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A WIP log to shame myself into activity


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As the title may suggest I'm one of GW's most treasured customers- I buy too many models, assemble too few of them, paint pitifully fewer and never play a damn game.

With the release of Kill Team, I thought I'd *maybe* start to reverse this trend- Low model count! opportunity for kitbashing! ability to use stuff I already owned!

But it didn't work. The rulebook sat on my bedside gathering dust. Then I thought, sod it, I'll write up a list. Then I built the models. I was on a roll. But it came to a halt.

What if, I thought.

What if I shared them here? People might say nice things. These nice things, combined with the fact I'm publicly saying I might like to paint them could, conceivably (possibly. maybe) convince me to apply some paint. Or maybe knock up another Kill Team, at the very least.


I chose the Black Legion because A) they're cool as anything B]they can use a range of parts across all marine ranges C) I have a lot of Sons of Horus bits from an (obviously) as-yet unstarted Reaver army.

IMG 6180

I think they're going to be from the first Black Crusade or so, hence their relative lack of mutation and Horusian decor. The Rubric Marines parts add what could pass as slight Chaos-warping/Cthonian ornateness.

To build them, So far I've used
  • Chaos Marines
  • Rubric Marines
  • Plastic MK III and IV
  • Chaos Raptors
  • Tactical Marines
  • FW Sons of Horus bits
  • Necromunda Goliaths

I've still to build the cultist for the Kill Team, who will likely be based on an AoS Gor, but I'm sorely tempted to keep on knocking more Black Legion Marines out too...

Aspiring Champion.


IMG 6174

IMG 6178

My gunners, with heavy bolter and plasma gun

IMG 6176

IMG 6162

IMG 6175

I tried to avoid the obvious with the rest of my Kill-Team, but it was too much fun to build a ridiculous Khornate marine...


IMG 6173


IMG 6166

I'm quite happy with the combination of bitz on this guy- I think that he has that Darth Vader-esque unhurried deadliness; he doesn't need to run, doesn't need to raise his weapon- you're dead as soon as he sees you, you just don't know it yet... The rubric legs and stupid horns combine to make him pleasingly tall too. which I hadn't indented when I built him.

IMG 6164

As soon as I saw the Goliath models, I thought 'Cthonian ganger', and I definitely didn't buy the Necromunda box just to get the heads, with everything else being a 'bonus' oh no... Can't wait to use the others on more Horusian models.The stupid, smug grin on this one lent itself well to being a grenadier, taking pleasure in the destruction of his explosions.

IMG 6167


IMG 6179


The last one is pretty standard, but I'm also happy with how he turned out, the mix of kits hopefully looking disjointed but also vaguely coherent- he's survived the Heresy, the scouring and untold time in the Eye after all...


IMG 6171

Following this. I think me and you are very much alike, I'm in the same boat, my pile of shame is horrendous!


I think I need to start a WIP for My Kill Teams, and also for my Traitor Guard now that i have Blackstone Fortress


Nice looking BL team!

That's a fantastic champion, looking forward to seeing him painted up. I really like the idea of an early Black Legion warband, too.


my pile of shame is horrendous!


Mine is almost my entire collection at this point, so I'll probably be starting a similar thread. ;)

Wow, this subforum has a faster churn than the Black Library one...


Have I painted? Kind of.


I built another couple of probable Black Legionaries.


I'm not sure this guy's tabard is a hang-over of his days as a Luna Wolf, he's a convert from Fenris, is just bestial and savage or has just gotten out of the shower.


E535D305 D785 4374 B6F5 094097021058

Speaking of the Space Wolves, this chain glaive is one of their two-handed power axes topped with a Burning of Prospero chainsword. Not sure if he really works- the helmet seems a bit off perhaps. Any ideas? He looks better in profile, I think



28DCCC20 F345 4428 B89B F91B79D57FE8

84D355E1 97B0 4716 B7C8 8FE42DFD33FB

Then I got a bit bored and thought about a loyalist kill-team. This Space Wolf is obviously over-the-top and quite probably far too on-the-nose, but I rather enjoyed building him. He was an excuse to use the left over hammer parts from the just-out-of-the-shower marine. really.



78136B89 076F 43CE BA02 E089BE33F2EB

I collected a some of the new blind-boxed Space Marine Heroes, and obvious ended up with two Brother Gaius, but at least he has the nice running legs. The helmet is from thesternguardkit, I think and having mainly dealt with mkIII and mkIV for so long, was a nice reminder to me of how nice ‘traditional’ marines can look. I have visions of out-hipstering the hipsters jumping on the Emperor's Spears by staying in the ‘Veil and building a Celestial Lions kill team, which he could lead. Or maybe he'll just gather dust.



C8814C26 D1F8 484A B327 1CBB0F98C2BB

Anyway, the idea of actually painting Black Legion models was a little daunting, but I decided that I must paint *something* today, so I've started basecoating a bunch of tanks. I'm using Vallejo Sombre Grey, which is looking a touch purple to my colour-blind eyes; hopefully it'll look better once I've added a contrasting tone for a camo pattern. My colour-blindness isn't as bad as all that; I know that most of these photos show the tanks in their brown undercoated state. I'm rather happy with my kitbashed command salamander pictured last. I had a great time building the crew (not yet pictured)



4DE33123 6093 496C B47F 72F5FFC20837

B19A3402 1AA5 4B12 8E66 512627136938

FD41C89A 8082 4338 931B 545E2E6D6B49

33302C73 3718 47F5 A452 3B76BD855B19

B25971D1 31FE 4655 8FDD 7C5863AD870D

92683192 F79C 46A2 92D2 69B30B7AF5D6

If I've not broken my airbrush/run out of paint, I'll aim to get another coat of paint on my tanks this afternoon, but first I've a roast dinner to cook...

While my chicken roasted I got on with some tanks.Hopefully they look suitably urban-camo-y. I like the paint splatter, honest. My airbrush skills aren't yet up to doing much detail, so I'll finish these by hand.


1FF6C86B B67C 456F 9F67 749DAD5DF09E


4B1E69D8 A415 452B 9CF3 04172E206FA7


AE742C61 273E 48DA AAAC 0181C232D635


753BD6C3 7162 45E1 B4AF D972B928DB6D


9F505181 750C 4332 8EF5 0D6B9F5E101D


D92EE2BD FA89 45ED BCA1 4F7A247AF62D


This is the most painting that I've done in some time. Go me!

I can’t stop myself, but perhaps I should have done. So the tanks did look well classy with the two-tone camo. So why not mess things up with more colours? 


341B1CE4 CE8E 44B6 9955 8C3EC1C50DC0


B9AF74CD 85EB 4FA7 B1D3 D60262B28D81


04110FFE 19DA 47CB 8550 8778FBBE86F9


524879F8 D7A1 4D60 BB9C DB3A3ABC0F41

Actually, I’m quite happy with the darker patches. At least happy enough to tell myself that. I’m hoping to refine my technique before I start on my Baneblades...
Next up, I guess I’m going to have to try and find my paintbrushes; I’m far from confident enough with an airbrush to do any kind of detail...

I didn’t do anything over the weekend, but I did spend a while today on the tracks/metals and base coating stowage as well as tidying up the hulls. Light went before I finished, so I only took the one photo, but yet again PROGRESS!!!


8E9F6E68 C2C3 40CE 9A43 56AB8839DE09




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