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+++Astra Militarum Outpost+++

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Good stuff Bmseifer, with more of the Veteran Company taking up the lasgun once more victory is assured!


For the white shields who may not be aware: the commissariat has set the goal of 100% completion. We've got close but are yet to achieve it, let's make 2018 the year!

For the white shields who may not be aware: the commissariat has set the goal of 100% completion. We've got close but are yet to achieve it, let's make 2018 the year!

Furthermore, unlike the Trooping of the Colours event, failure will not simply involve a penal legion assignment! ;)

So with some peer pressure I have decided to my first vow:

I duz_ rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Imperial Guard and vow to complete one Leman Russ Demolisher Command Tank with lascannon and multimelta cannon sponsons with tank tracks of total value 267pts on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Before picture: (NB other boxes may be part of future vows :wink:)


Getting somewhere with my vehicles, hoping to have them done by the end of the week:

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Excellent Jam! add a bit white and a bit black and you'll have the Greek tanks camo scheme! (which is actually very close to Vietnam camo...) :D

So with some peer pressure I have decided to my first vow:

I duz_ rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Imperial Guard and vow to complete one Leman Russ Demolisher Command Tank with lascannon and multimelta cannon sponsons with tank tracks of total value 267pts on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Before picture: (NB other boxes may be part of future vows :wink:

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Welcome duz_, good luck with that tank - and hopefully we'll see the others being vowed soon!



Just a small update - Work In Progress for my first squad! 


Infantry Squad 2- WIP

Should have them done in the next few days, then on to the next one.  I have a week off at the end of the month, and other than a short trip with the wife, the rest of that time is for me to do some painting.  Hoping to get a sizable chunk of my vows done then!  


I, Justice Bluflash Lux Axios, hereby proclaim House Axios' support to the IFOR for the duration of the E TENEBRAE LUX VI campaign.

We shall begin construction of: One (1) Armiger Warglaive with meltagun, One (1) Leman Russ Battle Tank with Battle Cannnon, Lascannon and Heavy Bolter sponsons, and raise One (1) Squad of Household Guard with Vox-caster, Flamer, and Heavy Bolter Weapon Team, for rush deployment to the front lines on or before August 1st, 2018. (480 Points)


Success shall show the Merit and Worth of House Axios to the greater Imperium. Failure shall bring dishonor on my house, and I shall be Marked as Oathbreaker until years end.


Onwards for the Light! Onwards for Axios!


Awaiting Fabricator Assignment

Household Guard


This is very high quality work Jam!


As regards vows, well, they cannnot be altered once made. You can however vow again by making a brand new vow. However failing the second (or any subsequent) vow will nullify all previously completed ones. So upping the stakes carries some risk. ;)

How did you get the turret mounted so far back?

I stabbed myself a lot to be honest haha.


Using a hobby saw, you cut straight after the 2nd lasgun array, and also before the first one (it's all one piece the hull).


Then you need plasticard to fill the gap where I've put the smoke launcher on top. A bit of green stuff to smooth the joins.


I'm making another one next week I could put up a tutorial on my thread on the astra militarum sub forum if you'd like?

Progress! :D


Building these things is the easy part... finding time to paint will be the real test... :ermm:

Looks good! I really ought to magnetise my next Russ that I get.

An airbrush certainly speeds things up on tanks, I've found a really good way of using citadel paints in an airbrush - put a few drops of water or airbrush thinner into the reservoir, and then using a decent sized brush, take a blob of the colour you want and swish it around in there until it's like milk

Great work everyone! 

Here is Vow #2


I Snorkle rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Astra Militarum and vow to complete the following units on or before August 1st:


Astra Militarum: 11 units


2 Company Commanders  with Powersword and Laspistol     - 60

3 Infantry Squads with Melta Gun and Vox                          - 171

1 Pask with Exterminator, Plas Sponsons, Lascannon            - 252

1 Tank Commander with BC, Plas Sponsons, Lascannon        - 239

1 Astropath with Stave                                                      - 36

1 Master of Ordnance                                                        - 30

1 Officer of the Fleet                                                         - 25

1 Command Squad with Medic, Standard, 2xMelta                - 73


Adeptus Custodes: 1 unit


1 Venerable Contemptor with DCCW, Assault Cannon            - 197


Adeptus Ministorum: 1 unit


1 Celestine with 2 Geminae                                                - 250


of total value of 1341 points. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


IMG 3280



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