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[Kill Team] The Virulent Host

Brother Nihm

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Kill Team is love, Kill Team is life.

I am currently building & painting up a small Death Guard kill team for, well, for Kill Team! :teehee:

The idea behind these guys is that they are a small splinter group of The Tainted Sons, that have fallen victim to a Warp malady (think hyper dementia with a hefty dose of  confusion on top) - who has left them behind on a planet (the one from our current Kill Team Campaign). 
These damned souls still believe that they fight for the Imperium of Man.
Unable to tell friend from foe as their senses have been distorted by said disease, they see themselves as stranded with enemies on all sides; and with no help coming , still - they are determined to fight on against all odds ... in the name of The Emperor! (:p).

Rules-wise, they're Death Guard.

Watch this space.
Next update is planned for tonight.

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Very glad to see this Nihm. I never saw you for Death Guard but after all these years maybe it's your time to step out of the shadows and spread the love. Nurgle wishes it. :thumbsup:

Kill Team is alright, as it lets you play around and Nurgle looks fun!

Don't worry Prot, the blue terror troops are still packed away - possibly biding their time - hehe.

I also went over all my old Night Lord projects last night and if I can figure out a way to fix/replace the magnets (which have flaked/crumbled) somehow then I can get back to work on them some day soon - I hope - maybe.

Good to have you back. I bet your DG will look great. Too bad you are not doing Night Lords anymore.

Cheers and thanks for the vote of confidence!

I am not sure that I am done with those maniacs, lots of potential, but we'll see. :smile.:


The macro function on my new camera takes some getting used to so please forgive the quality / odd focus.

Here is the first, out of 5 Plague Marines (might add some Poxwalkers later as the Campaign progresses), and he is the test model for this project as it has been a while since I've painted.

He is:

gallery_26_6416_686.png Mabbuth Crima - "The Slow Death"


Kill Team configuration:
Plague Marine 
Blight and Krak Grenades
Plague Knife

Solid paintjob on The Slow Death! I love seeing these guys in their old legion colors but it's a treat to see that classic green on a plague marine! Everything about that paint job is crisp and concise!


Also, ho did you make the base? Is that just sand and glue with paint on top?


The base is a few spots of PVA glue and sand.

To make the surface a bit more uneven I paint up the flat areas with Agrellan Earth (the crackle stuff from GW).

I will be adding dead grass to the bases later, once they have all been varnished.


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