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+++Astra Militarum Outpost+++

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Welcome Jam Master Flex and Danny - much needed reinforcements for the beleaguered Guard! Good luck to both! Also, Danny, you are on the path to become Champion... ;)




Comrades I have returned, I will be preparing my first vow soon :biggrin.:

Be aware the commissariat only knows one order: advance! Any fool impudent enough to stand in our way will be crushed under the thunder of boots and the roar of tank treads!


I have a question. I have 2 squads of Ogryns which I primed and began pre-shading with colored washes, before I knew that there was going to be an ETL this year. There is some color on the models, but it's hardly even close to finished, Can I vow them in such a state? I'd rather not strip them and lose what progress I have made. 

I, WarriorFish rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the ASTRA MILITARUM IMPERIAL GUARD and vow to complete;

x2 Armiger with meltagun (240pts ea)

of total value 480pts on or before 1st August 2018. Success is the only outcome the commissariat understands!



As before, full details and more images on the magnetising is in my AdMech topic, but I'll try to keep the Outpost and my Guard WIP updated with notable progress as I go :thumbsup:

Onwards to glory comrades!

I have a question. I have 2 squads of Ogryns which I primed and began pre-shading with colored washes, before I knew that there was going to be an ETL this year. There is some color on the models, but it's hardly even close to finished, Can I vow them in such a state? I'd rather not strip them and lose what progress I have made. 


Ulrik, shoot me a PM with pics and we'll take it form there. 


I, WarriorFish rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the ASTRA MILITARUM IMPERIAL GUARD and vow to complete;


x2 Armiger with meltagun (240pts ea)


of total value 480pts on or before 1st August 2018. Success is the only outcome the commissariat understands!




As before, full details and more images on the magnetising is in my AdMech topic, but I'll try to keep the Outpost and my Guard WIP updated with notable progress as I go :thumbsup:


Onwards to glory comrades!


Welcome Lord Commissar - I sure hope to see the Guard regroup and return on the offensive now! :biggrin.:




Now we're entering the last 24 hours before the First Weekly Update (out Wednesday). Let's see some more joining up until then!





Don't worry if they're not suitable Ulrik, the point of the ETL is to paint models - not unpaint them :laugh.:


Modelling sand will be ready for priming tomorrow so I'm assembling some Scions in the meantime. Lining the weapons up is a bit of a hassle as I don't want to glue the guns so I can paint the torso... good job I started in advance I suppose :tongue.: I'm eyeing up an Inquisitor vow later too, probably be a "floating vow" I can drop in if I have time along with the Bullgryn Bodyguard :smile.:

Points update for my vow:


- Infantry squad 1: sergeant with bolter, trooper with plasma rifle, trooper with vox, missile launcher team.  73 points

- Infantry Squad 2: sergeant with bolt pistol and chainsword, trooper with vox, trooper with grenade launcher. 51 points

- Company Commander: plasma pistol, power sword. 39 points

- Stormtrooper/Scion Squad: Sergeant with plasma pistol, trooper with plasma gun, trooper with melta, trooper with grenade launcher, 6 stormtroopers. 136 points

- Ratling Squad: 6 Ratlings. 54 points

- Leman Russ Conqueror with Heavy Bolter. 155 points

- Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier, with hull heavy flamer and pintle storm bolter.  89 points


Total Vow Points Cost: 597 points, by August 1st! 


I've figured out my infantry scheme. and will be following the paint scheme I used for this guy on my troops:


Demo model for the new infantry scheme!


It's been a while since I've been active in the hobby and ETL seemed like the perfect time to return to my first army, Imperial Guard. Astra What? Took me a minute to find them on the GW site. 


Here goes:


I Snorkle rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Astra Militarum and vow to complete the following units on or before August 1st:


Astra Militarum: 7 units


2 Company Commanders  with Chainsword and Laspistol - 60

3 Infantry Squads with Melta Gun and Vox                          - 171

2 Leman Russ Tanks with Battle and Lascannons               - 328


Adeptus Custodes: 3 units


3 Shield Captains on Dawn Eagle Jet bikes                         - 522

    2 with salvo launchers, 1 with hurricane bolters


of total value of 1081 points. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


IMG 3259







@ Jan Master Flex: Amazing work mate, really looks brilliant! Keep going! 


@ Snorkle: More reinforcements arrive! Welcome and good luck - I see your vow is really model-rich! :biggrin.:



Wow Snorkle! Blindingly fast work!


I've finally found the time to get most of my vow built, but I'm heading away on vacation for the next 2 weeks to Mexico with my wife and two sons, and I'm not bringing any hobby stuff with me, so this will likely be my first and only update for the month.




I'll see you all when I get back at the end of the month!


I'll post a before picture of the vendetta when I get back from my vacation

Congratulations Snorkle - well done mate! Now look fwd for your follow-up vow!


@ Danny, have a nice time in Mexico, you got a lot to do upon your return! :biggrin.:




Now let's see more recruits on the side of the Guard! Second week is very  important in the recruitment phase and this is the weekend, so, make the best of it! :smile.:




Excellent work comrades, the commissariat is most impressed by the speed and quality of your work snorkle an example to us all!


I have visited GW for some essential paints so I plan to get some progress worth reporting this weekend :thumbsup: Danny just so you know paint pots are under the 100ml limit so you can get some painting done during the flight. Just in case you were wondering :wink:

Excellent work comrades, the commissariat is most impressed by the speed and quality of your work snorkle an example to us all!


I have visited GW for some essential paints so I plan to get some progress worth reporting this weekend :thumbsup: Danny just so you know paint pots are under the 100ml limit so you can get some painting done during the flight. Just in case you were wondering :wink:

Not possible when traveling with a 5 year old and 13 month old! Lol! My wife would not be impressed one bit!


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