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Codex Next Week


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the only rumor news i heard was an official game tester saying our book is designed to be "elite assault" similar to blood angels (geoff on the most recent chapter tactics podcast) but he cant give any details.


he also said orks will probably change the meta (horde will love all the anti knight lists basically)


i got nothing

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I always thought Black Templars were one of the most ignored and bad supported by GW... but now I'm starting to worry about SW...

I hope SW will be a new step in the SM era, maybe implementing some new rules as Flesh Wounds (?) And then all SM being upgraded in CA2018


Lol. Dont say entitled crap like this. We're a spoiled faction and get new stuff all the time. Curse of the Wulfen wasn't so long ago and the year previous that was another massive release.

A quiet 2017 and a new codex in 2018 doesn't make you mistreated.

Except the curse of the wulfen came so late in the edition, we had what, a couple months before the new edition rolled out and made all that new shiny worthless...I'm still more than a bit bitter on that topic. I feel how GW handled the timing of CotW was about as bad as they are handling primaris and our codex...so perhaps I am expecting too much. I'm sure this will turn into a rant if I continue, so I will simply state that CotW was more of a Lucy and the football vs charlie brown moment than GW showing us any kind of real appreciation.
Chaos Space Marines had to wait from October 2012 until the 8th edition index to get an update in June 2017 and that wasn’t even a Codex! True they had a BL and KDK supplement along the way but a near 5 year wait was not an unusual thing in 40k until 8th edition arrived. Hell CSM completely missed out 7th edition updates so a little patience might be worth adding to your oath of moment papers while you wait your chance to strike back for the Vlka Fenryka in 8th edition
while that is certainly ture, what we are seeing in 8th is a little bit different than past editions from what I understand (being fairly new to the hobby). While the CSM might've skipped 7th edition, their previous codex was still valid, meaning that qhile suboptimal for the meta at the time, they had full access to the same thkng everyone else had. That was what happened with all previous codices and most factions had to play sometimes with old codices. From what I've read the Vlka Fenryka for example missed 4th and 6th editions. But you could still use the 3rd and 5th edition codices to play.


8th is a bit different that way. That book although it was in the middle of the cyclw for 7th was rendered completely obsolete by the arrival of 8th, meaning that after a few years waotong for an update from 5th to 7th it was only a yeatlr CotW was applicable. While that on itself is frustrating, then being one of the last codices to be updated means that the wait has been felt keenly.


More so because the current way of playing is very related to the correct application of Chapter Tactics, Stratagems, Relics and Warlord Traits, means thar while we cannuse all of our units, we are missing on a big part of the current edition.


It is true that other factions have felt this sting, some even missing several edition like DE, but past issues is just a misery contest, a "I had it worse" which while it might be true is unproductive. After only being in the hobby 6 months, it still feels unfair to be fighting against a full Codex and even been a fresh pup, eager to wet the smile of my axe, I sometimes feels discouraged for the advantages that my enemies have over me.


Tgis fweling ia being compunded by the rumours that there seems to be no real reason to leave us so late. Yes, aome codices have to be the last. That is the way of life. But hiw do you choose as a company which goes last? Random order will not do. A draw of the straw will not leave fans satiafied. So it must be planned. And what do you meed the extra time for? While there are indeed other games, I doubt the design team is the same for all. And if rhe SW isn't bringing anything special, why not churn it out with similar codices or to fill not vwry productive weeks. It is no question that several of the stuff we will be getting is copied from other SM codices. We will get Killshot, Linebreaker Bombardment, Auspex Scan and similar generic stratagems. We will either get a relic or warlord trait to generate command points. And such. If they are not taking the time to make it special, why not just release it quick, since several of the rules are already written? For example this week we have only a Necromunda gang release. And it has been pretty quiet from GW. If nothing is coming, why not give us the codex this week? That is the reason for example I think there shouls be something extra for ours. I do not expect it at this time, but waiting for a release that has nothing new or special will make me upset. Yes, we are acting entitled. But 8t has been an uphill battle to use the army you love and that is always a bit heartbreaking, since while it is a game, we all know that we pour our hearts on the army.


