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In Black and Gold Reborn! With a foundation of Iron!


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......Greetings Brothers......

......I have awoken from my 4yr slumber and have returned anew with a force of bitterness behind......

......The war drum sounds and the forces rally......

......For Vindicta!......

......For The Warmaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


After some time off from 40k I have been sucked back into the warp kicking and screaming thanks to some traitorous brothers (Thousand Sons and World Eaters). Returning with a ongoing force of Iron Warriors based loosely around the novel Storm of Iron by Graham McNeill. I really love the Iron Warriors back story and bitterness that I had to do a my own army of the bitter legion. From Iron, Cometh Strength.


I have also been summoned by the Warmaster himself to assist in the onwards push to Terra. So there are a few Black Legionary soldiers present, with a few conversion ideas in the pipeline for a kill team etc.


First off there will be a large photo dump to bring this PLOG up to the present day and then more work in progress pics will start appearing sporadically.


Will Start with HQs with a couple of Forrix Conversions + extra staff

Chaos Lord Forrix

Chaos Lord Forrix 2



Dark Apostle

Elite Guard

Chaos Terminators


Followed by the infantry. Including a Honsou and Kroeger Conversion.

Iron Warriors 1

Khorne Iron Warriors

Iron Warriors 2

Cultists/Meat Shields

Cultists 3

Cultists 2

Cultists 1


Missile Launcher Havocs

Autocannon Havocs

Heavy Bolter Havocs 2

Heavy Bolter Havocs

Lascannon Havocs

Techno Virus Oblits/Mechanicus Conversions

Obliterators 1

Obliterators 2

Obliterators 3


Walkers and Armour 


Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought

Iron Warriors Rhino 1

Iron Warriors Rhino 2

Iron Warriors Vindicator

Iron Warriors Land Raider

Knights support

Renegade Knight 1

Renegade Knight 2

And then the Warmaster Himself!!! plus legionary conversion idea


New Chaos Marines Scale

New Chaos Marines Scale 2

Chaos Objectives

Chaos Objectives



Apologies for the dusty models and the small photos. They do get bigger if you click on them and I've tried to removed as much dust as possible before photographing them.


Sorry for the Image Dump. Hope you enjoyed it. All CnC welcome.


In Black and Gold Reborn!!




...... Hatred sustains us. Hatred is all we have. Vindicta, my brother. Vengeance, our fuel......


Thanks guys for the comments and encouragement.


So with the release of Kill teams rules I've decided to make a custom team. I'm looking to build the Ezekarion from Primaris conversions.

The Ezekarion is the inner circle to Abaddon. I wont have all the inner circle but who knows, time will tell. 

So below is my WIP pics of the current status of the Squad. 

Kill team thus far

Black Legion Kill Team progress 1


Black Legion Valicar


Black Legion Vortigern


Black Legion Lheor


Black Legion Amurael

Im planning on adding Khayon and Telemachon next.
That's it for know folks. All CnC welcome.
In Black and Gold Reborn!


Fantastic work; I really like the IV terminator lords and the ragged torso claimed by the contemptor.


The converted Black Legionnaire looks spot on and is nicely painted to boot, those top knotted helms just scream Black Legion.


The Ezekarion are shaping up very well, the 30k helm works perfectly on Vertigor. I presume Lheor is the fellow from the Talon of Horus? If so, did he not wield a heavy bolter? (Sorry to knitpick, he looks brill as is, pure aggression and brute strength.)

Thanks guys for the feedback.


Lheor did wield a heavy bolter however he also ran a chainaxe.I had already made the autocannon primaris model before I started on the ezekarion and I really wanted to try out the blood warrior zerker conversion for lheor. Good spot though.

Yeah, bloodwarrior to berserker conversions have been my recent joy in the hobby. They look so darned good.


Man, I do not know how you feel about this but in the +OTHER GAMES+ subforum there's the idea of bring a cheap cultists champ as a leader and hiding them away for easy CP. Just a fun idea to add in Moriana if the fancy takes you...:whistling:


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