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+++Dark Angels Outpost+++

Captain Semper

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So, finaly and much later then planed I have finished my second vow.


+++ ETL (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [46 PL, 805pts] +++

+ HQ +
Chaplain [5 PL, 72pts]: Bolt pistol
Master in Cataphractii Armour [8 PL, 149pts]: Relic blade, Storm bolter
+ Troops +
Tactical Squad [5 PL, 74pts]: 3x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. Special Weapon Marine: Flamer
+ Elites +
Company Veterans [8 PL, 95pts]
. Space Marine Veteran: Bolt pistol, Grav-gun
. Space Marine Veteran: Bolt pistol, Grav-gun
. Veteran Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-grav
Deathwing Knights [12 PL, 250pts]
. 4x Deathwing Knight: 4x Storm shield
. Knight Master: Storm shield
Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 165pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon
After Picture
And once again I, Isual rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Dark Angels once again and vow to complete a Talon Master of total value 188 Points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end!
My later vows will be a lot smaller than the first two as I want to make sure to finish them in time. It would be a damn shame if I would fail and all my points would go to waste.
Next before pic:
My pictures in this post aren't the best, but it's late and I want to cut the corner before the next weekly update :biggrin.:. Better ones will follow.
Edit: PPS: That sums it up to 1.499 points completed =).

So, finaly and much later then planed I have finished my second vow.


+++ ETL (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [46 PL, 805pts] +++

+ HQ +
Chaplain [5 PL, 72pts]: Bolt pistol
Master in Cataphractii Armour [8 PL, 149pts]: Relic blade, Storm bolter
+ Troops +
Tactical Squad [5 PL, 74pts]: 3x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. Special Weapon Marine: Flamer
+ Elites +
Company Veterans [8 PL, 95pts]
. Space Marine Veteran: Bolt pistol, Grav-gun
. Space Marine Veteran: Bolt pistol, Grav-gun
. Veteran Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-grav
Deathwing Knights [12 PL, 250pts]
. 4x Deathwing Knight: 4x Storm shield
. Knight Master: Storm shield
Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 165pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon
After Picture
And once again I, Isual rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Dark Angels once again and vow to complete a Talon Master of total value 188 Points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end!
My later vows will be a lot smaller than the first two as I want to make sure to finish them in time. It would be a damn shame if I would fail and all my points would go to waste.
Next before pic:
My pictures in this post aren't the best, but it's late and I want to cut the corner before the next weekly update :biggrin.:. Better ones will follow.
Edit: PPS: That sums it up to 1.499 points completed =).

Well done Isual! You have indeed completed 1,499 points but remember: If you fail to complete a subsequent vow then it's all for nothing: they will all be nullified! Now I'm sure that you'll have no problem completing your next vow - but keep in mind that everything ends on August 1st @ 17:00 GMT! :wink:

Hidden Content


I Malarki Have fullfiled my VOW and apologize for not finishing it sooner I do hope you guys like the work any and all criticism is welcome!

Congratulations brother, a much needed completion to boost our points and, dare I say, morale?

So keep going everybody, let's see more first vows completed! :thumbsup:





Brothers I have finally completed my vow!!


I plan on vowing again but I really need to make sure that I have enough time to get it done. Work is really getting in the way of what matters! :wink:



Awesome RW brother!


Pesky work! If it wasn't for childcare taking up most of my annual leave I'd have booked some time off over ETL.... :::shakes fist at life::: :whistling:


Do I spy Charmander of the Firewing in the background :P





Brothers I have finally completed my vow!!


I plan on vowing again but I really need to make sure that I have enough time to get it done. Work is really getting in the way of what matters! :wink:



Awesome RW brother!


Pesky work! If it wasn't for childcare taking up most of my annual leave I'd have booked some time off over ETL.... :::shakes fist at life::: :whistling:


Do I spy Charmander of the Firewing in the background :tongue.:



Thank you! I really went full stop for this force and put all the decals on and based everything. I am thinking of eventually investing in a nice photo box for my miniatures but that is another battle for another time. I also literally think that forces conspire against us when we want to do something with our hobby. I can have absolutely nothing going on, but as soon as I sit down and get a nice, thin layer of paint on my brush and start applying a layer do I get a call or the cat throws up. What can you do? :sweat:


Yes that is indeed Charmander of the Firewing! He oversees the recruitment of all my forces and judges their readiness with those big, cute, adorable, soulless empty eyes lol

Congratulations Company Master Holden, a great completion is what appears to be a desperate hour! 


Now let's see more first vows completed guys, the event is almost up! 



is death wing standard bearer considered death wing ancient? I need to know asap as I may vow a death wing command squad and power it out over the next week or so


Yes, the standard bearer in 7th became the ancient with 8th edition. Go ahead and make that sweet vow :)


My 2nd scout squad is coming along. First one is completed. Getting tighter to get both the second one done and the storm raven, but I'll try to get some painting time at the club soon.

Please check out this post i made and give me aome feedback so i can make a vow!




I understand you're not comfortable with white (ash or bone or whatever). If you want to go for Disiples of Caliban - then problem solved. You get the excellent Black and Green combo and some of the most sinister and secretive Chapters out there... Go for that! :)





And my out of competition vow is complete. I am sad I didn't get to do it from the start but that's life.


Bases will be complete when I get my texture tool.



Congratulations Arkley, Emperor knows I wanted this to count for points - situation gets desperate here...


Guys, the clock is ticking. Our completion rate is woefully low at 37% for this stage of the event. Let's make a final effort to bring this closer to 50% before the end of the week on Tuesday...




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