And I am still skeptical of the preorder by the 25th. Until I see WHC saying it I will abstain from believing rumors. Although the release in the day after my birthday would at least be nice to by myself a nice SW present.

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So I’ve been fairly vocal about our lack of codex for some time. I’d just like to say a quick blurb though on my experiences with no codex so far. I’ve been playing with the index since it’s release and while we’re not top tier we’re far from bottom rung. My Stormwolf works very well almost every game, taking out flyers and hard targets before the Wulfen and Blood Claws hit the enemy lines. Long Fangs are damn awesome with a Wolf Guard to hang out with them. I love my Venerable Dreadnoughts that waltz up the board with Bjorn as if daring my opponent to try and remove them. No scatter Terminators are just stupid good with either Storm Bolters or a full close combat build. Wolf Guard on bikes are my go to horde and anti-infanty unit.


I dont win everytime and I don’t use Primaris but it’s rare that I’m soundly defeated. We still have mobility and quite a few tricks up our sleeves. It’s definitely not an uphill battle when you’ve got Bjorn and a pack of Wulfen by your side

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the only rumor news i heard was an official game tester saying our book is designed to be "elite assault" similar to blood angels (geoff on the most recent chapter tactics podcast) but he cant give any details.

he also said orks will probably change the meta (horde will love all the anti knight lists basically)

i got nothing

Is this the same rumor on FB that we would be the premier outflank assault army? I would love if that was true.

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I have faith in Jervis Johnson. He's a top guy and he loves the SW.


Apologies if wrong, but, didn't Jervis Johnson write at least some of the most iconic Wolves fluff, if not some of our very first Codex books? If not the Rogue Trader articles?


Yes, the original Space Wolf fluff from WD 156 and 157 (most of which was copied and pasted into the 2nd edition codex) was written by Bill King, Andy Chambers. Jes Goodwin wrote a lot of the background for various special characters and also commanded the Wolves in their very first ever battle report against Ghazkull Thraka's Ork horde (ably impersonated by Andy Chambers).


Jervis also wrote the 3rd edition Codex although this was very light on fluff and largely just reiterated earlier material in a condensed form without adding anything new.

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the only rumor news i heard was an official game tester saying our book is designed to be "elite assault" similar to blood angels (geoff on the most recent chapter tactics podcast) but he cant give any details.


he also said orks will probably change the meta (horde will love all the anti knight lists basically)


i got nothing

Could you please specify exact episode number?

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the only rumor news i heard was an official game tester saying our book is designed to be "elite assault" similar to blood angels (geoff on the most recent chapter tactics podcast) but he cant give any details.


he also said orks will probably change the meta (horde will love all the anti knight lists basically)


i got nothing

Could you please specify exact episode number?



The most recent one appears to be Episode 76 (recapping BAO)


He discusses it at 2:20:35 (literally the end of the podcast)

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Spider on Tabletop Tactics gets early looks and helps play test codexes. I know he's mentioned in passing twice now that SW players will like our codex but he wouldn't go into any details for obvious reasons.

lawrence seems to be a player that can be both fluffy and competitive. I do hope he has seen our Codex and likes it, because that feels like a good indication.
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So let's add fuel to the fire. I was at my local Warhammer shop tonight, buying the obligatory single pot of paint, and I noticed that Thunderwolves and the grey Hunter/blood claw box had been moved to the "last chance to buy in store" shelf. So I pressed the manager, he was told to take those boxes off the floor to make space for Kill Team. He left them on the last chance section since he figured people might want them with the upcoming Dex. But he said he didn't know anything.


Now either A: our stuff is being moved off the floor because we are getting new boxes in awhile, or B: Space Wolves sales have come to a grinding halt due to the lack of a codex, and so they figured they could use that space for Kill team safely until the Dex comes out, and the boxes get moved back to their spot.

