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Seige of Terra series news


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@ADB thanks for pointing that out, I’ve been so far down the hole I can’t say what is true and what is rumor.


I could imagine a small series for Scouring, nothing like HH, just something that covers the main events, Caliban, Iron Cage, Night lords recovery of curze or whatever happens to him. I feel all the rest can be short stories or novellas of what is going on. For instance, Russ is a beaten drum, we all know what happens there, maybe a short tory of the salamanders first journey to find the relics, Sigismund waiting at the eye, blood angels facing life without Sanguinius, khan leaving etc, but a bunch or short stories with the bigger events being full novels


The ending could be rouboute being crowned guilliman and retiring to his halls as the reports of raids and encroaching Xenos begins to fill the minds of astropaths

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Who's saying dozens of books?


Crap, give me 1 or 2 anthologies that the BL milk so often covering a few key events...

The Iron Cage

Dorn vs Guilliman

The flight of the Traitors

The alien menace, returned

Guilliman and Russ leading the loyalist charge


If crap like Abyss and Pythos got printed, give us something atleast

Meh, I'm with you on 'if X can be printed...why not Y' but I'd pass on nearly all of that.


Iron Cage - Check

Dorn vs Rob? In what context? Political discord? Sure.

Flight of the Traitors? Pass. Thats every single 40K book at the end when Chaos loses.

Alien's. Thats just 40K

Rob and Russ Space Marine battles? Pass. Thats every single Space Marine Battles book.


Theres 2 or 3 novels, everything else is just 40K.

If everything else is just 40k, then what's the harm in printing in?

For those who are generally interested in the birth of the Imperium, we'll be thrilled

For those that aren't, it's just 40k and you'll read it anyways


My favorite part of the Heresy isnt the battles, which I've often thought were lackluster, but the interactions of figures that were largely left in legend for the first 20 years of my gaming experience.

To see Dorn and Guilliman go at it politically, to seeing Guilliman steer the Imperium that now lacks Malcador and the Emperor, to see Dorn say "okay brother, I relent" while making preparations for the Last Wall...that's what I want

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Minor point: Abnett's description of Horus in Ollanius` vision scene in Know No Fear is one of my absolute favorites. Only author to really do warp-abomination Horus justice in my eyes, and I hope he goes as all out in the final book as he did there with describing the monstrosity he's become.

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Who's saying dozens of books?


Crap, give me 1 or 2 anthologies that the BL milk so often covering a few key events...

The Iron Cage

Dorn vs Guilliman

The flight of the Traitors

The alien menace, returned

Guilliman and Russ leading the loyalist charge


If crap like Abyss and Pythos got printed, give us something atleast


Meh, I'm with you on 'if X can be printed...why not Y' but I'd pass on nearly all of that.


Iron Cage - Check

Dorn vs Rob? In what context? Political discord? Sure.

Flight of the Traitors? Pass. Thats every single 40K book at the end when Chaos loses.

Alien's. Thats just 40K

Rob and Russ Space Marine battles? Pass. Thats every single Space Marine Battles book.


Theres 2 or 3 novels, everything else is just 40K.




i'm happy with flight of the traitors stuff being flashbacks (like we got in the night lords trilogy when the ultramarine successors turn up) or shorts stories (like ADB's one with all the on-the-run snippets of various SoH).  more of that, yeah.

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Was just thinking, when this series is done, McNeill is probably going to end up with 7 books ( novels) to his name.

Abnett 6. That still puts them well ahead of the rest, as I see French finishing with 4 ( PoD, StD, Solar War plus 1 more Siege of Terra), Haley will have 4 ( Pharos, Wolfsbane, Titandeath and 1 Siege of Terra and ADB with 4 ( FH,Betrayer, MoM, Siege of Terra ) and Wraight with 3 ( Scars, PoH, Siege of Terra).


Pretty immense achievement, also considering he left BL a few years ago.

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Yeah, it is a great scene Roomsky, though i'd add in when Horus appears in Swallow's Gunsight as a good effort too.


I like Swallow's Horus quite a bit actually, the novels surrounding him notwithstanding. He feels terrifyingly powerful and retains that maverick streak that defines him for most of the Heresy, and he's never shown doing anything exceptionally stupid. The scene where he carves off Erebus` face is my favorite out of Swallow.


I don't know, Horus just comes across as incompetent or limp-wristed in most works. Thank the Emperor for John French.

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@ Taliesin


"Yup, all good. I do agree with an earlier comment though that if there is no overlap with the GW models then we might not see anything substantive from BL on this."


Aye, so I do think a Great Crusade fictional setting/mini-setting is the least unlikely of those possibilities.


The Primarch series already semi-qualifies I suppose

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Yeah, it is a great scene Roomsky, though i'd add in when Horus appears in Swallow's Gunsight as a good effort too.


I like Swallow's Horus quite a bit actually, the novels surrounding him notwithstanding. He feels terrifyingly powerful and retains that maverick streak that defines him for most of the Heresy, and he's never shown doing anything exceptionally stupid. The scene where he carves off Erebus` face is my favorite out of Swallow.


