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Primaris Units/ vehicles, wishtheory list

Guest Triszin

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Veteran Primaris: 3 attacks base, access to power weapons and storm shields, option to equip Primaris jump packs (either just primaris sized jump packs or a gravis armored variant with inceptor gear)


Primaris Transport: 6 Primaris capacity, one set of heavy weapons, does not suffer the hit penalty for moving and shooting, some sort of skimmer or gunship


Primaris Drop Pod


Melta based weapon option for aggressors


And of course a black templar upgrade kit for primaris

I’d kill for a black Templar upgrade kit. Sadly who knows then that’ll be an option.
Has anyone had good experience with kitbashing to this effect? Primaris, Custodes, Deathwatch and ye olde BT-friendly sprues?


I'd like to imagine it works alright, visually at least, but it'd be way better to have it outright available.


Hell, it'd be sort of cool if the Primaris method of Marine generation actually meant you had a Primaris Crusader squad as the default training scheme...


Fold BT's right back into the mainstream front and centre!

Exploring new design space would be nice.

Something akin to a new take on Destroyer Squads would not only be novel/neat, but a nice touch of grim for the chapters that aren't overly goody-goody.


If we've got plasma spammers, how about grav spammers or a new weapon flavour, return of volkite anyone?

I'd love to see a veteran Primaris assault unit where each guy carries a power sword and a power axe (with a points discount compared to buying both due to the overlap of abilities), I think it could look really god especially if they did chapter specific models (later)

Ultras - off hand short gladius swords and large functional axes

Wolves - off hand simple 'large knife' swords and large 'viking' axes

Dangles - off hand 'tomohawk' axes and large knightly swords

Templar - small knightlysword and large knightly medieval axes

Bangles - balanced pair of long bladed axe and slender elegant sword


Never going to happen, but a guy can dream.

I want to see breacher squad. Give me a primaris with a shield for maybe a 4++ that the shield has a claymore mine on the front for a nice charge effect (4+ unit charged by them take 1 mortal wound or something like that) and give them some power weapons and boom you fill what primaris need: cc groups. Also maybe a lascannon for a variant of Hellblasters. Hellblasters are great and all but please give use some anti tank weapons.

Cleon, I think that is safe bet. hopefully they either give them some sort of deep strike, or jump packs but more Primaris close combat units will happen.


TempestBlade, I think breachers are on of the most desired units, I like the mine on the shields ideal you have. I would like boarding shotguns as a secondary option, and maybe some sort of melta grenade for both variants.


I thing that I've been thinking about since Inquisitor Dracos suggested Reivers as troops, would be allowing Reivers and Intercessors to be able to replace one model with one of the "Elite" options with the matching armor. So Intercessors could take one breacher style model (or maybe a hellblaster). 


While I'm wishlisting, a reiver unit with dual pistols would be cool.

I’d also love to see a breather unit as well. Maybe with a choice between absolver bolt pistols or gladi/chain swords. But I’d love to see them with a repulsor shield. Basically the anti grav plates of a repulsor converted into a tower shield.

Wish listing, I just want a basic Troops unit that does not suck at everything.


Right now, Tacticals and Intercessors have no teeth.

They are targets of opportunity, any opponent with a half decent brain will not target them and put pressure on the real threats.

Even as a clean up crew, they’re just not that effective.


I mean, the only utility of Troops is objective secured, and that only works on scenarios when you’re scoring on a turn per turn basis.


Typically, the game will go the following :

- Opponent fights your carry units, they are here to distract and sacrifice

- Hopefully the dice didn’t screw you and you’ve damaged enough of his carry that your Troops have more bodies and can contest the objectives


I mean, really, no wonder the Imperium is not winning any war.

What kind of strategic genius decides to use his most valuable Units as sacrifices?


Don’t get me wrong, that’s super Chaosy and Grimdark and stuff.

That’s just super risky and completely untactical !

