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+++Chaos Space Marines Outpost+++

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Helbrute now complete & a further two Berzerker models up so far

That the Helbrute now finish & complete for ETL.





Then another two Battle Brother built for my World Eater. Really like how there turn out. So aim to get that least two squads built & a Exalted Champion model between now up until the event if possible. Then in the near future they will be battle along side my Daemon of Khorne force I started two year ago.







Alright, time to roll right into vow 3.

I, RolandTHTG, rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux on the side of the Emperor's Children and vow to complete:

2x6 noise Marines, 5 Sonic blaster, 1 blast master = 130x2

5 chosen, 4 power weapon, 1 powerfist - 109

3 obliterators - 195

Rhino with 2 combibolter -74

Hellforged land raider Achilles - 453

2 Ectoplasma rapier and crew - 132

For a total of 1223 points on or before August 1st, 2018.

Success will bring me eternal glory in the Dark Prince's name and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker as a mark of shame until the year-end. Failure to complete by July 7 will doom me to missing points at the Buckeye Battles tournament.


Status update: I managed to get everything except the obliterators to 3 color minimum for the tournament (and I had an old trio I was able to substitute in.) However, the last layers were really last minute Friday night, and thanks to some extremely frustrating old glue that doesn't really work, I've now been awake 40 hours straight.

Once I recover from this weekend, I should be able to finish relatively quickly, especially as I've now got some good ideas to finish the oblits.

Good job all, keep it up

@Freakshow- really liked those conversions and paint scheme, very cool

@Insane- Your models and painting skill & speed are amazing, I love the range of models and bits you've put together

First of my two vowed exalted sorcerers on disk is complete. Pretty happy with how he came together in the end. Next one will be in same scheme, but based of BoP 30k Ahriman mini




I really don't get all this new system and its scores. It seems to me that with the highest completion rate by far among the outposts that are any threat (The Space Marines, Blood Angels, and maybe the IFOR if you take all of them together), and with almost a 6000 point lead, we're not only in the lead, we're the undisputed best by a long shot. How is Semper so conservative?

The system has not changed in its mechanics. The ETL score stems from multiplying your completed points by your completion rate. So taking W9 results, Chaos Space Marines Forum had completed 18,430 pts vs. a total pledged 50,353 pts. That implies a completion rate of 36.6% and an ETL Score of 18,430 * 36.6% = 6,746

That puts Chaos Space Marines ahead of all Forums in the game by W9.

The same mechanics apply for Factions (i.e. groups of Forums) but the dynamics are different. The Daemons and the LatD are actually diluting the effort of the Chaos Marines with lower completion rates while the absolute points contribution is not enough to make up for it. As such the Realm of Chaos Faction had a total points pledged of 64,182 (adding the other two Forums to the Chaos Marines' total) and collectively they have completed 20,351 - a completion rare of 31.7%. That translates to a score of 20,351 * 31.7% = 6,453 (not bad but lower than the Chaos Marines standalone score.

By contrast Factions that have possibly fewer points completed but they represent a larger part of their collective commitments OR have so much more points pledged that even with lower completion rates still have strong scores have managed to overtake Chaos.


Astartes: a massive 159,814 pts pledged but with a completion rate (adding up all completed points of the constituent forums) of 40,667 pts - resulting to a completion rate of 25.5%. As you can see the completed points are way above those of the Realm Chaos but the completion rate is lower by almost 7 percentage points. What's the result? 40,667 * 25.5% = 10,353 pts - higher than Chaos! Here pledge numbers made a difference.

AoD: This Faction had collectively roughly similar points pledged compared to Realm of Chaos at 67,086 pts. however the tenacity of the AoD crowd meant that they completed 24,792 pts making their completion rate 37.0% (some 6 percentage points higher than Realm of Chaos). And in order to work out the score: 24,792 * 37.0% = 9,162 pts

So in short, Realm of Chaos Faction was beaten in W9 by the Astartes due to their superior number of points completed in absolute terms (even with a lower completion rate) and by the AoD because of their latter superior completion rate (and slightly more points completed in absolute terms).

I hope the above helps - if you want to discuss further feel free to PM me! :smile.:

Right, second vow completed

13 cultists, 10 Noise Marines, 3 bikers, 1 Warpsmith and 1 Lord. 580 points.

Hidden Content




Nice work man, very chaotic looking! :thumbsup:

I, Dragonlover, hereby declare Vow 4 complete!

