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+++Astra Militarum Outpost+++

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Ok! Finally decided on my scheme

Im happy with these colours so I can move forward! Annoyingly I had an issue with my airbrush which resulted in me more or less masking the pre-shading so I'll have to go back and redo it.

Work just gave us a half day on the third hopefully will finish it by then. As I'm off to Seattle for a week. Also I'd like these done for a tournament I have end of August.


Work still trudges along... waiting for the glosscoat to dry so I can weather and detail my Russ, so figured I'd post some photos of where it's at now:




Camo scheme will be much darker after washes and weathering, this is just the base coat blocked in.




Hmm, interesting...


I should note that the engine bay was not originally in scope for this model - my plan was to glue the top and bottom hull sections together and block that area off from view, but the top needs to be removable to see everything else.  So now the empty engine bay (and obvious magnet point) are exposed, which will drive me nuts.  So, later, I will build an engine/transmission/fuel module to drop in there, but that will be after ETL, because I need to get a move on if I want to actually contribute..


Check the spoiler for everything, don't want to clog this up!















Woohoo!  First tank is finally completed!






I've got to finish up a Chimera (which I'm not nearly as excited about) and 15 more infantry to complete the vow, but this has got me super pumped up already.  After that will be some knights and a superheavy!


Edit:  Full album of the completed tank here: 



Well, the progress registered in Week 8 is now paying dividends! Completions, new vows, more completions... It appears the Guard is in full mobilisation!


Just to let you know, the astra Militarum has currently the top score among ALL forums in the ETL. Perseverance pays off! ;) :tu:



@Captain Semper: I just realized I vowed a meltagun on the knight and put a stubber instead. On my next vow I have a Gallant that will include a melta, would you mind if I vow it as a stubber and call it even? 


Yeah, that'll be totally fine. :yes:


Semper do I score triple points if I paint the same model 3 times before I'm happy with it?? :laugh.:

Because that literally will be happening :unsure.: 
(Well hopefully only 3 times...) :sweat: 


Nice try... :ph34r.:



Don't worry Semper, we have been reserving the Vengeance for Cadia Stratagem for just this moment :tongue.: Mobilisation will continue until the commissariat says otherwise... :laugh.:


Excellent work coldfyre, one of the showcase pieces of this ETL without a doubt :thumbsup:

Vow complete! Unfortunately the pictures aren't great I'll try for better ones another time:


Another day another victory in His name. Naturally, it was never in doubt. When is it? Yes it is all the auspices of His grace but He does not grant success for nothing. You must earn it and so did you all by valour, duty and obedience. Only then can your officers command effectively. Only then does the plan for victory come together. Only then can I take my afternoon tea in peace! Now, look to your wargear soldiers for we move to the next victory tomorrow - for the Emperor!

Lord Commissar WarriorFish, addressing the troops after the Purging of Sanctum Hoechrein

It's too warm to prime currently so I'm going to assemble models until that changes - when it does I'll see what I can do for my next vow :smile.: Previous two vow models to make Semper's life easier:

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Onwards to victory comrades!

Through the Warp, to near and far,

To Tallarn, Lethe and Ultramar,

The Emperor points and we obey,

Through the Warp and far away.

Progress finally! Thanks to magnets and lights I show you the same tank many ways! ;)

Just need to do the washes and details now. (Oh and the preshading on everything else that isn't the hull... :ermm:)

You can see the Tech priests are preparing the next to chassis shortly behind ;)


Less than a month to go!

just need to do the stormhammer now and 2635 points will be our comrades!!! I have a bunch of stuff for vow 2...not as much as the first vow but shuold be at least another 700 points or so... I also have 2 knights that I might try and repaint so we will see:)










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