Just had a thought: I would like a captain or lieutenant with inceptor jump pack or Reiver status. Why can’t they use different stuff? I’m sure at some point a captain or lieutenant looked over and said “Man those jump pack look fun. Mind if I try it out?” It would make dropping 6 plasma inceptors down a lot more safe with overcharging.

Just had a thought: I would like a captain or lieutenant with inceptor jump pack or Reiver status. Why can’t they use different stuff? I’m sure at some point a captain or lieutenant looked over and said “Man those jump pack look fun. Mind if I try it out?” It would make dropping 6 plasma inceptors down a lot more safe with overcharging.

I think stuff like this will come in future. They can't release dozens of kits at once

Posted this in the wrong thread like a pro.



I don't really care for dual wielding at all and would rather see my Marines carrying one weapon. However, I'm more into collecting than I am playing so if having two weapons is the new thing that can save marines then so be it.


"One gun is all you need if you can use it." -Shane. 


I feel the same applies when it comes to melee weapons. 

Posted this in the wrong thread like a pro.


I don't really care for dual wielding at all and would rather see my Marines carrying one weapon. However, I'm more into collecting than I am playing so if having two weapons is the new thing that can save marines then so be it.

"One gun is all you need if you can use it." -Shane.

I feel the same applies when it comes to melee weapons.

I love the idea of dual wielding simply because it looks cool, but mostly for melee weapons. I think there should be a universal rule that awards an extra attack if two of the same melee weapons are equipped.

Dual wielding is great but please not something silly as axe + sword. Neither is a sidearm. Axe&dagger, Axe&Axe, Sword&dagger or Sword&Sword are all fine but two different main weapons together is just weird.


Having the same weapon twice giving an additional attack would be nice but ultimately won't happen anytime soon. GW got rid of universal special rules like that on purpose. Now if a weapon is supposed to give an additional attack when taken as a pair it has to be added as that weapons special effect.

I had a thought recently and from the way others have described the primaris.


They resemble the eldar aspect warriors with slight differences.


Intercessors : dire avengers

Hellblasters (heavy plas) : dark reapers

Hellblasters (assault plas) : fire dragons

Reivers : striking scorpions

Inceptors : swooping hawks

Aggressors : wraithguard


Dread : wraithlord


Repulsor : wave serpent


So whats missing?


Warp spiders : maybe an onslaught assault cannon unit with the teleporters the grey knights use?

Shining spears : a jetbike (repulsor) assault unit

Howling banshees : some sort of close combat unit that can take down meqs. Even a sword and board kind of unit that others have mentioned.

Deadlight - I like the Eldar comparison and for the most part I would agree. I do think inceptors are closer to warpspiders limited range, and can't leave the table like thawks. I also think hellblasters aren't different enough to take on the role of two different aspect warriors. They're basically just worse dark reapers.


So I would add fire dragons to list of aspects that missing because a 12 inch melta unit is something a lot of primaris players would love. 

With meltas being assault weapons slap them on as another option for aggressors. Pretty sure there are already some power fists out there with under-slung meltas.


And this is probably heresy but a chunkier looking grav shute option for aggressors?

With meltas being assault weapons slap them on as another option for aggressors. Pretty sure there are already some power fists out there with under-slung meltas.


And this is probably heresy but a chunkier looking grav shute option for aggressors?

I've been holding out hope for FW to make weapon upgrades for Aggressors and the like. Grav, maybe something new too.

Ideally something with range, Aggressors are slow and basically turrets, their loadouts encouraging standing still at close range is a headscratcher



With meltas being assault weapons slap them on as another option for aggressors. Pretty sure there are already some power fists out there with under-slung meltas.


And this is probably heresy but a chunkier looking grav shute option for aggressors?

I've been holding out hope for FW to make weapon upgrades for Aggressors and the like. Grav, maybe something new too.

Ideally something with range, Aggressors are slow and basically turrets, their loadouts encouraging standing still at close range is a headscratcher

Well, they're all about rushing forward and securing ground, which they have rules to encourage. Unfortunately, at only 2 wounds a piece they can't really achieve that without getting easily shot up on the way there.


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