Hidden Content


And a solo shot of the melee one:


Vow 5 is in the mail, not gonna vow until I'm actively holding the built models, don't wanna jeopardize my completions.


They both have an insidious, disturbing quality... some kind of understated weirdness... I like!


Unfortunately I seem to have underestimated how long it'll take me to finish this Heldrake (again) and now I think it's safe to say that it won't be finished before the end of Tuesday at the earliest. Right now I have the majority of the model base coated or beyond, having finally finished the armour trim today, but still have some work left to do before I can start thinking about shading the model and beyond. It's one of those annoying situations where 90% of the model is ready for the next step but there are lots of little things holding me back.

So finally got my leviathan dreadnought assembled and ready for some paint so here's my before picture:


Hoping to have the vow all finished up by tonight then photographed tomorrow, it'll take me a while to get the third vow up after that as I'm still not 100% on what I'll actually be vowing. 

I'm buckling down today, dead set on finishing the Zerks, getting the rest of the Drake primed, and basecoating the Prince

Best laid plans and all that. The wife got out of work early, came home, and started giving me honey-do's, so while I got the priming done and got most of the gold trim on the Zerks painted, I didn't finish them or base coat the DP. I'm finishing them tonight come hell or high water.

A quick progress photo! I've finished the Leviathan, Dreadclaws and Kharybdis, and you can see them all deploying on an agri-world below:




In terms of the rest of my vow, everything else is now built and sprayed (or sub-assembled for painting!), so should start working my way through that presently. 


*Edit - That's 1060pts completed out of my 2956 - so getting there, with roughly a third now done!

Good to see Chaos progress - keep the momentum guys, you may have had the lead in W9 but there is no guarantee that will be the case by the end of W10!


Everyone remember to check their vows have been correctly recorded! The Captain may be a pro, but he is only human!















Seriously guys, check the first page to make sure your status is correctly represented!

@Chaeron Impressive Dreadclaws and Leviathan!


Thank you! I'm really happy with how they've come out - and hope I can match the standard across the rest. Looking forward to the new challenge of infantry and Mortarion himself.


Great to see other completions and WIP photos coming in too, as we enter the last few weeks!

My Heldrake is basically finished, bar the base that I'll be doing tomorrow, but now that I'm finally putting it all together I'm really feeling like it needs something to break up the sheer mass of iron and bronze. Doing something fancy with chevrons is off the table - I'd have gone with that from the start if I felt I could - but as a result I find myself a bit out of ideas. I'll be getting some pictures up later once my camera's had a chance to recharge and I'd really appreciate it if you guys could give it a look then and tell me if any suggestions come to mind.

Oh hell, going for broke...


I DuskRaider rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos and vow to complete One (1) Chaos Armiger Warglaive of total value 177 points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring Nurgle eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Once more into the fray

Into the last good fight I'll ever know

Live or die on this day

Live or die on this day


Third vow... House Makabius Armiger. This is the start of a bigger project over the coming months. Might as well kick it off and help ensure our victory over the lapdogs of the corpse emperor. DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR! FOR THE DARK GODS!








To give you an idea of why I'm looking for some way to break up the Heldrake, this is how its wings currently look:


(Yes, I deeply regret not just spraying the whole thing in Leadbelcher for smoother coverage. There are a lot of things I could've done better on this one.)

To give you an idea of why I'm looking for some way to break up the Heldrake, this is how its wings currently look:


(Yes, I deeply regret not just spraying the whole thing in Leadbelcher for smoother coverage. There are a lot of things I could've done better on this one.)

Give it a good wash of army painter dark wash! :) It will look smooth as a nurgling's bottom!

Vow 1 complete.


I'm not totally happy with it but I improved a little bit and will hopefully know more tricks for next year.


complete Vow 1.1


complete Vow 1.2


complete Vow 1.3


complete Vow 1.4


complete Vow 1.5


complete Vow 1.6

This was my first attempt at freehand.

complete Vow 1.7

Now for number 2.
I Lhorke the First rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos Space Marines and vow to complete one Predator with a predator autocannon, lascannon sponsons, and havoc launcher of total value 191 points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Vow 2


Vow 2a

I wasn't happy with the havoc launcher on the first predator so I used this piece from the redemptor dread kit and mounted it on the side of the turret. I think it looks pretty decen.



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