I don't know, Horus just comes across as incompetent or limp-wristed in most works. Thank the Emperor for John French.



Which John French depictions of Horus did you like?

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Which John French depictions of Horus did you like?



Quite literally all of them. Warmaster was a great exercise in character re-railment and adding depth to a character who had basically been hollowed out by that point, Dark Compliance shows his strategic competence and need to "get his hands dirty" without leaping head-first into the galaxies most dangerous situations like an idiot, and all his scenes in Slaves to Darkness were either the dignified warmaster he should be, or the naive but superlative commander he was in Horus Rising. Hell, even something like The Last Remembrancer shows his creativity and competence in terror tactics in a way most authors haven't even touched. French just has a great grasp on the character IMO, and I hope we get another great showing in The Solar War.

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Great crusade probably wouldnt work so well considering we know where it goes and how people go..


Unification of terra though.. thats a playground we know little of except for tidbits of the early custodes and thunder warriors,with little one liners from perpetuals n the like..



Theres also potential in the scouring which could eventually connect things up with ADBs Black Legion somewhat.

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While I have been one of the fraters calling for a Scouring series, I have never wanted another 50 plus monster like the HH turned into. I was thinking more along the lines of whatever number would be needed to cover the fates of the 18 legions, and their transition into Chapters (on the loyalist side) and/or war bands (traitor). Whether this could be covered in a trilogy or would need 18 to 20 would really come down to sales. Would we have gotten the number of HH stories if it didn't sell well?
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While I have been one of the fraters calling for a Scouring series, I have never wanted another 50 plus monster like the HH turned into. I was thinking more along the lines of whatever number would be needed to cover the fates of the 18 legions, and their transition into Chapters (on the loyalist side) and/or war bands (traitor). Whether this could be covered in a trilogy or would need 18 to 20 would really come down to sales. Would we have gotten the number of HH stories if it didn't sell well?

Totally agree. Don't think anyone craves or expects ANY other series on the scale of HH. Like you say, a series with enough books to cover the things that need covering - known key events, Unknown events and a few surprise "oh wow" moments would be welcome by me.

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He co-wrote book 4 I believe?


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  • Project nameThe Horus Heresy Isstvan Trilogy


    Project description
    Bringing the work of countless artists authors and designers into a series of gaming supplements was always going to be a high pressure and highly scrutinized project. I am thrilled to have been a part of helping to bring these three books into the world


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Q: Of your contributions to the Forge World Horus Heresy black books, which is your favourite?

A: Ha! It’s difficult to pick a favourite, and it feels weirdly disloyal to the others if I pick one – will the Sons of Horus from Betrayal feel bad if I pick the Imperial Fists from Extermination?

But, if I can be cheeky and pick two, I would say, for the first, the Isstvan III campaign from Betrayal. I enjoy games design, though I don’t do so much of it nowadays, and I loved creating a system that brought together the iconic story in a way that people could experience on the tabletop.

The second is the background of the Thousand Sons from Inferno. I spent a lot of time in the headspace of the Thousand Sons while writing the Ahriman trilogy, and it was great to get into the details of how they fought and to outline the Legion’s early history. And, you know, sorcerers in power armour – what’s not to like?


So background in 1, 3, 7 and apparently 4?

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Theres also potential in the scouring which could eventually connect things up with ADBs Black Legion somewhat.

I would assume not, since ADB said himself right here that he doesn't think there's more than a trilogy at most in the Scouring.


The Black Legion series doesn't need to look back to the Scouring, anyway, in my opinion. The specifics of how the Legions were driven to seek refuge in the Eye of Terror are unimportant; what's more important to the Black Legion stories is what happened after that, during the Legion Wars in the Eye, and before that, during the Siege of Terra.


There might be people in the Black Legion who feel otherwise and hold some specific grudges from the Scouring, but it's Khayon's story and he's much more focused on Terra and Prospero as motivating factors, you know?

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Whether or not you agree the Scouring isn't necessarely ripe for storytelling (I strongly disagree), in either case I don't see why you would limit yourself to any number of books in advance. Just make it a label, cover the good stuff: Iron Cage, Caliban, Second Founding, the rest of Thessala (a man can dream), Eskrador, etc, then leave it open as a setting. Covering the thoughts of each primarch and new chapter master as the Imperium changes around them is a great well of storytelling that really has no business being a "series." Something like The Primarchs, but without an upper cap, just a series of vignettes for each faction without pretending there's a plotline going anywhere (because there isn't, really).

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Expanding on what you have said Roomsky, it should probably be treated how the Necromunda works are being treated. We all know its a very small part of a larger setting but with its own branding it stands out and detaches itself from being a series. An author can dip in if there is a story to tell, but there is no "Quota" (or a minimum amount of stories" that needs to be told. 

Scouring stories I want to see that haven't been mentioned:
Ben Counter coming back and doing a Soul Drinkers Prequel. 
Pandorax/ Pythos. Seems there is still a chunk of the story left, not sure if scouring or just needs to be told somewhere else in M3x

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