the bottom.




Anyway, I'm going to try them rather than being fully purple like my other cultists, doing most of them in more subdued tones (tans, browns, greys, etc.) with only a few select parts (heads and shoulders, mostly) being purple.  We'll have to see how they turn out.

  • 2 weeks later...

Painted those 3 cultists:




And started on Guitar Hero (that's what my friend calls him) and his Speakerlites (emperor's children dark apostle & disciples)




I want to make him flashier than my regular marines, but still wanted to incorporate their base armour colour to show that he's part of the same army.  So, I've decided to do a quartered paint scheme - my army's purple in 2 quarters, and am not certain what in the other 2.


Currently, my thoughts are:


1.  The pink paint on the left

2.  The lavender paint on the right

3.  The pearlised white on his shoulder - whatever colour i do, his shoulders will be repainted a standard, non-shiny white.


Any thoughts?

I decided to to go with the pearlescent white as:


1.  The light purple is the highlight colour I use for dark purple, which I intend to use for parts of the model and if I did the two would blend together too much;

2.  If I did it pink, it would be too similar to my knight;

2.  I bought the pearlescent white specifically to use on this guy, and if I don't use it here who knows when or where I would,

3.  The white is a bigger contrast with the purple, and

3.  My wife didn't want me to do him in pink - she thinks its too girly. :smile.:


I'm working away at him, and the white has really turned out more silver than white... still works though.


What I have finished is his 2 sidekicks, which I am really happy with.  I'll base them at the same time as the apostle, when I finish him.



Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Finished painting my musical acolyte, and was so excited I wanted to show him off without even basing him first.  I'm really happy how he turned out - but man was he a grind (each leg, for example, took more than an hour and his guitar has gone through 3 different versions (one green, one dark purple, and the last as above) and his "hair" 2 (the first version was light pink).



Thanks Warriorfish.  And yeah, I'm eager to slot him into my list alongside my sorcerors.  Though, given his flamboyance, I may have to go back and spruce up some of my existing character models so that they don't look shabby in comparison. :)

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Based my apostle and disciples - sorry about the photo dump, but I'm really proud of them.  The apostle is one of the best models I've painted, I think - though I really need to improve painting OSL.




This one is to show of the quartered paint scheme... other than my knight last ETL, I've never tried it before.  Turned out well and not as hard as I feared it would be.






And this one is to show off the saucy tail on the one disciple.... the second is there because my camera didn't focus properly otherwise.




<Edit - forgot to pose my shot of the group based>



Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

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