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Speculation on what SW Chapter Tactic equivalent will be?


I have a gut feeling that it’s going to be something different that possibly messes with the core formula, like being able to shoot in combat or attack from 2” out or something like that.


I don’t think it’s going to be a 1:1 port the way SM and CSM books are. BA, DA, TS, and DG are all uniquely different so I think it’s a safe bet that SW will be as well.

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Spider on Tabletop Tactics gets early looks and helps play test codexes. I know he's mentioned in passing twice now that SW players will like our codex but he wouldn't go into any details for obvious reasons.

lawrence seems to be a player that can be both fluffy and competitive. I do hope he has seen our Codex and likes it, because that feels like a good indication.



He is both of those things which is I am an admitted fan of his and subscriber to TT. He's said it at least twice about our codex and he knows the game very well. If he feels like the SW players will like it then I am confident it will at least not be a bad codex.

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So let's add fuel to the fire. I was at my local Warhammer shop tonight, buying the obligatory single pot of paint, and I noticed that Thunderwolves and the grey Hunter/blood claw box had been moved to the "last chance to buy in store" shelf. So I pressed the manager, he was told to take those boxes off the floor to make space for Kill Team. He left them on the last chance section since he figured people might want them with the upcoming Dex. But he said he didn't know anything.


Now either A: our stuff is being moved off the floor because we are getting new boxes in awhile, or B: Space Wolves sales have come to a grinding halt due to the lack of a codex, and so they figured they could use that space for Kill team safely until the Dex comes out, and the boxes get moved back to their spot.


Those kits could moving to webstore exclusive. A portion of our range is already on there. Primaris is the future. 


On the Chapter Tactics podcast Geoff did say we were "Going to be an elite assault force, like custodes." And Pablo interrupted to say "like Blood Angels". I hope we are more like Custodes than BA. Outside of smashcaptains and scouts the Custodes seem to get more play than BA. We will have to wait and see.

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Spider on Tabletop Tactics gets early looks and helps play test codexes. I know he's mentioned in passing twice now that SW players will like our codex but he wouldn't go into any details for obvious reasons.

lawrence seems to be a player that can be both fluffy and competitive. I do hope he has seen our Codex and likes it, because that feels like a good indication.



He is both of those things which is I am an admitted fan of his and subscriber to TT. He's said it at least twice about our codex and he knows the game very well. If he feels like the SW players will like it then I am confident it will at least not be a bad codex.



I'd subscribe if I had the cash... But he has a good eye for codices so this is one of the best news of the Codex that I've seen.




So let's add fuel to the fire. I was at my local Warhammer shop tonight, buying the obligatory single pot of paint, and I noticed that Thunderwolves and the grey Hunter/blood claw box had been moved to the "last chance to buy in store" shelf. So I pressed the manager, he was told to take those boxes off the floor to make space for Kill Team. He left them on the last chance section since he figured people might want them with the upcoming Dex. But he said he didn't know anything.


Now either A: our stuff is being moved off the floor because we are getting new boxes in awhile, or B: Space Wolves sales have come to a grinding halt due to the lack of a codex, and so they figured they could use that space for Kill team safely until the Dex comes out, and the boxes get moved back to their spot.


Those kits could moving to webstore exclusive. A portion of our range is already on there. Primaris is the future. 


On the Chapter Tactics podcast Geoff did say we were "Going to be an elite assault force, like custodes." And Pablo interrupted to say "like Blood Angels". I hope we are more like Custodes than BA. Outside of smashcaptains and scouts the Custodes seem to get more play than BA. We will have to wait and see.



Let's hope so, but Custodes also overly rely on bikes due to the 4++ and T6. Maybe e might be getting more invuls like the Golden Boys, hich ould be nice. Or maybe a +1 to hit on the charge to make our troops charge monsters (Wulfen ith TH hitting on 3+... that be brutal beyond imagination). But in the end BA are still one of the best assault armies in the game, even if outclassed by the Custodes, hich I'd consider the best assault currently. If we have those levels, I'd be satisfied. 

