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Captain Semper

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I, Phaeron Mechanicus of the Tez'Catil Dynasty rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Necrons rightful rulers of the universe, and vow to complete the following:

Necron Lord Staff of Light and Reserection Orb (118)
Cryptek, Staff of Light and Chronometron (95)

12 Necron Warriors (144)

5 Immortals with Gauss Blasters (85)

3 Scarab swarms (39)

1 Annihilation Barge with Tesla Cannon (166)

1 Doom Scythe (205)

a total value of 852 points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring eternal glory to Tez'Catil Dynasty and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


I Ebsas rise again to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX, with the second (Vow II) part of the awakening protocols:

1 Catacomb command barge (Tesla Cannon, Warscythe, Resurrection orb) 197

1 Overlord (Warscythe, Resurrection orb) 130

1 Transcendent C'tan (count as/conversion) 225

3 Canoptek Wraiths 165

14 Canoptek Scarabs 182

12 Necron Warriors 144

10 Necron Warriors (stripped) 120

10 Necron Immortals (Tesla) 170

10 Necron Immortals (Tesla) 170

5 Necron Immortals (Gauss) 85

5 Necron Immortals (Gauss) (stripped) 85


Catacomb Command Barge unbuild


Overlord Partial assembled



Transcendent C`tan conversion/count as


wraiths unbuild


Scarabs (using 3 per base because i'm cheap + don't want the bases to get to crowded)


12 warriors unbuild


10 warriors+5 gauss immortals stripped


25 immortals unbuild

For a total value of 1673 points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring the Necron race eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Mr4Minutes i'm most likely going to use them as a Sautekh batallion + a nephrek outrider.

Wow! The Necrons are gaining momentum! 


Welcome Mechanist to the 6th ETL! A hefty vow there - good luck mate!


And talking of hefty vows, this is some follow-up Ebsas! :yes: 




Rezak the Executioner has returned from his hunt, and my crypteks inform me that the great reforger is almost ready. I shall join the battlefield soon.


My overlord came in, and I'm almost ready to strip my models. Soon, my fellows. Soon.

Congratulations Ebsas, and welcome Mechanist.


Semper, I hope this is okay, but I went ahead and listed all the vows completed/vows made in the necron hype thread as a way to promote ourselves. Hoping that is permissible; if not I will remove it come morn.

Build progress, 4 warriors got added to this last night after the picture.


I'm also working on my Cryptek conversion from the Overlord with warscythe in the start collecting and a bunch of deathmark bits.


I think that should do nicely as a Cryptek, I'll get some other pictures up later on my PLog as lunch break is finished now.

Great progress everyone! Keep the pace!








Wow, we've already hit the second weekly update? Interesting. Unfortunately I haven't been able to even toss my stuff in some simple green, which is hampering efforts.


Also @Captain Semper, did you see my last post?

A quick wip post, after a little more then a week since i started. (Yes, i am a very slow painter. Thats why i haven't vowed the start collecting box you can just see the corner of yet...)





@Adorondak - looking good :thumbsup: , i really like the black and purple scheme (is that genestealer purple?..) the metal has a nice sheen to it too :wub:

i think most of us are really slow painters ...perhaps blame the stargods for making us slow and purposeful :tongue.:


cheers, Mithril


that reminds me...the destroyers aren't going to repaint themselves...i wish as well as reanimation we had repainting protocols...?...

Thanks! And it's actually screamer pink. Stole the scheme from this months white dwarf. It's some harlequin scheme. Abandon black, edged with screamer pink then a high light of slanesh grey. Haven't done the grey yet though. May not even bother with it for non character models. Just the straight screamer pink looks pretty bad ass in person.


And the metal was the easiest part, leadbelcher bases, wash of druchi violet, drybrush of necron compound, the pictures don't really do it justice (mostly cause the camera on my tablet sucks, and i don't know how to use it to best effect anyways)

@Andorondak -yeah now that i re-look at it i can see the colour, the camera that "sucks" probably didn't help :tongue.:

i also agree,save the grey for special characters etc..they look really good as is, well done on stealing the harlequin scheme :ph34r.:  it transfers really well to the necrons!:wub: 

ah the druchi wash may help with the sheen on the metal perhaps?!

i'd give you 2 likes if the system let me!,look fwd to seeing more from you in this scheme.


cheers, Mithril

Progress update:


  • Almost done with all the bases of my vow.
  • The scarab bases are a little bit more decorated because i only use 3 scarabs / base. (poor cadians can never get any luck)
  • primed & basecoated all the legs of the warriors & immortals.
  • Almost done with the C'tan.

Next week i got some days off from work so i might get pretty far with my vow.

Last night saw me start putting the Annihilation barge together and getting a fair way through. Not getting out of the kids room till 9ish these last few nights has been a bit of a pain. Still the warrior squad was finished and then it's a matter of finding my redistributor gold rattle can to get the first coat down. 


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