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Unit of the Week: C'tan

Captain Idaho

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Some say they came to us as saviour whilst others say they were tyrants. The masters to the slaves. Nonesense!

Like everything else, they are tools to aid in our galactic supremacy. For a time they held dominion over us but such is the majesty of our race that we soon overthrew them! And now? Their remnants are our puppets. Tools of war. Nothing more regal than the Warscythes of my retainers.




Things to discuss and consider, including but not limited to:


- What powers do you prefer?

- What Features Personalities are your go to choice?

- Do you prefer named C'tan over the Transcendent version?

- How do you use your C'tan?

- Army build around the unit.

- How many do you take?




It's a difficult one. I love the Nightbringer model and he is a killer but I do also enjoy the Transcendent C'tan for its customisable nature. Healing D3 wounds a turn is just lovely. Imagine that alongside a Destroyer Lord with Phylactery!


Though the Nightbringer is an infantry killer. Even Custodes need to be weary of all that 2+ wounding potential. Of course unsupported it won't last long.

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I’ve been using the Deceiver myself. Jumping squads of warriors into range. A good roll you can get a support character as well. A ghost ark with a squad inside and a second 20 warrior blob is what I’ve been using. Although so far against guard and knights it’s so so.


I’ve wanted to try a monolith with it, but I don’t have the model and it is expensive points wise. But turn one charging lychguard sound good.


The deployment is done before first turn, so you’ve already done the seize the initiative roll, which helps decide where to deploy.


As far as powers, there’s nothing saying you can’t target characters (that’s shooting phase) except trans tbolt, so I like to use times arrow to shoot characters. Usually a 1/3 chance, but when it hits, haha! No saves!


I also like sky of falling stars. Against hordes it’s almost guaranteed to hit the 3 squads.


It’s also good in CC. 4 attacks at S7 ap-4 3D is pretty good. More attacks then our Overlords who are the greatest duelist in the universe.... but that’s another thread.


I’d like to try the transcendent but lack the model. It looks pretty good on paper for the additional points. All the abilities are good (maybe not the 6 roll) so I’d probably take 2 random abilities.


Oh, and they’re characters, making them really hard to eliminate until you want them to be!

I have been using a basic c'tan with the double powers and anti-meter meteor and the big thunderbolt (powers 1 and 6 if i got the names wrong). the thunderbolt is always good since it bounces between units, so can quickly stack the mortal wounds.


he is brutal in close combat as well! but would prefer flat 3 damage like the deciever over d6, but oh well. All in all, a solid unit

I love The Nightbringer as shown in my display pic . Currently have very limited success with the trans c'tan and haven't tried the deceiver out yet because I always try to fit my Nightbringer into any army list (and I don't own the model). Overall I feel like the generic c'tans are way to random and overcosted to be auto-include (not to mention the £95 price tag for a vault just to be able to use the glowing guy inside) at 225 points i've never once managed to get a good return from a standard c'tan. On paper they can be incredible but you really need two good fractured personality rolls and the right c'tan powers for the situation and I tend to not tailor lists to a specific opponent. nightbringer is so worth his  points though hitting and wounding everything bar vehicles on 2+ not to mention the look on the guys face when you kill his charging unit with a gaze of death overwatch.


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