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So let's add fuel to the fire. I was at my local Warhammer shop tonight, buying the obligatory single pot of paint, and I noticed that Thunderwolves and the grey Hunter/blood claw box had been moved to the "last chance to buy in store" shelf. So I pressed the manager, he was told to take those boxes off the floor to make space for Kill Team. He left them on the last chance section since he figured people might want them with the upcoming Dex. But he said he didn't know anything.


Now either A: our stuff is being moved off the floor because we are getting new boxes in awhile, or B: Space Wolves sales have come to a grinding halt due to the lack of a codex, and so they figured they could use that space for Kill team safely until the Dex comes out, and the boxes get moved back to their spot.

Worth noting that GW has a ton of new product coming out every week and only so much shelf space. A single store cant shelf everything in their back catalogue, so it becomes webstore only. Wolf Guard terminators were in that spot at my own GW.
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I have heard third-hand (so take with a large grain of salt) our chapter tactic will be Counter Charge, where we will be able to make a charge on the opponents turn. While potentially cool, this mechanic in 7e was mostly useless except against newbie opponents. Here's to hoping they got it right this time.

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I have heard third-hand (so take with a large grain of salt) our chapter tactic will be Counter Charge, where we will be able to make a charge on the opponents turn. While potentially cool, this mechanic in 7e was mostly useless except against newbie opponents. Here's to hoping they got it right this time.


If anything, the option to charge first whenever a charge is declared would make Grey Hunters absolutely devastating if done right.


On the Wolf turn, GH's rapid-fire boltguns, and wait. On the enemy's turn, if and likely when the enemy declares a charge, the Wolves instead charge and attack first.


I don't know anything in advance; it is possible that the Wolves might actually be able to use GH's as rapid-fire BG's, wait for the enemy's turn, and then might be able to charge as if it were still the Wolves' turn. THAT would be truly game-changing... The question is, what, and how, Counter-Charge will work.


Still, I'm very interested. One of the hardest challenges of 7th Ed. was knowing what to charge, or, what to rapid-fire BG's at, and counter-attack/charge on the enemy's turn. The Wolves might just have a much clearer ability to figure out what options are available, and what to do and when, now, in 8th.

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Guest Triszin


I have heard third-hand (so take with a large grain of salt) our chapter tactic will be Counter Charge, where we will be able to make a charge on the opponents turn. While potentially cool, this mechanic in 7e was mostly useless except against newbie opponents. Here's to hoping they got it right this time.


If anything, the option to charge first whenever a charge is declared would make Grey Hunters absolutely devastating if done right.


On the Wolf turn, GH's rapid-fire boltguns, and wait. On the enemy's turn, if and likely when the enemy declares a charge, the Wolves instead charge and attack first.


I don't know anything in advance; it is possible that the Wolves might actually be able to use GH's as rapid-fire BG's, wait for the enemy's turn, and then might be able to charge as if it were still the Wolves' turn. THAT would be truly game-changing... The question is, what, and how, Counter-Charge will work.


Still, I'm very interested. One of the hardest challenges of 7th Ed. was knowing what to charge, or, what to rapid-fire BG's at, and counter-attack/charge on the enemy's turn. The Wolves might just have a much clearer ability to figure out what options are available, and what to do and when, now, in 8th.


If anything, I could see Counter Charge being a 1 CP strategem.


if wolves had counter charge on 100% of the time I think we would be overpowered.

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Both arguments have merit about how we should feel about having to wait. We did get a bunch of interesting stuff at the end of 7th edition: rules and wulfen. That didn't last too long though. It feels although I've been sitting out the entire 8th edition though. To be motivated to hobby I need motivation. And waiting on the codex has been a detriment to that.


We don't have too much longer to wait though! (hopefully)


How have you guys integrated primaris into your forces? I really like the models but I don't think I can stomach the old-marines with the primaris marines. Have there been certain units you have found to be more useful than the marines they'd be replacing?

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